Take Food To Cure Diseases Acne Use shell fish to get Zinc Use fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamin C Both will help in the reduction of acne. Anemia Avoid tea along with meal as tannin in it prevents absorption of iron Use fish, vegetables, pulses Arthritis Use soya bean, whole grains, fresh fruit and fish Avoid more use of fats, sugar, salt Bad breath Avoid garlic, onion, tobacco Use more and more uncooked vegetables, apple to maintain the gums Use less biscuits, sweetened drinks and cakes Use water in large amount Emphysema Avoid tobacco Use foods which provide vitamin C (carrots, apricots, spinach) Vitamin E foods Cold Avoid yoghurt, fried and spicy foods Use onion, garlic and vitamin C in large amount Fatigue Lessen the use of cakes, biscuits, caffeine Use more foods containing Zinc, Iron, vitamin B, fish, eggs Hemorrhoids Avoid hot spices Use apple, vegetables, peas, pear, brown rice Use water in large amount Backache Avoid rice Use cabbage, guava, papaya, kiwi, fish Avoid coffee, tea If obese, avoid fats and sugar Cirrhosis Avoid pickles, roasted meat and extra spicy foods Use fresh fruits, vegetables Eye disorders Use carrots, beet Vitamin B Pear, oil, wheat grains for vitamin E Migraine Avoid garlic, black grapes, chocolates Avoid Chinese salt Keep eating with regular intervals to avoid low blood sugar level Ginger tea is suitable Description Acne: Acne scars develop as a result of blockages in the skin follicles mostly on face, neck, chest, shoulders, back can range from mild to severe. Anemia: Extreme fatigue, pale skin, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness. Arthritis: Painful swelling, inflammation, stiffness in fingers, arms, legs, etc., especially on awakening. Cirrhosis: Loss of appetite, tiredness, weight loss, feeling sick, very itchy skin, tiny red lines on the skin. Emphysema: Weight loss, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty. Cold: Congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat. Migraine: Sensitivity of light, physical factors, pain located near the eye on the affected side. Fatigue: Caffeine use, lack of sleep, inactivity. Hemorrhoids: Constipation, increased level of blood Pressure, also called piles. Reference Book: Foods that are killing you slowly but steadily (M. K. Gupta) www.medicinenet.com www.webmd.com