Monash Biological Society Newsletter 4.0 In this edition: 1. Biological Society Salsa Night 2. Study Opportunity - Molluscs Workshop 3. Study Opportunity - Tropical Marine Ecology and Conservation 4. Scholarship - Arid Recovery 5. Internship - Tropical Marine Ecology 6. Internship - Leatherback Turtles 7. Employment - Sub Antarctic Field Assistant 8. Volunteering - Green Gym 9. Volunteering - Brolga Catching 10.Volunteering - Wilsons Promontory National Park 18th – 22nd May Volunteers Required! 11.Volunteering - Grampians Post Fire Research – Conservation Volunteer 12.Volunteering - Ningaloo Community Turtle Monitoring Program 13.OS Volunteering - Spectacled Bears Monitoring 14.OS Volunteering - Internship at the Marine Mammal Centre 15.OS Volunteering - Dolphin Research Internships 16.OS Volunteering - OceanWatch 17.OS Volunteering - SOS Tararrugas 18.OS Volunteering - Great Kei Kubusi Wilderness Conservation 1. Biological Society Salsa Night Hello Biol Soccets! It is time for the most sensational dance-off of all time. For those of you out there who have seen the mating dance of an ostrich and think that it's amazing, then this is going to blow your mind! We proudly present ... THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY SALSA NIGHT Where: The Night Cat, 141 Johnston St, Fitzroy, VIC 3065, (03) 9417 0090 When: Sunday the 30th of May. RSVP: To this email address so we know who to look for on the night! Time: 6:30pm (might be an idea to get there a little earlier in order to guarantee yourself a place on the dance floor) Cost: $15, which cover the beginners salsa class (7:30-8:30pm). Make sure you put on your best dancing shoes and it might be a good idea to pre-book a dancing partner so that you're not stuck with someone with two left feet (like our Social Secretary). All are welcome to this event and if you have any friends who may like this type of hip swinging, heart beating, Moroccan shaking, pelvic grinding danceathon, then bring them along! So come on down and have a pre-exam dance off. Vent any stresses by shaking them out on the dance floor. Can't wait to see you all there Ciao amigos 2. Study Opportunity: Molluscs Workshop Australian Museum scientists (Winston Ponder and Don Colgan) in conjunction with Andy Davis (University of Wollongong) will run one of the most comprehensive courses about molluscs and their biology you’ll find anywhere. The twelve day intensive course will be based at the University of Wollongong, south of Sydney, NSW, Australia from Jan. 11 to 22 2010. It includes laboratory and field studies as well as lectures and seminars. For more information please visit: This 300 level (8 credit point) course is available to undergraduate students, but postgraduate (see website) and local and overseas non-award participants (e.g., amateur naturalists, environmental managers etc.) are also welcome. 3. Study Opportunity - Tropical Marine Ecology and Conservation Undergraduate Study Abroad Opportunity in the Caribbean the Tropical Marine Biology and Conservation study abroad program is accepting applications for spring semester. Students register for 17 semester hours: Coral Reef Ecology (4), Marine Ecology Field Research Methods (3), Advanced Scuba (1), Environmental and Cultural History of Bonaire (2), Marine Conservation Biology (3) and Independent Research in Marine Ecology/Biology (4). The program description can be found using the following link: The Field Methods and Advanced Scuba courses provide dive training that prepares students for AAUS certification at their home universities. Students will receive the following training in the Scientific Diving course: Open Water, Advanced Diver, Rescue Diver, Emergency First Responder, CPR + First Aid, Dan Oxygen Rescue, underwater photography and videography, night diving, and underwater navigation. Students will learn internationally recognized monitoring protocols including REEF and AGRRA. Independent Research provides students with the opportunity to conduct a research project of their choice in marine science and to publish the results in a student journal, PHYSIS: Journal of Marine Science. A copy of the journal can be downloaded on the following page: Prerequisites: Overall GPA 2.75 or better, 2 semesters of biology, chemistry, geology, ecology or environmental science and a nationally recognized open water SCUBA certification (or a PADI referral – you can do your check out dives in Bonaire). The deadline for application to the fall semester program is 15 May 2009. Interested students should contact Rita Peachey Director of CIEE Research Station Bonaire at or call 1-800-40-STUDY. The study abroad office at your institution will assist you with registration. 4. Student Scholarship at Arid Recory Interactions between dingoes, feral cats and foxes Summary: Arid Recovery is an ecosystem restoration program north of Roxby Downs in South Australia centred around an 86 km2 reserve. The reserve has been fenced to exclude rabbits, cats and foxes, and four threatened species (bilbies, bettongs, bandicoots, stick-nest rats) have been successfully reintroduced to date. However, fenced reserves provide an unnatural barrier to the dispersal of animals across the landscape and one of Arid Recovery’s objectives is to re-establish species outside the reserve in buffer zones where feral predators are controlled. This project explores the role of dingos in the suppression of cats and foxes in order to determine if dingos can be used as a control mechanism for feral predators. Cats and foxes have been fitted with GPS radio-collars within a 37 square km fenced pen. A pair of dingoes have been reintroduced to the pen and the effects of these dingoes on cat/fox survival, activity and abundance will be determined. Dates: 12 weeks starting June 2009 (negotiable) Location: Arid Recovery Reserve, Roxby Downs (550km north of Adelaide, SA) Eligible applicants: Third year or graduates in zoology, science, environmental biology or related field. Project will involve extensive fieldwork in remote conditions. Benefits: Return transport from Adelaide to Roxby Downs (additional transport upon negotiation), food and accommodation will be provided plus $130 per week living allowance for 12 weeks. Applications or More information: Please send a written application outlining qualifications, skills and availability accompanied by a CV and contact details for two referees to Katherine Moseby, Arid Recovery, PO Box 150 Roxby Downs 5725 or email Phone (08) 8671 8282 Fax (08) 8671 3287 Applications due Monday 1st June 2009, 5pm. 5. Internship - Tropical Marine Ecology Job Title: Tropical Marine Ecology Internship Fall 2009Organization: CIEE Research Station Bonaire Location: Bonaire, Netherlands AntillesWebsite: Description: The CIEE Tropical Marine Ecology and Conservation Program in Bonaire is a study abroad program for undergraduate students. The Tropical Marine Ecology Intern at the CIEE Research Station Bonaire will assist in program delivery, academics, research, group dynamics, logistics, dive safety, student transportation, and site security. Duties include assisting with: preparations for classes and labs as instructed by faculty, SCUBA diving in support of 3 CIEE courses, long-term research data collection on coral reefs, undergraduate student education and research projects, and record keeping for the dive safety program. This is an intensive program of study lasting 15 weeks with students. Minimum Qualifications: BA/BS in Biology with an emphasis in Marine Biology/Ecology or Biological Oceanography (MS preferred); current certifications in First Aid, CPR, DAN Oxygen Rescue, and Advanced Open Water; scientific diving experience (minimum of 50 dives logged) and a comprehensive dive physical required; drivers license; ability to work as a team member, a commitment to education and research in marine ecology and conservation; a willingness to work flexible hours and live on site at the research station with a group of up to 12 undergraduate students. Compensation: A small stipend (commensurate with experience), round trip airfare, lodging (private room with bath) will be provided to the successful applicant. Internship dates: 22 Aug – 19 Dec, 2009 To apply: Send cover letter, CV with 3 references, and one letter of recommendation from a major faculty member from your degree granting institution to For more information about the semester program go to Application deadline: 15 June 2009 6. Internship - Leatherback Turtles The Oceanic Society is looking for one more person for their internship as a sea turtle biologist in Suriname this summer. General Function The Oceanic Society is looking for a highly motivated and independent sea turtle biologist for the nest monitoring program in Suriname, South America. The beaches of Suriname are some of the most important leatherback turtle nesting beaches in the world. Interns will help coordinate the work done by Surinamese field staff, establish and maintain a hatchery at Babunsanti Beach, record hatchling emergences and beach productivity. Interns will also assist with Oceanic Society’s research travellers. We are looking for people that have experience in sea turtle biology, can work independently and will be comfortable travelling in Suriname. These beaches are in remote areas of the Amazon jungle and communication with the outside world is not always available. The official language of Suriname is Dutch but most also speak English. This internship is from mid May to August, will be paid and is a great opportunity for graduate students looking for potential projects. Travel is paid from a US gateway. If you have more questions or interested in this position, please send a CV/resume to Mario Mota at by Tuesday May 5th. 7. Employment - Sub Antarctic Field Assistant The British Antarctic Survey are recruiting Zoological Field Assistants to work at Bird Island, South Georgia. Apply before May 31st, 2009 Bird Island is home to: 700,000 nocturnal petrels 65,000 breeding fur seals 50,000 pairs of penguins 14,000 pairs of albatrosses With room for 2 more Zoological Field Assistants on 32 month contracts! Take your career to the extreme and work in one of the most challenging and amazing places on earth. Antarctica is where cutting edge scientific investigation - on issues such as global warming and environmental change is happening right now. It's where your curiosity, ambition and sense of adventure will surely lead you and we're the team to take you there. At Bird Island, South Georgia, two field assistants will be recruited by BAS to help carry out fieldwork on seabirds and seals. Bird Island is small (just 6 Km long) and forms part of the South Gerogia archipelago where it is buffeted by prevailing westerlies and cold winds from Antarctica to the South. It has a high annual rainfall and variable snow cover during winter. In summer tens of thousands of seals and hundreds of thousands of seabirds breed there (including 3 species of penguins and 4 species of albatrosses). Up to 10 staff (ferried in and out by ship) live in a modern research station. There is a satellite link to the outside world and comfortable accommodation. The successful candidates will work and live on Bird Island continuously between October or November 2009 and April 2012. They will each be partly responsible for one element of a monitoring program (seals, penguins or flying birds). The learning curve is very steep and so all candidates must have previous experience of handling appropriate wild animals. BAS will provide a finishing school (at Bird Island) to hone these skills. Fieldwork in the breeding season at Bird Island will be very intensive with long hours of data preparation afterwards, so it is important to be organised. The data will be finalised using databases and by submitting reports, observing strict deadlines at frequent intervals. These, the assistant's finished products, will underpin key research into regional and global change processes based on seabird and seal life histories, reproductive success, behaviour and diet. The successful applicants will remain on Bird Island continuously for 30 months, where they will live with 2 other residents and up to 6 summer only visitors. Whilst everyone will be assigned duties to keep the research station running (including cooking and cleaning), the residents will have extra responsibilities (after essential pre-deployment training), such as helping to provide medical cover. The position of zoological field assistant offers a unique opportunity for highly motivated and disciplined individuals with relevant fieldwork skills and a keen interest in wildlife that will adapt well to small island living in a challenging sub-Antarctic environment. Qualifications and experience: Minimum of a science degree in biology or zoology, experience of remote, unsupervised fieldwork and animal handling skills (i.e. of appropriate wild animals in their natural habitat). Applicants must be competent and efficient managing, analysing and reporting large data sets. Meticulous time management, attention to detail and effective communication are important attributes. Candidates should also be able to mix well in a small and vibrant science community. Applying: Appointments will be for a period of approximately 32 months. Salary will be in the range of ? 20,424 - ?28,091 pa pro-rata (depending on qualifications and experience). Please quote reference: BAS 30/09 Closing date for receipt of application forms: 31st May 2009. Interviews are to be held on 16th June 2009. On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: +44 (0)1223 221508. We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome. You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions. Dirk Briggs British Antarctic Survey 8. Volunteering - Green Gym Do you want to get fit while enjoying the outdoors? If you are looking to get fit, spend time outdoors, meet new people and help the environment, then Green Gym is for you! Green Gym is a new program designed to help you get fit while doing a range of enjoyable gardening and conservation activities. Green Gym: Is free to join. Has sessions for small groups running for four hours a day, twice a week. Gets you out and about in the fresh air. Means you are helping the environment in your local community. Helps get you fit. The Green Gym program is now operating in Victoria based in Ballarat, Bendigo and Melbourne. It’s easy to get involved, simply: Call the Green Gym Project officer in Melbourne – (03) 9326 8250 9. Volunteering - Brolga Catching Inka Veltheim is seeking volunteers to assist her with catching Brolgas in the Western District at Penshurst (south of the Grampians). She needs teams of two to six people for two to three days between the 21st and 29th of May. Activities will involve cannon netting, spotlighting, setting leg nooses and hanging in a bird hide. This project will be running for the next three years and we will be calling for more volunteers in September. Accommodation with be provided. You will need to bring own breakfast, lunch and bedding. Dinner will be provided. If you’re interested you will need to get in touch with our Education Officer (Jaimie - / ph: 0431 338 880) and provide a brief description about yourself, but sure to include any previous fieldwork you may have been involved in. 10. Volunteering - Wilsons Promontory National Park 18th – 22nd May - Volunteers Required! The project: Conservation Volunteers are required for our 5 day conservation trip to Wilsons Promontory National Park. Activities will include implementing exclusion plots to prevent invasive weeds. When: Volunteers will depart Melbourne on Monday 18th May and camp for 4 nights at Wilsons Promontory and return to Melbourne on Friday 22nd May. How much: The cost to join this project is $208 (concessions available for full time students and concession card holders) which includes all meals, accommodation and return transport from Melbourne. Contact Details: If you would like more information or would like to make a booking to join this fantastic project phone Lisa Litchfield on 03) 9326 8250 or email 11. Volunteering - Grampians Post Fire Research – Conservation Volunteer Enjoy the world famous Grampians National Park while contributing to scientific research working alongside student researchers to undertake small mammal surveys as part of a post fire research project. Volunteer activities are setting and checking traps, recording data on any captures, tearing down and cleaning traps. Project dates: 24th – 29th May and 31st May – 5th June Project cost is $208 (concessions available for full time students and concession card holders) which covers all meals, accommodation and return transport from Melbourne. Contact Details If you would like more information or would like to make a booking phone Lisa Litchfield on 03) 9326 8250 or email 12. Volunteering - Ningaloo Community Turtle Monitoring Program The NCTMP is a community-based monitoring program that is designed to provide high standard marine turtle nesting information through the collection of data on successful nesting emergences, false crawls, disturbance and spatial and temporal distribution of the three main species nesting in the Ningaloo Region: green, loggerhead and hawksbill turtles. Volunteers spend approximately 2-3 hours each morning collecting data on turtle nesting beaches from December to February each year. No previous experience is necessary to participate as a "Turtle Tracker" but volunteers must be able to walk up to 3km of beach every day, sometimes over rocky terrain, in hot weather. Volunteer Opportunities "Turtle tracking" - beach monitoring Data entry Remote camping and monitoring on the Ningaloo Reef beaches. Educational activities and interpretive talks at the newly established Jurabi Turtle Centre Assist with Turtle Rescues. Complete a TAFE certified Turtle Tour Guiding Course Obtain training in interaction protocols and assist turtle-visitor interactions on the beaches at night. Regular social events Leadership and organizational opportunities as a team leader. Internship with CALM and the Ningaloo Turtle Program Field methodology trainers The Cape Conservation Group (CCG), Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) Exmouth District and David Waayers, PhD Candidate, Murdoch University (MU) formally established the Ningaloo Community Turtle Monitoring Program in 2002, with the assistance of a Threatened Species Network Grant and the involvement of WWF Australia. Since then, it has grown with a high level of interest from the local community of Exmouth, Western Australia and even overseas. The Program has become an excellent example of a collaborative conservation initiative with a high level of community involvement. When: 01-Oct-2008 to 01-Aug-2009 Where: Exmouth, WA Find out more about 'Ningaloo Community Turtle Monitoring Program' 13. OS Volunteering - Spectacled Bears Monitoring (Ecuador) Volunteers required to assist with field data collection on mammal monitoring project in the cloud forest and mountains of Ecuador, home to the spectacled bear, Tremarctus ornatus. Ideal opportunity for biology students / graduates to gain radio telemetry experience in the tropics tracking these endangered mammals. This internationally respected scientific research project is tracking radiocollared Andean bears in order to understand ranges and habitat use to produce a land management plan to reduce conflict with farmers. Habitat loss is threatening the survival of the spectacled bears, so the project intends to help find a sustainable balance between man and the wildlife of the forest. The project site is part of the Chocó bioregion which has high levels of endemism in the remaining fragments of cloud forest. Volunteers must be fit and able to walk at altitude in sometimes adverse weather conditions. You need patience, enthusiasm and the flexibility to cope with changing plans. For more information, write to quoting reference ENMamMay09 14. OS Volunteering - Internship at the Marine Mammal Centre The Stranding Department of The Marine Mammal Center is seeking applicants for internships working with stranded pinnipeds, cetaceans and sea otters. These positions are unpaid. Program Description: The Stranding Department Internship is an exciting opportunity for individuals who are interested in increasing their experience and knowledge of marine mammal behaviour and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. Interns will be responsible for answering the animal hotline and rotating the after hours on-call. Interns will coordinate rescue and triage response throughout the Centre’s 600-mile rescue range. Interns will have the opportunity to participate in marine mammal rescues and releases. In addition, interns will be required to assist with animal care duties (feed preparations, medical charting, and pen cleaning) for all on-site pinnipeds. Other duties may include: participation in training classes, data entry and tracking, maintaining rescue equipment and assorted miscellaneous tasks. Intern Responsibilities & Qualifications: The internship is open to all applicants 21 years of age or older, with an avid interest in marine biology, zoology, general biology, policy or a related field. If the intern intends to receive university credit for their internship, they are responsible for making all arrangements with their educational institution. Interns must be able to work for a minimum of 3 months, 5 days a week, at least 40 hours per week. Work schedule must be flexible and may include weekends and holidays. This is an unpaid position and all interns are responsible for obtaining housing and transportation. Applicants should demonstrate excellent communication skills and have practical computer knowledge with programs such as Word, Access, and Excel. This internship position involves a fair amount of physical activity, such as: lifting, restraining and moving animals and other physical tasks. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a résumé? That includes the names of three references, and a cover letter detailing interests, experience, housing accommodations, and availability. Please forward all application materials to the following address: The Marine Mammal Center Marin Headlands 2000 Bunker Road Sausalito, California 94965 Attn: Erin Brodie Or via email to: There is some flexibility on the start date of each position, with the earliest start date of August 1 and the last available internship beginning October 12. 15. OS Volunteering - Dolphin Research Internships Dolphin Research Internships Dolphin Research Center (DRC) is currently accepting applications for Research Interns for the Fall term. DRC is a not-for-profit education and research facility, home to a family of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions. DRC is located on Grassy Key, in the heart of the Florida Keys. Internships at DRC are an exciting way to develop career skills as well as an opportunity to get "behind the scenes" to see how a marine mammal facility operates. Research interns participate in DRC's ongoing research projects, giving them broad exposure to a variety of research methodologies. Interns receive extensive on-the-job training in observing marine mammal behavior, collecting observational data, working with research equipment, and assisting with experimental research sessions. Specific job duties include: * Collecting observational behavioral data of our dolphins * Preparing stimuli for experimental research sessions * Assisting with equipment for experimental research sessions * Operating video equipment * Entering or scanning data into the computer for analysis * General support of the facility through participation in the volunteer resource pool (facility maintenance, bird care, assisting with public programs, guest interactions, etc. Research studies can vary widely in nature and availability. For information on past or current research projects at DRC, please visit our website, at Publications: Jaakkola, K., Fellner, W., Erb, L., Rodriguez, A. M., & Guarino, E. (2005). Understanding the concept of numerically "less" by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Comparative Psychology. Internships require a minimum of a 16-week commitment, 40 hours per week. The internship will start in September, 2009. The internship is unpaid, and interns are responsible for providing their own housing. DRC will provide assistance in locating housing and/or matching up interns and volunteers desiring roommates. Successful candidates will be ready and willing to learn, self-motivated, and flexible. Prior research experience is recommended but not required. The deadline to apply is *** June 1st***. To apply, download the application available at Click "Help DRC", and then "Volunteer / Intern Opportunities". The application, and all associated materials (resume, transcript, and letters of recc.) must be mailed to DRC. Emily Guarino Admin. Director of Research Dolphin Research Center 58901 Overseas Hwy. Grassy Key, FL 33050 16. OS Volunteering - OceanWatch Two volunteer vacancies available with OceansWatch, suitable for recent Marine Biology, Environmental Science or Oceanography graduates. PADI Divemaster qualifications would be an advantage as would Reef Check training or Pacific Fish and Invert ID experience. Position 1. Team Scientist for a trip by yacht to Vanuatu, The Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Depart New Zealand late May or join the Yacht in early June in Vanuatu. Depart from Cairns, Australia mid October. Position 2 Team Scientist (in co-operation with another OceansWatch scientist). This trip is solely in Vanuatu and volunteers will be accommodated on OceansWatch member’s yachts. The work will mainly involve basic Reef Check surveying and working with local communities. It could (in PNG) include some humanitarian work. There may be opportunities for volunteers to conduct their own research. For more information please contact: Chris Bone, CEO OceansWatch 17. OS Volunteering - SOS Tararrugas SOS Tartarugas began operations in June 2008 on Sal Island, Cabo Verde. The objective of the organisation is to protect and conserve loggerhead turtles, initially by deterring illegal hunting. Following a very successful season that achieved a 72% reduction in mortality, we wish to recruit ambitious committed people to help us improve and strengthen our project. Our activities include patrolling beaches, data collection, working with tourists, operation of a hatchery and outreach. The project is based in Santa Maria, a popular tourist destination known for its beaches and watersports so you can expect a wide range of amenities. Rangers are based in Turtle House, a surf hotel very close to the beach. ( Before Applying : Please read the application instructions at the end very carefully. Incorrect applications will be automatically rejected. Only apply for positions for which you have the experience and/or qualifications required. Before applying please consider the cost of travel from your country to Cabo Verde and the cost of living once you are here. Cabo Verde is not a cheap place to fly to. Please try not email for more information until you are certain that your question is not answered in this document. We have the following vacancies: WILDLIFE RANGER: responsible for protecting nesting loggerhead turtles, their eggs and the nesting beaches. Duties will include night patrols to deter hunters and collect data and day patrols to relocate nests to the hatchery. Later in the season Rangers will be responsible for monitoring in situ nests. You may be asked to perform other duties such as working in the hatchery or guiding visitors on night-time walks as well as participate in outreach activities. Requirements: We need motivated, committed individuals. No experience is necessary but will be an advantage. A good level of fitness and energy is required as night patrols are conducted on foot and can be as much as 8km per night. Morning patrols are by quad. Hours and shift patterns will vary during the season but will be a minimum of 36 hours per week. Must be fluent in English and Portuguese. Driving license is an advantage. Benefits: Shared accommodation is provided and a food allowance of €100 per month. You should note that this is sufficient for basics but will not cover luxuries and eating out. Timing : 15 June - 26 October. SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR: assists with activities on islands other than Sal. Working with local authorities to develop strategies to protect turtles, including training others to tag turtles, relocate nests and other conservation techniques. You will also be responsible for outreach activities. Initially based on Sal but you will travel to other islands. Requirements: Considerable experience with turtles including training and managing other volunteers. Creative problem solver with the ability and confidence to work unsupervised. Driving license. Fluent in English and Portuguese. Benefits: Shared accommodation is provided and a food allowance of €300 per month. Timing : 8 June - 26 October. SOS Tartarugas Cabo Verde Application 2009 Send a one page CV, application and email address of two referees to Closing date for applications is May 14th. Please answer the following questions using no more than two pages. Format your application with single spacing plain font size 10 font. 1. Name 2. Age & Place of birth 3. Male/Female 4. Email address, telephone number, Skype address 5. Education 6. Languages spoken (state level) 7. Driving license? (State category) 8. Have you applied before (state when & for what position) 9. Position applied for (If you wish to be considered for more than one position please list) 10. Any previous experience with turtles (please be specific listing skills such as tagging, nest relocation etc) 11. Quad bike experience? 12. Other experience that you think may be relevant 13. Why are you suitable for this position? 14. Availability (start and end date) 15. Two references 18. OS Volunteering - Great Kei Kubusi Wilderness Conservation Website: The Project: Come and experience life in Africa in a work/play environment. It will make a difference to conservation but more importantly it will change your life forever. And you will keep coming back to Africa for the rest of your life just to feel its soul and. Be a part of it. This is done in a relaxed African vibe with it hospitality, wilderness and home away from home atmosphere The goals for this project are driven by a desire to not only conserve, but ultimately redress the imbalances of our natural resources due to human impact, and it is through this that the Great Kei Kubusi Wilderness project was born. It has emerged as a collective effort between several land owners, covers approximately 14 000 hectares (34 590 acres) ranging from big game country to active farms, and is spearheaded by zoologist and conservationist Dennis Taylor. Remote, extremely rugged and completely undeveloped, this wilderness area includes the enormous Great Kei River and Kubusi canyons. Grasslands, sheer cliffs, valley bushveld and riverine subtropical forests The project is based on the confluence of the Kei and Kubusi Rivers, 60km inland of the Wild Coast of South Africa. Duration: 2 weeks to 3 months Location: Wild Coast, Eastern Cape South Africa Project Leader: Zoologist and conservationist Dennis Taylor (Diploma in Agricultural Management and a BSc, Botany & Zoology; FGASA (Field Guiding) Level 3 SKS (DA) (Special Knowledge and skills with dangerous animals), 15 years conservation management experience. The role of the student: Working as part of an exciting team under highly qualified conservationists to leave a positive handprint in Africa Further the conservation objectives of the project through; Practical experience reinforcing the studies of botany and zoology Mammal & raptor research & documentation Mammal capture & release Vulture colony monitoring, data collection and documentation Wildlife rehabilitation centre development Floral identification & biome studies Mapping & geological surveys GPS location logging Support local communities through education initiatives Included: 2 day Wild Coast Orientation Adventure Tour Shared accommodation in our remote & rustic tented volunteer camp beneath the towering cliffs of the Kubusi River All meals Transport to and from project Coastal Ecology weekend excursion Game drives, tracking & survival skills (3 of the Big 5) Extra Activities & Adventures: Surf school, beach horse rides, Elephant safaris, mountain biking, weekends away to Cape Town, world’s highest bungee, Jeffreys Bay, Transkei & a whole lot more options Extra activities through Volunteer Africa; contact: Michael Denison & Sean Price ( 0027 (0) 43 738 5523 Contact: Dennis Taylor 0027 (0)82 2548325