the historic environment in land and marine planning

The Historic Environment In Land And Marine Planning
HELM Course date – 6th October 2011 (Great Northern Hotel, Peterborough)
The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 provided for a new marine planning system and the first
two areas subject to planning will be East Inshore (the English area of the UK Territorial Sea
between Felixstowe, Suffolk to Flamborough Head, Yorkshire) and East Offshore (the adjacent UK
marine area). The Marine Management Organisation is the new marine planning and licensing
authority and they are now actively developing the evidence base for these first plans. The
purpose of this English Heritage sponsored course is to develop understanding of how the historic
environment will feature within terrestrial and marine planning through the coastal zone and out
to sea. It is therefore essential that all parties in the historic environment sector are clearly
informed so that the necessary support and information is available to develop marine plans.
Contacts: Christopher Pater (Mb: 07798 653897) and Rachel Prosser (Mb: 07786 915676)
09:30 Registration and refreshments
10.00 Welcome
10.10 Introduction to the UK Marine Planning
Statement & Marine Planning as relevant
to England
10.30 Opportunities for collaborative working:
planning for land and sea
10.50 Historic harbours and regeneration
programmes – case studies
11.10 BREAK
11.20 Marine licensing and planning on the
foreshore: historic and archaeological
11.50 Coastal historic estate risk assessment
12.10 Historic Landscape and Seascape
Characterisation programme
12.30 Discussion Groups:
1) Historic environment planning
policy and capacity for change
2) Appropriate management for
foreshore historic and archaeological
13.00 LUNCH
14.00 Commercial port development for new
industrial uses: planning and consenting
14.20 Marine data and information resources
Greg Lyton (EH Planning Director
East of England)
Elizabeth Bunting & Jeremy Sooben
(Marine Management Organisation)
Ken Buchan (C-SCOPE project,
Dorset County Council)
Ian Smith (EH Regional Planner,
Yorkshire) & Michael Munt (EH
Historic Areas Advisor, Suffolk &
David Robinson (Norfolk County
Council) & Helen Chappell (EH
Science Advisor, East of England)
Peter Murphy (EH Coastal Strategy
Dave Hooley (EH Characterisation
EH to facilitate discussions
Christopher Pater (EH Marine
Planner) & Richard Havis (Essex
County Council)
Neil Guilden (EH Heritage Data
14.40 Offshore wind farm development and the Christopher Pater
historic environment: land and sea
15.00 Discussion groups on marine planning
EH to facilitate discussions
1) Sustainability Appraisal
2) Availability of and access to historic
environment information
15.30 Final Q&A session and CLOSE