XXII GENERAL ASSEMBLY 6.6.-8.6.2012, Museet på Sønderskov

6.6.-8.6.2012, Museet på Sønderskov, Denmark
Wednesday 6.6.2012
The 1st Conference Day
Arrival of the participants to Museet på Sønderskov
Transport from Hovborg Kro will be arranged if necessary
Lunch, Herregårdskælderen
Official opening of the General Assembly by the president of The Association of
Castles and Museums around the Baltic Sea, Mrs. Anne Parikka, and opening of the
exhibition Castles around the Baltic Sea by the mayor of Vejen, Mr. Egon Fræhr
Lectures on the theme Borders
14.00-14.40: Inge Adriansen: The different borders of Denmark from the year 650 to the present
Inge Adriansen, ph.d. and curator in Museum Sønderjylland - Sønderborg
Slot. Has written a number of books about Danish sites of memory,
national symbols and identities, cultural and military history of Schleswig.
14.45-15.25: Lennart S. Madsen: The medieval castles and castle-mounds in the Duchy of Slesvig
Lennart S. Madsen.
Historian and medieval archeologist. Leader of Museum Sønderjylland –
Arkæologi Haderslev, the archeological museum of Sønderjylland (North
Schleswig). Has been doing research into the medieval castles and towns of
the Duchy of Schleswig and into the early medieval society of the area.
15.30-15.45: Coffee break
15.45-16.25: Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen: Ruling dukes and titular dukes - ducal houses of
Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen is associate professor af the University of
Aarhus. He has worked mainly on topics relating to rural history, manors
and nobility. Co-author and co-editor of the book ”De slesvigske hertuger”
and the enlarged and revised version in German: ”Die Fürsten des
16.30-17.10: Marek Stokowski: Inner borders
Marek Stokowski. Since 1983 curator at Malbork Castle Museum.
Graduated from the University of Warsaw, Department of the History of
Polish Language and Literature. Postgraduate diploma from the University
of Warsaw in the field of museum education. In 2009 he participated in the
International Program for Film Professionals at the Andrzej Wajda
School in Warsaw.
Betina Meliss: Inner Borders during the DDR time
Ms Betina Meliss is working at Greifswald University and she is
coordinator of the AGORA2.0 EU-project
XXII General Assembly
Dinner, Herregårdskælderen
Escadron Volant by Monica Sargren
Mrs Monica Sargren is a curator at Skokloster Castle. She is specialized in Baroque music
and dance. The dancing company of five persons will give us a performance of Baroque
dance and music.
22.30?? Transport to and accommodation, Hovborg Kro
Thursday 7.6.2012
Breakfast, Hovborg Kro
Departure for excursion to Sønderskov, Sønderborg Slot, Gråsten Slot, Augustenborg,
and Koldinghus.
There will later be a detail-program for the excursion-day and a short introduction to
each locality
Narva Castle: Narva on the border
19.00 Dinner, Koldinghus
Transport to Hovborg Kro
Friday 8.6.2012
Breakfast, Hovborg Kro
Departure to Museet på Sønderskov
Board Meeting
11.30 Peter Nordin: Digital signance of the borders between cultural heritage and customs
Mr Peter Nordin is a sales director at Screen Solutions dealing with digital signage. Peter
Nordin’s company will be working for Skokloster Castle and National Board of Property
in Sweden and has a very clever way of showing the inside of a castle/museum to the
outside that is the general public.
12.00 Lunch, Herregårdskælderen, Sønderskov
13.00 Departure
Part-financed by the European Union
(European Regional Development Fund)