by the Minister of Education and Science, the Republic of Lithuania
22 July 2005 Order No. ISAK-1551
1. This description determines the general requirements for the institution providing a Master’s study
programme, for the applicants to the Master’s study programme, for the Master’s study programme, and for
the Master’s final project; it also determines the conferred qualification and qualification confirming
documents as well as the peculiarities of the integrated study programmes which lead to Master’s
qualification degree.
2. The purpose of the Master’s studies is to broaden and deepen competencies gained during the
undergraduate university studies.
3. The following terms are used in this description:
A deepening level subject is a study subject the content of which is based on the study field foundation
and specialised education subjects that have already been studied. The description of the deepening level
subject should clearly define which study subjects and which parts (themes) of these subjects have been
studied in order not to repeat them.
Master’s studies are consecutive university studies of the second level, targeted at person’s professional
and research qualification development. The research activity and research qualification development
oriented Master’s studies prepare students for a scientific researcher or teacher career; whereas the analytical
applied activity and professional qualification development oriented Master’s studies prepare students for
other professional activities. According to the relation between the first level (undergraduate studies) and
second level (Master’s studies) study programme fields, two Master’s study programme types are
distinguished: a deepening Master’s study programme and a broadening Master’s study programme.
A deepening Master’s study programme is a study programme aimed at deepening student’s
competence gained during the first level (undergraduate studies) study programme when the former is either
the programme in the same study field as the Master’s study programme or in a different field as described in
the Master’s study programme description.
A broadening Master’s study programme is a study programme aimed at broadening student’s
competence in another (in comparison with the undergraduate studies) study field, cohering these studies
purposively with the competence gained during the undergraduate studies and/or through practical work
experience. When the competence is broadened in several study fields, the broadening Master’s study
programme is called the inter-field programme. The purposefulness of the broadening Master’s study
programme and its coherence with the relevant undergraduate study field or programme (fields,
programmes) should be justified specifically (particularly by the need of such studies).
Supplementary studies are inconsecutive studies that include the subjects of undergraduate studies that
the prospective entrants to the Master’s studies have not completed, though these subjects are compulsory for
a student to have relevant competencies for successful studies at the Master’s study programme. The subjects
of supplementary studies can be studied independently, but it is required to pass the examination according
to the programme approved by the university.
4. Master’s studies can be provided by university or by several universities in collaboration. Universities
acquire the right to provide a Master’s study programme in a certain field when the programme meets the
requirements indicated in this description and is assessed by the approved order of the Ministry of Education
and Science (hereinafter – Ministry) as well as registered in the State Study and Educational Programme
Register. Universities can involve research institutions and other institutions in the provision of studies.
5. The Master’s study programme can be provided by a university if it has sufficient (no less than three
years) research or professional work experience in the field the Master’s studies are designed to be carried
out. If the Master’s study programme is oriented to the applied activity, the experience in this field is also
necessary. For the provision of the inter-field Master’s study programme the university must have experience
in all the study fields that are embraced by the study programme. The experience should be evidenced by the
scientific articles prepared at the same university and published in the scientific or professional literature
sources, performed and successfully implemented projects; and one of the professors – the author of these
articles or projects – is assigned to develop the Master’s study programme and supervise the quality of its
6. The university must have sufficient material and methodological basis for the designed Master’s
studies of various modes – properly equipped classrooms, laboratories, computers with the required
programme software, funds of scientific and professional publications and latest literature resources,
appropriate communication equipment and computer technologies, and accumulated methodological work
7. Admittance is open to the persons who have acquired a Bachelor’s qualification degree or a university
education equal to it and meet other requirements determined in the Master’s study programme description.
8. The Master’s study programme description determines the undergraduate study field (the fields) the
applicant is to have completed to be admitted in the study programme.
9. When the Master’s study field is different from the completed undergraduate study field, the Master’s
study programme description, next to any completed undergraduate study field, can determine that
undergraduate study programme graduates, before entering the Master’s study programme, are required to
complete the supplementary studies.
10. A list of supplementary study subjects and the study curriculum are determined on the basis of the
order approved by the university. During these studies the student should gain the competence necessary for
successful completion of the Master’s study programme but which was not gained during the university
undergraduate studies in another field. The volume of supplementary studies cannot exceed 40 credits; if the
prospective Master’s study programme student still lacks competencies, these competencies should be
acquired while studying according to the consecutive undergraduate study programme.
11. University can set other additional requirements (constant or temporary) for persons admitted to all or
some Master’s study programmes: the minimal level of undergraduate studies (minimal grade point average
of all or some grades), the necessary experience in research or professional activity, and etc. Admission to
studies is carried out following the criteria and priorities announced in advance.
12. A non-university study programme graduate can be admitted to the Master’s study programme only
having acquired a Bachelor qualification degree upon the completion of supplementary independent or
university-organised supplementary studies.
13. The main Master’s study programme objectives should be formulated clearly in the Master’s study
programme description, having given reference to the Master’s study programme type. The objectives of the
deepening Master’s study programme are related to the objectives of the undergraduate study programme,
although they are of a higher level. The broadening Master’s study programme objectives should justify the
need and cohesion of different study fields.
14. Alongside with the study objectives, the designed Master’s study graduate’s competence and its
assessment methodology should be described. The formulation of the study objectives and graduate’s
competence should lead to a clear understanding if the Master’s study programme prepares for further (third
level) studies or for professional activity.
15. The Master’s study programme should ensure that, having completed this programme and acquired
Master’s qualification degree, the graduate is sufficiently competent, i.e., the graduate:
15.1. will have acquired sufficient knowledge in the studied academic branch, will have acquainted with
the latest theories, methods and technologies in the studied branch, and is skilled to apply this in practice;
15.2. will be able to perform research on his own, creatively applying the familiar analysis methods, will
be aware of the method application limits, will be able to assess the research findings and identify their
reliability and validity;
15.3. will be able to critically evaluate and apply theoretical and practical innovations.
16. The volume of the Master’s study programme is 60–80 credits. The provided volume is the same for
all study modes.
17. The deepening level subjects should comprise no less than 80 per cent of the deepening Master’s
study programme volume and no less than 60 per cent of the broadening study programme volume; their
content should be based either on the subjects studied earlier in the completed undergraduate study
programme or on specialised subjects in another field of undergraduate study level, studied at the beginning
of the Master’s study programme. Master’s study programme cannot repeat what was studied as the
foundation part in that undergraduate study field whose graduates are admitted to the Master’s study
18. Applied study subjects (both at undergraduate study level and deepening level) are not distinguished
in the programme. The total volume of these subjects depends on the objectives of the Master’s study
19. Every semester no more than five subjects can be studied. Student independent work should comprise
no less than 30 per cent of the volume of every study subject. Upon the completion of every study subject,
the Master student’s competencies are evaluated in the examination and (or) assessed by independent Master
student’s work (project). The project or any other independent Master student’s work can be included in the
programme as a separate study programme subject or considered to be a constituent part of another study
20. The Master’s studies are completed by preparing Master’s project and its defence. In addition, the
final examination or final examinations can also be projected. The permission to defend the final project and
pass the final examination (examinations) is given only to those Master’s study programme students who
have successfully performed all the assignments envisaged in Master’s study programme, passed all the
necessary examinations and by this evidenced the acquisition of sufficient competencies.
21. The field of the research activity of all the Master’s study subject teachers or researchers should
correspond to the course subjects they teach, or they should have no less than ten years’ professional work
experience which accords with the applied subjects they teach; the professional work experience designated
in this clause is compulsory for the teachers of the applied subjects, indicated in the programme description.
No less than 20 per cent of the deepening level subjects should be taught by professors.
22. The competence of the graduate of the Master’s programme, defined in the Master’s study
programme description, is examined and assessed through the final project or its defence.
23. The final project should be analytical and based on (depending on scientific research or applied
nature of the Master’s studies) independent scientific or applied research. It can be neither solely descriptive
or of a review type. Through the final project the Master’s programme student demonstrates the ability not
only to analyse the chosen topic, to evaluate the work performed by other researchers in the relevant field
and to perform the research in the field, but to formulate research conclusions in a clear and substantial way
and to describe the performed research work according to the requirements approved by the university.
24. The final Master’s programme project in Art studies can be a creative project.
25. No less than 25 per cent of study programme volume is allocated for carrying out the final project and
for its defence. This volume includes the final examinations if they are foreseen by the programme.
26. The committee for the final project evaluation and defence should be comprised of 5–7 competent
specialists in the field – researchers, professional practitioners and specialists of the graduates’ prospective
work places. One member of the committee (preferably the chair of the committee) should be the person who
has not worked for the last three years at the university where the final project defence is taking place. The
same requirements are to be applied for the composition of the final examination committee if such an
examination is designated in the study programme.
27. The Master’s programme graduate is conferred a Master’s qualification degree in the respective study
field. The graduate of an inter-field Master programme is conferred a Master’s degree in the field which is
dominant in the study programme. The university can confer a graduate, who completed a Master’s study
programme, a respective professional qualification according to the General classificator of the study areas
and fields, used as the basis in providing consecutive university and non-university studies in the Lithuanian
higher education schools, and according to the list of qualifications provided in these study fields, approved
by the Decision No. 368 (Žin., 2001, Nr. 31-1027) of the Government of the Lithuanian Republic as of 4
April 2001.
28. The conferred Master’s degree is certified by a Master’s Diploma, the information about the
curriculum of the study programme is provided in the Diploma Supplement and Supplements. The form of
the Diploma, the order of their production, accounting, registration and issuance is determined by the Order
for the form, production, accounting, registration and issuance of the documents confirming the conferring of
the Higher Education qualification and doctoral scientific degree, approved by the Government of the
Lithuanian Republic as of 11 July 2001, Decision No. 900 (Žin., 2001, Nr. 63-2284; 2004, Nr. 46-1521).
29. The integrated study programme which leads to the Master’s qualification degree includes the studies
of the first and second level. The competence of the study programme graduate should be adequate to the
competence of the graduate of a deepening Master’s study programme.
30. The integrated study programme which leads to the Master’s qualification degree can be provided
only by the university which corresponds to the requirements of Article II of the current description.
31. When the Master’s qualification degree is conferred after completing an integrated study programme,
the study programme should meet the requirements of Article V of this description with the following
31.1. it is noted in the study programme description that it is an integrated study programme, the type of
Master’s studies is not defined;
31.2. the volume of the whole integrated study programme is 200–240 (in medicine study field it is 200–
280) credits;
31.3. the study programme should offer no less than 60 credits of deepening level subjects;
31.4. the requirements defined in clause 21 of this description should be met only by deepening level
subject teachers;
31.5. during the fifth and later study years no more than five subjects can be studied each semester.
32. The final project of the integrated studies and the final examinations, if they are designated by the
study programme, should meet the requirements defined in Article V of this description (except for the
volume requirement – in this case the final project and final examinations have value of no less than 20