December 2015

Knightly News & Views
December 2015
Knights of Columbus Father Henry Kemper Council 6409, Kerrville, Texas
My Brother Knights,
As I considered my blessings last week, I realized, as I'm
sure you also did, that my biggest blessing is my wife.
Father McGivney founded our order to strengthen our
families and the bond with our spouse is what holds our
families together and provides the example of Christian
family life for our children. I'm also thankful for my brother Knights who
take the lead in our various activities, giving strength to our council. I'm
thankful too for those brother Knights who, although they like to stay in the
background, step forward to assist in our activities, often without being
asked. And I'm very thankful for an active chaplain and I encourage you to
read his words in this newsletter. Our second principle, unity, applies to
both our domestic families and our council family. Keep it up guys.
I'm nearing the halfway mark of my first year as Grand Knight and have had
both high points and low points. I'm serious about doing everything I can to
make this a better council and if you have any ideas or see anything I'm not
doing or doing wrong, I want to hear from you. My feelings aren't easily
hurt because I had plenty of years in the military so step up. Let's make this
second half memorable.
Vivat Jesus,
GK Roger Holt
With the holiday season there are organizations renting Monsignor Walsh
(KofC) hall. If you have holiday party plans, call early. Contact Juan
Roman at 830-370-1747 for more information, prices and reservations.
The Chaplain's Corral
Happy New Year!!! Starting the weekend after Thanksgiving, we may
notice that something is different in our church. The green has been
replaced by purple and a definite feeling of “something is coming” has
settled in. The new liturgical year begins every year on the first week of
Advent, therefore, Happy New Year!!! In all seriousness though, this time
of Advent could often be referred to as the “forgotten” season. Maybe this is
because we are exhausted from Halloween, Thanksgiving and Black Friday
sales when it arrives, or maybe it is because since the door shut and Trickor-Treaters hung up their costumes, Christmas music has been playing and
the decking of the halls has begun. For us as Catholics though, this season
of Advent falls at a time when we truly need to slow down, to catch our
breath and realize just what is going on in our relationship with God. We
are called to join the Holy Family in their prayerful anticipation of the birth
of the Christ. Think back to the time of your first child’s birth. What kinds
of feelings were you having? Joy? Excitement? Wonder? Awe? Fear? What
kinds of feelings do we have at the coming of the Lord? Do we still have the
wonder and excitement that a young child has or have we become so
business oriented that we actually miss all the prep and Christmas itself
because we allow ourselves to become too busy? Let us call to mind what
other season we use the color purple. It makes its appearance in Lent, which
actually comes early this year. It too, is a time to prepare and anticipate.
Usually during Lent, we are called to fast and to pray to prepare for Holy
Week. But there is not any such suggestion for Advent. Maybe, if you are
planning on giving up something for Lent to prepare yourself, you can take
up something for Advent to prepare for the birth of Christ. We have many
possibilities in our church, from simply arriving to Mass early enough to
pray the rosary, to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on Fridays and Perpetual
Adoration. In fact, there will be a special insert into our bulletins at the
beginning of Advent that will list many if not all of the opportunities that we
have available. Maybe for the upcoming season of Christmas, we should put
together a “spiritual” gift to offer our Lord, using the time of Advent to put it
together and arrange it just right. Let us begin to reclaim this “lost” season.
Maybe through our reclaiming of Advent, we can come to truly understand
the season of Christmas.
Father Scott
Dec. 2: Light Up for Christ for Advent and Covered Dish Social. 7pm
Dec. 6: 4th Degree Christmas Party. 1pm social hour, 2pm Dinner
Dec. 9: Knights sponsor Bingo at VA center at 2pm. Please arrive early.
Information? Call Frank Bertagnolli (896-6976).
Dec. 16: Gun and Jewelry Raffle Drawing at Officer Meeting 7:00 pm.
Open to all members.
Keep Christ in Christmas magnets in English or Spanish are available
at council meetings and select businesses. Call John Vece at 896-0752
for more information.
Good of the Order
Please continue to pray for the healing power and comfort of the Holy Spirit
for our loved ones: Ed Nemec, Don Kelly, Roger Holt, Karen Klein, Butch
Connally, Tom Miller, Maria Galvan, Lula Santa Maria, Bea Hardey,
Morgan Kelly, Joe Marino, Sr., Joe Penaloza, Bill Coplen, Carl Stakes,
Rudy Garcia, Mel & Joanne Heck, Tom Fowler, Bill Treybig, Frank Moniz,
Dan Montes, Stephanie Popeck, and Elaine Jackson.
Be sure to let us know of any brothers or members of their families to be
remembered in our prayers.
Council 6409 website
VA Hospital Bingo
Brother Knights,
K of C bingo on November 11 was sponsored by the Fourth Degree Knights
from Assembly #2465 made up of Knights from Kerrville, Bandera and
Fredericksburg. A SPECIAL thanks to the Brothers that showed up to help:
Steve Erickson, Saul Cantu, Melvin Jones, Karl Thomas Miller, and his
Lovely Wife Delores and Sir Knight Donnie Reed. Brother Steve Erickson
led us in Prayer and did an outstanding job. It was good to have Brother Saul
back with us. Brother Reed is a Fourth Degree Knight from Bandera that
came down to help. He had been a resident at the Hospital for two years.
Thanks for your special effort Donnie.
That evening when I got back home I got a call from Brother Steve, He told
LONG TIME". That speaks well for this Ministry. Brother Steve you
MADE my day with the call and along with the other Brothers that helped
you all made Veterans Day very special for the 24 residents that showed up
for the event, making their day a bit brighter. I'm grateful to all of you!!!!!!!
And thanks to the Brothers that called ahead of time saying they could not
make it. We also had help from the Greystone students from Schreiner
University. They are always a joy to work with and the patients love them.
Our next K of C sponsored bingo is on December 9th. I hope all of you and
your Families had a Blessed , Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for your consideration for our vets and God Bless,
Brother Frank Bertagnolli (896-6796)
Council Directory
Grand Knight
Deputy G.K.
Financial Secretary
Outside Guard
Inside Guard
District Deputy
Insurance Agent
Fr. Scott Janysek
Roger Holt
Fernando Gutierrez
Jeff Sirianni
Gino Delgadillo
Ray Ochs
Mike Douville
Juan Limon
Juan Roman
Miguel Limon
Rolando Maldonado
Don Kelly
Steve Erickson
Scott Chapman
Scott Chapman
John Vece
Joseph Arrieta
Roger Pedroza
December Birthdays
Robert Sarna #80 (3d), David Wahrmund (8th), Edward Parma (9th),
Donald Johnson (10th), Eloy Garza (12th), Dr. Michael Rensch (13th),
John Aceti #85 (15th), Anthony Straube (15th), John Aleman (17th),
Salbador Rangel (17th), Jose Ayala (24th), Jimmy Gonzales (26th),
Walter Wahrmund #90 (26th), Juan Limon (27th), George House (30th),
Shane Jones (31st)