Slide No. 1: TITLE: Is Metaphysics the new frontier of 21st century physics? IMAGE: No. Metaphysics was originally concerned with the One or the Absolute, which was considered as the most fundamental branch of the visible universe. This research object made metaphysics to the root of all sciences for more than two thousand years. In this lecture I like to show how it can be re-established as a key discipline of modern physics. Slide No. 2: TITLE: Metaphysics – The root of all Sciences IMAGE: Descartes The central reason why the One or the Absolute never became a serious object of scientific inquiry was certainly its transcendent character. As the One was explicitly defined in this way, there was, in principle, no empirical data, which could be connected with it. It was therefore extremely difficult to prove its existence. Actually during the last two thousand years no convincing proof could be developed or formulated. It is clear, that many philosophers began to doubt the existence of this transcendent or invisible field of reality. Slide No. 3: TITLE: Against Metaphysics IMAGES: Different Letters 1 The culmination point of this historical development was the Vienna Circle, which came together in Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century. It was a group of philosopher, who wanted to establish a scientific philosophy. They demanded that in philosophy like in any other scientific discipline statements about reality should be provable by experience. A statement which could not be reduced to such a statement should be considered as meaningless. A statement should only be considered as significant, if, and only if it is said how this statement can be verified. A philosopher, who made a statement about reality had necessarily to say what observations would lead him to accept the statement as being true, or reject it as being false. Slide No. 4 TITLE: Metaphysics is scientifically impossible IMAGES: Basic Diagram S/W As the One or the Absolute transcended all experiences and observations, this demand could, of course, not be satisfied. Hence, the philosopher of the Vienna Circle came to the crushing conclusion, that all metaphysical statements about the ONE were completely meaningless. And in fact: If the One is really transcendent, that means, it is really invisible, then every step beyond the visible or observable universe is a step into emptiness. By going beyond the visible universe we can not point to any empirical data. As the result of this quite evident conclusion, most members of the Vienna Circle demanded that metaphysics should be eliminated. The British philosopher A. Ayer became the most known. In 1936 he wrote his very influential book: Language, Truth and 2 Logic, in which he requested his colleagues to let metaphysics behind. His view still dominates Western thinking until today. But inspite of this attitude they were always thinkers, who were convinced of the importance of metaphysics. Slide No. 5 TITLE: Meetings in Mercer Street 112 IMAGES: Mercer Street 112 During the winter of 1943–1944, Albert Einstein met weekly with three other aging geniuses, that was, the philosopher Bertrand Russell, the mathematician Kurt Gödel and the physicist Wolfgang Pauli—at his home in the Mercer Street in Princeton. All these men had made groundbreaking work in physics, in philosophy and in mathematics. Although no one recorded their discussions, it can be taken for granted, that metaphysics was intensively discussed by them. Bertrand Russell Autobiography. reported about this in his And in fact all these men except Russell were deeply attached by metaphysics. Gödel f.e. saw metaphysics as the most fundamental part of philosophy. This is reported by the mathematician Hao Wang. Gödel declared Wang that he like to do for metaphysics as much as Newton did for physics. Already in the late 20s Einstein told in a talk with the physicist Arnold Sommerfeld that all physics is metaphysics. 3 How deep Einstein was concerned with Metaphysics and similar issues shows a personal report of the physicist Wolfgang Panofsky. His father Erwin Panofsky knew Einstein quite well. Sometimes he was the chaffeur because neither Einstein nor his father drove and he did. Sometimes they drove around. During this short trips Einstein and his father were intensively talking about ancient mysticism and whether there was any correspondence between ancient mysticism and modern science. And the last men of this fine group the physicist Wolfgang Pauli was also deeply concerned with this correspondence. Pauli was portrayed as a brilliant genius, indeed even as the greatest physicist of his time. His colleague Max Born compared him with Einstein and said that in certain respects he has to be considered even greater than Einstein. Pauli summarized his interest for the mystic tradition in the epigram: The even older is always the new. He imagined in early stages of human knowledge the presence of a unified and broader world view. As modern science arose, certain areas have been differentiated and became increasingly precise, while other things have fallen away, especially the feeling of the existence of a transcendent order. But the discussions of all these men never resulted into a kind of modern metaphysics. But today metaphysics moves more and more into the focus of Western thinking. This is mainly caused by Catholic Church. It seems, that the inner circle tries do defend the catholic belief as the universal truth. Slide No. 6 TITLE: Fides et Ratio – A call for a modern Metaphysics? 4 IMAGES: Petersdom In 1998 Pope John Paul's 13th Encyclical Letter "Fides et Ratio" was made public. More than a hundred years after the Encyclical 'Aeterni Patris' of Leo XIII (1879), 'Fides et Ratio' turned once again to the theme of the relationship between faith and reason. It was actually adressed to all who were concerned for the truth. It was really astonishing that this document did not preclude anything and set even no intellectual limits. John Paul II did actually not condemn any philosophical or rational position. Thus it can be seen as a call for a modern metaphysics. In paragraph No. 83 the Pope stressed the need for a metaphysics, which is capable of transcending empirical data in order to attain something absolute, ultimate and foundational in its search for this truth. But he did actually not speak of a metaphysics in the sense of a specific school or a particular historical current of thought. He only stated that the very core of reality is transcending the factual and the empirical universe. He expressed his conviction, that the human mind is capable of knowing this transcendent and metaphysical dimension of reality. This was even emphasized by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in the public presentation of this specific document. And we know just this men is now pope himself. This open-minded attitude expressed in the encyclical Fides et Ratio was certainly the reason, why Italian newspapers celebrated it as a Magna Charta of Reason. But can we really trust the declaration of the Vatican? 5 The Galileo affair is still present in the collective consciousness of modern science. Would the Catholic Church accept a metaphysics regardless what it has to say about the One? Faith was actually never challenged by metaphysics. Classical metaphysics was extremely general. Actually there is no metaphysics, which does satisfy scientific standards for knowledge in the most minimal sense. All known metaphysical statements are extremely unprecise. But why don’t we have any scientific metaphysics? Slide No. 7 TITLE: Obstacles towards a Modern Metaphysics IMAGE: No. There are several reasons. I have already mentioned one of these reasons. It is the transcendent nature of the One. But there are also other reasons. The most important reason is certainly of religious nature. The Catholic Church f.e. is still a very powerful religious force in our contemporary global world. More than one billion people are calling themselves catholic. And we can be sure that the Catholic Church will not support any knowledge, which is undermining the Catholic faith. But in this presentation I like to focus only on philosophical reasons. There are two obstacles. First: The Mixture of epistemology and ontology and Second: the inability to deal with metaphysical properties. Ontology and Epistemology are the two fundamental axes of philosophy. You can really assess any position 6 in philosophy by the relationship it proposes between being and knowing. But these two fundamental axes are often mixed together in an unlucky way, not only in philosophy, but in physics as well. Einstein’s theory of special relativity is certainly one of the best known cases of this unlucky mixture, because the observer – the person, who know - is deeply embedded into the structure of this theory, but it is quite unclear whether this mixture of knowing and being is fully justified. In SR the notion of an inertial observer is introduced, but this notion could never be explained consistently within the relativistic context. Einstein tried to get rid of it, but he failed. Even in his last public lecture given at the Palmer Physical Laboratory in April 14, 1954, he still struggled with this notion. He confessed that the explanation of it by the implementation of Mach’s principle into his General Theory of Relativity failed. He declared: “If you give up space, you have an enormous number of distances, and unhandy consistency relations.” In the case of SR the mixture of epistemology and ontology might be the cause of many doubts against this theory but with respect to metaphysics this mixture caused a total doubt: It suggested the almost unavoidable conclusion, that metaphysics cannot be a science at all. This conclusion is meanwhile a kind of a postmodern dogma. Commonly it is told that metaphysics is the attempt to gain an absolute knowlegde – and that such an absolutely true knowledge can never be gained by science. That is indeed true: Science can never deliver such an absolutely certain knowledge, because scientific knowledge is always uncertain. We can never exclude, that there will be a little fact in future, which will 7 falsify our view or theory of reality. If absoluteness is considered in this epistemological way, metaphysics as science is simply impossible. But the ontological meaning of absoluteness is quite different. It means, that there is an ultimate foundation of the Universe which conditions everything without being conditioned in any way. As far as absoluteness is concerned the ontological meaning may sound very similar like the epistemological meaning, but they are completely different. If we want to conduct metaphysics in a scientific way we have to relate explicitly to the ontological meaning. From the ontological view the idea of an entity which is absolute, is not a strange, but a quite familiar concept. It is f.e. very similar to Newtons term of an absolute space. Newtons absolute space does also condition the motion of every visible object without being conditioned by any of all these objects. If the absoluteness of the One is understood in an ontological manner, then metaphysics can be identified as a very powerful theoretical approach, because it deals with a branch of reality, which is by its very nature the most fundamental branch of the physical universe. The most important question of contemporary physics is indeed: What is fundamental? Today we don’t know what is really fundamental. We have some feelings, but we don’t have any serious knowledge. If metaphysics would be possible as a real physical discipline it would deliver answers to just this crucial 8 question. It would smooth tremendously our way to a final theory of the universe. But to get these answers we have to find out several things. At first we have to answer the question: If the One is really existing, how did it condition the physical universe? And just this question leads to point No 2: to our inability to deal with metaphysical properties, from which is absoluteness merely one. Slide No. 8 TITLE: Properties of the ONE IMAGE: Table There is a specific class of properties, which is usually related to the One. In the following table you can see some of them. In theology all these properties are considered of being of personal origin. They are the attributes, which are usually ascribed to GOD, which is considered as a supreme being. In theology God is seen as the dominant ruler and creator of the whole universe. The attribute of invisibility f.e. is the result of an action of this supreme being. In Latin this action is sometimes termed as »Deus absconditus« - as the hidden GOD. But this supreme being can change this state of being hidden. It can freely decide to intervene the cosmic process or to manipulate our individual lifes or to plan the history of mankind. He can do everything what he likes to do. But all these properties could equally be interpreted as the result of an impersonal branch of reality. But as we 9 don’t have any scientific metaphysics we do not know whether these properties are possibly of impersonal origin or not. None of all these properties is scientifically explored. Their physical implications are still unknown. Slide No. 9 TITLE: Is a divine Universe different from a nondivine? IMAGES: Book cover of Richard Dawkins This is a quite remarkable fact, because one of the most influential physicist like Newton has explicitly referred to this field of reality. Inspite of his distinct metaphysical attitude he did not make consciously use of these properties. He did not ask in a systematic way for the physical implications of just these properties. All his statements about metaphysics are in a way occasional. This is even valid for his General Scholium, which is nothing else than a piece of metaphysics. In this document Newton interpreted f.e. the physical terms of absolute space and absolute time explicitly as consequences of the infinite extension and duration of God. But nevertheless his General Scholium did not become the origin of a modern metaphysics, because he did not recognize clearly, that all these metaphysical properties do imply an unexpected explanatory power, if we make consciously use of them. It is quite obvious, that a universe with an invisible foundation has to be organized in a very specific and unique way. This view is even shared by the strongest critics of metaphysics like Richard Dawkins. 10 In his provoking book “The God Delusion” he stressed that the difference between a divine and not-divine universe could hardly be more fundamental in principle, even if it is not easy to test in practice. But no one has investigated this difference in a systematic way. Dawkins gives a hint why this did not happen. He is convinced, it would undermine the seductive dictum that science must be completely silent about religion’s central existence claim. But he denies this position. According to him the presence or absence of such a transcendent foundation is a scientific question, even it is not in practice – or not yet – a decided one. But most scientists are regarding the discipline which deals with this foundation as being senseless. Metaphysics is still valued as a highly unscientific discipline. I like to show that a research program like starting a modern metaphysics does not mean to re-establish an antiquate and bizarre debate, that is entirely restricted to the field of an esoteric philosophy. Actually metaphysics can be given a clear scientific shape with far-reaching physical consequences: One of these consequences is presented at the end of this lecture. But in order to develop such a modern metaphysics we have to make a big turn in our thinking. Slide No. 10 TITLE: The methodological turn IMAGES: Two Basic Diagrams S/W In order to open up the door to a modern metaphysics, we have to do one important step: We have to accept 11 that the ONE is truly invisible. As long as we don’t do this step metaphysics is impossible. It will never start. As long as we believe that the ONE can be seen in any way, we will never ask how the visible universe has to be organized in case of such an invisible foundation. But to accept the invisibility of the ONE is certainly the most difficult step towards a modern metaphysics. If something is really invisible, it cannot be measured or detected in any way. It is quite obvious: This impossibility runs directly counter to the scientific mind, because the scientific method cannot in principle be applied to the ONE. It is quite challenging to accept that the most fundamental entity of physics can never be proven right by experiment. Up to this day no physicist and no philosopher has actually accepted this conclusion. But just this step, that is, the acceptance of the invisibility (or transcendence) of the most fundamental level of the universe is the eye of the needle to a modern metaphysics. This step I am calling the “methodological turn”, because only by this step we will turn our metaphysical inquiry to the visibile universe, which is the only place where the scientific method can be applied. If this turn is finally done, everything will change – not only in the field of philosophy, but in the field of physics as well. Suddenly metaphysics appears to be the most promising discipline of modern physics, because it allows us to look at the universe from the most highest or deepest level. 12 We can have just that look that Einstein wanted to have in his whole life. Einstein wanted to know the thoughts of the Old One, but he never got them. If the methodological turn is ultimately done, the question naturally arises: How must the universe be organized if its foundation is invisible? It is as already mentioned near at hand, to suppose, that a universe with an invisible foundation has to be organized in a very specific and unique way. It is somehow unavoidable, to get this conclusion. Invisibility appears simply as a highly restrictive physical condition. The thought is therefore coming up, that it really limits the spectrum of possibilities how the physical Universe can look like in such a way, that only one structure is likely. Slide No. 11 TITLE: Focussing on Invisibility IMAGE: Statue of St.Paul; Basic Diagram S/W When Albert Einstein developed his theories, he asked himself whether God had a choice in the creation of the universe or not. By looking at things from this metaphysical perspective he tried to find out whether the Universe had to fulfill certain conditions or not. He regarded the condition of logical simplicity as the most promising path to such an understanding – and may be he was right with that. The property of invisibility could be the key to this insight. Invisibility is actually the most central attribute that is theologically related to the One. We find it in nearly all religions. In Christianity it is written in The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. This letter is one of the most important texts of the Christian Bible, especially of the New Testament. Its verse 1:20 is directly referred to this property of invisibility. According to this verse the 13 visible universe is directly expression of invisibility interpreted as the And just this property can physically be cracked. The Invisibility of the ultimate foundation of the universe can actually be interpreted as the result of a certain kind of a radical non-dual conception. Slide No. 12 TITLE: An unsolvable Contradiction? IMAGE: Basic Diagram S/W In traditional metaphysics the One was already defined as an all-embracing essence, in which all differences of the visible Universe are melted into. This definition includes implicitly a rational explanation, why the One is invisible. In general, an entity can only be seen, if it is distinguishable towards other entities. If there is no difference left, then it cannot, in principle, be seen: It is just invisible. Although these thoughts may be very general they are clearly showing: If the invisibility of the One shall be secured, the visibile universe has to fulfil a very restrictive condition: All its differences without any exception have to be solved into the ONE. Although this idea is very old it was never investigated in a physical context. At first sight it becomes quite clear, why such an investigation never took place. If we look at this idea in its original form, we are confronted with an unsolvable contradiction, which is as old as philosophy itself. If all differences of the universe are solved into the One, which means, all of them do coincide into the 14 One, then no difference of the Universe itself is left. Consequently, not only the One is invisible, the Universe is invisible as well. But the visibility of the Universe is a fact, which nobody would seriously call in question. In other words: in its original form this idea contradicts obviously factual reality. In order to avoid this contradiction we have to assume that not all differences of the Universe have to be solved into the One. But in this moment we are loosing immediately our argument to explain invisibility in a rational way, because invisibility seems to be realized if and only if all differences are solved. It is just this strong and self-evident demand that mediates the impression, that this contradiction cannot be solved in any way. And this may be the reason, why this idea of radical non-duality was never used in a physical context. But this idea can be made fruitful, if we go much deeper into it. If we study the history of Western thinking we can observe that many of the fundamental concepts about reality which were formulated in the early stages of our cultural development later turned out to be true. A typical example is the concept of the atom. Slide No. 13 TITLE: The Solution IMAGES: Basic Diagram S/W Already a century before Aristotle the Greek thinker Democritus stated: “Sweet exists by convention, bitter by convention, color by convention; but in reality atoms and the void alone exist.” Although no means existed of proving or disproving the correctness of the idea of atoms Democritus’ concept was remarkably close to the truth as we know today. 15 But as the history of atomic physics equally shows to proclaim a concept of being of fundamental importance does not mean to have a deep and clear understanding of it. Atomic physics needed indeed more than two thousand years until it was known what atoms really were. It is true, and in the end, the ancient concept of an atom was proved as being real, but its inner meaning changed dramatically. An electron f.e. turned out to be not an ordinary thing moving on ordinary path, as the physicists commonly expected, but it was completely different and far more abstract. Physicists had to accept, that the electron, a central elementary particle of an atom, is staying in a »cloud« which could only be described by a complex wave function – the core of quantum mechanics. But this function allowed them to compute only the probability of finding an electron in a particular region around the nucleus at a particular time. Contrary to classical mechanics, they could not – in principle - make exact predictions of position and momentum at the same time. An electron could only be considered as being located »somewhere« within a region of space. In quantum mechanics this new kind of motion was described perfectly. But from the point of classical physics it was completely unbelievable. Albert Einstein never accepted this quantum mechanical picture of the atom. And he held this opinion his whole life. If we look at this lesson of history, we can conclude, that the idea of radical non-duality has to be given a far more specific form. And this specification can be given: If we suppose that only all differences of the most fundamental level of the visible Universe have to be solved then the contradiction with factual reality can perhaps be avoided. 16 If only all differences of a specific level of the universe are concerned, which is the last one, before reality is finally turning into something invisible, not only the idea of radical non-duality is saved, but the contradiction with factual reality is avoided, too, because it can be concluded that with regard to this specific level only a highly selected class of differences is involved. If this case were given, the overwhelming number of differences of the Universe would be probably unaffected. But what is the most fundamental level of the visible universe as far as metaphysics is concerned? Which kind of differences are related to this specific level? To answer this question we have to make a jump of 500 years backwards… Slide No. 14 TITLE: A Journey 1437/38 IMAGES: Cusanus, ship & Constantinople If we go back 500 years into the European past, we will be in the Renaissance. The Renaissance was in a way a golden age of Western culture. At this time the modern spirit was born. It was a revival of classic, especially of Greek, learning and thinking, which was lost by Christian faith during the last thousand years. In this period there was a man, who tried to reform theological thinking, especially the thinking about GOD as the eternal ground of everything. The name of this man was Nicolaus Cusanus. He lived from 1401 until 1464. Although he was a high member of the Catholic Church – he became actually a cardinal –, several 17 times he was suspected of being a herectic. The reason was his very unusal view of God. He received this view during a Journey to Constantinople in 1437. He travelled to this town with a highly delicate diplomatic mission. He should bring back Orthodox Church to the pale of the Catholic church.. He was indeed successful. In the later councils of Ferrara and Florence 1439 both Churches were unified again – at least for some years. On the way back to Venice he made a conceptual breakthrough in philosophy. He himself wrote, that he experienced an enlightenment, which allowed him to get a completely new access to the question of the nature of god.. Slide No. 15 TITLE: The Coincidence of the Smallest & the Largest IMAGE: No. It was the birth time of his unique Doctrine of the Coincidence of Opposites (or in Latin words: Coincidentia oppositorum), which he published in his work De docta ignorantia (On Learned Ignorance) in 1440. He repeatedly stressed, that he had discovered something which had never been thought before. He insisted, that not one philosopher before him recognized the method of thinking embedded in the coincidentia oppositorum. Cusanus did recognize that the Minimum and the Maximum had to “coincide” if one liked to go beyond the visible world and to enter into the realm of the One. He discovered that only by this highly specific coincidence the realm of transcendence could be reached. Und just this doctrine delivered the important hint which sort of differences are related to the most 18 fundamental level of the visible universe. It was the class of the most extreme differences. It is clear, if only the most extreme differences of the visible universe have to be turned into coincidences, then the idea of a radical non-dual conception of the universe can be formulated in a consistent way. The class of the most extreme differences is certainly very exclusive. Therefore it can be concluded that only very few fundamental differences of the universe are part of the assumed radical non-dual conception. The overwhelming number of differences could be unaffected and could still be there. By this result the contradiction between the radical non-duality and the fact of the Universe being there could be solved. Be related exclusively to the class of extreme differences the idea of radical non-duality is much more precise than the historical idea. The next task that has to be done, was, of course, to translate Cusanus’ doctrine into workable physical conditions. One of these conditions I like to discuss. Slide No. 16 TITLE: Condition of Conspiray IMAGES: Basic Diagram S/W & table Only by looking at the English translation of the Latin text it can easily be deduced which kind of physical difference has to coincide in the case of an invisible foundation. It is in fact the spatial coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest. If we study this spatial coincidence in more detail it reveals how the metaphysical properties of 19 omnipresence and invisibility are physically »encoded« into the structure of the visible Universe. To understand this possibility, no difficult theoretical operations are necessary. Actually the whole theoretical package is so simple, that its deep and fundamental meaning can easily be ignored. This simplicity is actually one of the most important points of a modern metaphysics, because most philosophers and physicists are thinking, that we need a highly complicated equation, in order to understand the last secret of the universe. But just the opposite could be the case. Einstein obviously knew that. As already mentioned he looked for just this simplicity. He obviously understood his condition of logical simplicity as a guiding line to a deeper understanding of the universe. If an entity shall be the omnipresent basis of all visible phenomena it must satisfy two conditions: It must contain all things of the Universe and it must also be contained in all these things. If an entity satisfies these two conditions it would be omnipresent. And the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest includes just these two conditions. Of being the Largest the One can contain all things of the Universe; of being the Smallest, it can be contained in all these things as well. But the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest includes far more: It also secures, that the One cannot, in principle, be seen from a point within the physical Universe, because the relation of the Smallest and the Largest is the most extreme difference, that a Universe can have in a spatial dimension. The Universe cannot, in principle, have a difference which is spatially more extreme than the relationship 20 between the Smallest and the Largest. This conclusion becomes quite obvious if we quantify these two terms. In the table this quantification is shown. It is clear, that there can be no spatial difference, which is more extreme. Nothing can be smaller than zero and nothing can be larger than infinite. If we solve just this difference by the conceptual demand of coincidence then our next step will lead us directly into an invisible realm because no further difference of the visible Universe is left. The One is successfully sealed up: It is invisible! If we put together all these insights connectable with the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest, then we can see that it is a highly effective physical condition: It connects the visible Universe with the One in such a way, that the One is everywhere in the Universe but nobody can see it. This condition I am calling the “condition of conspiracy”. It is just this condition that has to be attained in philosophy in order to open up the door to a scientific metaphysics as I like to show now. We have looked for this condition for more than two thousand years in vain. This condition may be very simple, but it gives us the possibility to test the existence of the ONE experimentally. Slide No. 17 The first prediction of a Modern Metaphysics IMAGES: Sattelite “Hipparcos” 21 As the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest is still related to the visible side of reality, there has to be a corresponding empirical coincidence in our physical Universe. In other words: If our universe bases really upon an invisible or transcendent foundation, then there must be any kind of coincidence at its outermost edge. This prediction, which I am calling »Cusanus’ conjecture«, has never been formulated in this clarity. It is the first experimental prediction of a Modern Metaphysics. But the most important question which arose was: Could this prediction be confirmed by experimental data? Could one find an empirical coincidence at the outermost edgde of our universe? This question could be answered positively – at least to some degree. Experiments have shown that the local inertial frame is the one with respect to which the frame of the distant parts of the universe are non-rotating. The German physicist Friedrich Hund has called this coincidence “the coincidence of the inertial and the stellar compass”. This coincidence was first noticed by Newton. Later it should lead to the formulation of Mach's Principle. Nowadays this coincidence is measured to a very high degree: within the present measurement accuracy the inertial and the stellar compass do coincide with 0.00025 arcsec/year. The German theoretical physicist Herbert Pfister, who has edited (together with J. Barbour) volume No. 6 of the Einstein Studies: Mach’s principle – From Newton’s bucket to Quantum Gravity, described this coincidence even as the greatest wonder. 22 If we look at this empirical coincidence from a purely spatial point of view, we can see, that the local inertial frame and the frame of the distant parts of the universe are spatially related to the very Small and to the very Large. In other words, this empirical coincidence is corresponding to a very high degree to the theoretical coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest. It is quite remarkable, that this coincidence is still unexplained. It is actually an anomaly. We don’t have any convincing physical explanation for it. Slide No. 18 TITLE: A Scientific Proof of the Existence of GOD IMAGE: A Chain of Reasoning If we take all these pieces together – the piece of theory and the experimental data -, then we do have nothing else than a scientific proof of the existence of GOD. Mankind has looked for such a proof for more than two thousands years in vain. All known proofs of the existence of GOD didn’t satisfy scientific standards. If the presented proof of the existence of God would be true it would change our traditional picture of GOD tremendously.. If Cusanus conjecture were proven right, then the invisibility of the ultimate foundation or source of the universe would not be the result of a supreme being, which is hiding from us: The invisibility of the ultimate foundation of the universe would be a completely natural result of a highly specific conception. As such it would be invisible forever. 23 This conclusion would be a great challenge for the Monotheism because GOD wouldn’t have any freedom, to give up his invisibility. To relate to Einstein it can be said that GOD didn’t have any choice in the creation of the universe. But there are also important consequences as far as physics is concerned. One of the most obvious consequences concerns our cosmological view of the universe. Since the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest is connected with the One, it is also of fundamental character. That means, that all physical entities which are connectable with this coincidence are of fundamental character as well. And we can indeed connect different physical notions with it. Slide No. 19 TITLE: The Truth of Euclidean Geometry IMAGES: Table If we consider the coincidence of the inertial and the stellar compass as the empirical counterpart of the specific coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest then the term of the inertial frame of reference is connected with these two spatial notions. Or, in more general terms, the universe is in a force-free state at the Smallest and at the Largest. This connection gives rise to a further connection. We know, that a force-free state is intimately connected with the Euclidean geometry. In other words, the Euclidean geometry is also connected with the Smallest and the Largest. That means, according to a Modern Metaphysics the Euclidean geometry is the most fundamental geometry of our universe, because it is directly linked with the ONE. 24 All this is shown in the table. This insight makes understandable why we were so much accustomed to think Euclidean geometry as true. Until today we don’t know where this massive certainty comes from. A modern metaphysics does explain this almost collective feeling: It unveils its deep connection with the most fundamental level of the Universe, that is, with the ONE. Slide No. 20 TITLE: The One as Cause of Fine-Tuning? IMAGES: Blockdiagrams & Geometrical Surfaces To connect Euclidean geometry with the most fundamental level of the universe allows us a completely new look at cosmology. One of the main problems of cosmology was actually the flatness problem. The flatness problem is a fine-tuning problem of cosmology, especially with respect to the Big Bang model. It arises from the observation that a specific initial condition of the universe appears to be finetuned to a very special value, and that a small deviation from this value would have had massive effects on the nature of the universe at the current time. In the case of the flatness problem the special value concerns the density of matter and energy in the universe. The current density of the universe is observed to be very close to the so-called critical value. This value is defined as = 1. Since the total density departs rapidly from the critical value over cosmic time, the early universe must have 25 had a density even closer to this critical density, departing from it by one part in 1062. This leads scientists to question how the initial density came to be so closely fine-tuned to this critical value, because in all other cases we wouldn’t see our universe as it is now. After more than 13 billions of years of expansion a very small departure of Ω from 1 in the early universe would have been magnified to create a current density very far from this critical value. In the case of an overdensity (Ω > 1) this would lead to a universe so dense it would cease expanding and collapse into a Big Crunch in a few years or less; in the case of an underdensity (Ω < 1) it would expand to fast to allow f.e. gravity to form complex structures like galaxies. As such complex structures are given within our universe, it is very likely, that it does possess the critical value. And just this critical value is intimately related with a special geometry of the universe. In the case of the critical value the geometry of the universe has to be an Euclidean one. Therefore this inexplicable fine-tuning of the universe is called the “flatnessproblem”. The most commonly-accepted solution of this problem is the cosmic inflation. It bases on the idea that the universe went through a brief period of extremely rapid expansion in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This rapid expansion caused space to become flatter, forcing omega toward one, no matter what its initial value was. The metaphysical solution of this flatness problem would be quite different. According to a modern Metaphysics the universe is fundamentally flat: It was flat in the past, it is flat at the present and it will be flat 26 in future times. There is no change at all, because it is inseparably connected with the most fundamental branch of the reality, that is, with the One: It is always there – and it will aways be there. Scientists who believe in the doctrine of intelligent design may conclude that a modern metaphysics supports this doctrine. But this conclusion is completely wrong, because a modern metaphysics makes it impossible to speak about GOD as a creator. In modern metaphysics GOD is an impersonal branch of reality. It is the space out of which all things appear and disappear. There is no being or person connected with it. It can be compared with the open sky in which clouds are coming and going. But this branch is not a neutral field of energy: it can directly be experienced by human beings as all mystics have told since more than two thousand years. Slide No. 21 TITLE: Principle of Radical Non-Duality IMAGES: Table If the One is really existing, then the coincidence of the Smallest and the Largest is only of exemplary character. If the One is truly the fundamental foundation of our physical Universe, then there have to be further coincidences, because for the description of the physical Universe spatial terms are surely not enough. Just this mandatory demand is the true revolutionary moment of a modern metaphysics, because in modern physics infinite values are often rejected as unphysical. The term of the velocity is a typical example. An infinite velocity is not part of our contemporary physics. It is rejected by the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) as unphysical. Instead the finite value of the speed of light is assumed. The speed of light is 27 regarded as the ultimate speed limit of our Universe. But if we have trust in the existence of the One, then we have unavoidably to assert an infinite velocity as the ultimate limiting speed. As STR does exclude this possibility, the conclusion of this metaphysical demand is clear: If our Universe bases really upon the One, then Einstein’s theory does not provide a complete picture of the Universe. It must be somehow incomplete, because the metaphysically demanded velocity-section between c and is not taken into account. Trusting the beauty and the simplicity of the metaphysical approach I have searched for this complete picture. It led me to the discovery of the archetypal structure of the Mandala. Slide No. 22 TITLE: Physics of Mandala IMAGE: Mandala, selected by K.A. Mueller The archetypal structure of the MANDALA shows as conceived by me how space and time have to be structured, if the existence of the One is assumed. In the two papers Do space and time have an archetypal Design? and About the Dual Parametrization of c I have tried to explore the physical consequences of this metaphysical picture of space and time. 28