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Membership Moment Video Tip with Nicole Simmons, SIA
Membership Director
Today’s Hot Topic: Using the Club Assessment
Reviewed April 2015, originally produced in March 2011
Do you remember when you first heard about Soroptimist? And when you became a new member, chances are
you were excited to find a place where you could form friendships and volunteer with like-minded women.
Over time, that feeling can start to wane and with that the club’s atmosphere can become stale and boring. The
monotony of working on the same projects, outdated traditions, and those who “do it all” can all lead to
unhappy members.
That’s where the Club Assessment comes into play and can really be a breath of fresh air!
Think about yourself for a moment. Remember yourself at age 20, 30, 40, etc. Are you the same person? Now
think about your club. How has the club changed in the last 5, 10, 15 years? Just as we have evolved personally,
so have our clubs.
We want ALL members, not only new members, to embrace the feeling of excitement and passion of what can
be accomplished. This is where performing an annual club assessment can be the “yearly health exam” needed
to identify strengths, weaknesses, and establish priorities for members.
Think about your own club for a few minutes and see if you recognize some of the following symptoms:
Has member involvement slowed down?
Are club meetings routine?
Is your club locked in tradition and unwilling to change?
Are you finding it harder to attract and keep new members?
Is there a genuine desire to bring in new members?
Are the same few people doing all the work?
The results of an assessment can determine what has kept you from reaching your goals and what must be done
to overcome these obstacles. For example, if an assessment reveals that a majority of club members feel the
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© Soroptimist International of the Americas
Membership Moment Video Tip with Nicole Simmons, SIA Membership Director
club’s projects do not promote the Soroptimist mission, the club should consider revamping current programs or
try new ones.
By reviewing the situation, a club will maintain the interest of current members and attract new ones. An annual
assessment gives clubs a framework within which members can create a campaign for positive change, build
teamwork, and equally as important – bring back the enthusiasm!
Now you are probably saying this sounds great – but where do we start? Well, you can find a sample club
assessment on our website – www.soroptimist.org. Clubs are encouraged to modify, add and delete questions
based on specific areas of concern. And don’t shy away from including questions that may challenge longstanding practices ingrained in their culture, such as meeting schedules and preconceived notions about
eligibility for membership based on title, occupation, and age.
So, do a club assessment and see what it reveals. Then, share it with me at nicole@soroptimist.org.
Thanks for joining me today. Don’t take for granted the well-being of your club. Use the Club Assessment to
ensure a clean bill of health!
© Soroptimist International of the Americas. Revised April 2015.
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