Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Unit Topic: Youth Represented
Grade Level: Nine
Lesson Topic: Short Stories and You
Length of Lesson Period: 50 Minutes
Lesson Rationale: This lesson is being presented to the students so that they will gain an
appreciation for short stories and how they can relate to their own experiences. It will
engage students in literature in a fun way so as to promote reading for pleasure. Through
this pleasurable reading, it follows that the students will become familiar with and
embrace fiction as a means of better understanding the world around them.
Learning Objectives:
 Students will be able to identify the four major elements of a short story: plot,
setting, characters, theme.
 Students will understand the importance of reading.
 Students will know what role fiction plays in their lives.
 Students will know how to write a short story.
Learning Outcomes from English Language Arts Curriculum Guide:
S&L 1
S&L 2
S&L 3
1, 3, 4
1, 2
R&V 1
R&V 2
R&V 3
1, 3, 4, 5
1, 2
W&R 1
W&R 3
1, 2,
1, 2, 5
Materials/Resources Needed for Lesson: 35 copies of “The Necklace” by Guy de
Maupassant and “Test” by Theodore L. Thomas, whiteboard and marker
Organizational Approach: whole class to small groups to whole class to individual
Step-by-Step Lesson Activities and Estimated Times:
1. Teacher begins class by reading the fairy tale “Cinderella” to the students.
Presumably, most of the students are familiar with it, but even if they are not, it is
a simple piece to introduce the four major elements of a short story. (2 min)
2. Mini- lesson- Teacher introduces the elements and asks the class to identify
examples from “Cinderella” (10 min)
3. Teacher reads “Test” aloud while the students read and follow along on their own
copies. (3 min)
4. Teacher gets students into previously assigned groups for some group work
discussing the questions on the board. (10 min)
a) Give a plot summary.
b) What was the setting?
c) Who were the characters? Briefly describe them.
d) What is the theme?
e) How are teenagers represented in this story?
5. Teacher brings attention back to whole class and discusses the answers with
class. (5 min)
6. Students take turns reading sections of “The Necklace” aloud. (5 min)
7. Students again discuss, in groups, the questions on the board with a slight change
in questions. e) now becomes; Do you think most people believe that most
teenagers would “do the right thing” in a similar situation? (7 min)
8. Students are to write the answers on a sheet of paper and hand in at end of class.
(7 min)
9. Teacher explain homework. Write a short story about teenagers one page single
spaced. (1 min)
Plans for Reflection: Were the students engaged with the selection of stories? Was the
use of a fairy tale appropriate or might it have turned the students off because of its
connotation with being a child’s tale? In a 50 minute class, should only one short story
be used and examined more closely?
Plans for Follow Up Lesson(s): Short stories and television shows.
Assessment: Attached.
Rubric for Self-Assessment of Whole Group and Small Group Performance
U=unsatisfactory, S=satisfactory, E=excellent
I welcomed input of others
I was attentive to whoever was speaking
I expressed my thoughts
I supported my thoughts with parts of the story
I stayed focused
Rubric for Assessment of Small and Whole Group Class Work
By Teacher
Listened, understood and completed task
Stayed focused
Caused no distractions for others
Used information from story to determine direction of work
Supported ideas from parts of the story
Rubric for Writing Assignment
5 = Assignment completed neatly and legible.
All elements evident in story.
Obvious thought and insight.
Spelling and grammar excellent with evidence of reviewing and revising.
4 = Assignment completed and legible.
All elements represented.
Some thought with attention to grammar and spelling.
3 = Assignment completed and legible.
2 = Assignment completed.
1 = Assignment started, but not completed.