EDU511 WebQuest_Nugent

A WebQuest Journey
Fairy Tales and Baseball:
Jackie Robinson, a Cinderella
By: Amanda Nugent
EDU 511
Due January 17, 2016
• Fairytales are often associated with books and a far
away land where good and evil forces battle each
other for castles, land, power, or the hand of a
beautiful young maiden. Such fairytales however,
are possible in real life!
• In this WebQuest you will explore the story of
Cinderella, and apply your understanding of
fairytale elements to the life of baseball legend
Jackie Robinson.
• Through this exploration you will see how the
elements of two different genres, fairytales and
biographies, are more similar than they appear…
• In this WebQuest you will critically explore the
story of Cinderella for elements of a fairytale.
• Once you have completed the above task, you
will explore the life and biography of Jackie
• After reading about both Cinderella and Jackie
Robinson, you will apply the elements of a fairy
tale to Jackie Robinson’s life.
• Finally, you and your partner will present and
justify your opinions to the class in a Socratic
Discussion, on whether the elements of a fairytale
can be found in real life, and if so, to what extent.
Choose a working partner, with whom you will
complete the tasks of this WebQuest. Once you have
chosen your partner, click on links 2-4 to help you
complete your tasks.
Understand the elements of a fairy tale.
Read the story Cinderella by C. Perrault and identify
the elements of a fairytale within the story.
Read the biography of Jackie Robinson and identify
the elements of a fairy tale within his “Cinderella story.”
Complete all charts, either digitally or by hand that are
in the “Resources” page.
Prepare your statements, backed up with story
evidence, for our Socratic Discussion on the following
question: Can the elements of a fairy tale be found in
real life, and if so, to what extent?
• Chart: Elements of fairy tale
• Chart: Elements of fairy tale in the story
of Cinderella by C. Perrault
• Chart: Elements of a fairy tale in the
biography of Jackie Robinson’s life
• Write: Can the elements of a fairy tale be
found in real life, and if so, to what
• Rubric
• Please review the rubric with your
partner prior to completing the
• Congratulations! You have now explored
the different elements considered to be
in every true fairy tale. More importantly
however, you have taken what you have
learned about fairy tales and applied it
to another genre: biographies. Perhaps
most importantly of all, you have formed
an opinion about real-life “Cinderella
stories,” and used genre and story
evidence to back up your claims.
Teacher Resources
• Remind students to read through the entire WebQuest
before beginning.
• The purpose of this WebQuest is for students to discover for
themselves the elements of a fairy tale within the story of
Cinderella. They are then asked to discover these same
elements in the real-life “Cinderella story” of Jackie
Robinson. They must decide for themselves whether they
believe that elements of a fairy tale can be found in real life,
and if so, to what extent, justifying their opinions with
information from the documents in this WebQuest.
• These questions are suggested for the Socratic Seminar
• ESL resource for Cinderella