Call for Classrooms

Call for Classrooms
2014-2015 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Monday, September 15; 5:00pm
Program Overview
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts (AIA) is a program of VSA Ohio, the state
organization on arts and disability ( Funding for this program comes
from the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children. Its purpose is
to provide learning in and through the arts for students of all abilities. The program
contracts teaching artists to provide artist residencies in inclusive classrooms in Ohio’s
schools. By bringing together artists, classroom teachers, and students with and
without disabilities there is a unique opportunity to experience the power of the arts to
support student achievement, creativity, innovation, and effective teaching and learning.
What is a Residency?
Student-focused. Residencies place student needs at their core and adaptations are
made throughout in order to reach learners of all abilities.
Inclusive. Classrooms must include students with and without disabilities, where they
are equal learners and peers support enhanced academic and social advancement.
Enhanced Learning. Students will increase knowledge and skills in the arts,
academics, and socializing.
Enhanced Teaching. Classroom educators will gain confidence meeting the varied
needs of students of all abilities and utilizing arts integration strategies. Participation
during the residency is required.
Academic Content Standards-based. All residency plans use Universal Design for
Learning strategies to address Ohio and/or national academic content standards for
art and other integrated subjects. AIA residencies advance classroom goals.
In-depth. Research confirms that sustained access to arts and arts education
opportunities have a greater impact on learners. Teaching artists will be in
classrooms for a minimum of 50 hours, with additional for planning and evaluation.
Flexible. Every school and classroom has different needs; considerations for the
scheduling of the residency will be made, and may mean an intensive 4 week
residency by the artist or sustained weekly visits over a period of several months.
Application Form must be typed and submitted via email to:
Erin Hoppe
Executive Director, VSA Ohio
Call for Classrooms
2014-2015 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Timeline & Expectations
1. Application by School sent to VSA Ohio and panel review
2. Notification of determination and scheduling of Introductory Meeting.
3. Introductory Meeting with the teaching artist, educators involved, administrator, and
Site Coordinator/VSA Ohio representative – project overview, expectation setting,
and planning for residency theme, goals, and logistics.
4. Teaching Artist visits the regular classroom with students prior to the residency to
observe, become acquainted, and understand classroom synergies; This may
coincide with Introductory Meeting.
5. Additional planning sessions between teaching artist and teacher to develop a final
curriculum plan that aligns with academic content standards, integration and
Universal Design for Learning strategies, and residency schedule.
6. Site Coordinator approves Residency Plan, Schedule, and UDL Checklist (submitted
by Teaching Artist); Photo Release Forms submitted by school.
7. Residency begins and includes opportunities for students to learn, create, and
discover through the arts in a safe, adaptive learning environment.
8. Site Coordinator visits school for residency observation and evaluation.
9. Residencies may include a culminating event such as performance or exhibition that
involves families, the community, and/or the rest of the school.
10. Evaluation materials are completed by Teaching Artists, Educators, and Students,
and Administrators.
Fine Print
This AIA residency is a program of VSA Ohio, made possible through funding
from the Ohio Department of Education and a contract with The Kennedy
Center, and must be credited as such.
School Administrators must be aware of any classroom educators submitting an
application and supportive of making the time and space for an arts residency.
There are no direct costs to hosting an AIA residency, aside from school and
individual commitment.
VSA Ohio will pay the teaching artist for services and materials. No funds should
be exchanged between the artist and the school/teacher.
VSA Ohio will monitor the AIA residency by working closely with the teaching
artist, making at least one classroom visit, and follow up as needed.
All documentation of the AIA residency becomes the property of VSA Ohio and
may be used for evaluation, reports to funders, and educational marketing
materials for the organization.
Call for Classrooms
2014-2015 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form
Answers provided in this application should be clear, persuasive and demonstrate a true
interest in supporting an arts-integrated residency and teaching artist at your school site.
One sentence answers are not acceptable; your application may carry on to additional
pages, as needed. Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
This program requires at least one-third (1/3) of participating students have disabilities –
poverty is not an appropriate qualification.
School Name
District Name
School Address
(physical location)
School Address
School Telephone #
Name & E-mail
Teacher 1 – Primary Contact
Name, Title & E-mail
Teacher 2 (if applicable)
Name, Title & E-mail
Teacher 3 (if applicable)
Name, Title & E-mail
School Start & End Dates
Grade level/s to serve
Estimated number of students
to be served
Estimated percent of students
with a disability to be served
**Must be at least 1/3
Call for Classrooms
2014-2015 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
___ Dance ___Drama ___Visual Art ___Music
*Academic content areas you
would like to support through
arts integration.
___ Language Arts ___ Math
___ Science
___ Social Studies
___ Foreign Language
___ Technology
___ Other_________________
**Proposed Teaching Artist &
contact information
 3 weeks
 Semester
Proposed duration of
 6 weeks
 Full year
 12 weeks
 Other__________
*Requests for art forms will be considered when matching residencies, but may change
depending on viability of art form to enhance subject area and expertise of selected
Teaching Artist.
**Recommendations will be considered if a school or administration has a relationship
with a Teaching Artist, but it is not required, nor does it guarantee selection of the
named artist for the AIA Residency.
1. School Demographics
____% of student body with documented disabilities
(including IEPs; poverty is NOT to be considered a disability)
____% of student body receiving free/reduced lunch
____% of student body at or below the poverty level
____% of student body classified as gifted and talented
Ethnic Breakdown
____% White, non-Hispanic
____% African American
____% Hispanic/Latino
____% Asian
____% Other
 Urban
 Suburban
 Rural
 Public
 Private
 Specialized
Call for Classrooms
2014-2015 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
2. Statement of Need.
3. How can educators and school administrators ensure the success of an artsintegration residency?
4. What adaptations are made by your school to serve students with disabilities in
inclusive settings?
5. How will students with disabilities be included in the residency? (Students with
disabilities need to have an Individualized Education Plan and should represent at
least 1/3 of participants).
6. A central component of the AIA program is professional development for educators
in the use of arts-integration and Universal Design for Learning. Priority will be given
to applicants who are willing to commit time for the school to host Professional
Development session/s for their educators. Is the Administration supportive of this
 Yes
 No
7. Please note which individual/s completed this application.