Call for Classrooms

Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form Deadline
Friday, June 5
Thursday, August 27
Notice of Results
Friday, July 17
Friday, October 9
Program Overview
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts (AIA) is a program of VSA Ohio, a nonprofit,
statewide organization focused on arts and disability ( The purpose of
AIA is to provide learning in and through the arts for students of all abilities. The
program contracts teaching artists to lead artist residencies in inclusive classrooms. By
bringing together artists, classroom teachers, and students with and without disabilities
there is a unique opportunity to experience the power of the arts to support student
achievement, creativity, innovation, and effective teaching and learning.
What is an Arts Residency?
Creative. Students and educators utilize a variety of
art forms to engage with academic material in unique,
unexpected and impactful ways.
Student-focused. Residencies place student needs
at their core and adaptations are made throughout in
order to reach learners of all abilities.
Inclusive. Classrooms should include students with
and without disabilities, as equal learners and where
peers support academic and social advancement.
Enhanced Learning. Students increase knowledge
and skills in the arts, academics, and socializing.
Enhanced Teaching. Classroom educators learn
new instructional strategies and gain confidence
meeting the varied needs of students of all abilities.
Academic Content Standards-based. Residency
plans address Ohio and/or national academic content
standards for art and integrated subjects to advance
classroom goals, and are supported by Universal Design for Learning strategies.
In-depth. Research confirms that sustained access to arts and arts education
opportunities have a greater impact on learners. AIA residencies require 20 – 70
hours of regular classroom time, and 10+ hours of planning and evaluation.
Flexible. Every school and classroom has different needs. Considerations for the
scheduling of the residency will be made, and may mean an intensive 2 week
residency by the artist or sustained, weekly visits over a period of several months.
Team Effort. Educators work with the teaching artist to develop a meaningful
residency plan then actively participate in its implementation. Administrators provide
conducive spaces, and the community may be involved in culminating events.
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Timeline & Expectations
1. School submits application form to
VSA Ohio for panel review.
Notifications are made 4 – 6
weeks after the deadlines.
2. Scheduling of Introductory
Meeting. Includes all parties:
teaching artist, educators,
administrator, and Site
Coordinator/VSA Ohio
representative. Includes project
overview, expectation setting, and
initial planning for residency
theme, goals, and logistics.
3. Teaching Artist visits the regular classroom with students prior to the residency to
observe, become acquainted, and understand classroom synergies; this may
coincide with Introductory Meeting.
4. Planning sessions between teaching artist and educators to develop a final
curriculum plan that aligns with academic content standards, Universal Design for
Learning strategies, and residency schedule.
5. Site Coordinator approves Residency Plan, Residency Schedule, and draft UDL
Checklist; Photo Release Forms sent by school.
6. Residency begins and includes opportunities for students to learn, create, and
discover through the arts in a safe, adaptive learning environment.
7. Site Coordinator visits school for residency observation and evaluation.
8. Residencies may include a culminating event such as performance or exhibition that
involves families, the community, and/or the rest of the school.
9. Evaluation completed by Teaching Artists, Educators, Students, and Administrators.
The [best part of the residency for me was
the] reinforcement of geometry concepts
learned in the classroom. It helped some
students who needed a visual reminder of
the terms. – Heidi, 4th Grade
The best part was the opportunity for students
with and without disabilities to learn/dance
together. I saw opportunities for peer teaching
and guidance, and many students took the
lead to help one another. – Bridget, Principal
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Fine Print
This AIA residency is a program of VSA Ohio, made possible through funding
from the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children, and a
contract with The Kennedy Center, and must be credited as such.
Schools and Agencies in the state of Ohio serving students with disabilities are
eligible to apply. Non-public, non-chartered schools are not eligible to apply.
School Administrators must be aware of any classroom educator/s submitting an
application and supportive of making the time and space for an arts residency.
There are no direct costs to hosting an AIA residency, aside from school and
individual commitment.
VSA Ohio pays the teaching artist for services and materials. No funds should
be exchanged between the artist and the school/teacher.
VSA Ohio will monitor the AIA residency by working closely with the teaching
artist, making at least one classroom visit, and follow up as needed.
All documentation of the AIA residency becomes the property of VSA Ohio and
may be used for evaluation, reports to funders, and educational marketing
materials for the organization.
Watch an AIA residency in action and learn more about VSA Ohio:
Direct Questions & Return Application Form to:
Erin Hoppe | | 614.241.5325
VSA Ohio | 77 South High Street, Floor 2 | Columbus, OH 43215
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form
Successful applications provide full and complete applications. Answers are clear,
persuasive and demonstrate a true interest in, and preparation for, supporting an artsintegrated residency and teaching artist at your school site. Teachers should understand
this is a partnership requiring effort and enthusiasm. AIA’s mission and funding prioritize
meeting the needs of students with disabilities, and should be considered when
identifying classrooms and educators in the application.
This document must be typed.
One sentence answers are not acceptable; your application may carry on to additional
pages, as needed. Email if you need a Word version of this document.
School Demographics
School Name:
District Name:
Phone Number:
School Website:
____% of student body with documented disabilities
(Including IEPs; poverty is NOT to be considered a disability)
____% of student body receiving free/reduced lunch/poverty level
____% of student body classified as gifted and talented
Ethnic Breakdown: ____% White, non-Hispanic
____% Hispanic/Latino
____% African American
____% Asian
____% Other
 Urban
 Suburban
 Rural
 Public
 Private
 Specialized
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form
Answers must be typed and should use as much space as necessary to adequately
answer questions.
1. Statement of Need. Why is an arts residency right for your school?
2. How can educators and school administrators ensure the success of an artist in
3. What adaptations are made by your school to serve students with disabilities in
inclusive settings?
4. How will students with disabilities be included in the residency? Students with
disabilities need to have an Individualized Education Plan and should represent at
least one-third (1/3) of participants.
5. Each AIA residency is uniquely designed to meet the content and scheduling needs
at a school. Some sites are open to any creative projects. Others have specific ideas
for goals they want to address, timing, art forms, etc. Please use this space to
describe any and all residency ideas your team has discussed.
6. AIA is committed to investing in the professional development (PD) of educators in
the use of arts integration and Universal Design for Learning. Schools are asked to
commit to the time and space for hosting individual, small group or school-wide
professional development opportunities led by the artist in residence or another.
Is the Administration supportive of a PD component?
 Yes
 No
7. VSA Ohio is committed to advancing our field by understanding the impact of artsresidency programs on participants. As a result, an independent consultant is
assisting in a multi-year research study. All schools participate in evaluation, but
some are selected as Research Sites, providing additional student achievement data
to help measure impact.
Is the Administration supportive of Research Site participation?  Yes
 No
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form
8. Proposed duration of Residency
 2- 3 weeks
 5- 6 weeks
 10-12 weeks
 Semester
 Full year
 Other:
9. Suggested/preferred timing of the Residency (ex. Fall, April).
10. Art Area/s of Interest
___ Dance
___ Other:
___Visual Art
11. School and/or classroom Content Area goals for the upcoming year.
___ Language Arts
___ Math
___ Science
___ Social Studies
___ Foreign Language
___ Other:
12. Proposed Teaching Artist & Contact Information
Some schools have a specific teaching artist in mind as a partner. That person’s
name and contact information should be provided here. Each Teaching Artist must
complete the VSA Ohio AIA Teaching Artist Application before they can be
engaged. Suggestions are not required, nor do they guarantee selection.
13. AIA Applications are due when schools are typically out for the summer. In case
VSA Ohio needs to contact you with questions, please provide a phone number and
email account which is checked regularly during the summer by one contact.
Call for Classrooms
2015-2016 School Year
Adaptation, Integration, and the Arts
Application Form
Proposed Participants & Assurance Signatures
School Start and End Dates:
Grade Level/s to serve:
Proposed Number of Classrooms:
Estimated Number of Students served:
Estimated number of Students with Disabilities to be served:
*At least one-third (1/3) of total participants.
Estimated number of Low Income Students to be served:
Teacher #1
Teacher #2
Teacher #3
**By signing this document all parties acknowledge they have read and understand the timeline,
expectations, and fine print associated with this application. All parties acknowledge they
understand the content submitted by the school for this application. All parties will adhere to
program policies, including communication, participation, and evaluation. VSA Ohio reserves the
right to request additional information and select all Adaptation, Integration and the Arts sites.