Application for Residency1415

Mr. Blacher
Application for Medical Residency
You will be choosing an area of specialization within which you wish to pursue your residency at
HTMS General Hospital. You will be providing:
1. An essay that explains why you feel that you are the best candidate for this particular
position. Make it personal and see if you can relate things that you have experienced.
For example: if you have experienced sports injuries, you may want to pursue placement
as an orthopedist. You’re applying for a position that involves peoples’ health and
wellbeing…grammar/mechanics and spelling are important! Attention to detail
2. Create your vitae. This is your brief biographical résumé that discusses your career and
training. You are fabricating this document (which you would NEVER do in real life), so
do a little research to see which schools specialize in your area of interest. Look online to
see what these look like.
3. These will be due on Wed. 1/7, after the holiday break, but earlier entries will be
evaluated as they are submitted. In other words…if you complete this submission prior
to the break or have it finished before Wed. 1/7, you have a better chance of being
selected for your first choice (that’s the real world for ya).
4. You may (if you wish), fabricate a diploma from the teaching institution of your choosing.
Check these out on line as well. I have one on the wall behind Snoopy and our Charlie
Brown Tree
5. Be certain to indicate a second and third choice for your area of specialization (AOS).
Sample List of Medical Residency Specialist Options(make a first choice and two alternates)
1. Gastroenterologist-digestive system
2. Pulmonary Medicine-respiratory system
3. Orthopedist-skeletal system
4. Rheumatologist-muscular system
5. Cardiologist-heart and circulatory system
6. Neurologist- brain and nervous system
7. Nutritionist-diet and the body
8. Immunologist-immune system function
9. Endocrinologist-gland and hormones
10. Eastern/Non-Traditional Medicine-treatment strategies using techniques such as acupuncture
and herbal medicine.
11. Dermatologist-skin (integumentary system)
12. Nephrologist-kidney care and treatment