ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-1 Increasing the Emergency Medical Services Fund to reflect the revenues received from the State of Florida HRS 1-11-94 94-2 Amending Resolution 93-65, Schedule of Fees and Charges for the 1993-94 FY (Providing for a waiver of fees for a building permit for a mobile home replacement due to fire) 1-11-94 94-3 Endorsing the enactment of a local law to create the Alachua County Criminal Justice access and assessment center at Santa Fe Community College 1-11-94 94-4 Endorsing the enactment of a local law authorizing Alachua County and the municipalities to use the proceeds of an additional one cent (1 cent) sales tax for parks and recreation 1-11-94 94-5 Recognizing the Gainesville Sports Organizing Committee as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sporting events in Alachua County 1-11-94 94-6 Vacating a portion of County Road NW 218 Avenue, north of High Springs 1-14-94 94-7 Approving a Community Services Block Grant Application for the Central Florida Community Action Agency, Inc. 1-25-94 94-8 Authorizing the expenditure of public funds for food items used for food and nutrition demonstration programs to be taught by the Extension Home Economist. 1-25-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-9 Reestablishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled "FDER-Recycling and Education FY-93 Fund" 1-25-94 94-10 Increasing the Public Improvement 1992A Construction Fund to reflect an accurate available budget. 1-25-94 94-11 Alachua County's Fiscal Year 1993 Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Award Agreement. 1-25-94 94-12 Calling for a referendum at the General Election on November 8, 1994, on the Question of the adoption of a proposed Initiative ordinance, which ordinance would repeal Alachua County Ordinance 93-12. 02-07-94 94-13 Calling for a referendum at the General Election on November 8, 1994, on the Question of an amendment to the Alachua County Charter proposed by petition, which amendment would prohibit the inclusion of "Sexual Orientation" or "Sexual Preference" in any ordinance adopted by the BoCC. 02-07-94 94-14 Authorizing a lease with Gainesville Jaycees, Inc. for Gatornationals. 02-08-94 94-15 Authorizing the acceptance of the option agreement for sale and purchase of a portion of Oaks of Kanapaha property with Helen Gray Davis. 94-16 Authorizing the vacation of a portion of the plat of Arredonda Park Subdivision. ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission 02-08-94 02-08-94 January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-17 Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Assessment for Collection, Disposal, and Recycling of Solid Waste. 02-08-94 94-18 Urging the continued appropriation of funding for Preservation 2000 02-22-94 94-19 Authorizing the Chairman to execute a Local Government Cooperative Assistance Program Memorandum of Agreement(s) and Joint Participation Agreement(s) with the Department of Transportation 02-22-94 94-20 Approving the execution and distribution of an Official Statement relating to the County's Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 (North Florida Retirement Village Project) 94-21 Authorizing conveyance of surplus property (furniture and equipment) to Gainesville Sports Organizing Committee 03-08-94 94-22 Increasing General Fund Sheriff's CountyWide Budget Expense Fund with transfer of funds from suspense account containing proceeds from numerous Sheriff's public sales and auctions 03-08-94 94-23 Adopting the Alachua County Affordable Housing Incentive Plan 02-22-94 03-08-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-24 To preserve the full and complete Home Rule Authority of local governments to impose impact fee ordinances by opposing legislation to define standards for local impact fee ordinances and mandate impact fee ordinances 03-08-94 94-25 Authorizing the conveyance of a 0.456 acre parcel owned by Alachua County to the Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine 03-22-94 94-26 Establishing Special Revenue Fund to be entitled "Clean Florida Litter Grant FY-94 Fund" 03-22-94 94-27 Declaring the month of April as "Prevent a Litter" month 94-28 Authorizing the expenditure of public funds for amenities associated with Alachua County's participation in National County Government Week 03-22-94 94-29 Continuing the $.50 fee for Enhanced 911 Services 04-12-94 94-30 Authorizing the execution of a Joint Participation Agreement with the FDOT for a sidewalk project of NW 23 Avenue, from NW 98 Street to I-75 04-12-94 94-31 Authorizing the execution of a Joint Participation Agreement with the FDOT for a sidewalk project of NW 53 Avenue, from NW 34 Street to NW 24 Boulevard 04-12-94 03-22-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-32 Authorizing conveyance of County land to FDOT for the realignment of County Road SW 42 Place at its intersection with State Road 121 04-12-94 94-33 Authorizing conveyance of interest held by Alachua County in parcel adjacent to the County's Leachate Transfer Facility off SW 51 Boulevard 04-12-94 94-34 Delegating to the Clerk the authority to declare property surplus and dispose of the surplus property 04-12-94 94-35 Alachua County Local Housing Assistance Plan for Fiscal Years 1993/94 through 1995/96. 04-12-94 94-36 Supporting the Federal Unfunded Mandate Bill 04-12-94 94-37 Increasing the FLA DCA ANTI-DRUG ABUSE FY94 Fund to reflect additional available funds for the Drug Court Treatment and Rehabilitation Program 04-26-94 94-38 Revising the revenue estimates and approving the FY 1993/94 Supplemental Budget 05-10-94 94-39 Adopting the North Central Florida Economic Development District Overall Economic Development Program 1993 Annual Report 05-24-94 94-40 Establishing the "Commissioners' Challenge" Awards Program 05-24-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-41 Declaring a tree emergency in Alachua County arising out of the imminent treat and destruction of trees caused by the infestation of Southern Pine Beetle; declaring as a public purpose the expenditure of public funds for beetle suppression and authorizing the expenditure of public funds; adopting an emergency beetle suppression program. 06-03-94 94-42 Increasing the Special Revenue Fund entitled "HRS Metamorphosis Grant 7-94/6-95 Fund" 06-14-94 94-43 Increasing the donation fund to reflect donations to Alachua County related to the "Toxic Roundup" 06-14-94 94-44 Recognizing the Florida Wildlife Care, Incorporated, as a non-profit organization dedicated to rehabilitating and releasing injured and/or orphaned wildlife into their natural habitat 06-14-94 94-45 Relating to the donation to Alachua Free-Net 06-14-94 94-46 Establishing the fund for Emergency Management Trust Fund Grant 06-28-94 94-47 Establishing Florida Boating Improvement Program Fund for purchase of real estate at Lochloosa Park 06-28-94 94-48 Authorizing conveyance of certain surplus lots within the City of Alachua and owned by Alachua County to the City of Alachua 06-28-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-49 Amending the Alachua County Local Housing Assistance Plan FY 1993-94 through 1995-96 07-12-94 94-50 Amending Alachua County Fiscal Year 1993 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Program guidelines 07-12-94 94-51 Transferring certain roads to the City of Gainesville 07-12-94 94-52 Poe Springs Capital Improvement 07-12-94 94-53 Gainesville Downtown Redevelopment Agency for lease of area of County's parking lot 94-54 Authorizing a public hearing to set rates for solid waste assessments and directing the provision of notices 07-12-94 94-55 Making Findings of Fact regarding the Haile Plantation DRI 07-19-94 94-56 Relating to the Santa Fe Health Care, Inc., DRI, approving and issuing an amended Development Order 07-19-94 94-57 Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled "FDLE VOCA 1994-95 FUND" 07-26-94 94-58 Establishing a Special Revenue Fund entitled "Grant-In-Aid CCTV Fund" 07-26-94 94-59 Amending the ending fund balance of the Local Criminal Justice Court Cost Fund to increase operation expense allocation 07-26-94 94-60 Relating to proposed 1994/95 millage rates 07-26-94 Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 07-12-94 Number Subject Adopted 94-61 Increasing the Local Housing Assistance Fund to reflect additional fund allocation from the State of Florida 08-9-94 94-62 Authorizing the conveyance, pursuant to Section 125.38, F.S., of a County IBM Selectric II Typewriter to the "Let's Keep Alachua County Beautiful" organization 94-63 Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled "Grant-In-Aid Video Fund" from a grant from the Florida Bar Foundation for the production of "Divorce in the Florida Court: A Family's Guide" video 08-9-94 94-64 Increasing the FY95 HRS Hearing Officer Grant 08-23-94 94-65 Authorizing the Chair to certify the nonvalorem assessment roll to the Tax Collector 08-23-94 94-66 Establishing the schedule of fees and charges for the 1994-95 fiscal year 9-12-94 94-67 Approving adjusted tentative millages rates for the 1994 tax year 9-12-94 94-68 Relating to its budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year; revising the County budget officer's estimate of receipts and of balances to be brought forward 9-12-94 94-69 Approving a tentative millage rate for the Municipal Service Taxing Unit ad valorem taxes for the 1994 tax year 9-12-94 94-70 Approving an adjusted tentative Municipal Service Taxing Unit Budget for 1994-95 FY 9-12-94 Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 08-9-94 Number Subject Adopted 94-71 Declaring the expenditure of public funds for provision of refreshments during recognition events, orientations and training classes for trainees and volunteers 9-13-94 94-72 Approving Joinder in interlocal agreement with Orange County regarding Florida Development Finance Corporation financing for Maddox Foundry and Machine Works 9-13-94 94-73 Vacating certain platted streets in Chantilly Acres subdivision 9-13-94 94-74 Adopting final County-Wide millage rates 9-26-94 94-75 Approving a final General County Budget for FY 1994/95 9-26-94 94-76 Adopting final MSTU millage rates 9-26-94 94-77 Approving a final MSTU Budget for FY 1994/95 9-26-94 94-78 Establishing the budget for the DCA Anti-Drug Coord (Sher-144) Fund 9-27-94 94-79 Establishing the budget for the DCA Anti-Drug Alac (Sher-136) Fund 9-27-94 94-80 Establishing the budget for the DCA Anti-Drug Wal/Ha (Sher-142) Fund 9-27-94 94-81 Establishing the budget for the DCA Corner Drug (Sher-134) Fund 9-27-94 94-82 Rescinding Resolution 94-51 and transferring certain roads to the City of Gainesville 9-27-94 Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-83 Emergency Medical Services County Grant Application for 1994 9-27-94 94-84 Amending Resolution 93-65, which established the schedule of fees and charges for services 9-27-94 94-85 Vacating portions of certain roads and streets in Lakeshore Homesites and Gathercole & Davis subdivisions 9-27-94 94-86 Amending Resolution 94-66, relating to schedule of fees and charges for services (building permits) 10-04-94 94-87 Authorizing conveyance of area known as "Park" within Arredonda park subdivision 10-11-94 94-88 Authorization to advertise for a public hearing for vacating a portion of a 30-foot wide easement on the south side of Shady Lane No. 1 subdivision 10-25-94 94-89 Relating to 1993/94 Anti-Drug Abuse Grants 10-25-94 94-90 Increasing fund for the Florida Emergency Management, Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund 10-25-94 94-91 Emergency Management Trust Fund 10-25-94 94-92 Vacating a certain platted street in Chantilly Acres subdivision 10-25-94 94-93 Authorization to advertise a public hearing for vacating a portion of NW 71 Street in Rutledge subdivision ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 11-22-94 Number Subject Adopted 94-94 Increasing the Capital Projects-General Fund and the Public Improvement 1992A Construction Fund to reflect updated carry forward budgets 11-22-94 94-95 Amending Resolutions 94-78, 94-79, 94-80, and 94-81 to correct scriveners' errors 11-22-94 94-96 Amending the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Schedule of Fees and Charges for Services for the purpose of adding two fees to the Schedule for purchase of excess garbage bags 11-22-94 94-97 Amending Resolution 88-72 relating to authorizing certain personnel to sign disbursement checks from the Inmate Trust Fund Account 11-22-94 94-98 Amending the Alachua County Local Housing Assistance Plan for State FY 1992-93 to reflect funding allocations made 11-22-94 94-99 Amending the Alachua County Local Housing Assistance Plan for State FY 1993-94 to relect funding allocations made 11-22-94 94-100 Authorizing conveyance of certain surplus lots owned by Alachua County to Alachua Habitat for Humanity 11-22-94 94-101 Opposing the federal government plan to eliminate funding for non-emergency transportation recipients of Medicaid 11-22-94 94-102 Denying the vacating of a portion of an ingress-egress easement on the south side of Shady Lane No. 1 subdivision 11-22-94 ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS Alachua County Commission January 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 Number Subject Adopted 94-103 Authorizing signatories on the County's bank accounts 12-06-94 94-104 Declaring Enacted Initiative Ordinance repealing Ordinance 93-12 12-13-94 94-105 Establishing the budget for the DCA Corner Durg (Sher-091) Fund 12-13-94 94-106 Establishing the budget for the DCA Crime Prevention (Sher-092) Fund 12-13-94 94-107 Establishing the budget for the DCA Anti-Drug ADM (Sher-094) Fund 12-13-94 94-108 Establishing a Special Revenue Fund to be entitled "Jail Based Adult Literacy Grant Fund" 12-13-94 94-109 Authorizing the conveyance of a County rescue vehicle to the City of LaCrosse Fire Department 12-13-94 94-110 Authorizing the conveyance of certain surplus lots owned by Alachua County 12-13-94 94-111 Increasing the Capital Projects-Public Works Fund for vehicle wash system project 12-13-94 94-112 Authorizing the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority to operate within the boundaries of Alachua County 12-13-94 94-113 Electing to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Assessment for collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste 12-13-94