Extended version

Name of resource:
Rainforest Expedition
Age group(s)
5 to 7
English, Geography
Language Level
Equipment for the rainforest,
Description of resource
 Set of cards which can be used for pairs game and for diamond 9 activity
 Substitution table
 Writing mat
Preparation needed
You will need:
 For each 2–3 learners you will need two sets of the cards.
 For each learner you will need a copy of either the substitution table or the
writing mat
You will need to:
 Print out one copy of the diamond 9 onto card.
 Laminate and cut out the cards.
 Print out a copy of the appropriate number of substitution tables and
writing mats.
Curriculum objectives
 To understand conditions in the rainforest and what equipment you might
need when there
Language/Literacy objectives
 Predicting
Simple future tense:
 I will take …
 I will need …
 I will use …
Adverbial Clauses …
 When it’s sunny …
 When it’s dark ...
 When it’s raining …
 I (don’t) think … We should keep
/get rid of …
 I agree/disagree because …
 Describing
 Giving opinions
 Agreeing and disagreeing
when, sunny, dark, raining, rain poncho, insects, insect repellent, sunscreen,
binoculars, water bottle, boots, hat, torch, sunglasses, water bottle, backpack,
shorts, knife
This resource could be used:
 as differentiation within class
 one to one or small group
 independent learning
Ideas for using the resource
What to do
 Play a pairs game with the picture cards (also known as Pelmanism) to
familiarise learners with the vocabulary.
 Diamond 9: Learners first discard three cards containing the items
which they think are the least useful. They then collaboratively
determine which of the remaining nine items would be the most useful
item and place that card on top. The next two most useful items are
placed in a row below the most useful item. A third row is made of three
cards, a fourth row of two cards and a final bottom row with the card
containing the least useful item. Encourage learners to talk to each other
about their opinions.
 Substitution table: A selection is made from each column in order to
construct a comprehensible sentence. An adult models sentences from
the substitution table, pointing to each portion of the table as the
sentence is constructed. The adult then supports the learner in orally
rehearsing sentences. Finally, the learner uses the substitution table to
scaffold their writing.
 Writing mat: The adult models constructing sentences using the writing
mat. The learner is then asked to orally construct sentences, using the
writing mat to scaffold their talk. The learner then writes sentences using
the writing mat.
Other ideas for making the best use of this resource
 Role play an expedition to the rainforest prior to the diamond 9 activity,
modelling and rehearsing the language learners will need to use when
doing the diamond 9 activity. Talk about the different conditions (sunny,
raining, dark, insects, etc.) and role play using different types of
equipment in these conditions.
Possible extension activities
 If possible, an opportunity should be given to speak about the subject
content in their first language with another speaker of the same language.