WWW.UNDERSTANDINGCONSERVATION.ORG SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPING A PRACTITIONER PORTFOLIO IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION PFG Banfill1 BSc, PhD, CSci, CChem, FRSC, MCIOB, FHEA, BJ Bridgwood2 MSc, MCIAT, IHBC I Maxwell3 OBE, DA(Dun), RIBA, FRIAS, CAABC, ACA, FSAScot 1 Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK 2 Bridgwood Building Designs, Norwich, UK 3 Consultant, Edinburgh, UK PFG Banfill, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS. Tel: +44 (0)131 451 4648 Fax: +44 (0)131 451 3161 Email: P.F.G.Banfill@hw.ac.uk 1 WWW.UNDERSTANDINGCONSERVATION.ORG SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPING A PRACTITIONER PORTFOLIO IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION ABSTRACT Purpose The paper reports the development of internet-based educational support to enable practitioners in built environment conservation (preservation in American terminology) to evaluate and, if necessary, improve their competence. In the UK it is a condition of project grant-aid of some heritage bodies that the professional leading a conservation project is accredited, and several schemes, peer-reviewed by professional bodies, have been set up in recent years. Since these require practitioners to provide evidence of their competence, there is a need for an increased understanding of the issues involved. The work aimed to define the basis for the competences and establish an educational framework for professional development in this area. Approach A structured framework of competences, consisting of five units dealing with all the stages of a conservation project, is presented and evaluated against the 1993 ICOMOS Guidelines on Education and Training in the Conservation of Monuments, Ensembles and Sites. The framework is appropriate for all professional disciplines and has been converted to a computer-assisted self-learning package that provides support for practitioners in developing their portfolio of evidence for submission for accreditation peer-review. Findings The internet-based educational support has been available since 2007 and receives over 2000 visits per month from all over the world. It has the support of all the UK accreditation schemes in built environment conservation. Originality A desk survey of electronic resources in the subject domain suggests that the educational support material is unique in the world. 2 KEYWORDS Building conservation, ICOMOS guidelines, accreditation. CATEGORY Technical paper 3 practice education, professional 1. INTRODUCTION Working in built environment conservation (preservation in American terminology) involves dealing with buildings, engineering structures, landscapes, townscapes and monuments. The explicit aim is to prolong the life of historic assets by giving them a sustainable new use through their sensitive adaptation, repair, maintenance and restoration (Australia ICOMOS 1999; Bell, 1997; BSI, 1998; Earl, 2003; Feilden, 2003). Conservation forms part of the construction industry’s repair and maintenance sector and, while it has been founded on the same technical skills developed for studying the “new-build” sector of the built environment, the transferability of these latter skills to conservation, repair and maintenance has been increasingly questioned. Woodcock (1996) noted that 80% of the activity in American architectural offices concerned existing buildings but that the criteria deemed to be fundamental knowledge by the National Architectural Accrediting Board included no reference to adaptive use or historic conservation, a situation that is unchanged in 2009 (NAAB, 2009). Recent reports in the UK (NHTG, 2008) have shown that a very high proportion of professionals working in this sector acknowledge that their educational development leaves them ill-equipped for work on existing buildings: 25% of professionals interviewed in the 2008 NHTG professional study reported that they had insufficient expertise to be able to specify traditional building materials with confidence, and over 70% had no training or personal development strategy to enable them to appropriately approach work on traditional buildings constructed before 1919. In Australasia, a recent heritage trades training report (Godden Mackay Logan, 2010) identified a similar situation, with inadequate training for practitioners entering the industry, poorly structured and uncontrolled on-the-job training, and a need for quality standards and mechanisms for their enforcement. Since conservation has developed a philosophical approach and a set of specific ethics for dealing with the heritage of what already exists (Earl, 2003; Feilden, 2003; Humberstone, 1997), it would appear that the key conservation principles - of integrity, authenticity, reversibility and minimum intervention - need to be better understood and practised by professionals at large. This shortfall in skills and understanding can, in principle, be remedied by an increased emphasis on existing buildings in the curriculum of initial training in architecture, surveying, building and engineering, and this needs to be encouraged, but such a strategy would still leave large numbers of ill-informed professionals already in 4 practice. This conundrum could be solved by developing an understanding of conservation and by building up their decision-making skills and experience through practice, supported either by enrolment in relevant postgraduate courses and/or by pursuing more structured, relevant, continuing professional development (CPD). The increasing trend towards professional accreditation of practitioners favours the structured approach and this paper describes a framework that has been developed to support professionals in this activity. Based on a desk survey of electronic resources available in this subject domain, it appears that this approach is unique in the world. 2. BACKGROUND Governments across the world recognise the importance of the quality of the built environment. The UK government has committed itself to improving the quality of architectural design and recognises the role played by historic buildings in promoting that quality. For example, one objective of the Policy on Architecture for Scotland (Scottish Executive, 2001) is “to promote the value and benefits of good architecture...[and] work...to commission and publish research on matters relating to building conservation and traditional materials”. Another is “to foster excellence in design, acknowledge and celebrate achievement in the field of architecture and the built environment, and promote Scottish architecture at home and abroad”. This will be met by working to “promote the imaginative re-use of old buildings and develop the skills necessary for their conservation, repair and maintenance.” (Scottish Executive, 2001). Similar sentiments underpin the work of the UK Commission on Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE, 2006). The UK government’s policy statement (DCMS, 2002) “looks to a future in which the historic environment is accessible to everybody and is seen as something with which the whole of society can identify and engage, ... the historic environment is protected and sustained for the benefit of our own and future generations, ... [and] the historic environment’s importance as an economic asset is skilfully harnessed.” This was reiterated in Planning Policy Statement 5 (DCLG 2010), in a commitment to conserve England’s heritage assets by ensuring that decisions are based on significance and that they are put to uses consistent with their conservation. Recognising that “the preservation of this irreplaceable heritage [of historic properties] is in the public interest so that its vital legacy of cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, economic, and energy benefits will be maintained and enriched for future generations of Americans”, the US National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA, 1992) requires all federal agencies to establish programmes for the 5 identification, evaluation and protection of historic properties, and provides assistance to non-federal agencies. Elsewhere, for example, South Korea’s Cultural Heritage Administration seeks to “enhance the quality of conservation and management of cultural heritage in order to increase the social, historical and economic values of cultural heritage” by designation, approvals, support, management and education (CHPA, 2011). The value of the built heritage is being increasingly recognised, even though it may be difficult to quantify that value (Allison et al, 1996). The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP, 2008) compiled a bibliography of reports on the economic impact of historic preservation, revealing, for example, over $1.4 billion of economic activity in Texas in one year and creation of 7550 jobs in Georgia in five years. Cultural tourism is recognised as a major contributor to the economies of many countries. For example, in 2008, 15 million tourists visited Scotland for one or more nights, spending £4 billion and contributing 11% to the economy of the service sector (VisitScotland, 2009). Tourists are attracted by and drawn to the historic built environment, and they expect to see buildings and structures in appropriate condition, and well-maintained settings. In 2008 90% of international tourists visited cities, castles, historic houses and palaces and 75% visited Scottish architecture (VisitScotland 2008). Direct and indirect expenditure by heritage tourists in Colorado reached $3.1 billion in one year (ACHP, 2008). Culture and heritage are key contributors to a sense of national identity and place. People enjoy being able to identify their origins, and to appreciate buildings through their association with particular historical events. The built heritage offers essential aids in the education process. The quality of life is also enhanced by the enlightened conservation and imaginative re-use of old buildings. Run-down districts can be given new leases of life, and communities re-invigorated, by effective conservation and restoration work (English Heritage, 2000). Conservation activities contribute to the sustainability agenda: extending the life of existing buildings avoids the waste of what environmental agencies (e.g. Countryside Commission, 1997) call “environmental capital” - the resources and energy embodied in the existing built environment. Finally, because conservation, repair and maintenance, with an annual turnover of about £6 billion (COTAC, 2010), accounts for 43% of all the UK’s construction activity, conservation works make a significant economic contribution to the construction industry. 6 However, the size of the conservation, repair and maintenance sector in the UK is not matched by the current construction industry’s educational and training provision. As already noted, this, almost exclusively, focuses on the issues of new-build work, which in turn leads to variable levels of practitioner competence in conservation, repair and maintenance. Some of the statutory agencies that administer government grant-aid to building conservation projects in the UK increasingly became concerned over this variability in the early 1980s, with subsequent indications of a positive move to the accreditation of practitioners being eventually issued by Scotland’s Historic Buildings Council (HBC) in their Annual Reports of 1997 - 1998 and 2000 - 2001. (e.g. Johnstone, 1999). Recognising that the best-informed practitioners can be outstanding in their professional approach and methodology, the performance of others on some grant-aided conservation projects had been observed by the HBC to have fallen somewhat below the expected standards, with adverse consequences for project costs and the quality of finished work. To help address this issue, Historic Scotland and English Heritage, with pressure coming from, and support of, the surveying and architectural professional bodies, subsequently required grant-assisted, historic building repair projects to be led by an accredited practitioner. Consequently, others have recognised the value of this approach, and it is becoming common for local authorities to make it a condition of listed building or similar planning consent, and the need for accredited status is increasingly appearing as a requirement in job descriptions. In addition, official discussions are continuing with Cadw, in Wales, and the Northern Ireland Environment and Heritage Service, to determine whether a requirement for accredited status should become a condition of grant-aided projects under their jurisdiction. Meantime, in the Republic of Ireland, local authority planning departments specifically require identified accredited practitioners to be an integral part of development projects associated with the built heritage. It should be noted that recognition or licensing to practise is already required in other parts of the world. In Japan, conservation architects undergo special training and practical experience leading to a licence issued by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and only those licensed are authorised to supervise site offices for the repair of national or prefectural properties (Enders and Gutschow, 1998). Similarly, in France, only those classified as a Chief Architect for Historical Monuments are permitted by the Ministry of Culture to manage works to state-owned listed buildings (Wikipedia France, 2011). 7 In contrast, Woodcock (1996) felt that there was little prospect of professional certification of preservation practitioners in the USA. 3. PRACTITIONER ACCREDITATION SCHEMES In response to this discrepancy in professional education, in recent years a variety of schemes of accreditation in building conservation, managed by professional bodies have emerged in the UK. These include the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS, 1992) Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS, 1995) Architects Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC, 1998) Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI, 2001) Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers (CARE, 2003) Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT, 2008) Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA, 2010) Both the RIBA and AABC schemes are open to all Architects Registration Board (ARB) Registered Architects. Furthermore, the more recently established RIBA scheme also accommodates Chartered Architects of the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) and Royal Society of Architects in Wales (RSAW) who wish to apply. While four schemes accredit individuals to a single level of proven competence, the RIAS and AABC operate on two levels of accredited status, and the RIBA scheme has three, the entry level of which is intended to encourage young professional to apply. As a result of these initiatives, over 400 professionals have previously been accredited in the UK, with a further 100 individuals having been assessed, endorsed and recently added through the new RIBA scheme. Linking across all these initiatives, the Edinburgh Group is a pan-professional forum initially convened and enabled by Historic Scotland, which, since 2008, has been administered by the Conference on Training in Architectural Conservation (COTAC). Since 2001 it has consistently been promoting a common approach to accreditation in building conservation (Maxwell et al, 2004), which requires practitioners to demonstrate their personal competence and relevant experience through a portfolio of suitable evidence of their decision making, subject to peer-review. With progress on the various schemes still ongoing, the history of this initiative is unfinished and beyond the 8 scope of this paper; however, more focused direction and support in the form of CPD, would undoubtedly be beneficial to assist those who anticipate applying for accreditation. CPD would help practitioners develop their skills, evaluate their competence, and assemble and present their individual portfolios of evidence for assessment. This approach was considered relevant by members of the Edinburgh Group to help deliver the improvements in professionals’ abilities and competences that the accreditation initiatives set out to achieve. This paper focuses on the set of competences initially presented to, and agreed upon by, the Edinburgh Group in 2001. An educational framework was prepared from these, which, in turn, has been developed into a set of easily accessible internet-based learning support materials for use by practitioners. The aim is to challenge participants’ perception of why they intervene in conservation projects and the impact of those interventions on cultural significance. It starts from the premise that because users are already experienced and knowledgeable in their discipline and professional practice, this framework does not duplicate the already existing body of accessible information. However, challenging self-assessment questions compel professionals to re-examine their perceptions and values with regard to conservation issues. It also helps them assemble a personal portfolio, defined as a comprehensive collection of appropriate documents and graphical material with an accompanying narrative. This evidence is intended to demonstrate clearly their competence to those responsible for assessing their application for accreditation through any of the professional schemes. Following a brief survey of the educational and professional development context, particularly in relation to built environment conservation the rationale for the competences and the framework in which they are incorporated are described later, together with a brief description of the support materials. 4. PRINCIPLES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CPD can be seen as a process in which individual practitioners engage in a continuing process of reflection and action throughout their working lives (Megginson and Whitaker, 2007). Professional bodies recognise that it is crucial to ensure that their members keep up to date with the latest thinking and current issues in order to be able to provide a professional service throughout their working lives, careers which may include several changes of direction (Handy, 1994). Kennedy (2005) identifies nine 9 models of CPD, which she categorises in terms of their capacity for transformative practice and professional autonomy. While she discusses these in the context of CPD for teachers, they are equally applicable to conservation professionals, for whom the goal, implicit in the discussion above, is to transform their practice for the better, while recognising their role as autonomous actors in the care and enhancement of the built environment. The nine models are as follows. 1. The training model of CPD supports a skills-based, technocratic view of practice and is generally delivered by an expert, who sets the agenda, to a participant, who adopts a somewhat passive role. 2. The award-bearing model emphasises the achievement of qualifications or chartered status through programmes of academic study that may or may not be practice based. 3. The deficit model is typically based within a performance management context and attempts to remedy perceived weaknesses in individual practitioner performance, implicitly measured against a baseline of competence. 4. The cascade model involves individuals attending training events and then cascading or disseminating the information to their colleagues, such information typically being skills- or knowledge-focussed but rarely focusing on values or attitudes nor questioning why an action is undertaken. 5. The standards- or competence-based model typically involves the centralised external definition of competences that must be achieved by all practitioners, who may then be discouraged from considering alternative approaches to those promoted by the standards. 6. The coaching or mentoring model commonly requires a one-to-one hierarchical relationship between a novice and an experienced professional, akin to that of an apprenticeship, which can transmit not only skills and knowledge but also a wide range of messages about how and why actions are performed. It can also, if the actors are peers, be a “confidential process … to reflect upon current practices; expand, refine and build new skills…[and] share ideas.” (Kennedy, 2005) This moves CPD into a more reflective approach. 7. The community of practice model is similar to the peer-based coaching / mentoring model but involves a group of people and is clearly not confidential. It relies on a social theory of learning whereby learning happens as a result of the community and not merely as a result of planned learning events such as courses. 10 8. The action research model encourages practitioners to study some aspect of their practice by involving themselves as participant researchers. It provides them with an opportunity to ask critical questions of their practice, and shifts practitioners from a dependence on the outcomes of other people’s research into practice towards being empowered to identify and implement relevant research activities of their own. It has significant capacity for transformative practice and professional autonomy. 9. The transformative model is an effective integration of a range of processes and conditions drawn from the other models, together with an awareness of the issues of power embedded in the processes. The key aims are to support a transformative agenda, with values and attitudes in addition to knowledge and skills, without the constraints of imposed standards and accountability, and to support the professional in taking control of his/her professional development. In questioning the purpose of CPD as a means of transmission of skills and knowledge or as a means of transforming practice and attitudes, Kennedy (2005) identifies a spectrum along which these nine models can be placed. She calls the first four ‘transmission’ models for their focus on transmitting skills or knowledge, the next three ‘transitional’ models and the action research and transformative models ‘transformative’ for their ability to transform practice. The capacity for professional autonomy increases in that order. She argues that transformative practice and professional autonomy require professionals to be able to articulate their own conceptions of what their practice involves and then be able to select and justify appropriate modes of practice. Reflective practice is a core requirement of transformative CPD and is widely recommended in education and professional development. According to Race (2002) “Reflection deepens learning. The act of reflecting is one that causes us to make sense of what we’ve learned, why we learned it and how that particular increment of learning took place.” Reflection on actions taken involves thinking about how effective they were and the consequences that followed (Cowan 1998) and is based on the classic cycle of experience – reflection – experimentation – experience (Kolb 1984). Schön (1983) asserts that professional practitioners almost unconsciously take decisions about action using accumulated knowledge and understanding but that conscious reflection becomes important when dealing with “situations of uncertainty, instability, uniqueness and value conflict”. These situations are precisely those that are regularly encountered 11 by building conservation practitioners in their work and therefore reflection is central to their activities. While a review of CPD provision in building conservation is beyond the scope of this paper, it can be noted that the leading professional institutions require members to undergo a specified number of hours of CPD each year without significant restrictions on the type of content, although members can expect to be audited on their activities to ensure compliance. CPD provision includes short courses, lasting from an hour to a few days, both face-to-face (with the capacity for hands-on experiences) and remote, delivered by a variety of media, such as web-based on-line seminars, webinars, podcasts, Facebook and YouTube videos of techniques at a how-to-do-it level. Some providers offer a self-test facility where participants answer a multiple choice questionnaire on-line which is checked electronically and a certificate of achievement awarded. It is possible to find this kind of provision all over the developed world and the common feature is that it falls into the category of transmission CPD (Kennedy, 2005): it transmits skills and knowledge but does not lend itself to reflection. An internet search using Google® failed to reveal any support materials in the building conservation field which challenge users to reflect on why they do what they do, and which deal with the particular issues faced by building conservation practitioners. This lacuna led to the specification that the materials to support practitioners working towards accreditation should be transformative, forcing users to reflect on their work; structured around an internationally agreed set of conservation precepts; comprehensive; and internet-based to ensure that users have access without having to attend a training venue. 5. RATIONALE FOR THE COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK The 14 criteria outlined in the international ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines ratified by the ICOMOS General Assembly during its meeting in Sri Lanka in 1993 (see Table 1) are the key reference points (ICOMOS, 1993), coupled with an understanding of the promoted conservation standards, policies and charters (Bell, 1997; (BS 7913) BSI, 1998; Historic Scotland, 1998). The ICOMOS Guidelines were originally conceived and promoted as an integrated educational and training framework through identifying the functions relevant to conservation professionals, technologists and craft operatives. Stating that “conservation works should only be entrusted to persons competent in these specialist activities”, the guidelines refer to ensembles 12 (groups of buildings and their settings), monuments and sites defined as such by the World Heritage Convention of 1972. This includes historic buildings, historic areas and towns, archaeological sites and their contents, in addition to cultural and historic landscapes. As recognised and adopted by the Edinburgh Group, there is a strong underlying argument that the Guidelines should underpin work on all existing traditionally constructed buildings. Table 1 The 1993 ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines (Section 5, 14 clauses) Clause Conservation works should only be entrusted to persons competent in these specialist activities. Education and training should produce from a range of professionals, conservationists who are able to: a read a monument, ensemble or site and identify its emotional, cultural and use significance b understand the history and technology of a monument, ensemble or site, in order to define their identity, plan for their conservation and interpret the results of this research c understand the setting of a monument, ensemble or site, its context and surroundings, in relation to other buildings, gardens or landscapes d find and absorb all available sources of information relevant to the monument, ensemble or site being studied e understand and analyse the behaviour of monuments, ensembles or sites as complex systems f diagnose intrinsic and extrinsic causes of decay as a basis for appropriate action g inspect and make reports intelligible to non-specialist readers of monuments, ensembles or sites illustrated by graphic means such as sketches and photographs h know, understand and apply UNESCO conventions and recommendations, and ICOMOS and other recognised Charters, regulations and guidelines i make balanced judgements based on shared ethical principles, and accept responsibility for the long term welfare of cultural heritage j recognise when advice must be sought and define the areas of need of study by different specialists, e.g. wall paintings, sculptures and objects of artistic and cultural value, and/or studies of materials and systems k give expert advice on maintenance strategies, management policies and the policy framework for environmental protection and the preservation of monuments and their contents and sites l document the works executed and make same accessible m work in multi-disciplinary groups using sound methods n work with inhabitants, administrators and planners to resolve conflicts and to develop conservation strategies appropriate to local needs, abilities and resources. The 14 fundamental clauses in section 5 of the ICOMOS Guidelines create an interlocking set of desiderata. However, because of a lack of awareness, some 13 individual practitioners have experienced difficulty in understanding or interpreting the clauses, and therefore an aim of the Edinburgh Group’s work was to provide a simplified basis to overcome this hurdle. Additionally, despite the fact that all of the UK’s postgraduate building conservation courses are based on an interpretation of the same Guidelines, some wrongly consider that their direct translation into a formal curriculum is problematic. [It should be noted that re-drafting and updating work on the 1993 edition of the ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines is currently in progress. Building upon the 1993 version, the update is likely to reflect recent changes in conservation practice driven by concerns over sustainability issues, climate change influences and energy efficiency requirements. However, this paper refers to the original 1993 ICOMOS document.] Possessing many years of experience in architectural conservation education, Bell (2001) provided the simplified basis. This was based upon a consideration of the conservation process in terms of the seven sequential stages of a typical project: (i) Investigation and assessment of the cultural significance of a site; (ii) Investigation and assessment of its physical condition; (iii) Conservation planning and the definition of issues; (iv) Resolution of social and economic issues; (v) Resolution of technical issues; (vi) Implementation of an action plan; and (vii) Management of a site of cultural significance. By dealing with the definition of issues (stage (iii)) together with their resolution stages (iv) and (v), and by recognising that the final two stages (vi) and (vii) are both related to management of the site over its lifetime, it became possible to propose an integrated five-unit framework, as described in the next section. 6. SUMMARY OF THE COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK Stirling and Bölling (2002) amplified Bell’s content to assist individuals identify where they lack particular knowledge or expertise, and expounded the framework to inform the provision of appropriate professional development and training. Recognising that conservation needs are additional to basic professional qualifications, the competence 14 framework is divided into five units. Each unit has a clear statement of its aims, the competences required and examples of the sort of evidence that practitioners would expect to provide for peer assessment. Every unit includes the explicit requirement that practitioners should show appropriate knowledge and understanding of conservation principles and ethics, and the impact these have on their work. 6.1 Unit 1 Cultural significance The success of every conservation project depends on understanding the site’s cultural significance. By identifying the site’s qualities, what needs to be protected against decay, intervention or removal, becomes clear. Working within a common code of ethics prevents the application of contemporary social, political or individual bias to what should be sensitively dealt with. The unit aims to explain the concepts upon which the significance of a building or site is based, and to provide tools to investigate and assess the historical, cultural, social or other components of this significance.. After completing the unit, practitioners should be able to identify, survey, assess and analyse sources relating to the historical, cultural, social or emotional significance of a site, and record it as appropriate. As a result, they will be able to identify vulnerable aspects of a site and define their philosophical approach to its conservation - from which evidence of their abilities in appropriate decision-making will emerge. 6.2 Unit 2 Aesthetic qualities and value Aesthetic or architectural quality is a major component in the assessed value of most historic buildings and areas. Because any intervention might affect appearance, and thus the historic and cultural value of the asset, no project work should be undertaken without fully understanding its impact on the existing aesthetic quality. This unit aims to ensure that practitioners are able to identify aesthetic quality and value, and therefore design interventions that meet the requirements of the brief, without reducing the existing aesthetic quality. Practitioners should be able to identify, survey and understand the aesthetic quality of any structure in terms of its formal concept, spatial relationships, massing, form and proportion, influence of light, colour and texture, detailing, and use of materials. From this they will be able to better identify existing qualities and vulnerable areas, and define a conservation philosophy. They should be able to appraise alternative solutions 15 and choose those that satisfy the technical, functional and economic requirements of the brief with minimum impact on existing quality. The level of intervention may range from basic repairs to full scale re-use, alteration, adaptation, addition, and landscaping, whilst satisfying public access needs, safety requirements and the possible introduction of modern services. 6.3 Unit 3 Investigation, materials and technology The special qualities of cultural sites can often restrict the choice of investigative and repair methods that can be used. Furthermore, construction that does not conform to present day standards is not necessarily defective, and should not be changed without serious consideration. Clearly, original materials that have deteriorated beyond repair through environmental processes and other influences may need replacement, but the reasons for the deterioration and degradation should be fully understood and addressed. This unit aims to ensure that practitioners have the skills to carry out a condition survey, investigate defects and make balanced decisions regarding the options for action within sites of cultural significance. Practitioners should be able to select and use appropriate survey methods, employing specialists as necessary, and back up their decisions by documentary evidence, to identify defective material, structure and construction, and the causes of decay and its likely impact. Having completed this unit they should be able to identify vulnerable areas and define a suitable conservation philosophy. They should also be able to appraise, and select from alternative solutions to deal with the problems presented, in order to preserve the significance and authenticity of the site or building. 6.4 Unit 4 Social and financial issues This unit covers a broad range of social, financial and other activities associated with the use, evaluation and management of sites of cultural significance. Function, use, ownership, property valuation, public attitudes and external factors, such as vibration from highways and railways, mining subsidence, atmospheric pollution, vandalism and theft, all need to be investigated and their impact assessed before relevant conservation plans can be drawn up. Legislative controls and the existence of potential new uses, together with the availability of project funding and sustainable income sources for the building after conservation, may all restrict the options available to the practitioner. This unit aims to ensure that practitioners can make balanced and defensible decisions 16 about options for action, and develop these in such a way as to resolve the social and economic issues that threaten the building or site. Practitioners should be able to deploy or call upon specialists as necessary in all the above areas. 6.5 Unit 5 Implementation and management of conservation works Significant problems created by the asset’s sensitivity influence the way the work should proceed and help determine the use of the most suitable form of contract, contractor or directly employed labour that might be engaged. The sustainable continuing use of the asset requires consideration of potentially larger numbers of users, greater environmental impact during its lifetime, and resilience to future climate change. This unit aims to ensure that practitioners involved in the financial and managerial aspects of implementing a conservation plan or project can do so without damaging or compromising the cultural significance of the asset, and can implement measures to ensure its future survival. To assure success, practitioners must be aware of the special needs of conservation projects in identifying the standards of work required and in appointing suitably expert contractors for it, in selecting appropriate means of procurement, cost planning and control, and in the management and supervision of works in progress. They must also be able to develop and assist in implementing short and long term maintenance plans, provide for the sustainable management of associated factors (e.g. tourism) and be able to assist in continuing monitoring and review of the asset’s overall condition, significance and conservation. 7. DISCUSSION The mapping of these five units in relation to the fourteen ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines is summarised in Table 2. This demonstrates that all of the guidelines are covered by the competences addressed in the five units. As a result, the units are solidly grounded on internationally recognised precepts. Table 2 Matching of 5 Units to the 1993 ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines ICOMOS clause Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 a b c d e f 17 g h i j k l m n Unit 4 Unit 5 While it would be tempting to imagine that different professional groups might be concerned with only some of the units and/or guidelines, such a notion is unfounded. For example, designers might consider themselves to be concerned only with Unit 2, but all design interventions require an understanding of the building (Unit 1), the syntax of materials and construction technology (Unit 3), consideration of users and costs (Unit 4) and management of the process (Unit 5). The same argument can be applied to planners, surveyors, construction managers and the various engineering disciplines, so it is clear that the underlying framework provides a universally applicable set of competences. Fundamentally, the framework acknowledges that professionals using it already possess a body of knowledge and skills as a result of their undergraduate training in their own discipline. However, it is also predicated on the basic premise that conservation requires this knowledge and skill to be applied in a context that is ethically and philosophically different from that of a new building. Conservation projects require a different approach from new-build work because heritage assets have an established value to society that must be recognised, evaluated and understood before any work of intervention is undertaken. This need for recognition and identification of value underpins all conservation decisions associated with heritage assets, and is the basis for all national inventories of heritage assets: without an assessment of what is valuable no rational policy of conservation can be developed (Earl, 2003). 8. DESCRIPTION OF THE WEBSITE The framework has been developed into a set of educational support materials in a webbased format. Web technology enables the material to be an evolving resource that can be amended over time, free of the constraints inherent in traditional publishing. The website was set up to be capable of instant editing, re-formatting, revision and updating, allowing those responsible for its administration to make minor changes to the text without affecting the site’s inner workings. Pages can be easily adjusted, as all versions of them are stored for retrieval as necessary. Every page is created using database technologies, allowing simple changes to be made by the site administrator, with minimal intervention by technical support staff. In essence, it has the benefit of offering 18 a supportive and fully up-to-date, structured suite of building conservation-orientated CPD activities that individuals can use at their own pace. Finally, it was originally seen as important in designing the website architecture to include a note-taking facility and a means of bookmarking so that users, once logged in and registered, can record their progress as they work through the site. Once this feature has been enabled (it is currently dormant), it will be possible for candidates who wish to submit themselves for peer-reviewed accreditation status to their professional body, to log-in and build up their personal portfolio online. (Activation of this facility will require the various professional bodies to enable the dormant links to their own online accreditation scheme proforma, but this process has yet to be instituted). The same site architecture would also enable users to record their related CPD activities on the site, should this be a requirement of the professional body as part of their individual portfolio submission process for accreditation. The website’s opening page reflects on a key point recognised by ICOMOS: that conservation projects typically require both an interdisciplinary approach and a need for collaborative teamwork amongst professionals, technicians, administrators, craftspersons and communities. A single click from the homepage leads users directly to each of the 5 units and to a comprehensive glossary of terms. The site offers relevant support material, text, illustrations, and links to other relevant sites, and presents numerous self-assessment questions and other challenging exercises. The section headings listed in Table 3 hint at the comprehensive nature of this content. 19 Table 3 Contents of www.understandingconservation.org Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Cultural Significance Aesthetic qualities and values Investigation, materials and technology Social and financial issues 1.01 Preface 1.02 Unit Overview 1.03 Selected quotations 1.04 Introduction and overview of cultural significance 1.05 Components of significance 1.06 International charters and society's response 1.07 Conservation strategy 1.08 Recording 1.09 Self-assessment questions 1.10 Provision of evidence 1.11 In conclusion 1.12 Reading lists 2.01 Preface 2.02 Unit overview 2.03 Introduction 2.04 Architectural/Aesthetic Analysis 2.05 Area analysis 2.06 Conservation strategy 2.07 Degrees of intervention 2.08 Determining appropriate levels of intervention 2.09 In conclusion 2.10 Reading lists 3.01 Preface 3.02 Unit overview 3.03 Introduction 3.04 Investigation and survey 3.05 Materials 3.06 Construction 3.07 Structure 3.08 Conservation strategy 3.09 Repair techniques 3.10 Conclusion 3.11 Reading lists 20 Unit 5 Implementation and management of conservation works 4.01 Preface 5.01 Preface 4.02 Unit overview 5.02 Unit overview 4.03 Introduction 5.03 Conservation strategy 4.04 Function use and 5.04 Identification and ownership selection of advisers and 4.05 Property valuation contractors 4.06 Public attitudes 5.05 Contracts and 4.07 External factors procurement 4.08 Conservation strategy 5.06 Cost planning and cost 4.09 Legislative controls control 4.10 Compatible re-users 5.07 Management of works 4.11 Identification and use of funding sources 5.08 Maintenance plans 4.12 Identification and 5.09 Health and safety assessment of income sources 5.10 Management of 4.13 Promotion, understanding tourism and interpretation 5.11 Monitoring and review 4.14 Provision of evidence 5.12 Provision of evidence 4.15 Conclusion 5.13 Conclusions 4.16 Reading lists 5.14 Reading lists The textual material in the units is amply illustrated and provided with links to other resources. An important requirement was to encourage users to engage with the material; therefore the self-assessment questions were included to be thought provoking and challenging. For example, in the section on components of significance (section 1.05), there are the following five aspects: Consider the effects of a major fire on a building of local and national importance where a substantial part of the fabric and structure of that building was lost as a result of the fire. In respect of a redundant urban church, consider the question as to the extent to which it is acceptable to convert the church to a drop in centre with coffee bar. Identify at least one example of 20th and 21st century buildings that may have significance in respect of: a. Celebratory or commemorative importance (related to an event or societal need to commemorate an event), b. Aesthetic importance – an example of good design or an example of a famous architect’s work. Identify a 20th century building that was an example of a particular architectural design period that has recently been lost through demolition and reflect on why such loss is significant. Consider how a building can have different significance for different sections of society. None of these matters is answered explicitly, but links to relevant resources are provided, and points to guide the process of reflection and consideration are given. The questions aim to encourage candidates to evaluate their knowledge and understanding of the philosophy that underpins the approach to conservation. There are no rules, but only consensus and guidance based on an internationally agreed approach to conservation philosophy. As Humberstone (1997) points out “… there are two clear lessons which have emerged from the common experience of those who work with and care for historic structures. The first … is there are no hard and fast rules on which to base decisions. Second, that there will usually be a range of possible options or ‘solutions’ available to practitioners in any one case.” This reflective learning and selfevaluation is firmly grounded in educational theory (Kolb 1984, Schon 1995, Race 2002) as a complex and deliberate process of interpreting experience. The website prompts readers to reflect on sample situations and consider their response to them, 21 encouraging an evaluation of their own decisions to enrich their learning and enhance their portfolios of evidence. Now under the auspices of, and enabled by, COTAC, the website (www.understandingconservation.org) originally went live in March 2007 and is clearly satisfying a considerable need. Usage grew to over 2,000 visits per month in 2009, with the typical visitor viewing three pages, and a total of 20,000 hits per month. Over 500,000 hits had been registered up to July 2010, a high score for a website of this nature. Tracking the server which originates the visit has revealed that these include a high proportion of “.com” visitors, indicating that they were commercial organizations, followed by those with a “.uk” identity. However, the geographical spread is wide, with users identified from the USA, Mexico, Georgia, Latvia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. This confirms the international relevance of the site, and justifies the strong link to the internationally agreed ICOMOS Education and Training Guidelines. In order to obtain a user perspective on the website and its contents, a short online questionnaire was circulated in April 2011 to 70 practitioners in the AABC register who had been accredited during the period since the website had been launched - 28 of which completed the questionnaire. Strengths of the website were reported to be “an amazing amount of information logically set out”, together with an “ordered approach leading the student to the next stage”, while the only weaknesses identified were that “it is a bit wordy and sometimes repetitive”, with “possibly too many pages”. The only significant improvements offered by the respondents were to streamline it a little and to update the graphics. All found it easy to use and to give them new information and only one respondent disagreed with the statement “the website made me think about the way I make decisions.” Based on an admittedly small sample, these are positive opinions that suggest that the website is serving its intended purpose of assisting people work on their portfolios of evidence for accreditation. A follow-up study to investigate the transformative effects of this form of presentation on the practice of professionals would clearly be useful, when funding becomes available. The website and its support materials have the potential to positively influence building conservation practice in countries with less well developed awareness. For example, Godden Mackay Logan (2010) strongly recommend the establishment of an 22 Australasian heritage training and education accreditation taskforce with the aim of identifying core competences and accrediting educational products that deliver such training. This would lead ultimately to a requirement that professionals be appropriately qualified for the work in hand and to some form of professional accreditation. The support materials described in this paper clearly have the potential to contribute to such professional development activities and underpin the nascent accreditation scheme. Fidler (2009) observes that there is potential for European construction professions to follow the UK’s lead in developing their own conservation accreditation programmes that look towards a free market in conservation services across the European Union. Because conservation awareness and understanding has been generally omitted from undergraduate architectural and building education, where the primary emphasis for more than half a century has been on new-build activities, the value, gain and potential impact from using the understandingconservation.org site should not be underestimated. Since almost half of the UK’s construction industry activities are in the conservation, repair and maintenance sector, as shown by recent research findings of the National Heritage Training Group and others (NHTG, 2008), there is a clear mismatch between the education and the required operational skills of those who work in the area. The website will assist in addressing this imbalance. 9. CONCLUSION A common set of competences for professionals working in built environment conservation have been identified. Support materials for professionals to improve their personal competence, and work towards achieving accreditation status in building conservation from their professional body, have been set up on a website. Over time, this is expected to significantly contribute to the supply of competent accredited professional individuals, leading to an improvement in the overall quality of conservation, repair and maintenance work in the UK. The www.understandingconservation.org website could be of considerable benefit to eligible practitioners in all of the schemes, should they consider applying for accredited status. It should also be noted that the successful conservation of historic buildings and structures requires the integrated availability of knowledge and understanding, access to 23 appropriate traditional materials, and a pool of well-trained craft skills. This paper has considered only the first of these three aspects. Other integrated initiatives are required to ensure that sufficient matching supplies of traditional building materials and the availability of relevant craft skills are also developed in unison. 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic cooperation of the directors and staff of Norfolkbroads.com, Norwich, and the helpful comments made by past and present members of the Edinburgh Group. 11. REFERENCES AABC (1998), www.aabc-register.co.uk/ (accessed July 20th 2010). ACHP (2008), Web-available studies on the economic impacts of historic preservation, www.achp.gov/economicstudies.html (accessed May 2nd 2011) Allison, G, Ball, S, Cheshire, P, Evans, A, Stabler, M (1996), The value of conservation? London, English Heritage. Australia ICOMOS (1999), The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS charter for places of cultural significance, Burwood, Australia ICOMOS inc. 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