What Sentence Management Panels are established to carry out the functions of prisoner classification which includes: determining a prisoner’s Security Rating determining a prisoner’s Placement developing a prisoner’s Sentence Plan. Why The Corrections Regulations 2009 (R 23) requires that Corrections Victoria constitute Sentence Management Panels for the purposes of prisoner classification. The Sentence Management Panel process assures that objective criteria are used when determining prisoners’ classification. When A Sentence Management Panel must be convened anytime a prisoner’s classification is reviewed by the Sentence Management Branch. Generally, Sentence Management Panels are convened to conduct initial classifications, remand classifications, separation reviews, annual reviews and in order to respond to recommendations made by Case Management Review Committees. Who SENTENCE MANAGEMENT MANUAL This Commissioner’s Requirement describes the purpose, type and composition of Sentence Management Panels. CORRECTIONS VICTORIA – SENTENCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS The Secretary, pursuant to R 23 and 24, has delegated certain positions to act as the chairperson and panel members of a Sentence Management Panel including Sentence Management (Major Offenders) Panels. A valid Sentence Management Panel must include a chairperson and one panel member. In certain circumstances, the Secretary (or authorised delegate) may exercise the functions of a Sentence Management Panel, or vary a panel decision. Page 1 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 AC 2 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Sentence Management Panel Composition General Requirements of Sentence Management Panel Types of Sentence Management Panels 3.1 Initial Classifications 3.2 Remand Classification 3.3 Separation Reviews 3.4 Annual Reviews 3.5 Quarterly Reviews 3.6 Classification Reviews Prisoners who refuse to be seen Schedules Schedule AC2.1: Schedule AC2.2: Schedule AC2.3: Schedule AC2.4: Schedule AC2.5: Initial Classification Risk Assessment Template Remand Classification Risk Assessment Template Annual Review Risk Assessment Template Quarterly Review Risk Assessment Template Classification Review Risk Assessment Template Related Policy and Procedure Corrections Act 1986 Corrections Regulations 2009 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Secretary’s Classification Rules and Procedures Page 2 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS 1. AC2 Sentence Management Panel Composition Pursuant to Corrections Regulations 2009, R 23 and 24, the Commissioner as the delegate of the Secretary, has issued Classification Rules and Procedures that regulate the composition of Sentence Management Panels. Sentence Management Panels must consist of a chairperson and at least one panel member. Sentence Management Panels that are convened to carry out the function of classification of Major Offenders are referred to as Major Offender Sentence Management Panels. They have additional positions delegated to act as panel members, however the functions of the panels are identical. Sentence Management Panel CHAIRPERSON must be: Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Branch, or Manager, Sentence Management Unit, Operations or Manager, Major Offenders Unit, or Senior Assistant Manager, Sentence Management Unit, or Assistant Manager, Sentence Management Unit Sentence Management Panel MEMBER must be: 2. Manager, Sentence Management Unit, Operations or Manager, Major Offenders Unit, or Senior Assistant Manager, Sentence Management Unit, or Assistant Manager, Sentence Management Unit or Operations Manager of a prison (Major Offenders Panels only) or Supervisor of a prison (Major Offender Panels only) General Requirements of Sentence Management Panel The Sentence Management Panel chairperson must consider the capacity of the prisoner to participate and understand the panel proceedings. An essential element of the panel is the interaction with the prisoner to confirm and add information to assist in decision making. This includes such considerations as a support person for indigenous prisoners, interpreters for prisoners who have difficulty understanding English, and the support needs of prisoners with a disability. It is noted when a Sentence Management Panel is convened to respond to a recommendation of a Case Management Review Committee, the Sentence Management Panel will not have direct contact with the prisoner. In these instances the Sentence Management Panel relies on the Case Management Review Committee to ensure that the individual was engaged in the process and that they are advised of the decision. Generally, each time a prisoner is reviewed by a Sentence Management Panel the following is considered and updated as required 1. Page 3 of 17 Prisoners Security Rating Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS 2. Classified Location(s) 3. Risk and Recommended Actions 4. Sentence Plan AC2 A Sentence Management Panel may receive information relevant to an assessment of a prisoner’s classification needs, or relevant to the appropriate classification of the prisoner, from persons who are not members of the panel, including the prisoner themselves. This may include written information or verbal advice. The Sentence Management Panel must keep a record of the outcome and information considered in determining a prisoner’s classification in line with IM2 – Record Keeping. The Sentence Management Panel’s decision must be printed and signed by the chairperson of the panel and forwarded to the prisoner’s location for attachment to their Individual Management File. 3. Types of Sentence Management Panels Sentence Management Panels are convened to conduct: 1. Initial Classification 2. Remand Classification 3. Separation Reviews 4. Annual Reviews 5. Quarterly Reviews 6. Classification Reviews Some of these panels overlap and may be substituted by the more senior panel (the panel which is chaired by the more senior staff member). For example the bi annual review of a Major Offender separated in a Management Unit chaired by the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Branch, may simultaneously constitute the monthly Separation Review and quarterly Major Offender Review. 3.1 Initial Classifications Initial Classification Sentence Management Panels are convened as required to complete initial classification on sentenced prisoners serving a sentence greater than two weeks. The Initial Classification Sentence Management Panel determines a prisoner’s security rating (using the Security Rating Tool), intermediate and classified prison locations and develops a Sentence Plan. The Initial Classification Sentence Management Panel must: 1. Page 4 of 17 Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS 2. Clarify the prisoner’s understanding of the sentence, appeal provisions, and Adult Parole Board processes if relevant. 3. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (Aboriginal Wellbeing Officer [AWO] or Aboriginal Liaison Officer [ALO]). 4. Explain the purpose of Special Category or Major Offender Status and the reasons why, if relevant. 5. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. 6. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with a cognitive impairment. 7. Identify whether the prisoner is a Serious Violent Offender (SVO) or Sexual Offender (SO) and update the relevant flag in E*Justice. 8. 3.2 AC2 Complete the Initial Classification Risk Assessment Template (schedule AC2.1) and enter into PIMS. Remand Classification Remand Classification Sentence Management Panels are convened to determine security rating (via the Security Rating Tool) and remand placement. All remand prisoners are seen for their remand classification within fourteen days of their reception into custody. The Remand Classification Sentence Management Panel must: 3.3 1. Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. 2. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (AWO or ALO). 3. Explain the purpose of Special Category or Major Offender Status and the reasons why, if relevant. 4. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. 5. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with a cognitive impairment. 6. Complete the Remand Classification Risk Assessment Template (schedule AC2.2) and enter into PIMS. Separation Reviews All separated prisoners must be reviewed by a Sentence Management Panel that includes prison staff within eight days of the date they were separated. This panel reviews the circumstances of the separation and considers the placement of the prisoner. The panel is responsible for determining whether ongoing separation is required or alternative placement. Where the prisoner is accommodated in a management unit in a county prison the Sentence Management Branch portfolio holder must either conduct the panel within this time frame at the location, or more usually by teleconference or videoconference. Page 5 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Separation Review Sentence Management Panel must: 1. Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. 2. Ensure the prisoner understands the reason for their separation. 3. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (AWO or ALO). 4. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. 5. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with a cognitive impairment. 6. Ensure relevant separation documentation is contained on the prisoners Individual Management File 7. Complete the appropriate risk assessment template as per PM3 Separation Regimes and enter into PIMS. Sentence Management staff are also responsible for reviewing prisoners who have been classified as long term management on a monthly basis. These panels focus on ensuring the active management and oversight of the regimes, restrictions and opportunities for the individual prisoner. These frequent reviews ensure that placement in these environments is for the minimum time, and under the minimum restrictions necessary to ensure the safety and security of the prison system and the prisoner. These Sentence Management Panels must: 3.4 1. Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. 2. Review the prisoners current Incentive Based Regime. 3. Review the need for ongoing Long Term Management Placement. 4. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (AWO or ALO). 5. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. 6. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with n cognitive impairment. 7. Complete the appropriate risk assessment template as per PM4 Long Term Management Placement and enter into PIMS. Annual Reviews Major Offenders are required to be reviewed annually by a Sentence Management Panel, chaired by the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Branch. Special Category Prisoners are required to be reviewed annually by a Sentence Management Panel, chaired by the Manager, Sentence Management Unit, Operations. Page 6 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 These panels involve local prison staff, including prison management, case management, programs, clinical service and other service area staff. Annual Review Sentence Management Panels must: 3.5 1. Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. 2. Review the prisoner’s progress against their Sentence Plan. 3. Evaluate the appropriateness of the existing Sentence Plan and amend this where necessary. 4. Identify the main goals for the next 12 months, focusing on offence specific treatment needs and program referrals and behaviour expectations. 5. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. 6. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (AWO or ALO). 7. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with n cognitive impairment. 8. Complete the Annual Review Risk Assessment Template (schedule AC2.3) and enter into PIMS. Quarterly Reviews Major Offender Sentence Management Panels, chaired by the Manager, Major Offenders are conducted quarterly for maximum and medium security Major Offenders and on a half yearly basis for minimum security Major Offenders. Prisoners who are Major Offenders solely as a result of being subject to a supervision order will be subject to monitoring by Sex Offender Management Branch (SOMB) and will only be reviewed annually. Similar to the Annual Review these panels involve local prison staff. Quarterly Review Sentence Management Panels must: 1. Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview. 2. Review the prisoner’s progress against their Sentence Plan. 3. Evaluate the appropriateness of the existing Sentence Plan and amending this where necessary. 4. Identify the main goals for the next 3/6 months, focusing on offence specific treatment needs and program referrals and behaviour expectations. 5. Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English. Page 7 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS 3.6 6. For Indigenous prisoners, offer that a support person be present during the interview (AWO or ALO). 7. Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with n cognitive impairment. 8. Complete the Quarterly Review Risk Assessment Template (schedule AC2.4) and enter into PIMS. AC2 Classification Reviews Sentence Management Panel to conduct a classification review must be convened at any time where: 1. A prisoner incurs a significant increase in their sentence. 2. A minimum-rated sentenced prisoner receives a gaol order or warrant 3. A prisoner is transferred as a result of concerns regarding their mental health 4. Upon receipt of a reclassification recommendation (change of rating or placement) from a Case Management Review Committee. 5. Upon receipt of information, including through the media, that indicates a prisoner may be at increased risk. A Senior Assistant Manager, Sentence Management Branch will monitor the Additional Sentence Report in PIMS on a weekly basis. They will review the prisoners who have received an additional sentence and determine, based on the significance of the change in sentence, whether the prisoner requires a classification review by a Sentence Management Panel. The purpose of these reviews is to reassess the prisoner’s circumstances and confirm or vary the elements of their security rating, placement and sentence plan. Should a prisoner receive an additional conviction for a sexual offence, the details of the conviction and sentence must be emailed to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If the additional conviction qualifies the prisoner as a SVO/SO, update the flag in E*Justice. Prisoners at minimum-security prison locations who receive a new gaol order or warrant must have their security rating and placement reviewed by a Sentence Management Panel..This review may be preceded by a SMU investigation to establish the basis for the order or warrant and will not necessarily result in a change of classification. Local prison and Sentence Calculation and Warrant Administration Unit staff must notify the Manager Sentence Management Unit Operations of any gaol order or warrant received by a prisoner at a minimum-security location. Prisoners who have transferred from minimum security locations as a result of concerns regarding their mental health must have their security rating and placement reviewed by a Sentence Management Panel prior them returning to their classified location. Classification reviews are typically conducted as a result of a request by a Case Management Review Committee in relation to specific prisoners. In these instances it is the location portfolio holder’s responsibility to regularly monitor these requests and convene a Sentence Management Panel to respond to the recommendation. The prisoner is not ordinarily seen by the Sentence Management Panel; the panel makes a decision using information available in E* Justice and PIMS. If necessary, the portfolio holder should contact the prison location to clarify or seek further information required to make the decision. Page 8 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Information indicating significant increased risk to a prisoner, which may present as media or unconfirmed reports, must be considered as if factual until confirmation is possible. The General Manager or Operations Manager of the prison is to be advised immediately (usually by Sentence Management Branch, Major Offender Unit or Operations Directorate). On receipt of this advice, the General Manager (or delegate) is to take immediate action to ensure the prisoner’s association with other prisoners is limited to those who present negligible risk, pending consideration of the prisoner’s placement and associations. This action may result in separation of the prisoner. An extraordinary Sentence Management Panel is then to be convened to formally consider the prisoner’s current placement and associations. This Panel is conducted in collaboration with relevant prison staff. The results of this Panel’s deliberations are to be recorded on PIMS and if necessary reported to the High Risk Management Advisory Committee and/or the Interdepartmental Custodial Witness Committee. In addition to the above instances the Sentence Management Branch may convene a Sentence Management Panel to conduct a classification review: 1. On receipt of correspondence. 2. As part of vacancy management strategies In completing classification reviews staff must complete the Classification Review Risk Assessment Template (schedule AC2.5) and enter into PIMS. 4. Prisoners who refuse to be seen At times prisoners may refuse to be seen by a Sentence Management Panel. Staff should encourage the prisoner to attend the panel; this may involve attending the prisoner’s cell in attempt to understand the reasons why the prisoner is refusing. If the prisoner continually refuses to attend a Sentence Management Panel, particularly those prisoners in restricted environments, consideration should be given to changing the panel composition (where this is a barrier to the prisoner attending), or the use of an appropriate support person (this can not be another prisoner). In addition, the prisoner may prefer to provide written correspondence to the panel. If a prisoner refuses to attend the Sentence Management Panel, this must be reflected in the decision of the Panel, including what has occurred to encourage them to attend. Page 9 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedules The following Schedules are attached: Schedule AC2.1: Schedule AC2.2: Schedule AC2.3: Schedule AC2.4: Schedule AC2.5: Page 10 of 17 Initial Classification Risk Assessment Template Remand Classification Risk Assessment Template Annual Review Risk Assessment Template Quarterly Review Risk Assessment Template Classification Review Risk Assessment Template Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedule AC2.1 Initial Classification Risk Assessment Template PANEL DECISION: Prisoner XXXX has been classified to XXXX as a XXX security rated prisoner with an intermediate placement of XXX. In determining this placement, the Sentence Management Panel has considered the risk the prisoner presents to prison security, the community, himself/herself or any other person, having regard to the following: ======================================== SENTENCE PLAN: (outline review timeframes and clearly explain and document expectations with respect to progression through the security levels) ======================================== OFFENCES: (list all current offences) SENTENCE: (enter details of the sentence in years and months) EED: (if applicable enter date prisoner will be eligible for parole) EDD: (enter date prisoner sentence will expire) OUTSTANDING COURT MATTERS: (provide details of any outstanding court matters) COURT DATE: (enter any future court dates) INTERSTATE HISTORY: (detail any interstate criminal history) DEPORT STATUS: (provide details of any immigration issues) CULTURAL STATUS: (enter cultural status indicating if an interpreter is required) COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: (enter details of any confirmed cognitive impairment) ======================================== CATEGORY: (identify whether prisoner is special category, major offender, or serious violent offender (stream A or B)) ======================================== IDENTIFIED RISKS: Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert) Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert) Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert) Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert) Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert) Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert) ======================================== OFFENCE DETAILS: (provide a summary of the offence details. The goal of this section is to identify the key features of the offence(s). ===================================== OFFENDING HISTORY: (provide a summary of the prisoners offending history) ======================================== INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY: (note the number of previous terms of imprisonment and provide a summary of behaviour, including intelligence information) ======================================== DRUG & ALCOHOL: (if applicable note the type, frequency, length of drug use prior to imprisonment, also provide a summary of any positive urinalysis result or drug related incidents) ======================================== RISK OF RE-OFFENDING: (record assessed general risk or re-offending as identified by the VISAT) ======================================== TIER 1/ VISAT IDENTIFIED NEEDS AND PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: (record details of the any recommended programs, prioritised needs and any other recommended actions if applicable) ======================================== Page 11 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 PRISONER GOALS: (record the panels observations of the prisoner’s overall attitude towards their offending, imprisonment and rehabilitation, with a particularly focus on the prisoners willingness to engage in programs, education and employment) ======================================== FAMILY SUPPORT: (detail the nature and extent of the support the prisoner receives from family and friends, will they visit, were will they be travelling from) ======================================== REINTEGRATION NEEDS: (provide details of whether the prisoner requires referral to specialist transitional support program. This may be to assist with post release accommodation, independent living sills etc) ======================================== PRISONER’S COMMENT: (document the prisoner’s attitude and response to the classification decision, including any concerns raised throughout the interview) ====================================== SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (delete those that don’t apply) Victorian Criminal History Report Prisoner Interview VISAT Tier 1 PIMS E*Justice Security Rating Tool Intelligence Reports Aboriginal Liaison Officer Page 12 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedule AC2.2 Remand Risk Assessment Template ======================================== CHARGES: (list all current offences) COURT DATE: (provide details of future court dates) INTERSTATE HISTORY: (detail any interstate criminal history) DEPORT STATUS: (provide details of any immigration issues) CULTURAL STATUS: (enter cultural status and indicate if an interpreter is required) COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: (enter details of any confirmed cognitive impairment) ======================================== CATEGORY: (identify whether prisoner is special category or major offender) ======================================== IDENTIFIED RISKS: Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert) Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert) Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert) Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert) Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert) Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert) ======================================== INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY: (note the number of previous terms of imprisonment and provide a summary of behaviour, including intelligence information) ======================================== PANEL DISCUSSION & PRISONERS COMMENTS: (document the prisoner’s attitude and response to the decision, including any concerns raised throughout the interview) ======================================== PANEL DECISION: (provide the details the classification decision) ======================================== SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (delete those that don’t apply) Victorian Criminal History Report Prisoner Interview PIMS E*Justice Intelligence Reports Security Rating Tool Aboriginal Liaison Officer Page 13 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedule AC2.3 Annual Review Risk Assessment Template ======================================== LAST SMP REVIEW CONDUCTED: (record date of most recent SMP review) ======================================== OFFENCES: (list all current offences) SENTENCE: (enter details of the sentence in years and months) EED: (if applicable enter date prisoner will be eligible for parole) EDD: (enter date prisoner sentence will expire) OUTSTANDING COURT MATTERS: (provide details of any outstanding court matters) COURT DATE: (enter any future court dates) INTERSTATE HISTORY: (detail any interstate criminal history) DEPORT STATUS: (provide details of any immigration issues) CULTURAL STATUS: (enter cultural status indicating if an interpreter is required) COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: (enter details of any confirmed cognitive impairment) ======================================== CATEGORY: (identify whether prisoner is special category or major offender) ======================================== IDENTIFIED RISKS: Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert) Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert) Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert) Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert) Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert) Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert) ======================================== TIER 1/VISAT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: (record details of the any recommended programs, prioritised needs and any other recommended actions if applicable and what intervention the prisoner has completed) ======================================== LOCATION REPORTS (provided by prison location) CASE MANAGER: INDUSTRY SUPERVISOR: EDUCATION: PROGRAMS: ======================================== SUMMARY OF BEHAVIOUR SINCE LAST REVIEW: (provide a summary of behaviour since last review, including intelligence) ======================================== PANEL DISCUSSION: (detail the discussion with the prisoner, identifying any agreed actions or concerns raised during the interview) ======================================== PRISONER’S COMMENT: (document the prisoner’s attitude and response to the decision) ======================================== DECISION: (provide the details the classification decision) ====================================== SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (delete those that don’t apply) Prisoner Interview Prison Management Page 14 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Intelligence Report VISAT / Tier 1 PIMS E*Justice Page 15 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedule AC2.4 Quarterly Review Risk Assessment Template ======================================== LAST SMP REVIEW CONDUCTED: (record date of most recent SMP review) ======================================== OFFENCES: (list all current offences) SENTENCE: (enter details of the sentence in years and months) EED: (if applicable enter date prisoner will be eligible for parole) EDD: (enter date prisoner sentence will expire) OUTSTANDING COURT MATTERS: (provide details of any outstanding court matters) COURT DATE: (enter any future court dates) INTERSTATE HISTORY: (detail any interstate criminal history) DEPORT STATUS: (provide details of any immigration issues) CULTURAL STATUS: (enter cultural status indicating if an interpreter is required) COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: (enter details of any confirmed cognitive impairment) ======================================== CATEGORY: (identify whether prisoner is special category or major offender) ======================================== IDENTIFIED RISKS: Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert) Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert) Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert) Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert) Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert) Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert) ======================================== SUMMARY OF BEHAVIOUR SINCE LAST REVIEW: (provide a summary of behaviour since last review, including intelligence) ======================================== PANEL DISCUSSION: (detail the discussion with the prisoner, identifying any agreed actions or concerns raised during the interview) ======================================== PRISONER’S COMMENT: (document the prisoner’s attitude and response to the decision) ======================================== DECISION: (provide the details the classification decision) ====================================== SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (delete those that don’t apply) Prisoner Interview Prison Management Intelligence Reports PIMS E*Justice Page 16 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015 SENTENCE MANAGEMENT PANELS AC2 Schedule AC2.5 Classification Review Risk Assessment Template OFFENCES: (list all current offences) SENTENCE: (enter details of the sentence in years and months) EED: (if applicable enter date prisoner will be eligible for parole) EDD: (enter date prisoner sentence will expire) OUTSTANDING COURT MATTERS: (provide details of any outstanding court matters) COURT DATE: (enter any future court dates) INTERSTATE HISTORY: (detail any interstate criminal history) DEPORT STATUS: (provide details of any immigration issues) CULTURAL STATUS: (enter cultural status indicating if an interpreter is required) COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: (enter details of any confirmed cognitive impairment) ======================================== CATEGORY: (identify whether prisoner is special category or major offender) ======================================== IDENTIFIED RISKS: Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert) Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert) Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert) Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert) Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert) Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert) ======================================== TIER 1/VISAT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: (record details of the any recommended programs, prioritised needs and any other recommended actions if applicable and what intervention the prisoner has completed) ======================================== R&A RECOMMENDATION: (summarise the R&A recommendation, including rationale, if applicable) ======================================== PANEL CONSIDERATION / DISCUSSION: (provide details of what was considered or discussion with the prisoner whichever is applicable including the reason for the classification review) ======================================== PANEL DECISION: (provide the details the classification decision) ====================================== SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (delete those that don’t apply) Prisoner Interview Prison Management Intelligence Reports PIMS E*Justice VISAT / Tier 1 Media Page 17 of 17 Date of issue: 14/05/2015