Plato`s Argument about a Good Ruler

Plato’s Argument about a Good Ruler:
1. What are four different qualities that Plato argues are
essential for someone to be an effective leader?
a. Knowledge, education, and experience
b. Not power hungry
c. Not selfish but cares about what’s good for everybody
(the “common good”)
d. Understand different points of view
2. How does he use the allegory to support each idea? You may
paraphrase and quote passages from the allegory.
a. Knowledge – the former prisoner was released outside
the cave. When he went outside, he saw the light
(sunlight represents knowledge or enlightenment). For
example, Plato wrote, “A sensible man will remember
that the eyes may be confused in two ways – by a
change from light to darkness or from darkness to light;
and he will recognize that the same thing happens to
the soul.”
b. Not power-hungry – Plato wrote, “Access to power
must be confined to men who are not in love with it.” In
the allegory, the former prisoner was reluctant to
return to the cave, but he went back to try and share
his learning, but the prisoners mocked him.
c. Cares about the common good – The former prisoner
tries to share his knowledge even though he knows that
they might not listen to him.
d. Understands different perspectives – The former
prisoner has experience living inside and outside the
cave. He knows what it was like to be a prisoner, and
what it’s like to be free.
3. Evaluate the credibility of his argument:
a. Does the allegory adequately represent reality?
b. Why or why not?