SUBJECT: Guided Reading – Taking the Plunge + Lost! Key Skills Learning Objectives Comprehension To be able to read independently/with minimal support. Independent writing/overwriting To use Makaton alphabet in context. Speaking To identity story themes. Reading Confidence through reading and speaking (discussion, asking/answering questions, sharing ideas) Wk 1 – 19/04/10 Pupils to visit school library and listen to a story read by the teacher and choose a book to read quietly/to a member of staff. - Group 1: Teacher to introduce Section 1: ‘What’s the matter, Joe?’ Pupils to read words supported by pictures. Key words – matching pictures to words. - Group 2&3: Teacher to introduce a play by John Townsend ‘Taking the Plunge’. Reading and acting out. Key words – dictionary work. Wk 2 – 26/04/10 Listening Vocabulary Teaching Activities and Focused Tasks To answer questions about the text using spoken work, written word and/or pictures. To sequence story of events using words/pictures. To identify the main and recurring characters. To evaluate the characters’ behaviour and begin to justify views. To begin to use adjectives. To explore describing words. What do we remember from the story? In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – matching symbols to pictures. Group 2 – dictionary work. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 3 – 3/05/10 Group 1: Teacher to introduce Section 2 – ‘Where Do All the Lost Gloves Go?’. Pupils to read supported by pictures. Group 2&3: Continuation of reading of the play. What is the story about? What do you think is going to happen next? Pupils to try to act out parts of the play. Wk 4 – 10/05/10 What do we remember from the story? In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – writing/copying and matching. Group 2 &3 – thesaurus dictionary. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 5 – 17/05/10 Group 1: Teacher to introduce Section 3: ‘My Family’. Pupils to read words supported by pictures. Group 2&3 – continuation of reading/acting out the play. What is the story about? What do you think is going to happen next? Pupils to try to act out parts of the play. Wk 6 – 24/05/10 Dictionary work. Differentiated worksheets. Higher group to work independently with dictionaries, lower group to work on Term 5&6 Evaluation 2010 Year 10C Cross Curricular 1. good Numeracy session, nice group work, Matching and all involved sequencing 2. groups 2&3 activities very sensible, more work with group 1 needed 3. very good, repetition required of key words ICT Levels 1 - 4 Level 1.2 - They use ICT to work with text, images and sound to help them share their ideas. Level 2.2 - They use ICT to help them generate, amend, and record their work and share their ideas in different forms, including text, tables, images and sound. Level 3.3 - They use sequences for instructions to control devices and achieve specific outcomes. Level 4.2 - use ICT to generate, develop, organise and present work; to share and exchange ideas with others. Work Related Learning Ability to follow instructions. To work cooperatively with peers. Homework Each pupil will borrow one book per week from the library to be read at home with/without adult’s support. the alphabet and reading high frequency words. Wk 7 – 7/06/10 Group 1: Teacher to reintroduce Section 1: ‘What’s the Mater, Joe?’. Pupils to read supported by pictures. Group 2&3: Continuation of reading of the play. What is the story about? What do you think is going to happen next? Pupils to try to act out parts of the play. Group 1 – key words - matching words to pictures/symbols. Handwriting. Group 2&3 – writing sentences with key words. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 8 – 14/06/10 What do we remember from the story? In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – matching symbols to pictures. Group 2 – dictionary work. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 9 – 21/06/10 Group 1: Teacher to reintroduce Section 2: ‘Where Do All the Lost Gloves Go?’. Pupils to read supported by pictures. Group 2&3: Continuation of reading of the play. What is the story about? What do you think is going to happen next? Pupils to try to act out parts of the play. Group 1 – key words - matching words to pictures/symbols. Handwriting. Group 2&3 – writing sentences with key words. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 10 – 28/06/10 What do we remember from the story? In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – matching symbols to pictures. Group 2&3 – dictionary work. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 11 – 5/07/10 Group 1: Teacher to reintroduce Section 3: ‘My Family’. Pupils to read supported by pictures. Group 2&3: Continuation of reading of the play. What is the story about? What do you think is going to happen next? Pupils to try to act out parts of the play. Group 1 – key words - matching words to pictures/symbols. Keywords Group 1: Dog, cat, ball, glove, rabbit, fly, frog, hedgehog, monster, egg. Groups 2&3: Plumber, slumped, plunger, woodworm, beastly, attic, crime, flooded, floorboards, career. Handwriting. Group 2&3 – writing sentences with key words. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 12 – 12/07/10 What do we remember from the story? In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – matching symbols to pictures. Group 2&3 – dictionary work. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Wk 13 – 19/07/10 In circle time, pupils to read independently and/or with the help of teacher/assistants. Group 1 – key words – matching symbols to pictures. Group 2&3 – dictionary work. - Independent reading/acting out of the play. Unit outline Group 1 are working on the Pelican pack ‘Lost!’ Groups 2&3 are working on ‘Taking the Plunge’. The units will help pupils to develop their skills in reading of words, symbols, sentence and paragraphs. They will demonstrate their reading ability to the class and the teacher, and will apply their skills in speaking, drawing, writing, and other forms of communication. By verbal assessment. Assessment Criteria Prior Knowledge Children should be able to listen to a story and recall some of the main events. By physical response. Teacher observation. Marking work with pupil; marking each other’s work. Oral presentations. Digital cameras. By outcome in line with school assessment policy. Language Pupils will communicate using words, signs or symbols. Pupils will use relevant technical terms whenever possible. Pupils will use maps, pictures and 3D sources Attitudes and Values Pupils will learn working in groups, pairs or on 1:1 basis. Pupils will show respect for each other and each other’s work. Pupils’ work and efforts are to be discussed, shared, evaluated and assessed in a positive manner. Health and Safety All adults in the room must be aware of and act in accordance with school policies on health and safety and child protection. Evaluation and Assessment 1C: Pupils can recognise familiar words or symbols in simple texts. They identify initial sounds in unfamiliar words. They can establish meaning when reading aloud simple sentences. They express their response to familiar texts by identifying aspects which they like and dislike. 2B: Pupil’s reading of simple unfamiliar texts is almost entirely accurate and well paced, taking some account of punctuation. When reading unfamiliar words or symbols they combine a range of strategies (phonic, graphic, grammatical and contextual) to establish meaning. They show understanding of texts by commenting on features such as plot, setting, characters and how information is presented. 3: Pupils read a range of texts fluently and accurately. They read independently, using strategies appropriately to establish meaning. In responding to fiction and non-fiction they show understanding or the main points and express preferences. They use their knowledge of the alphabet to locate books and find information. 4: In responding to a range of texts, pupils show understanding of significant ideas, themes, events and characters, beginning to use inference and deduction. They refer to the text when explaining their views. They locate and use ideas and information.