Assessment of the programmes at the Faculty of Material Science and
Applied Chemistry, Riga Technical University
November 21 and 22, 2000
Programmes assessed
Chemistry (Bachelors)
Chemistry (Masters)
Chemistry (Professional studies)
Chemistry (Doctorate)
Chemical Engineering (Bachelors)
Chemical Engineering (Masters)
Chemical Engineering (Professional studies)
Chemical Engineering (Doctorate)
Assessment Panel (herein known as the panel)
Prof. D. C. Nonhebel, University of Strathclyde, UK (Team Leader)
Prof. A. Opik, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
Prof. E Butkus, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Prof. Ivars Kalvinsh, Deputy Director Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
The panel were provided with details of the programmes, CV's of academic
staff and a critical self evaluation. The assessors obtained further information
through interviews with programme co-ordinators, Department heads, senior and
junior members of the teaching staff, students representing the different programmes
taught by the Faculty, graduates and employers.
The panel were impressed by the graduates that we met. On the whole they
were satisfied with the courses that they had met. Those who had continued their
studies in other countries found that they were adequately prepared from a
theoretical point of view though they were deficient in their laboratory experience
due to the woeful lack of facilities because of the grossly inadequate funding of
university education in Latvia. The employers also said that they were satisfied by
the graduates that they employed. This lack of resources is also very evident from a
visit to the library. Another general area of concern is the very distorted age
structure with an average age of professors close to 60. This will cause severe
problems in the near future if it is not corrected. Recruitment of young academics is
likely to be very difficult as a result of the very poor salary structure.
The extremely low level of funding of students is bound, in many cases, to
prevent students reaching the level of performance they would be capable of were it
not for the need to spend a lot of time supporting themselves.
There has been much talk throughout the whole of Europe about the Bologna
Declaration as a framework of education. Within Central and Eastern Europe there
are potent driving forces that give the Bologna process a particular impetus. The
Bologna Declaration says that as higher education in these countries emerges from
the controls of the former communist systems, there is an opportunity for
restructuring to take place. Most of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have
aspirations to join the European Union. The Bologna Declaration provides an
opportunity for them to restructure in a way that demonstrates a willingness to
adopt European Union norms, and in a way which aligns the knowledge-based
sectors of their economies with European standards. One aim of this report is to
point the way the University can meet this goal.
The Faculty can be complimented on its efforts to modernise and streamline
the Bachelors, Professional and Masters courses which form a firm base for further
development. This has been obtained against a background of inadequate financial
A measure of the overall success of the work of the Faculty was the high
regard that graduates are regarded by a range of employers and also the level of
satisfaction felt by the graduates.
We cannot understand the difference in organisation between the parallel
Bachelors and Masters courses at the Technical University of Riga (3 years Bachelors
+ 3 years Masters) and the University of Latvia (4 years Bachelors + 2 years Masters).
This seems illogical and confusing. At least in the UK a primary purpose of the
Quality Assurance process is that the significance of qualifications is transparent not
least to employers. This difference could also hinder transfer of students from one
university to the other though some transfer from Riga Technical University does
take place though it does not seem to occur in the other direction.
A point applicable to all programmes is that the state of the library is very
poor with few modern books. It is essential that the library stock is improved as the
economic situation of students is such that few can afford to buy books.
Concerns (i) There were no Aims for the individual courses within each of the
programmes. There were no Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives outlining in
detail what a student should be expected to know and be able to do at the end of the
course. Study programmes should be rewritten not just to outline the curriculum but
also to provide Aims and Learning Objectives for each credit as well as each
programme as recommended in a document approved by the Ministry of Education
in Latvia (Order no. 272). Appendix B lists the Learning Aims and Objectives for the
ECTN Core Chemistry programme.
(ii) Separation of knowledge and subject skills from communication and
transferable skills would be useful. These different skills should be recognised and
assessed accordingly and students should be fully aware of the criteria used to assess
these skills. It is useful, particularly for laboratory-based courses to list the skills a
student should acquire in that credit.
(iii) It is important that a culture of safety be part of all programmes. We
were very concerned that students were permitted to work in laboratories without
wearing safety glasses and that academic and technical staff failed to set a good
example. There also do not seem to be any lectures on safety.
(iv) There was too much time spent on general subjects particularly at the
Bachelors level.
(v) A serious criticism is that there is no significant difference in level between
the Masters programme and the Bachelors programme. It is normal within Europe
for the Masters degree to be considered as a postgraduate degree, i.e. it is a higher
level qualification. This can be achieved through a programme set at a higher level
and/or an assessment which demands a higher level of understanding. The Bologna
Declaration says that Bachelors and Masters titles are generic titles for the first and
second cycles. This implies strongly that the two types of programme should be at
distinct academic levels.
The stated Aims of the Masters programme are to provide higher academic
education in chemistry and skills necessary in industry and research; to prepare
specialists able to work at universities, research institutions, companies, or to
continue studies in postgraduate (doctoral) programs, whereas _the A_i_ms_ of
Bachelors studies programme are to provide basic academic education in chemistry
in order to prepare students for further studies at Masters degree or higher
professional qualification programs. These are quote different aims and quite rightly
point to the difference in levels of the two types of programme. We also question
one of the aims of the Masters programme - provision of advanced courses of foreign
languages and economics, management, humanities and social subjects. While
language competence is essential we feel it should be covered adequately at the
Bachelors level and at the Masters and Doctoral level a remedial course should be
provided for students who have not obtained sufficient language skills.
(vi) The infrastructure, i.e. laboratory facilities, laboratory equipment, and
libraries was very deficient and indicates a lack of adequate funding of universities in
(v) The extremely low level of funding of students is bound, in many cases, to
prevent students reaching the level of performance they would be capable of were it
not for the need to spend a lot of time supporting themselves financially.
(viii) Another general area of concern is the very distorted age structure with
an average age of professors close to 60. This will cause severe problems in the near
future if it is not corrected. Recruitment of young academics is likely to be very
difficult as a result of the very poor salary structure. Inevitably there is also less
likelihood of innovation in new methods of teaching with an ageing staff. There was
some evidence of this.
Both students and employers confirmed that teaching technology by FMC is
oriented mostly to the problem solving. All modern approaches in teaching are used.
There is a need for introducing more coherence into the programmes, i.e. to
see the programme as a whole and to ensure that there is agreement within a subject
area as to what is to be taught and how. For example chemists unfortunately behave
as if there were three of four types of chemist - analytical, inorganic, organic and
physical. Attention should be given to integrating courses where this is appropriate,
e.g. in the teaching of stereochemistry which can cover both organic and inorganic
molecules, or spectroscopy which again can be taught by reference to both organic
and inorganic molecules.
A criticism made by employers was that the students were too passive and
should be encouraged to become involved in discussion. This points to the need for
development of courses in Transferable and Communication Skills and for
introducing these skills in appropriate credits.
There must be a much improved culture of safety which, for example, requires
the wearing of safety glasses by everyone in the laboratory at all times irrespective of
whether they are actually carrying out experimental work, i.e. this includes academic
and technical staff. Experiments which either use or produce carcinogenic or highly
hazardous substances should be modified so that these chemicals are replaced by less
hazardous materials. A comprehensive system of waste disposal should be
introduced. Without a change in the safety culture it will be difficult if not
impossible to promote the interchange of students between Latvia and countries of
the EU. This comment applies to ALL programmes at ALL levels.
There was little evidence for rotation of staff between courses. Such a system
results in the professor involved in reviewing the course he/she is assigned to teach
and is likely result in upgrading of the contents of the course.
We would recommend a move away from high contact hours for students
with total reliance on lectures for obtaining information to a process involving more
directed reading by the students. Effort should be made on making students have
more responsibility for their own learning. This again is handicapped by the lack of
good library facilities.
The drop out rate in first level studies is relatively high (~30%). In many
countries in Europe this would be considered to be unacceptably high. The reason in
Latvia stems from the fact that students may enter the courses in Food Technology
without having studied Chemistry at High School. It also seems that some of these
'drop outs' never actually commence their studies. It is recommended that some
remedial help be given to those students who are admitted with out appropriate
qualifications. Preferably this could be an intensive course immediately before the
start of the academic year. Some assistance is given to students after they commence
but these students will always be trying to catch up. There is also a strong feeling
that the standard of teaching in High Schools is not always of an adequate standard.
We suggest that the secondary-school studies in Chemistry should be made a
prerequisite for the studies at the faculty or failing that incoming students without
Chemistry should be required to take a special course during the summer. More
flexibility in the organisation and delivery of the different programmes, which would
accommodate students who need to work to support themselves, could be
recommended too as many students have to support themselves financially.
The Faculty can be commended on the high percentage of students who
achieve employment offers after graduation. The feed back that was given by the
employers was very impressive.
There is a procedure for allowing students who have failed individual credits
to retake them. This is effective.
We suggest that the Faculty and the University implement some form of
qualified career guidance which is available to students as they progress through the
different programmes. This could take the form of occasional visits from employers
to outline career opportunities in their particular area. At the same time need for
more intensive guidance of the students research activities in the Master and
particularly Doctoral programmes was necessary. Shortage of research materials and
equipment strengthens the need for qualified advice and scrupulous planning of the
It did not seem that all students were given full details of the curricula at the
start of each academic year. It is also important that they have time to consider their
curricula for the following year before they have to choose their optional courses.
Students complained that there were frequent changes to the their study
programmes and to regulations.
The quality of student accommodation was criticised.
The relative shortage of funding sources for the provision of equipment,
infrastructure, IT and library facilities in Latvian higher education is well known. The
University should be complimented on the considerable improvement it has made in
furnishing a modern library. There are good areas for students to carry out private
study. There is a reasonable selection of undergraduate texts and also a good range
of scientific journals. There was also a lack of advanced specialist
undergraduate/postgraduate texts in Chemistry. Less impressive was the range of
books available for students to borrow. These were on the whole old and many
were in Russian. Some students comment that they would like more books in
Latvian. This request would have to be very carefully examined particularly for
more advanced courses where the number of books which could be sold, would be
very small and make such an operation very expensive. Students, especially at the
Masters and Doctorate level, should be fluent in English not least to allow them
access to the original literature. Access to the library is not available after 5.00 p.m.
This is not acceptable particularly as many students have to combine their studies
with employment and will need access in the evenings.
Laboratories, in general, are equipped with out-of-date instruments,
some important methods are not available (NMR, modern GC, X-ray spectroscopy
etc.) although this equipment is available for students at the Institute for Organic
Synthesis, and other research and industrial enterprises with which the Faculty has
close links. The Faculty must be commended for the efficient use they make of their
limited resources. The lack of modern equipment makes MSc and especially PhD
level research extremely problematic. Considerable improvement is necessary if the
Faculty is to attain the standards of West European Universities. The current
situation creates a problem regarding student exchange under the ECTS scheme as it
would be difficult to recommend that students came to Latvia to carry out
experimental work.
It would be highly desirable to build up technological laboratories and
equipment in the Faculty. Creation of a scale up unit for chemical technology of
pharmaceuticals would be a very valuable addition. Currently there is no possibility
of carrying out large scale experiments which involve different techniques from
those encountered in typical chemistry laboratories. We did not see any chemical
engineering laboratories. The existing equipment with some exceptions, e.g. the
Institute of Polymeric Materials) does not correspond to the needs of teaching of
bachelors, masters and graduate students. An additional opportunity to overcome
dramatic shortage of instruments and equipment at FMC would be to allow much
more study time for students to work in chemical enterprises and research institutes
outside the Faculty. As we recognize, it would be only possible, if substantially more
financial support will be offered to FMC.
The students complained that laboratories were from time to time closed due
to lack of resources, bad heating etc. The staff of the Faculty has already undertaken
some initiative to improve the situation by the creation of the Consultative Council,
made up from employers and scientists, to establish opportunities for students to
work in different chemical enterprises and institutes and to improve the study
programmes according to the needs of employers. There is a risk of overdependence
on one or two employers but this is a risk that must be taken.
The lack of modern equipment makes MSc and especially PhD level research
extremely problematic. Considerable improvement is necessary if the Faculty is to
attain the standards of European Universities.
The number of computers was insufficient to meet student expectations
(though there were 50 computers available for 250 students): this is an area where it
is almost impossible to meet student demands.
The teaching staff is well qualified, and almost everyone regularly visits universities
in W. Europe and other countries, attends conferences and other scientific and
academic meetings. Most of the scientific results are published in local journals and
as conference proceedings. Staff should be encouraged to increase the number of
publications in international journals: this would, on the whole, require substantial
improvement of the level of research. The staff prepare study materials in the
Latvian language. There seems to be difficulty in funding the production of this
It is recommended that the Faculty’s internal arrangements for the monitoring
and evaluation of classes in programmes should be formalised and improved. We
were satisfied that there is an effective de facto system in operation but this is too
highly dependent on the staff currently in post.
Recommendations on this aspect of provision may include the following:
(i) The use of external examiners to ensure comparability of standards with
other Universities. This would inevitably have to involve academics from other
countries as the scientific community in Latvia is so small.
(ii) The more frequent use of blind duplicate marking of course work and
examination scripts.
(iii) A systematic review of pass rates in all courses.
(iv) The introduction of a formalised induction scheme for new staff.
(v) A continuous staff development policy for all staff related to teaching,
learning and assessment.
(v) A mechanism for the increased dissemination of good practice throughout
the Faculty.
It is recommended that this programme is given accreditation for two years on
condition that a plan is formulated to take account of the following points.
The curriculum should be modified to reflect the recommendations for
Core Chemistry developed by the European Chemistry Thematic Network.
Appendix B summarizes recommendations made by the Core Chemistry working
party of the European Chemistry Thematic Network (a network of over 90
University chemistry departments from 24 European countries) regarding the
syllabuses for Analytical. Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. Appendix A is
a paper produced by Professor Michael Gagan of the Open University, UK and
approved by the Core Chemistry working party and discusses the philosophy of
teaching as applied to the teaching of chemistry. The essence of this is a modern
curriculum with the aim of promoting student learning and understanding.
The mode of teaching should be modified to promote learning and
problem solving in the light of recommendations of the ECTN and also in light of the
Benchmarking procedure produced by the Quality Assurance Agency in the UK
(www.qaa.ac.uk), i.e. there should be a move away from just expecting students to be
able to recall material they have been exposed to in lectures.
(iii) There must be a much improved culture of safety which, for example,
requires the wearing of safety glasses by everyone in all laboratories at all times
irrespective of whether they are actually carrying out experimental work.
Experiments which either use or produce carcinogenic or highly hazardous
substances should be modified so that these chemicals are replaced by less hazardous
materials. A comprehensive system of waste disposal should be introduced.
Without a change in the safety culture it will be difficult if not impossible to promote
the interchange of students between Latvia and countries of the EU. This comment
applies to ALL programmes at ALL levels.
(iv) The view of the team was that some of the RTU compulsory general
subjects were not strictly necessary and could be replaced by more relevant modules
in Chemistry. Thus, the relevance of drawing geometry and engineering graphics is
questionable in the era of CAD technology. Other subjects such as models of social
development and civil defence are hardly integral to a Chemistry course. In addition
we question the necessity of students having to take 4 credits of Humanities/Social
Subjects in addition to subjects of free choice. The course at RTU lasts for only 3
years compared to 4 years at the University of Latvia and can ill afford to spend too
much time on non-Chemistry or Chemical Engineering subjects.
The proportion of optional Chemistry subjects in comparison with
compulsory Chemistry topics seems too high as the Bachelors course is essentially a
core course which all students would be expected to take. For example, it is not
acceptable that students need only take one course in Organic Chemistry and one
course in Inorganic Chemistry (the basic courses). This degree of specialization is not
acceptable at a Bachelor's level. It would decrease the options open to students at
this point in their academic career. The elective courses would seem to be of two
types - Chemistry-based electives (courses 1.1 - 1.9) and the others. Most, if not all of
the Chemistry-based courses should be compulsory.
(vi) The Chemical Engineering content of the Bachelors course in Chemical
Engineering seems rather limited. Topics such as Process Thermodynamics, Safety,
Separation Processes, Plant and Equipment seem to be omitted. It is difficult to see
how a full course equivalent to similar courses elsewhere in Europe could be covered
in the available time.
(vii) It is regrettable that the project at the Bachelor's level is only a literature
project. This could easily be changed if the course were extended to 4 years. It is
difficult to see how an adequate literature project can be achieved without consulting
other libraries in Riga as the RTU library is very deficient as regards textbooks in the
basic areas of undergraduate Chemistry. It is even worse off as regards more
advanced texts.
(viii) It should be possible for students with high level language skills to gain
exemption from the language courses. This would give such students more time to
devote to their main area of study and also reduce class sizes for those students
taking language courses giving them better opportunities. Such a recommendation
also applies at the Master's level.
The shortage of good modern textbooks results in students having poor
library skills. The ability to use a library is an essential part of university education
and the course should reflect this.
It was stated that in general students and employers are satisfied with
quality and quantity of knowledge given to students during master studies. Less
satisfaction was played to bachelor studies because insufficient time, equipment and
place for development of practical skills, especially for engineers is offered.
There seem little point including elementary programming in the
computer studies course.
(xii) The Bachelors programme is in need of updating. Thus the Organic
Chemistry component is very traditional Organic Chemistry apparently discussing
typical functional group reactions with little mechanistic discussion. There is little
reference to Stereochemistry including conformational analysis of cyclohexanes
which form a key part of Core Chemistry. The same is true of Spectroscopy - simple
IR, 1H and 13C NMR are very much part of Core Chemistry with 2D NMR being left
for the Masters course but not the Doctoral course. Retrosynthetic Analysis should
also be introduced at the Bachelors level. Similar comments could be made about
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry.
It is recommended that these programmes are given accreditation for two years on
condition that plans are formulated to take account of the following points. The
Masters programme in Chemical Engineering was better than that in Chemistry but
was severely handicapped by lack of facilities.
A detailed revision of the course content particularly in the area of
analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry
should be undertaken in the light of the recommended revision of the Bachelors
degree programme following the Core Chemistry proposals of the ECTN. The
inclusion of 4 credits of Humanities/Social Subjects at a Master's level is even less
appropriate than at the Bachelor's level. The more advanced aspects of spectroscopy,
e.g. 2D NMR are properly part of a Masters course. I would have expected to see
more emphasis on Physical Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry. There was little
mention of Asymmetric Synthesis and no mention of Molecular Modelling or
Organometallic Chemistry.
There was some criticism from employers that the students need more
laboratory experience. This also was the impression of the panel.
(iii) The number of students taking some of the Masters options in the
Chemical Engineering courses is very small and consideration should be given as to
whether it is good use of staff resources to run a course for only a very few students
(<4 or 5).
(iv) The level of a number of Masters theses we examined was poor with
little literature review due no doubt to the poor library.
We would support accreditation for the professional courses for six years. The
feedback from industry was generally positive as was that from graduates. These
courses clearly meet a real need in the community. The courses were designed with
very specific needs in mind and our impression was that they fulfilled their objective.
There was again criticism from employers that the students need more laboratory
PhD programme seems to be the most problematic area. We recommend that
this programme is accredited for two years. It is strongly recommended to
concentrate attention on the research work by reducing the taught component. The
number of doctoral students is very small and most of these do most if not all their
research away from the university either in industry or in a university in another
country. In both cases the contact between the university and the student is
frequently but not always minimal and it is difficult to see what input the supervisor
appointed by the university has into the project.
Further Recommendation/ Observations
(i) It was clearly recognised that the requirement of a doctoral student to
publish five papers is far too demanding. The panel recommends that more scrutiny
should be made with the quality of the papers rather than quantity. This
requirement seems unrealistic for a number of reasons:
• Few, if any, other countries have such stringent requirements
• Training in research is more important than output though of course these
are normally related.
• Some projects do not lead to publication because another group elsewhere
publishes first.
• It encourages publication of work in a fragmentary state which is deplored
by the best journals.
• It is difficult, if not impossible, to attribute work to individual authors in a
multi-author publication. Increasingly publications are mulish-author as a
result of team work.
• It is difficult to get 5 papers of the required level in what is effectively two
years (the first year being spent predominantly in course work).
• It seems particularly strange that accepted but not published papers cannot
be included. New PhD's might want to proceed with postdoctoral studies
in another laboratory and this would be precluded if they had not
• The number of publications that can be expected is strongly dependent on
the subject area. Thus it is more difficult to obtain a paper in Mathematics
than in a wet science
• If the research could be patented, this would cause a further delay before
publication could take place.
• The time for publication varies very considerably from subject area to
subject area.
We felt that the number of credit points required by a doctoral student
in the taught element of the programme should be reduced with more emphasis
placed on the research project. A major function of a Master degree is to prepare
students for entry into the Doctoral programme. Language courses should be extra
to the curriculum for those students not yet proficient in English. Students have had
courses at both the Bachelors and Masters levels. Students have already had 6 CP at
Bachelors level and 6 at Masters level.
(iii) The staff of the Faculty should demonstrate more intellectual
involvement with the doctoral students particularly those not studying in the
(iv) Students working in industry do not always seem to have adequate
opportunities to follow up interesting observations which might not be of direct
interest to the particular company. This is an essential part of a PhD.
International collaboration at the Faculty, which involves Doctoral
students, should be aimed not only to preparing specific analyses and gaining access
to advanced laboratory facilities, but also to the obtaining experience of an
international research culture. This should lead to publications in international
(vi) We are concerned that industry gives little or no financial assistance to
PhD students working in that industry. This means that the industry is effectively
getting free technical assistance. This is certainly not the practice in countries of
Western Europe.
(vii) For those students studying outside the university consideration
should be given to appointing a suitably qualified person to act as joint supervisor
with the appointment approved by the Faculty.
(viii) It is important that the thesis consists of a detailed background,
experimental work and discussion of results of the work and is not just a very brief
introduction followed by copies of published papers.
We wish to express our thanks to the Vice Dean, Dr Mare Jure and the staff of
the Faculty for their help in preparing the necessary documentation and particularly
for the time they gave us and particularly for the time they gave us presenting details
of the courses, showing us the facilities, answering our questions and correcting our
misunderstandings. We were encouraged by the vision of the Rector and the Vice
dean fore the future of teaching and research at the Faculty of Chemistry and
Material Science.
We wish to compliment the Faculty on their endeavours to provide good
balanced courses to their students. It is clear that, on the whole, both graduates and
employers are well satisfied. This is to the credit of all the Faculty. Our comments
are made in a positive sense in that we would like to see good courses and
programmes become even better, and improvements made to those which need
extensive revision.
Dr. Gagan, Open University
In this group we are hoping to develop a curriculum that looks to a way teaching
chemistry degrees that will be acceptable across Europe IN THE FUTURE. So I
should like to propose that we adopt a different approach to drawing up a
Below I have begun by listing some of the shortcomings of a traditional curriculum:
1. It is based on teaching rather than on student learning.
2. It is based on knowledge rather than on understanding.
3. It puts an emphasis on facts rather than concepts
4. It implies that organic chemistry is a body of information to be learned
rather than a 'toolbox' to be used
5. It looks backwards to what is known rather than forwards to what can be
discovered. Chemistry is the only truly creative science, with a highly
developed logic which invites both deductive and inductive reasoning.
Yet a curriculum of the traditional sort represents it as an enormous body of facts to
be remembered. For many students this destroys both its interest and its vitality.
Instead of developing key concepts that can be used to unravel observations, the
observations (properties, preparations, reactions) are considered to have importance
in themselves. In my view it is more valuable for a student to be able to suggest a
mechanism for a reaction not previously encountered than to 'know' the mechanisms
of twenty other reactions! Organic chemistry is set in a context of major themes structure and bonding, functionality, mechanism, stereochemistry, structure
determination and synthesis. Each of these has within it well-defined principles that
we would all recognise as allowing understanding and development. For example in
level 1 mechanism, we would surely agree that students should have mastered the
concepts of electrophiles and nucleophiles, electronegativity, polarisation and
polarisability, conjugation, and the importance of the electron pair and the proton. A
good working understanding of these ideas allows a student to explain an enormous
number of reactions, and even more important, make intelligent suggestions about
the way reagents and substrates might behave. Yet not one of these words is
mentioned in the example curriculum. A similar core concept list could be given for
the other themes.
Another problem I find with the traditional approach is that it assumes that a lot of
factual knowledge is necessary before a student can go on to explore some of the
more interesting (advanced?) areas of chemistry. I am sure that students can, and
should be introduced to retrosynthetic analysis and multistep synthesis, to 13-C and
infrared spectroscopy, almost as soon as they meet hydrocarbons and functional
groups. As soon as students find they are able to do something with the chemistry
they have learned their interest is aroused. I do not deny that there are certain
aspects of organic chemistry that do need to be learned. IUPAC nomenclature is an
obvious example, but even this chemical millstone, has a compelling logic absent
from the nomenclature of all other sciences. In contrast, many data formerly learned
by students may be more effectively used if they are made available through a data
book, or these days a database.
I think that our Eurocurriculum should put the responsibility on to the student as
much as the lecturer. Detailing the number of hours to be allocated to a particular
topic is not helpful. Some students will need more, some less time to master it (even
though a lecturer may think it needs that amount of teaching time). This is why I
would prefer not to think in terms of years of study, but levels of attainment judging students' achievement not by how long they have been studying, but by
what they can do. The curriculum should refer to 'Eurolevels' of achievement that
could be assessed by their performance in diagnostic tests.
Atomic structure, electronic configuration of atoms, ionic and covalent bonding,
Lewis structures, hybridization: sp3, sp2 and sp orbitals and their influence on
structure, orbital overlap, delocalised structures - valence-bond, resonance and
molecular orbital representation,
electronegativity and bond polarity, homolysis and heterolysis, bond dissociation
energies, acids and bases, functional groups, intermolecular interactions -hydrogen
bonding, van der Waals (London) forces.
Identify the state of hybridisation of an atom in a given molecule, and indicate how this will
influence the structure and reactivity of that molecule. Recognise the possibility of electron
delocalisation in a molecule. Given a formula for a molecule describe its structure by Lewis,
valence-bond, resonance and molecular orbital representations. Indicate sigma and pi bond
polarisation caused by the electronegativity of atoms in a given molecule, and use it to predict
direction of heterolysis, acid or base properties, and electrophilic or nucleophilic behaviour or
sites of electrophilic or nucleophilic attack. Use a table of bond dissociation energies to
determine whether a given reaction will be exothermic or endothermic. Relate Gibb's energy
to the position of equilibrium for a reaction. Use the functional group principle to predict the
chemical behaviour of a given molecule. Recognise possibilities for inter- and intra-molecular
hydrogen bonding and van der Waals (London) forces in a molecule, and use these
intermolecular interactions to explain such phenomena as the physical properties and
solubility of molecules, the structure of large biomolecules, and molecular recognition.
Types of organic reaction, reaction mechanisms, rates and equilibria, reaction energy
diagrams, intermediates and transition states. Basic ideas of mechanism electronegativity, polarisation, curly arrows, electrophiles and nucleophiles, reactive
intermediates - carbenes-carbocations, carbanions, free radicals.
Classify a given chemical transformation as addition, elimination, substitution, condensation,
rearrangement, solvolysis, oxidation, reduction, and as subject to acid or base catalysis.
Distinguish between a transition state (activated complex) and a reactive intermediate. Under
specified reaction conditions, recognise reagents as electrophiles or nucleophiles. Given
starting materials (substrates), reagents, and reaction conditions, propose the outcome of a
reaction; and whether given products or not, propose a possible mechanism for the course of
the reaction, using curly arrows to indicate electron movements. Explain the differing
stability of related reactive intermediates, and the influence of this stability on the course of a
NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION: Given the reactants (a) identify nucleophile,
electrophilic centre and leaving group; (b) decide (if possible) whether an SN1, SN2 or other
mechanism will operate; (c) predict the structure of the products; (d) indicate how changes in
reaction conditions, or the reactants could influence the outcome to the reaction; (e) decide
whether or not a reaction will go; and (f) comment on the relative rates of two S N reactions.
Suggest the best reagents and reaction conditions for carrying out a given transformation.
Use curly arrows and reaction co-ordinate diagrams to show the mechanisms of SN1 and
SN2 reactions.
ELIMINATION: Given the substrate, reagent and reaction conditions (a) predict the
structure of the product(s), indicating the stereochemistry where necessary; (b) predict which
elimination product will predominate where more than one product can be formed; (c) predict
whether substitution or elimination will predominate; and (d) explain how the conformation
and configuration of a substrate can affect the outcome of an elimination reaction. Use curly
arrows and reaction co-ordinate diagrams to show the mechanisms of E1 and E2 reactions.
ADDITION: Given the reactants (a) predict the structure of the product, indicating its
stereochemistry; and (b) predict which addition product will predominate, where more than
one product can be formed. Explain how the selection of the reagent can determine the
orientation of addition. Specify the reagents and conditions needed to form a given product by
an addition reaction.
Straight and branched chain hydrocarbons, monocyclic cycloalkanes, benzene and
naphthalene, simple aromatic heterocyclic compounds, and their derivatives having
any of the functional groups included below. Sequence rules for specification of
configuration, the E/Z designation, R/S nomenclature to specify absolute
Know the correct names (both prefix and suffix forms) of common functional groups. Given a
structure or abbreviated formula use IUPAC nomenclature to name correctly straight and
branched chain hydrocarbons, monocyclic cycloalkanes, benzene and naphthalene, simple
aromatic heterocyclic compounds, and their simple substituted derivatives. Given an IUPAC
name for any of the above correctly draw its structure.
Use the sequence rules for specification of configuration to identify and name correctly
isomers of doubly -bonded or cyclic compounds having either E or Z configurations, or
isomers (or individual stereogenic (chiral) centres) having R or S absolute configurations.
Be familiar with the general chemistry of the following classes of organic
compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides (haloalkanes), benzene and its
derivatives, alcohols, phenols, ethers, epoxides, amines and other
nitrogen functions, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives (acid
halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides), nitriles, and the simple monocyclic
Sources, preparation, oxidation, free radical halogenation, combustion. Cycloalkanes
- small, medium and large rings, ring strain.
Account for strain in small rings. Relate the difficulty of forming cyclic systems to the size of
ring required.
Electronic structure, cis-trans isomers, preparation via elimination reactions.
Addition reactions - hydrogenation, electrophilic addition (including mechanism and
stereochemistry) of HX, H2O, halogens, orientation of alkene addition reactions,
Markovnikov's rule, carbocation structure and stability, addition in the presence of
peroxides - anti-Markovnikov.
Hydroboration. Oxidation of alkenes by manganese(VII), peroxo-acids, and ozone.
Conjugated dienes, resonance, stability of allylic carbocations, 1,2- and 1,4- addition
to dienes. Cycloaddition reactions (Diels-Alder).
Use simple orbital overlap theory to account for non-rotation about pi bonds, conjugation, the
stability of allyl carbocations, and the features of the Diels-Alder reaction.
Structure and preparation. Electrophilic addition of H2, water, HX and X2, acidity,
formation of alkyne anions, coupling reactions.
Structure and stability of benzene, resonance, Hückel's rule, simple non-benzenoid
aromatics (cyclopentadienyl, tropylium). Electrophilic aromatic substitution (with
mechanism) - halogenation, nitration, sulphonation, the Friedel-Crafts alkylation and
acylation reactions. Isomerism of benzene derivatives, reactivity and orientation of
reactions on substituted aromatic rings, oxidation and reduction of aromatic
compounds. Side-chain halogenation, benzyl as a free radical, cation and anion.
Naphthalene. Kinetic vs. thermodynamic control.
Explain the structure, stability and reactivity of benzene using the concept of resonance.
Identify simple non-benzenoid aromatic molecules by using Hückel's rule. Use curly arrows
and reaction co-ordinate diagrams to show the mechanisms of electrophilic aromatic
substitution. Predict and explain the position of entry of a second substituent and the rate of
substitution of a monosubstituted benzene. Distinguish between Friedel-Crafts alkylation and
acylation reactions for use in synthesis. Explain the stability of the benzyl free radical, cation
and anion, and show how this determines the chemistry of toluene and its side-chain
derivatives. Explain how reaction conditions determine the position of substitution in
Tetrahedral carbon, stereogenic (chiral) centres, chirality in molecules, optical
activity, specific rotation, enantiomers, diastereomers, meso-compounds, racemic
mixtures and their separation. Conformations of ethane and butane, conventions for
representing chemical structures, steric hindrance and preferred conformation.
Conformation and cis-trans isomerism in cycloalkanes, axial and equatorial bonds in
cyclohexane, conformational mobility of cyclohexane. Stereochemistry of reactions,
conformational analysis
Recognise a stereogenic (chiral) centre in a molecular structure. Identify and distinguish
between identical molecules, enantiomers and diastereomers from structural representations.
Recognise a meso compound from its structure. With or without the aid of molecular models,
represent the three dimensional nature of a molecule using flying wedge or the Newman
projection conventions.
Describe methods for separating a racemic mixture. Account for steric hindrance between
neighbouring groups on bonds and across rings.
Relate potential energy to dihedral angle during bond rotation, and justify the selection of a
preferred conformation. Calculate a specific rotation and an enantiomeric excess from
appropriate data. Correlate cis and trans substituents on cyclohexane rings with axial and
equatorial disposition. Use known stereochemistry of reaction to predict the outcome of
reactions at cyclohexane rings, or the products of reaction to support stereospecific
reaction paths.
Preparation from alcohols, nucleophilic substitution reactions - SN2 & SN1 mechanism and stereochemistry, elimination reactions - E2 & E1 - mechanism and
stereochemistry, the competition between nucleophilic substitution and elimination,
Grignard reagents. Haloaromatics and haloalkenes, their resistance to nucleophilic
attack. Allylic bromination.
Exploit the usefulness of alkyl halides in synthesis, especially through substitution and
organometallic reagents. Account for the reduced reactivity of haloaromatics and haloalkenes.
Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Acidity of alcohols and phenols, hydrogen
bonding. Synthesis of alcohols from alkenes and carbonyl compounds.
Reactions of alcohols - with hydrogen halides, phosphorus halides, dehydration,
reaction with metals, acylation, oxidation. Synthesis and reactions of phenols oxidation, acylation. Williamson ether synthesis, acidic cleavage, cyclic ethers and
crown ethers. Synthesis and ring-opening reactions of epoxides.
Exploit the usefulness of alcohols and epoxides in synthesis. Account for the acidity of
phenols. Explain the behaviour of crown ethers.
Primary, secondary and tertiary amines, amine basicity, synthesis of amines by
substitution and reduction reactions, reactions of amines - alkylation, Hofmann
exhaustive methylation, acylation, preparation of diazonium compounds and their
use in synthesis, nitro compounds, ureas.
Distinguish between the behaviour of amines as nucleophiles and bases, and between nitrogen
in sp3, sp2 and sp hybridisation. Account for the basicity of amines, and the reduced basicity
of amides. Exploit the usefulness of diazonium compounds in the synthesis of substituted
benzene derivatives.
Structure and properties of the carbonyl group, synthesis of aldehydes and ketones,
oxidation and reduction of aldehydes and ketones, nucleophilic addition of water,
alcohols, amino compounds, and Grignard reagents. Conjugate addition to
unsaturated carbonyl systems (Michael addition).
Explain how the typical reactions of carbonyl compounds (protonation, addition, additionelimination and substitution) can be understood from a knowledge of their structure.
Illustrate with curly arrows the mechanisms by which nucleophiles and electrophiles react
with carbonyl compounds. Predict the expected product of the reaction of a specified carbonyl
compound with a given reagent under stated conditions. Predict the product and explain the
mechanism for reaction of a Grignard reagent with a carbonyl compound. Explain why 1,4as well as 1,2- nucleophilic addition takes place with conjugated carbonyl systems.
Structure, and properties of carboxylic acids, acidity, pKa values, the effect of
substituents on acidity. Synthesis of carboxylic acids, nucleophilic acyl substitution
reactions - esterification, acid halide and amide formation.
Reactions of acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides - solvolysis,
hydrogenolysis, reduction, reactions with Grignard reagents. Preparation and
reactions of nitriles.
Recognise the common tetrahedral intermediate in mechanistic explanations of the reactions
of both aldehydes and ketones and carboxylic acids and their derivatives with nucleophiles.
Use curly arrows to show the mechanisms of these reactions. Show how the group adjacent to
a carbonyl group modifies the chemical behaviour of that carbonyl, and how its own chemistry
is affected.
Predict the product and explain the mechanism for reaction of a Grignard reagent with
carboxylic acid derivatives, carbon dioxide and nitriles
Acidity of hydrogen atoms alpha to carbonyl, nitrile and nitro groups, keto-enol
tautomerism, reactivity of enols, alpha halogenation of carbonyl compounds. Enolate
ion formation and reactivity, alkylation of enolate ions, decarboxylation, the use of
ethyl acetoacetate and malonic esters in synthesis. Enolate acylation, carbonyl
condensation reactions, aldol reaction and analogues, the Claisen condensation and
related reactions. The Cannizzaro reaction.
Explain the acidity of C-H bonds adjacent to a carbonyl or other electron-withdrawing group,
and show how this leads to valuable intermediates for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds
through alkylation and acylation. Utilise ethyl acetoacetate and malonic ester in the synthesis
of ketone and carboxylic acid derivatives. Differentiate between tautomers and resonance
forms. Explain the ease of decarboxylation of beta-ketocarboxylic acids. Describe the role of
acid and base catalysis in carbonyl condensation reactions. Recognise limitations in the use of
condensation reactions in synthesis.
Carbocation rearrangements (Wagner-Meerwein, pinacol), Beckmann, BaeyerVilliger, Hofmann and Curtius rearrangements.
Using curly arrows outline the general mechanism for carbocation rearrangements (carbon to
carbon migration), and rearrangements involving electron deficient nitrogen or oxygen
(carbon to nitrogen, carbon to oxygen migration). Predict the products and give a mechanism
for a rearrangement reaction given substrate and reaction conditions, or provide a mechanism
for a
reaction where substrate and product are given.
Thiols and sulfides, sulfoxides and sulfones. The Wittig and Wadsworth-Emmons
Relate the organic chemistry of sulfur to that of oxygen, showing similarities and differences.
Outline a mechanism for the Wittig reaction, and show how the Wittig and WadsworthEmmons reactions can be used in synthesis.
Free radical and ionic polymerisation of alkenes (addition or chain growth). Stepgrowth (condensation) polymerisation.
Recognise a given molecular structure as (a) an initiator, (b) an addition polymer, (c) a
condensation polymer, (d) a monomer for addition polymerisation, (e) a monomer for
condensation polymerisation. Name polymers according to their monomer(s). Outline the
sequence of reactions involved in (a) radical-initiated addition polymerisation and (b)
condensation polymerisation. Predict the polymer that would result from a given monomer(s)
or deduce the monomer(s) that would give rise to a given polymer. Suggest mechanisms for
chain-growth and step growth polymerisation, using fish-hook or curly arrows as
appropriate. Relate physical properties of an addition or condensation polymer to its
molecular structure.
Pyrrole, furan, thiophen, pyridine, aromaticity in monocyclic heterocyclic
compounds, electrophilic and nucleophilic attack, oxidation and reduction,
acid/base properties.
Compare the aromaticity of pyrrole, furan, thiophen, and pyridine with that of benzene,
showing similarities and differences. Explain the different effect that nitrogen has on the
chemistry of pyrrole and pyridine in rationalising their contrasting chemical behaviour.
Relate the differing chemistry of pyrrole, furan and thiophen to the influence of the
Infrared spectroscopy, characteristic group frequencies. Ultraviolet and visible
spectra, colour and conjugation. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chemical
equivalence, the delta scale, chemical shifts, integration of lH NMR spectra, proton
counting, spin-spin coupling in 1H NMR spectra, the n+1 rule. l3C NMR
spectroscopy, chemical shift, off-resonance spectra. Mass spectra for molecular mass
and simple fragmentations.
Use infrared and 13C/proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, separately or in
combination with each other, or with additional information from ultraviolet/visible
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, analytical data or descriptive chemistry, to identify
structural features or complete structures of unknown molecules. Determine a molecular
formula from the accurate mass of a molecular ion. Calculate a double bond equivalent from a
molecular formula.
Amino acids and peptides: structures of common amino acids, dipolar (zwitterionic)
nature, isoelectric points, the peptide bond. A brief introduction to the major classes
of biomolecule: i.e. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, steroids,
terpenoids, alkaloids, vitamins.
Where suitable they can be used to exemplify aspects of organic chemistry covered
Recognise features of general organic chemistry in given examples of the chemistry of
biomolecules. Predict the behaviour of biomolecules under given reaction conditions based on
a knowledge of general organic chemistry. Recognise the importance of hydrogen bonding,
and other molecular interactions, in the chemistry of biomolecules.
Use of retrosynthetic analysis and the disconnection approach, synthons and
corresponding reagents, functional group interconversions, carbon-carbon and
carbon-heteroatom bond formation, applying and removing protecting groups.
Devise a synthetic sequence by working back from a target molecule, using reactions and
reagents encountered previously, or by proposing analogous reactions and reagents. In
devising a synthetic sequence recognise the need for (a) functional group interconversions
(especially oxidations and reductions); (b) carbon-carbon bond formation reactions; and (c)
skeletal carbon-heteroatom bond formation; and identify these three features within a
synthetic sequence. Modify a given synthetic sequence to give a route to a similar target
molecule. Utilise the chemistry of different classes of compound studied to introduce and
modify (interconvert) functional groups. Use where appropriate the application and removal
of a suitable protecting group in a synthetic sequence. Utilise the reactions of Grignard
reagents, alkynides, the nitrile anion, enols and enolates in carbon-carbon bond formation en
route to a target molecule.
Michael Gagan, Open University
There are 210 students studying chemistry on Faculty of Material Science and Applied
Chemistry or Riga Technical University (FMC) (100 undergraduates, 40 students in
professional programs, 40 students in graduate programs, 30 postgraduates). There were 8
Study Programs under evaluation : Chemistry (B); Chemistry (M); Chemistry (Dr); Chemistry
(Eng); Chemical technology (B); Chemical technology (M); Chemical technology (Dr);
Chemical technology (Eng). Evaluation included analysis of :
Pass rates
Quality of examining process - exam papers and other forms of assessment, review of
results of each assessment
Collaboration of all academic staff in discussing programmes offered by the institution
The importance of problem solving
Transferable skills
Quality of laboratory work
Quality of the library
Quality of the student experience
Evidence of Learning as well as Teaching
Aims and objectives available for each module
Quality of advice to students
Very well prepared Report Self Evaluation of FMC as well as good organized
meetings and discussions with staff of Faculty, undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates
students, as well as representatives of student self government, employers and abiturients of
Faculty was involved in investigation process. Acquaintance with documents, teaching
materials, student work (thesis, projects, dissertations etc.), visiting of laboratories and library,
attendance of lectures and seminars was used to evaluate quality of teaching in FMC.
Pass rates
Only 30-40% from enrolled students graduate. We recognize that it is because low
educational level in secondary school system in Latvia in teaching chemistry, mathematics
and physics. The enrolled students sometimes are enrolled in more then one Faculty or even
university and after enrolment make a choice for study place. This situation should be
improved, probably by establishing of “O” year for students not skilled in chemistry,
mathematics and physics. The low pass rates do not correspond to the needs of industry and
science of Latvia and do not aloud even to maintain existing level in chemical industry and
science as well as teaching staff in Latvia.
Quality of examining process
There were no substantial objections against the quality and process of examining.
Collaboration of academic staff in discussing programmes offered by the institution
Some positive improvement would be highly appreciated. First of all : there is low
rotation rate between professors in teaching study courses. It may give some conservatism in
teaching. The second consequence is – there is not a very expressed interest of academic staff
to discuss programmes offered by colleagues.
Suggestions: to organize rotation of academic staff and regular evaluation of study
programs by academic staff of FMC and experts from employers.
The importance of problem solving
Both – students and employers confirmed that teaching technology by FMC
oriented mostly to the problem solving. All modern approaches in teaching are used.
Transferable skills
It was stated that in general students and employers are satisfied with quality and
quantity of knowledge given to students during master studies. Less satisfaction was played to
bachelor studies because insufficient time, equipment and place for development of practical
skills, especially for engineers is offered.
The suggestions for improvement would be: to build up technological laboratories and
equipment in FMC, for example to create scale up unit for chemical technology of
pharmaceuticals as well to renew equipment in existing laboratories, because - with some
exceptions (Institute of Polymeric Materials) the existing equipment do not correspond to the
needs of teaching process of bachelors, masters and graduate students. An additional
opportunity to overcome dramatic shortage of instruments and equipment at FMC would be
an offering much more study time for students to work in chemical enterprises and research
institutes outside of FMC. As we recognize, it would be only possible, if substantially more
financial support will be offered to FMC.
The staff of FMC has already undertaken some activities to improve the situation : the
Consultative Cancel of Convent is created, consisting form employers and scientists, to
establish opportunities for students to work in different chemical enterprises and institutes and
to improve the study programs according to the needs of employers. Nevertheless further
strengthening of FMC infrastructure is highly appreciated.
Quality of laboratory work
There are very poor environment to organize qualitative laboratory work in FMC due
to the dramatic shortage of equipment, instruments and materials. There were no objections
found against the teaching stuff qualification and methodology of teaching, but just complete
absence of NMR and modern GC, HPLC, GC-MS, X-ray spectroscopy etc. equipment due
not aloud to prepare students for unassisted research or engineering work. FMC stuff promote
implication of students in research and engineering work outside of Faculty, but the obligation
of state would be to serve the needed infrastructure for realizing of educational process at state
Quality of the library
There is enough space for students an academic stuff in library. The library is
equipped with many text books of the former Soviet union time and with text books and
teaching materials written by academic stuff of FMC. Nevertheless, due to shortage of
financial resources in library is a lack of modern foreign text books on English or German,
what would be highly appreciated. The professors have and use last issues of text books, but
they are not able to serve them to the students.
Many of professors are offering the lectures in electronic version. The students have
good access to the internet.
The opening times of library should be expanded, to offer students possibility to use
late evening hours and holidays for studies.
There are not very much scientific journals available at the library, but there is a good
bibliographic information concerning location places of scientific journals in Riga city.
Quality of the student experience
Surprisingly, but as well as students as employers recognize a rather good level of
student experience. The students of FMC are feeling quite comfortable in different western
universities (Kassel, Wisconsin etc.) due to theoretical background given by teaching stuff of
FMC on the master level. Nevertheless, the quality of teaching of foreign languages has to be
improved (number of contact hours and depth of studies must be increased) already in
undergraduate and graduate programs, but language courses should be not more necessary for
doctoral programs. There is really no way for research work and self thought studies of
chemistry without good knowledge at least English. Existing praxis to teach English as an
elective subject on bachelors study program is not acceptable.
There are some doubts concerning 3 year bachelor study program. There should be
some unification of degree system at Latvian universities undertaken (today 4 years in
Latvian university and 3 years in RTU).
It seems to be necessary to correct study programms on bachelor level in chemistry,
because shortage of chemistry hours and a lot of elective subjects, not closely related to
professional needs. It seems to be doubtfully that is really necessary to include, for example,
Computer science (programming), Models of social development, Basics of rights, Drawing
geometry and engineering graphics, Fundamentals of material science, Economics, Civil
defense and Physical culture in Compulsory subjects (14 CP) instead of Special courses or
advanced courses of Organic chemistry or Inorganic chemistry, Industrial organic chemistry
or Industrial inorganic chemistry, Handling of experimental data in chemistry (15 CP) for all
Bachelors of Natural Sciences in Chemistry and not only for those, who are undergoing
professional studies as engineers. Absence of teaching of stereochemistry and spectroscopy
for bachelors, as well as good knowledge of English for chemists exclude these students from
real scientific work during studies.
Practical skills of students should be improved by significantly better financing of
infrastructure of FMC.
Evidence of Learning as well as Teaching
There are not doubts about the level of lecture material given to the students. But it
would be highly appreciated increase of electronically available or printed lecture material for
students because lack of modern text books in library. More contact hours would be
recommended instead of lectures.
Quality of advice to students
One of the main problem in the communication between students and professors in
FMC is an age problem of academic staff in RTU and FMC. There should be a very great
attention paid to enroll young doctors in teaching process. But we recognize, that it seems to
be very difficult task by the existing salary system for academic staff, what do not
correspond to the real situation in the job market of Latvia.
Another problem is connected with regulation of elections rules of professors. 3 year
teaching experience is obligatory for associated professor and full professor. Because very low
salaries for teaching stuff there is no real candidates available for these positions from outside.
The scientists from research institutes are not interested to compete for professorship and it
makes the situation rely dramatic.
Some general problems
1. The proportion between state supported bachelor studies places
and master studies places seems to be necessary to change,
because today only 20% from graduating students can continue
studies in master’s programs according existing rules.
2. The states financial support for chemical education do not correspond to the real
3. If there is a small number of students in each specialty, the number of specialties
should be diminished and an integration of courses should be performed.
4. The extremely low stipends do not aloud students to study without working, which
contribute to the lower efficacy of studies process and research work.
5. The general infrastructure of the FMC do not correspond to the needs : there is lack of
wardrobes, cook-shop is not available in the evening, lavatories are not corresponding
to the requirements, laboratories and work safety there do not correspond to the needs,
there is dramatic need in new equipment, instrument and materials.
Conclusions and recommendations
1. The study programms could be accredited for 6 years, if there
some changes will be provided:
 Increase of chemistry teaching input in bachelor studies
programs instead of non-chemistry courses
 Installment of high quality English “for chemists” as
compulsory subject starting from the1-th semester
 Including of advanced courses in chemistry and basic
spectroscopy in bachelor studies
Professor Ivars Kalvinsh
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centrē
Vainu 2, Riga, LV1050
Dr Juris Dzelme
Assessment of the programmes at the Faculty of Material Science
Applied Chemistry, Riga Technical University
November 21 and 22,2000
Programmes assessed
Chemistry (Bachelors)
Chemistry (Masters)
Chemistry (Professional studies)
Chemistry (Doctorate)
Chemical Engineering (Bachelors)
Chemical Engineering (Masters)
Chemical Engineering (Professional studies)
Chemical Engineering (Doctorate)
Assessment Panei (herein known as the panei)
Prof. D. C. Nonhebel, University of Strathclyde, UK (Team Leader)
Prof. A. Opik, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
Prof. E Butkus, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Prof. Ivars Kalvinsh, Deputy Director Latvian Institute of Organic
All problems discussed in the meetings between the panei members and
recomendations made by prof A.Opik are included into the final report
prepared by
prof D.Nonhebel and therefore I am agree with the content and final
Prof , Tallinn Technical University
Prof. E. Butkus
Dept. Organic chemistry
Vilnius Universitv
Naugarduko 24
2006 Lithuania
Fax (370 2) 330987, tel 336517
e-mail eugenijus.butkus@chf.vu.lt
April 9, 2001
Dear Dr. Dzelme,
I agree with joint report presented by the group leader Prof. D. Nonhebel
Prof. Eugenijus Butkus
Dear Juris
I agree with joint reports submitted by myself on behalf of the evaluation
teams for
the Chemistry Faculty at the University of Latvia, the Faculty of Material
and Chemistry at the Riga Technical University and the Faculty of Food
Agricultural University of Latvia at Jelgava.
Best wishes D.C.Nonhebel