Would you like enhanced profile as part of the

The Hampshire Food Festival July 1st - 31st 2013
Booking form for commercial businesses (non-Hampshire Fare members)
Be part of the Hampshire Food Festival, July 2013!
Hampshire’s county-wide showcase of local food and farming, The Hampshire Food Festival, runs throughout July (1st-31st)
and we’d love you to be part of this.
1. Host a Festival event or a number of events in July
2. Promote a special Festival local food menu during July
3. Advertise in 60,000 Hampshire Food Festival programmes targeted at food lovers
In 2012, over 295,000 Festival visitors took part in 72 different events hosted by 64 different businesses and organisations
across Hampshire, bringing in an estimated £5.97 million to the local economy.
By taking part, your business will feature in 50,000 free Festival programmes, widely distributed across Hampshire. Events
are also listed on www.hampshirefare.co.uk (which had 84,007 unique visitors May-July 2012). We’ll also send you the
Hampshire Food Festival logo to use in your own marketing.
The Hampshire Food Festival is backed by a targeted PR campaign to food lovers (including 12,000+ signed up to receive
our e-newsletter), to Hampshire, regional and national press and via social media (including over 3,300 Twitter followers),
in conjunction with your own marketing. This makes a great opportunity to generate publicity and raise awareness of your
business. You will, of course, also need to promote your involvement to your local press and customers, and display
Hampshire Food Festival programmes to maximise attendance and PR value of taking part.
Events need to be organised and hosted by you, and must include food and drink from Hampshire or related local craft in
some way. All event ideas welcome – link up with Hampshire Fare members, host a ‘pop up’ restaurant, hold an open day
or tour, run a workshop or demo….anything that welcomes new and existing customers, promotes local food, drink and
crafts, and shows off what you do best!
The deadline for entries and payment is 8 March 2013. Don’t be daunted by the booking form - sections 1-3 are optional
depending on how you want to take part, sections 4-6 are mandatory. Please either fill it in on a computer and email it
back to Emily Acott at emily.acott@hampshirefare.co.uk or print off a copy and post to Hampshire Fare, Castle Hill,
Winchester, SO23 8UJ.
If you have any queries about taking part, please call Emily Acott, Hampshire Fare’s Marketing Officer
on 01962 847098 or email emily.acott@hampshirefare.co.uk.
The Hampshire Food Festival boasts the following:
Gold Award ‘Tourism Event of the Year’ 2012 Beautiful South Awards for Excellence
Highly Commended ‘Tourism Event of the Year’ 2011 Beautiful South Awards for Excellence
South of England Enterprise winner 2010 Countryside Alliance Awards
Gold award winner ‘Flavours of the South East’ 2010 Beautiful South Awards
The Hampshire Food Festival is organised by Hampshire Fare, a not-for-profit community interest company. Hampshire Fare is
supported by Hampshire County Council, together with our Corporate Partners: Ecover UK LTD, Festival Place Shopping Centre, Fuller's,
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, leepeckGroup, Newsquest Southern, The Southern Co-operative and Wave 105; and our Corporate
Friends: Apollo Internet Media, Amey, Ascot, Business Solent, Guildhall Winchester, The National Trust, New Forest & Hampshire County
Show, NFU Mutual, Radcliffe’s Wine and Starfish Creative Design. Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Hampshire and the New
Forest Marque are Strategic Partners.
Hampshire Fare 2009 CIC, Castle Hill, Winchester SO23 8UJ
Twitter: @HampshireFare
The Hampshire Food Festival July 1st - 31st 2013
Booking form for commercial businesses (non-Hampshire Fare members)
Please complete all pages of this form clearly. Send in multiple copies of this form if needed for multiple entries. The form
is designed to be completed on a computer – simply type in the grey boxes. If you would rather fill it in by hand, simply
print off a copy.
Optional sections: 1) Events, 2) Advertising, 3) Festival Menu. Sections 4), 5) and 6) are mandatory.
1) Your event: Host a Hampshire Food Festival event(s) incorporating local food and drink. A listing and 30 word description is
£210 (£175 + VAT) inclusive, per event.
The information you give here will form your entry into the Festival programme:
Title of event:
Day & date(s) of event:
(do consider repeating event during month)
Start time:
Finish time (approx):
Address event is being held:
Ticket price: Adult £
Booking essential
Child £
Tel. to book tickets:
Booking advisable
Just turn up
(please tick as applicable)
Include your 30 word description: Please state how you will incorporate local food and drink.
Add your Company logo: For an additional £48 (£40 + VAT) per entry (i.e. if you have 2 events and would like logo against
each entry, please pay twice):
Please tick here to book this
and email logo as jpg to emily.acott@hampshirefare.co.uk by 8 March 2013
Would you like enhanced profile as part of the Hampshire Food Festival?
Please note: If you produce/sell/serve food or drink all year round that is grown/reared/produced in Hampshire, it may
benefit your business considerably to become a Hampshire Fare member and qualify for heavily subsided rates to be part
of The Hampshire Food Festival, as well as many other benefits.
Corporate sponsorship packages are also available.
See the ‘Join Hampshire Fare’ page at www.hampshirefare.co.uk for details and contact Tracy Nash, Hampshire Fare’s
Commercial Manager on 01962 845999 for more information about membership.
The Hampshire Food Festival July 1st - 31st 2013
Booking form for commercial businesses (non-Hampshire Fare members)
2) Advertising:
I would like to book: (please tick as applicable)
A5 Quarter page portrait @ £300 (£250 + VAT)
Quarter Page: 62mm x 92 (portrait)
A5 Half page landscape @ £540 (£450 + VAT)*
A5 Half page: 128mm x 92 (landscape)
A5 full page @ £720 (£600 + VAT)*
A5 full page: 128mm x 190 (portrait) or A5 full page (with bleed): 148.5mm x 210 plus 3mm bleed all edges (portrait)
Inside back cover A5 full page @ £984 (£820 + VAT)*
Spec as full page above. Please call Emily Acott on 01962 847098 first to check availability.
* If you produce/sell/serve food or drink all year round that is grown/reared/produced in Hampshire, a years membership
with Hampshire Fare is included within this price. Please email Tracy Nash on tracy.nash@hampshirefare.co.uk if you
would like to take advantage of this.
Adverts must be supplied artwork ready as CMYK, hi-res PDFs to exact size specified above
Advert space must be booked using this form and payment received by 8 March 2013. Please then email your advert to
3) Your Festival menu: Promote a special local food menu throughout the Festival (or part of, e.g. Mon-Fri, every
weekend, daily throughout July). This should be in addition to your normal menus, in celebration of the Hampshire Food Festival, and
promoted as such to guests. A listing and 30 word description is £210 (£175 + VAT) inclusive.
The information you give here will form your entry into the Festival programme:
Title of Festival menu:
Day & date(s) Festival menu available:
Price: Adult £
Afternoon tea
Child (if applicable) £
Booking essential
Tel to book tickets:
Booking advisable
Just turn up
(please tick as applicable)
The Hampshire Food Festival July 1st - 31st 2013
Booking form for commercial businesses (non-Hampshire Fare members)
Include your 30 word description: Please include how you will incorporate local food or drink.
Add your Company logo: for an additional £120 (£100 + VAT) per entry (i.e. if you have 2 entries and would like logo against
each entry, please pay twice):
Please tick here to book this
and email logo as jpg to emily.acott@hampshirefare.co.uk by 8 March 2013
Sections 4-6 should be completed by everyone:
4) Confirmation of payment due for all entries/advertising:
Hampshire Food Festival programme entries and
Cost per item
(inc. VAT) per entry
No. of entries
Section 1) Event entries:
 event listing & 30 word description
 plus optional Company logo (per entry)
Section 2): Advertising:
 A5 quarter page portrait
 A5 half page landscape
 A5 full page (free to Corporate Partners)
 Inside back cover (A5 full page)
Section 3) Festival menu entries:
 listing & 30 word description
 plus optional Company logo (per entry)
Total payment due inc. VAT (payable by 08/03/13)
Payment due
(inc. VAT)
5) Distribution of Festival programmes: Please distribute/display as many programmes as you can to
your customers/visitors/colleagues to maximise publicity. Do order plenty to ensure you have enough to give away
between May and July, as we can only make one delivery to your address in May.
Even if you are not hosting a Festival event, we’d appreciate your help in displaying the programmes – thank you.
I would like
Festival programmes (approx 100 per box)
The Hampshire Food Festival July 1st - 31st 2013
Booking form for commercial businesses (non-Hampshire Fare members)
6) Your contact details (not for publication in Festival programme):
Data Protection Act 1998. Your details will only be used for Hampshire Food Festival and Hampshire Fare and will not be passed to any other organisations other than
those involved in the planning and promotion of this project.
Contact name:
Job Title:
Daytime Tel/mobile:
Address for correspondence:
My cheque is enclosed
Please make cheques payable to Hampshire Fare 2009 CIC.
Cheques must be received no later than 08/03/13. A VAT invoice will be sent to you upon receipt of payment
I have made payment by BACS
(Lloyds TSB: sort code: 30-99-71, bank account: 52342360)
Please reference this ‘Hampshire Food Festival’. BACS payment must be received no later than 08/03/13.
A VAT invoice will be sent to you upon receipt of payment
Please invoice me
Purchase Order number:
Invoices must be paid within 30 days of receipt
Date completed:
Please return to: Emily Acott, Hampshire Fare, Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UJ.
Tel : 01962 847098, emily.acott@hampshirefare.co.uk
If details and/or payment are received after this date, they will be included on www.hampshirefare.co.uk but may not be included
within the 50,000 printed programmes.
Hampshire Fare 2009 CIC
Registered office: The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ
CIC registered number: 6960366. VAT registration number: 982831488
Office use only:
Date booking form and payment/invoice request received:………..…….……………
Copy forwarded to Treasurer
Cheque forwarded to Treasurer
Added to spreadsheet