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Dear Panel Chairs

This is the first of a series of monthly reports I will send to you highlighting any significant issues or events of note but which also allows you to view the cross border issues in adjacent wards. The report is not exhaustive and is meant as only a snap shot of what is happening, but nevertheless I hope you find it helpful.

The last two weeks has seen all the Safer Neighbourhood Teams working predominately late turns as part of the 'Autumn Nights' operation. This was planned to coincide with the Halloween and Bonfire period which historically is one of our busiest periods of the year. There has been close liaison throughout this time with the Local Authority Partnership Team and I am very grateful for the efforts in particular of Eugenia Anderson. Throughout this period premises licensed to sell fireworks have been the subject of test purchase operations undertaken in conjunction with Trading Standards to ensure responsible management. In addition all the teams paid particular attention to commercial premises to ensure no unlicensed sales were occurring.

The teams routinely patrolled every estate with a view of identifying stockpiles of combustible materials which may have been ignited by some of our irresponsible youths and these were removed within 24 hours of notification. A variety of tactics were used to show our visibility including foot patrols and 'pulse vehicle patrols' whereby the team would patrol an estate or location for a short period of time before relocating to another location. Sadly there continued to be sporadic pockets of anti-social behaviour committed by a few but the feedback I have received is that this operation was very successful.

Princes Ward

Elderly gentleman living alone in Ward Point, 18th floor, had become the victim of crime, namely his front had been damaged on three occasions by people unknown. To tackle the problem PC Lockyer and PC Buchan liaised with the housing authority and recommended that maybe this person was suitable to be moved into nearby sheltered accommodation. The idea was discussed with the gentleman and a report was prepared and supported by the local team to facilitate this. The elderly gentleman now feels that that his concerns were listened to and as a result of this his quality of life is to be improved.

Information has been received about possible two locations where drug dealing was taking place. (Wickham St & Whitgift Park) The team have reviewed this information, schedules were varied and patrols increased. Several people were stopped whom were suspected of coming to the location to purchase drugs and one suspect was arrested whilst in possession of class A. This has resulted in good intelligence and hopefully over the next few weeks more arrests will follow.

Due to the excellent work done by the team distributing leaflets about tailgating, scaffolding, warning signs and crime prevention visits the number of burglaries on Princes Ward is down by approx 25% (Year on year)

Larkhall Ward

Three antisocial behaviour orders are being put before the courts where there is good evidence of antisocial behaviour by these individuals on the Stockwell

Gardens Estate. These are the first of up to 23 that are being considered.

To supplement the ASBOs the team are looking to introduce a dispersal zone on the Stockwell Gardens Estate. This is because it has been noticed that there has been an influx of new faces on the estate who are on the periphery of the ASB.

The dispersal zone would allow the team to identify individuals who we would then channel down diversionary lines. Those individuals who live on the estate would then be subject to an ABC with Hyde with the stipulation they engage in the diversion programme. Repeat offenders, whether resident on or off the estate, who also fail to engage would be subject to their own ASBO or injunctions.

The team had a successful dispersal zone consultation meeting on Tuesday 10th

November with residents of Hyde Southbank Homes from both the Stockwell

Gardens Estate and the Studley Estate. The estate was leafleted advertising the meeting allowing us to measure public support. Those who attended the meeting were in support of the dispersal zone. We are planning to set up surgeries specifically to measure public support both on and off the estate. These will also be tailored to the Portuguese community which is the largest non-English speaking group on the estate.

The team are in negotiation with Hyde youth workers, Young People Matter,

Lambeth Engagement Team and Elevating Success to establish an intervention programme where suitable individuals are channelled who are identified through the above enforcement plans. We have already had successes with the arrest of two individuals who are on the periphery of ASB on the estate. These were arrested for criminal damage and are due to be charged. It is hoped that one of these individuals will be suitable for a current diversionary programme.

Vassell Ward

There was an incident on the 31st of October involving an arson incident at the

Cowley Estate Management Office. A second incident at the same location occurred on the 5th of November. The team undertook extensive patrols and several hours CCTV footage was examined by PS Palmer and PC Douglas-

Smith in an attempt to identify the offender. After numerous enquiries one arrest was made by the SNT for both incidents. Fortunately the damage caused to the management office was relatively minor but the prompt action and extensive

investigation by PS Palmer and his team were duly noted by the Senior

Management Team.

The 27th October saw the 3 month review of the Paulet Road and surrounding environs dispersal order. To date we have seen a 17.5% reduction in crime in the dispersal area but more specifically a 25% reduction in Paulet Road.

As part of the exit strategy for the above dispersal the team have identified six members of the Road Side G gang who have predominately been involved in the anti social behaviour. The names were presented and agreed at the ASB panel meeting and full disclosure court bundles are being prepared by the team to progress ASBO applications at court.

The Borough Commander visited the Myatts Field North with senior managers from the Territorial Support Group to listen to concerns of local youths regarding stop and search and gave assurances that such activity would be intelligence lead and robustly managed.

Oval Ward

31st October Oval SNT officers attended the opening of the new wildlife trail in

Kennington Park where the Mayor of Lambeth also attended. The event passed without any problems and the trail is now open to the general public

28th October a 20 year old male was stabbed on the Kennington Park Estate and received life threatening injuries. Oval SNT along with other units from the

Metropolitan police conducted door to door enquires, cordons and also made several arrests at the scene of the incident. After an investigation a 16 year old boy was charged with GBH and possession of a bladed article and was due to have his first court appearance on 11th November

20th October a 25 year old male was arrested in Claylands Road SW8 for going equipped to commit theft. Residents and business owners had been complaining that this male had been returning on an almost daily basis. Oval officers conducted patrols in the area in plain clothes which resulted in the arrest of the male in question.

Beginning of October the first review of the Dispersal Zone in Dorset Road and surrounding areas took place and was deemed to be a success with evidence to support this from local businesses and residents. As a result of the review environmental reforms will take place within the next 6 months to compliment the dispersal zone however these have yet to be signed off. The second review will take place during December.

Clapham Town

Friday 30th October saw a disturbance outside Clapham Common Tube Station whereby someone was allegedly seriously injured. The teams were involved in securing the scene which after the initial commotion turned out to be nothing more than a minor injury, probably gang related, travelling through the ward, but not resident there.

The team held a 'Not in my Neighbourhood Day' event in McDonalds last week, promoting partnership working in the community.

There has been a recent rise in burglaries north of the High Street which have been the focus of some attention. There have been additional patrols and all victims have received follow up visits from the local team. There are limited funds available from the Safe and Secure budget which targets privately owned communal flats providing funding for upgrades in security. Several properties have been served with literature from the local team offering this service.

Bishops Ward

Ufford Park - Officers from the SNT have concentrated patrols in this area, particularly to combat anti-social behaviour in the evening. A number of youths were stopped in the immediate vicinity of the park and warned about entering the park during hours of darkness. This seems to have had a positive impact on the area (several letters of thanks from local residents).

Burglary - Officers from the SNT have used a variety of tactics to reduce burglary on the Ward, including high visibility patrols, crime prevention, and

‘Street Briefings’. As a result we have had only two burglaries in the last three months, this being the lowest for any Ward in Lambeth.

Students - Officers from the SNT attended Kings College, Stamford Street, SE1, as part of an Induction Day for International Students. Officers delivered a series of seminars to groups of students covering personal safety, counter terrorism, crime prevention, contacting police, etc. Advice was provided to in excess of 500 students.

Halloween/Bonfire Night - the SNT worked late shifts throughout this period to ensure that a safe environment was maintained for local residents and businesses alike. The only incident of note was a fire in Lower Marsh involving attendance of the London Fire Brigade. There were no casualties reported at this incident.

Partnership House - Officers from the SNT have worked closely with the owners to ensure that the building is secured correctly, thereby preventing any further

incidents involving squatters. Building work, involving the erection of 2 metre fencing around the perimeter, is due for completion this week.

Stockwell Ward

Prominent in SNT activity has been working towards the prevention and

Reduction of Burglary during this Autumn period. The SNT newsletter distributed across the borough provided some basic Burglary prevention advice and all victims of burglary have been visited by the team. Locations that show an increase in burglary have been the subject of increased patrols and micro beating but when compared to other crime type’s residential burglaries during the period have been relatively low in number with locations being widely spread across the ward. SNT Officers arrested four suspects for Burglary and we hope this will have a significant impact on reductions.

There has been a slight increase in street robbery with 11 being reported.

Highest occurrences (not exclusively) are in areas of high footfall and the main thoroughfares of Stockwell ward.

Enquires into an apparently abandoned vehicle by SNT PCSO's enabled the police to seize one (BB) lifelike handgun. Forensic enquires remain ongoing.

The team has been focused on preventing street bonfires and inappropriate sale and use of Fireworks. After discussions with the management at Jacks

Newsagent (Binfield Road) they agreed not to sell fireworks this year and the team received feedback that there were fewer firework related problems. The team intercepted a large fly tip of tyres against the wall of Lambeth College.

These were reported and subsequently promptly removed.

The area neighbouring Wards to Stockwell Ward (Wandsworth Borough) have seen two believed gang related shootings and Stockwell ward has also had at least one confirmed gun discharge. It is felt there is currently an escalation in gang activity in particular Local gang vs. rival gang violence which is being monitored closely.

I hope you find this report helpful and I am extremely grateful for the efforts of all my Sergeants and their teams who have work tirelessly over the last month to make this challenging period safer for all.

Kind regards

Mark Hedgecox
