Active faults and fluid flow: constraints from near-surface seismic reflection data Lee M. Liberty, Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface (CGISS), Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA Summary Seismic reflection imaging of stratigraphic and hydrogeologic targets in the upper few hundred meters provides key insights to earthquake hazards, contaminant transport, and aquifer characterization studies. Slip rates, fault lengths, fault properties, and lithologies can be estimated from these data. Here, I present examples of near-surface studies that have helped identify the risks and resources that impact local communities. Introduction A critical need for urban centers throughout the world is an assessment of hazards and groundwater resources. Active crustal faults that extend through densely populated regions may be a considerable risk and must be evaluated. Seismic reflection methods provide key insights to slip rates and fault lengths that paleoseismologists and urban planners require. Near-surface seismic reflection methods can be adapted to work in high-traffic areas at low cost. Similarly, seismic reflection methods are well suited to characterize groundwater resources and contaminant migration. With a tie to borehole and stratigraphic information, seismic reflection data can help track aquifer sands and identify barriers and conduits to groundwater flow. Active faults Seismic reflection imaging to identify and characterize active faults is most critical in the urban centers where the risk to life and property is greatest. In the US Pacific Northwest, glaciation has reset surface landscape where offsets of less than a few meters (from a single earthquake) may represent a significant risk related to active faulting. Imaging both shallow and deep targets provides information to assess both recent and past fault activity to better constrain both the modern-day earthquake hazard and long-term regional deformation. In the Portland, Oregon area, the Portland Hills fault shows little sign of active faulting from surface features, but seismic imaging shows deformation to as shallow as a few meters depth (Liberty et al., 2003). Figure 1 shows field methods and shot gathers from this site. Dipping and offset late Quaternary strata provide compelling evidence to suggest this fault is active. The Seattle fault extends through the Puget Lowland urban corridor of more than 1 million people. Figure 1 shows steeply dipping strata that form a monocline that defines the near-surface expression of the blind Seattle thrust fault. Land-based high-resolution seismic profiles confirm this monocline extends more than 70 km and deforms postglacial deposits across the length of the fault (Liberty and Pratt, 2008). Seismic images, coupled with uplifted marine terraces and LiDAR identified scarps confirm the active fault is capable of supporting >M7 earthquakes. Active faults and fluid flow: constraints from near-surface seismic reflection data Faults and fluid flow Seismic reflection profiling in south-central Nevada, part of the US Great Basin, reveal structural and hydrogeological features that influence groundwater flow in alluvium and underlying volcanic rock aquifers. Although the permeability distribution and the role of faulting on fluid flow are poorly constrained at this site, water table offsets greater than 10 meters are identified on seismic images (Figure 2). These offsets, near mapped scarps, suggest faults are barriers to groundwater flow within the alluvium, and possibly conduits to vertical flow within the vadose zone (Liberty and Hodges, in review). Seismic reflection images capture both the shallow water table reflector and deeper structures that provide key insights to groundwater flow directions and high permeability channels. High-resolution seismic reflection profiles to image the structure and stratigraphy in this same area help to map both the cold water aquifer (e.g., Barrash and Dougherty, 1997; Liberty et al., 1999) and the underlying geothermal aquifer (e.g., Liberty, 1998). Using a low-cost trailer- Figure 2. Seismic section from an underground blast in central Nevada. The water table reflector is offset upwards of 40 m along the western limits of the profile (Liberty and Hodges, in review). Aquifer-Scale Studies Industry seismic data from the western US offer insights into ground water resources by helping to identify major structural and stratigraphic boundaries that may control or influence groundwater flow. Figure 3 shows an industry seismic reflection profile from the Boise, Idaho area that shed light into the depositional style and sequence of mudstones, silts, and sands that may extend to the surface in places (Squires and Wood, 2001; Wood, 1994). Unfortunately these data do not image the upper few hundred meters due to the acquisition design and processing interests (Figure 3). Figure 1. (top) Shot gathers showing reflector at ~10-20 m depth using a sledge hammer source. Acquisition geometry with geophones placed in concrete at 0.5 m spacing (from Liberty et al., 2003). (bottom) Seismic reflection image across the Seattle fault showing >40 degree dips and active deformation (from Liberty and Pratt, 2008). mounted hammer seismic source, high quality seismic images are obtained to map groundwater aquifer targets. The seismic reflection profile shown in Figure 3 was acquired along a railroad line through a densely populated urban area. Here, reflections to ~ 20 m depth are obtained to tie to a set of water wells that identify sand aquifers. The depositional dip observed in these data show that adjacent water wells draw from different sand aquifers. The seismic Active faults and fluid flow: constraints from near-surface seismic reflection data data also show recharge efforts may not translate to increased aquifer storage outside a small area surrounding the injection well. that seismic velocities strongly correlate with neutronderived porosity values at this site (Figure 4). Figure 4. Results from a crosswell seismic reflection survey showing level run velocity logs, a comparison of slowness (1/velocity) vs. neutron-derived porosity values, and an unprocessed and processed (wavefield separation) shot gather from 21 m depth with 12.7 m borehole spacing. Note the strong correlation between seismic boundaries and porosity. Conclusions Figure 3a. (top) Industry seismic reflection profile from Boise, Idaho provides critical basin-scale information but lacks stratigraphic details to identify sand aquifers at groundwater depths (from Squires and Wood, 2001); (bottom) Highresolution seismic reflection profile showing stratigraphy in the upper few hundred meters dipping to the west. A shallow channel, unconformity, and faults provide key constraints to the groundwater aquifer. Crosswell seismic profiling confirms grain size (porosity) variations in the Boise aquifer produce reflections observed in Figure 3. The crosswell shot (Figure 4) shows three distinct reflections in the upper 5 m of the section, from the land surface, water table (at 2.4 m depth), and from approximately 4.5-5 m depth. Also, reflections appear later in the section at approximately 13 m, 17.5 m, and 21 m depth (reflection from 21 m correlates with a basal clay and does not appear on this shot gather due to source/receiver geometry). Each reflection is distinct and closely ties with hydrostratigraphic boundaries that appear on geophysical logs. When we invert the level run data set (source and receivers at the same depths between two wells), we see I show that near-surface seismic reflection methods are well suited for mapping hydrostratigraphy and structures on both a basin scale and local scale to help communities assess both resources and risks. These low-cost methods can be utilized along busy roads through urban centers. References Barrash, W., and Dougherty, M. E., 1997, Modeling axially symmetric and nonsymmetric flow to a well with MODFLOW, and application to Goddard2 well test, Boise, Idaho: Ground Water, 35, 4, 602-611. Clement, W.P., Knoll, M.D., Liberty, L.M., Donaldson, P.R., 1999, Michaels, P., Barrash, W., and Pelton, J.R., Geophysical surveys across the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site to determine geophysical parameters of a shallow, alluvial aquifer, Proceedings of SAGEEP, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 399408. Liberty, L.M., 1998, Seismic reflection imaging of a geothermal aquifer in an urban setting: Geophysics, 63, 4, 1285-1294. Active faults and fluid flow: constraints from near-surface seismic reflection data Liberty, L. M., Clement, W. P., and Knoll, M. D., 1999, A comparison of surface seismic sources and receivers on signal quality at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site, Proceedings of SAGEEP, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 723-732. Liberty, L. M., Clement, W. P., and Knoll, M. D., 2000, Crosswell seismic reflection imaging of a shallow cobbleand-sand aquifer: an example from the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site, Proceedings of SAGEEP, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 545552. Liberty, L.M. Hemphill-Haley, M.A., and Madin, I.P., 2003, The Portland Hills Fault: uncovering a hidden fault in Portland, Oregon using high-resolution geophysical methods, Tectonophysics, 368 (2003) 89–103. Liberty, L.M. and Pratt, T.L., 2008, Structure of the eastern Seattle fault zone, Washington State: new insights from seismic reflection data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 98, No. 4, pp. 1681–1695, August 2008, doi: 10.1785/0120070145. Squires, E. and Wood, S.H., 2001, Stratigraphic studies of the Boise (Idaho) aquifer system using borehole geophysical logs with emphasis on facies identification of sand aquifers: report to the Idaho Department of Water Resources, 16 pp. Wood, S. H., 1994, Seismic expression and geological significance of a lacustrine delta in Neogene deposits of the western Snake River plain, Idaho, AAPG Bulletin, 78, 1, 102-121.