WP4: Capacity building and knowledge transfer for public bodies in MED cities and regions FORMULATION OF LOCAL ACTION GROUP (LAG) GRANOLLERS CITY COUNCIL/BARCELONA – SPAIN 1. LAG Members List Organisation/Entity/Body 1 Acronym Full name LWG_SEE Local Working Group on Savings and Energy Efficiency Type Representative J.Lluís Castell (LAGs coordinator) Ll. Agustí (LAGs technical secretary) J.C. Cejalvo (Energy manager) Other LAGs member: X.Acosta, J.Bosch, Public À. Mera, D. Díez Administration C. Lax, V.Domingo (Granollers City A. Other LAGs member: A. Soler, J. Council) Romea, D. Portero, L. Luna, C. Lax. Other LAGs member: F. Rubio, D. León 3 EM External Members SMEs, external experts, institutions, regional administration, research institutes, etc. Depending on the project or activity to promote, the local group can be expanded with representants of: . Local SMEs: Elèctrica Pintó, DEXMA, SINERGIS, Boquet, etc. Representative Contact info Position Contact Details From the following departaments: lagusti@ajuntament.granollers.cat, . Maintenance and jccejalvo@ajuntament.granollers.cat security of city . Works and projects vdomingo@ajuntament.granollers.cat .Environment and gardening From the following departaments: . Education . Sports .Culture From the Economic planification department Webpage www.granollers.cat http://www.dexmatech.co m/ http://www.boquet.cat/ http://www.electricapinto. com/ http://www.sinergis.biz/ 1.1. Profile of the organization/entities The following organizations constitute the LAG members in the GRANOLLERS CITY COUNCIL/BARCELONA: 1. Local Working Group on Savings and Energy Efficiency (LWG_SEE): Public Administration, Granollers City Council. Has created from 2011 an internal working group, focused on saving and energy efficiency in buildings and municipal facilities. This first internal group has been consolidated during 2012 and 2013, and the proposal is to be expanded with other members (GM and EM) to create the specific LAG of this project. Its role will be to be the promoter, coordinator of the pilot cases of the Green Partnerships Project in Granollers, and to continue and consolidate the following main actions developed till now: Creation of the position of energy manager to monitor and analyze energy consumption and municipal water. Creation of a energy saving control unit, responsible for the adoption of energy saving and efficiency measures in municipal buildings. Energy accounting and energy saving indicators calculation. Changing of contracted power, suspension of unnecessary water and electricity supplies, detection and resolution of failures. Adoption of measures for energy saving lighting. Installation of smart meters to monitor energy and water in municipal buildings. Promotion of certification and energy refurbishment of municipal buildings. Monitoring SEAP development of Granollers, 2009-2020. Incorporation of energy saving and efficiency criteria in the technical specifications in public procurement of services and materials. Promotion and monitoring of renewable energy systems (solar thermal) in public buildings, and new PV installlations addressed on selfconsumption. Information and communication energy activities, like the annual celebration of European Sustainable Energy Week, other awareness campaigns with the industrial and commercial sector, and the Green Partnerships Project development. 2. Granollers Mercat (GM): Local Economic Development Agency in Granollers. Its aim is to achieve balanced economic growth and ensuring social and territorial cohesion of the town and its surrounding area. Granollers Mercat is working closely with various social and economic territory, focusing on following areas: occupation, designing and implementing active employment policies, and promote the improvement of professional skills; business, promoting creation and consolidation of businesses (entrepreneurs, SMEs and others); development of the city, supporting activities like industry and services in the local area. Its role will be to be channel between LWG_SEE and businesses and entrepreneurs of local energy sector, promote the establishment of agreements between the public and private sector in energy saving and efficiency energy, and organize different activities with interest for this kind of stakeholders 3. External Members (EM): SMEs, external experts, institutions, regional administration, research institutes, etc. Depending on the project or activity to promote, LWG_SEE will be expanded with representants of: ELENA and Euronet 50/50 projects (Province of Barcelona); MARIE project (Housing Agency of Catalonia); Catalan Energy Institute; Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC); Energy Efficiency Cluster of Catalonia; Local professional association of installers; Professional associations of engineers, architects and enviromental professionals; SMEs: FORMAS, TFM, lorigen, Elèctrica Pintó, WEBDOM, LUXSATUK, APPLUS, etc. Its role will be to provide expertise and experience in specific projects and actions related savings, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Also they will collaborate on pilot cases promoted by the LWG and other activities of Green Partnership project as: information, awareness and capitalization, capacity building and kwonledge transfer for decision makers and creation of local partnerships. 1.2. LAG Members Engagement The following table gives an overview of the potential involvement/engagement level of different actors through the different phases of the pilot projects. MEMBER NAME / ORGANISATION Local Working Group on Savings and Energy Efficiency Granollers Mercat External Members Engagement Level INITIATION PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION INFORMED/ CONSENSUS MONITORING 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 2 0 3 4 0 0 2 1 ADD the level of expected involvement of each member 0 Not involved 1. Information and education. 2. Information and feedback 3. Involvement and consultation 4. Extended involvement LAG Meetings Minutes LAG Meeting DATE: 28/05/2014, 13:00-14:00 h. VENUE: Hall of the Center for Training and Services. Mare de Déu de Montserrat st., 36. 080402 Granollers (Spain). KEY DISCUSSION TOPICS: Presentation of Energy Saving Program in public cultural centers Participants:J.Lluís Castell (LAGs coordinator), Ll. Agustí (LAGs technical secretary), Joan Carles Cejalvo, Ricard Ros, M.Teresa Llobet, Quim Comas, Virgínia Domingo, Toni Salas (EM Salvador Llobet), Jaume Cascuberta, Sergio Gómez (student of Muncipal Labour School), Eloi Burriel (lorigen), representatives of next energy companies: Elèctrica Pintó, DEXMA, SINERGIS, Boquet, etc. Meeting’s Minutes These minutes include the result of the presentation session of the methodology, targets and expected results of "Energy saving campaign in public cultural centers of Granollers". This session is oriented to public workers, management responsible of these buildings, users, entities and companies involved in the maintenance of the buildings and the possibilities to save energy and to do more efficient the management. During this session, preliminary results from energy audits of buildings and the main measures proposed to reduce the use of energy and to increase their efficiency were presented. There was time to discuss some topics and to address some questions from the local medias to the public managers about the expected results from the next campaign. Welcome and introduction Mr. Albert Camps, Councillor for Environment and Green Spaces of Granollers City Council, submitted a summary about the implementation of general energy efficiency measures and energy saving in the city: creation of a specific LAG on energy efficiency and control of energy consumption, evolution of energy indicators 2011-2014, energy efficiency measures in public lighting, public buildings, implantation of RES, and future projects and measures. Challenges and opportunities for a new energy culture facilities in Granollers Mr. Eloi Burriel (from lorigen, local company in charge of external support in energy saving campaigns implementation) and Mrs. Virginia Domingo, environmental technician of Granollers City Council, submitted the methodology, targets and expected results from the next implementation of "Energy saving program and campaign in public cultural centers of Granollers". Program and energy-saving campaign in cultural centers has begun in April 2014 with the diagnosis of 13 energy facilities (1 public theatre, 2 public libraries, 1 center for young people, 1 municipal school of music, 3 cultural centers, 1 center on peace culture, 1 bar of the Roca Umbert cultural complex, audiovisuals center, 1 Center for Training and Services and the municipal printing), and the reporting on specific actions to improve savings and energy efficiency of these buildings. Until June 2014 will be the training and awareness of stakeholders: building’s managers, users, companies of maintenance and cleaning. After September 2014 the campaign will run savings and implementation of technological measures and technology, all involving officials, organizations and citizens. Complementary, also will be installed smart meters to control supplies of electricity, gas and water, which will be properly integrated into the local monitoring system. Also it was explained that program and the campaign have been possible with the support of the Green Partnerships european project, wich Granollers is partner since January 2013. For example, in order to give continuity to the contribution of the schools in energy saving, Granollers City Council is considering now the creation of an “award” to compensate the efforts to implement programs based on energy saving, in accordance to the methodology of Euronet 50/50 max project (where Granollers City Council is participating with Salvador Llobet municipal school). The same experience could be replicated in cultural centers, depending on the final results and the implication of local stakeholders. The experience of the application of energy saving program and the awareness campaning in schools of Granollers Mr. Toni Salas, representative of the Municipal School Llobet Salvador, and Mr. Sergio Gómez, representative of the Muncipal School of Labour, explained the specific application of energy saving program and campaign in their schools. Fom which they have saved electricity, with an average of 19%, gas and water with a average of 20% and 17%, respectively. In addition, the program and the campaign have performed different actions to improve some energy facilities in these schools, in coordination with maintenance services, and it has been an opportunity to create working groups to sve energy in the schools. Closing Josep Mayoral, alcalde de Granollers va fer tancament observacions sobre com el municipi de Granollers està progressant en el compliment dels objectius de la UE en 20-20-20, mitjançant l'aplicació d'aquests programes i campanyes de sensibilització. També sobre el potencial d'ells en la millora de la qualitat de vida dels ciutadans a causa de la reinversió dels estalvis econòmics obtinguts de l'aplicació de mesures d'eficiència energètica en altres necessitats dels ciutadans. Annexed: - From here you can download the next documents: o The original press release (in catalan) o Presentations (in catalan) done, some photographs of the activity. o Article published on 29th May in a local newspaper. - Report of the local TV (VOTV) about this presentation in Granollers . You can show it from: http://votv.xiptv.cat/granollers/capitol/granollers-esten-l-x27-estalvi-energetic-alsequipaments-culturals - Interview on the local radio (Radio Granollers) on this area, in the frame of "Magazin" radio program. You can hear it from: http://www.radiogranollers.cat/RadioGranollers/ProgramesRadio/_whguwbciBts5VQLfKEVH8LDBm3FXut1 PHOTOS Participants Signatures Not done.