application formular

Autumn School Contact: Ms. Katharina Butke
Tel: +49 (0)541 969 2505 (Mo. - Th. 9.00 – 16.00 CET)
Application form
IUSF-TIAS Autumn School 2015
“Concepts, frameworks and methods for the comparative analysis of water
27 Oct. - 6 Nov. 2015
Jülich, Germany
Application deadline: 26 July 2014
Please review the full application form before beginning.
* Mandatory fields
a) Personal Details
*Given first name
If different, first name as in
*Last name (surname)
If different, last name as in passport
*Date of Birth [YYYY-MM-DD]
*I require a visitor’s visa to enter
*Primary e-mail address1
Secondary e-mail address
*Postal address (Street, number,
postal-code, City, Country) (work
or home)
*Telephone number (mobile with
country code)
Please note that e-mail will be used as main means of communication.
b) Current position and research topics
Please describe your current position and research topics in 100-250 words
Include a link to your homepage if available.
c) English Proficiency
English is the language of instruction. Please indicate your proficiency in English:
Mother tongue
If you have not already published articles in English-language journals, please upload a copy of
your English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English certificate: CPE or
CAE). If you do not have one of these certificates and have not published in English please contact
the Autumn School secretariat under
Please name your file as follows "[surname]_[firstname]_[type of certificate]" (only in *.pdf;
Document size limit is 2 MB)
Upload your certificate here:
d) Referees
List the names of two referees who can assess your recent (academic/scientific) work including
English language proficiency, whom we can contact if necessary.
Title and occupation
Email address
Please upload the following documents as PDFs with your application:
1) Your curriculum vitae including education, relevant employment, and publications (if applicable)
as a PDF. (No photo is necessary; Maximum document size limit is 1 MB)
2) Your Motivation, relevant knowledge and experience
a) Please describe in 250-500 words your reasons for wanting to participate in the Autumn School
including what you want to learn at and take away from the Autumn School and how you expect
the training will support your research and career.
b) Please demonstrate in 250-500 words your ability to understand the concepts, framework and
methods that will be taught and that you have prior academic or other professional knowledge
and experience to contribute to the Autumn School.
Upload your CV and letter of motivation here:
Deadline for applications is 26 July 2015. Successful applicants will be notified by mid-August 2015
The training fee, together with accommodation, meals and travel for participants has been generously sponsored by VW Foundation.
Applicants should not book their travel before receiving confirmation of their partipation in the Autumn School. Participants will be
reimbursed for their travel on the basis of original receipts only. Applicants from developing countries will have their travel booked
by the Autumn School secretariat. In the event of non-attendance participants will not be reimbursed for travel booked by them.
Therefore travel insurance is recommended.
Travel booked by the secretariat for the participant will be insured in case of necessary cancellation (e.g. illness). In the event that the
cancellation is due to other avoidable reasons, the cancellation fee for air travel will be charged to applicant. Detailed cancellation
conditions will be communicated to the successful applicants.
I confirm that I have read and agree to the above fee and cancellation conditions.
I hereby apply to participate in the IUSF-TIAS Autumn School 2015: “Concepts, frameworks and methods for the
comparative analysis of water governance” and confirm that my application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and
Applicants will be contacted by mid-August.