EPHA AGM Minutes 23 10 12 - Essex Primary Headteachers

2012 COMMENCING AT 9.00 am
Cheryl Allard
Elspeth Bonds
Simon Billings
Alison Blant
Anna Conley
Vaughan Collier
Doretta Cowie
Brenda Dalley
Paul Davis
Melissa Eades
Ronnie Farrelly
Jane Gates
Sue Grocock
Lorna Handscomb
Shelagh Harvey
Helen Hutchings
Nick Hutchings
Anthea Kenna
Annette Keeney
Pete Malcolm
Neil Matthews
Val Metcalf
Donna Parker
Lorna Pigram
Harriet Phelps-Knights
Debbie Rogan
Karen Springett
Marion Still
Janice Tunney
In Attendance Pam Langmead
Mike Blant
Oaklands Infants
Theydon Bois Primary
St John’s Green Primary
Pitsea Juniors
The Howbridge Infants
Buttsbury Juniors
Perryfields Juniors
Hadleigh Infants
Boreham Primary
Sunnymede Infants
Holland Park Primary
Great Bradfords Infants
St Mary’s CE Primary, Woodham Ferrers
Latton Green Primary
Ingatestone Infants
Highwood Primary
St John’s CE Primary, Colchester
The Cathedral School
St Katherine’s CE Primary. Canvey Island
Rayleigh Primary
Heathlands Primary
Harwich Primary and Nursery
Ardleigh St Mary’s Primary
St Nicholas CE Primary
Janet Duke Primary
Wickford C of E Infants
Milldene Primary
Barling Magna Primary
Limes Farm Infant and Nursery
EPHA Manager
EPHA Liaison Officer
Apologies were received from:
Sue Bardetti
Anne Barney
Nicky Barrand
Isobel Barron
Ronnie Branch
Rachel Callaghan
John Clements
Debbie Crabb
Jeremy Crook
Geraldine Denham-Hale
Holland Haven Primary
Great Bardfield Primary
Thomas Willingale Primary
Great Dunmow Primary
Sunnymede Juniors
Katherine Semar Juniors
Hatfield Heath Primary
Great Tey Primary
Runwell Community Primary School
St Mary’s, Burnham-on-Crouch
Helen Dudley-Smith
Chris Eshmade
Joe Figg
Matthew Fuller
Sue Foster
Sinead Harper
Nigel Hookway
Shaon Ishaque
Megan Jenkins
Phil Kyriacou
Nigel Hookway
Jenny McCutcheon
Bernadette Miele
David Milligan
Nigel Roberts
Angela Russell
Suzanne Ryan
Jane Simmons
Penny Smith
Heather Tetchner
Sean Tobin
Sharon Tyler
Friars Grove Primary
Canewdon Primary
Purleigh Primary
Broomgrove Juniors
The Tyrrells School
Burrsville Infants
Highwoods Primary
Kingsmoor Primary
Riverside Primary
Kings Road and Ravenscroft
Highwoods Primary
Fairhouse Juniors
Tany’s Dell Primary
Tollesbury School
Jerounds Juniors
St Anne Line Catholic Infants
Katherine’s Primary
All Saints, Great Oakley
White Notley CE Primary
Dedham Primary
Merrylands Primary
Springfield Primary
Karen Springett, Chair of EPHA, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced herself to
Karen Springett gave the following report, reflecting on the previous year:
Another year over and a new one just begun... and what a way to begin!
So many new initiatives and forums have developed it has been hard to keep up and yet more
changes to the Ofsted framework have reduced staff morale to an all time low. Many Headteachers
have contacted EPHA to ask for advice and support at this very disruptive and worrying time,
colleagues across Essex have expressed their dismay and anger at a very ‘hit and miss’ system of
inspection and indeed, support from the LA - our advice is as always, to support each other in any
way we can, attend all EPHA meetings to gather information, network with others and keep calm!
I have attended, on behalf of EPHA, many meetings at County Hall with various personnel to
discuss these and many more concerns, I am on the Strategic Education Board which is chaired by
Councillor Castle but, after two meetings, we have yet to set and complete any actions... the
meetings appear to be information-gathering exercises at best. I also meet Tim Coulson on a
regular basis... along with the Chair of the Secondary Head’s association and the Chair of the
Special School Head’s association. These meetings are a chance to get an informal ‘rant’ over to
the Local Authority.
At the last meeting I was intent on letting Tim know of our feelings, and having asked for the
thoughts of Head teachers across the county I received an all time record response describing many
frustrations and emotive outbursts from 49 Head’s. I believe that this response in itself indicates the
depth of feeling around the county.
The main themes of concern were:
 Ofsted - including quality assurance of Inspectors and who do we turn to when we get ‘the
phone call’?
 Academies – including forced academies and the myths surrounding academy status;
Academy status in Basildon
 SEN funding and the provision of EP's
 Desktop RAG exercise for 'satisfactory' schools
 Head and staff morale
 Commissioning of LA support (and the withdrawal and replacement of staff)
 SEN comparative data withdrawal
 NQT provision and training
 UPS 2 and 3 - how to ‘up the workload’ of longstanding UPS2's and UPS3's
 Capital building projects and reduced budgets
 IRT and social care service
Having taken these concerns and worries to Tim Coulson, I am saddened to report that I have not
had a satisfactory reply to any of them.
I have attended the National Chairs of Head teacher’s Spring, Summer and Autumn meetings at
the DfE and surprisingly (or not) our comments and concerns are similar to the National ones, we
are saying nothing different to everyone else - although it is reassuring that we are not in a
particularly difficult LA, it is very worrying that our anxieties are so wide spread and nobody is
listening. It is no comfort to know that all areas of the country are suffering too. At the meeting I
stressed my concerns (again) regarding Ofsted inspectors carrying out inspections on Primary
Schools with no personal experience (i.e. Secondary science teachers) in this sector (even more
worrying is the number of inspectors who do not know what EYFS should be doing).
I have also stressed at local and national level the reticence of Head's to become Executive Head's
for fear of leaving their own school vulnerable and also explained that the number of Deputies who
have decided not to become Heads is increasing rapidly.
On a more positive note, the Deputy Head’s conference was a resounding success, the feedback was
extremely positive and everyone appeared to have really enjoyed the day. My opening speech
extolled the virtues of the Deputy Head’s in Essex and the fact that they are the future of our
school’s leadership, it is our duty to encourage them to go further, step up to the plate and consider
Headship as the next step in their career. It is fast approaching the time when a huge swathe of
Head’s will reach retirement age and leave Essex schools short of good leaders and open to
academy status.
The conference was extremely well organised and our thanks must go to Pam Langmead, the EPHA
Manager, for the hard work and dedication that she has put into EPHA over the years and
particularly for managing such a wonderful day for the next generation of Essex Head teachers.
My thanks also go to Mike Blant, Harriet Phelps Knights, and Dorretta Cowie for their support this
year, the association would not be what it is without them.
In these turbulent times we must all work together to ensure our voice is heard, my thanks go to you
all for responding to my frequent requests for information, I do know and acknowledge just how
hard you all work.
Karen was thanked by the headteachers attending the AGM for her report and for her hard work on
behalf of all primary heads in Essex during the last year. It was noted that her opening speech at the
Deputy Heads’ conference was particularly well received and a number of Deputies remarked on
how inspiring and supportive they found her words.
Mike Blant gave the following report, reflecting on his work on behalf of EPHA in the last few
Strategic Education Board (SEB)
The local authority in discussions with all partners continues to develop its role in the education of
Essex children which centres around them having access to a ‘world-class education’, with access
to good performing schools and colleges where vulnerable children are served well and can gain
successful routes into training, employment and lifelong learning. Inevitably, the focus on school
improvement will be on satisfactory schools as well as those in Ofsted categories. Councillor
Stephen Castle believes that the education and skills agenda should be driven more by the needs of
Key messages to which the LA is minded* are:
 to work with schools to develop a local education culture which supports schools to take
decisions which are in the collective interest of pupils and the wider community
 to further develop the scrutiny role of councillors in championing and advocating on behalf
of children & young people
 to keep a close eye on the sufficiency of support available for vulnerable children.
*findings of the ISOS Partnership commissioned (see below) by DfE/LGA
At the same time there is a recognition that community cohesiveness, improving outcomes for
communities and the changing of cultures and perceptions will help to drive up the performance of
Academy Status
At present 39 primary schools representing about 8% of all Essex primary schools have now
converted. Currently there are 2 primary Essex schools awaiting approval.
However, 4 schools have just converted under the government’s plan to compel under-performing
schools to become sponsored academies, with one other currently planned for April 2013. There
may be more to follow.
There are 16 primary Essex schools with published Special Measures Ofsted reports.
I attended the Basildon Education Summit on Friday 5th October. Cllr Stephen Castle, Stephen
Metcalf MP, John Baron MP, Cllr Tony Ball, Tim Coulson, Dave Hill and Alison Fiala were among
the speakers and facilitators.
Stephen Castle set out his stall for ‘Step change in Basildon education’ by recognising the need for
all members of the community (including business, local councillors, governors, parents etc) to be
working together to bring about social, economic and educational improvements. However, the
message to schools was clear –‘it’s just not good enough’. Iris Cerny (headteacher at Whitmore
Primary) responded by putting the plight of schools into context – whilst not making excuses for
educational standards but reflecting community aspirations/circumstances. She pointed out the
recent improvements in results across Basildon schools.
The table discussions gave primary headteachers and others the opportunity to explain some of the
mitigating circumstances and to offer some possible solutions and ways of removing of barriers
which might enable schools to focus more on teaching and learning and less on social, emotional
and behavioural problems currently encountered. Issues of teacher recruitment, entry levels,
parental involvement, partnership working and capacity building were also highlighted.
Next steps:
 to consider the engagement of credible multi-academy sponsors to assist with the step
change needed.
 to review current infant and junior schools and whether amalgamation would accelerate
 to work with the DfE where the Secretary of State expects schools to convert to an academy
with a sponsor (in general, schools judged to be inadequate).
SEN Strategy
A plan of action based on the SEN events held in the summer term should be produced during
Autumn 2012 to be made available for perusal and comment by schools and interested parties.
A new body has been formed - the ‘SEN Advisory Group’ due to meet on Wednesday 24th October
headed up by Karen Jones – newly appointed SEN Project Manager. I will be attending this meeting
and Julia Hunt (Headteacher at Brightlingsea Infants) for future meetings.
Essex Learning Partnership (ELP)
In partnership with Essex HR, we are currently running twilight sessions for clusters of schools to
deliver Performance Management training which tease out some of the practical issues with regard
to carrying out reviews of staff performance. These sessions are intended for groups of about 25-30
reviewers. The training is best suited to senior managers who have responsibility for performance
management of some staff. This training may not be relevant for experienced headteachers who
have already heard HR’s presentation on Managing Performance.
East of England Chairs of Headteacher Groups Network
The main agenda items:
 Initial Teacher Training – in particular the School Direct training opportunities; Debbie
Holmes from the Teaching Agency explained the need to spread the word as to how groups
of schools could be supported at a local level to train potential teachers on the job with an
expectation to offer employment within that cluster:
 National College updates – Viv Keller-Garnett emphasised how Teaching School Alliances
(TSAs) will be the major pillar of government policy and the conduit for the bulk of
available funding for school improvement and driving up standards. TSAs will be
responsible for succession planning, ITT, identifying and increasing the numbers of NLEs,
LLEs, SLEs & NLGs. Funding for this group of experts is available to release capacity to
work with schools below floor targets.
Numbers though are thin on the ground. For Essex:
2 primary TSAs
9 primary NLEs
36 primary LLEs
1 primary NLG
 The National Chairs of Headteacher Groups is upping its game with meetings arranged for
discussions with ministers, DfE and Ofsted.
Essex Safeguarding Children’s Board (ESCB)
I finally attended my first meeting on this board. You’ll remember that the EPHA Executive
nominated me to attend, but there was a reluctance to accept a representative who was not a
currently serving headteacher. This has now been resolved, bearing in mind the amount of time
involvement on this Board can take.
Topics included:
Multi-agency audits
Missing children
The reduction of children on CPP (headteachers at ADGs queried Social Care as
to whether this could lead to children slipping through the net)
The new Safer Recruitment recommendations
The roll out for intensive working with Families with complex needs
The consultation on the 4 levels of need (the so-called windscreen model)
Coming up…
Cllr Castle and Tim Coulson have commissioned a piece of work with ISOS Partnership to define
the council’s role in education given the current political climate. Preliminary discussions with key
people are taking place in the next few weeks and will span out to workshops with groups of
In addition to the work highlighted in this report, Mike has also taken responsibility for overseeing
and presenting the EPHA accounts, in liaison with the County Treasurer.
The Headteachers present discussed a number of issues raised in the EPHA Liaison Officer’s report.
It was noted that Alison Fiala has been redeployed by the Local Authority to manage the future of
schools in Basildon, Harlow and, in time, Tendring. Concerns were expressed that the LA lacks the
capacity to support schools. It was noted that, at the Basildon summit meeting, no one from an
Academy spoke and many headteachers feel that the LA solution is being presented without there
being any convincing and proven track record of the success of academy chains, particularly in
relation to schools in challenging circumstances. In addition, many headteachers are concerned
about the loss of identity when a school becomes a part of a chain.
Peter Malcolm, headteacher at Rayleigh Primary and NAHT representative in Essex, argued that the
Government and LA’s strategic education policy is linked to accountability. Currently, the local
authority is accountable for maintained schools and has the power to replace a Governing Body with
an Interim Executive Board who may then decide to replace a headteacher. He argued that LAs have
not been using their powers of intervention and have now been instructed by the Department for
Education to make rapid changes in failing schools. He stated that the debate is not fundamentally
about whether a school becomes an academy but is more about whether the LA’s IEB is enacting its
powers. Peter also argued that the DfE is unconcerned about whether schools’ funding goes to
sponsors (most of whom wish to make a profit) as long as the outcomes of those schools are
Lorna Handscomb set out the position of Harlow schools and noted that a meeting concerning their
future was taking place that day. She noted that Harlow headteachers are coming to realise that that
if they are in schools in vulnerable areas they have little or no option about converting to academy
status within a chain, and their only choice at the current time is to decide which chain to be part of.
She argued that parents are completely unaware of the huge changes in education that are taking
Peter Malcolm continued by saying that education is a high cost public service and, whilst schools
may feel underfunded, government advisers have proved that, despite huge increases in funding to
education, standards have not improved since the 1980s. The conclusion therefore is that schools
have offered poor value for money.
This is a particularly key agenda for small schools and Peter asserted that the LA stance is to
encourage hard federations of small schools to promote better value for public money.
a) Mike Blant, the EPHA Liaison Officer, presented a Treasurer’s report including the current account
statement of income and expenditure for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 which was
circulated to all headteachers at the meeting.
The Current Account Income and Expenditure statement for the period 01 07 11 to 30 06 12.
Financial year April 2011 – end March 2012
Supply cover
Liaison Officer
Deputy conference
Heads’ conference
Income over Expenditure £9,788.03
2012/13 payments so far:
Travel & supply
Meetings ECC
Lloyds TSB Current account as at 06.08.2012
Cash at Business Account statement
The Local Authority Grant of £10,000 for 2012/13 is still outstanding and it was AGREED that this
issue will be raised at the meeting with LA Officers later in the day.
The following matters were noted/discussed in relation to the accounts:
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
i) Presentation of the accounts
It was noted that Mike Blant had collated the accounts and that the totals relating to the income and
expenditure and accounts are correct, although there seems to be have been some confusion in
relation to the allocation of money to cost centres during the year. This may have been caused by
the lack of a handover from the previous Treasurer to the current one and will be resolved during
the coming year.
ii) Financial year
Currently the financial year for the EPHA accounts runs from the beginning of April to the end of
March. Mike argued that it would make more sense to tie the financial year in with the school year
allowing a full year’s income and expenditure to be seen and the accounts to be audited during
August; it was AGREED that this change would be made when reviewing the Financial
iii) Annual Subscription
The annual subscription will remain at £120, with £100 being retained by County EPHA and £20
being retained by the relevant Area account.
iv) Clerking
The total expenditure is broken down into professional fees, mileage and expenses paid on behalf of
EPHA (such as stationary, conference expenses, gifts for departing headteachers and so on). It was
noted that the EPHA Chair, Vice-Chair and Area Chairs manage and oversee the roles of the EPHA
Manager and Liaison Officer, and undertake performance management in relation to these two
It was AGREED that the Constitution and Financial Regulation would be discussed at this point to
consider a proposal to allow EPHA to appoint a non-serving headteacher to take on the role of
treasurer for the association.
It was noted that the Constitution and Financial Regulations for the Essex Primary Headteachers’
Association were available on the website in advance of the AGM, and both were reviewed by
headteachers at the meeting.
A proposal was put forward by the EPHA Manager to make it possible to appoint a Treasurer who
is not a non-serving headteacher and to make this a paid role. She argued that, for the last three and
half years, the role of treasurer has been largely carried out by the Finance Managers in the schools
headed by the elected EPHA Treasurers. Whilst these Managers have managed the administrative
side of the role competently, the Association has lacked a strategic financial overview from the
Treasurer. In the last year, the EPHA Liaison Officer has undertaken the responsibility for
presenting a termly financial report to the EPHA Executive. Mike was thanked for the work that he
has done to support the management of the EPHA County accounts.
Headteachers are generally under increasing pressure and many are finding it more difficult to take
on additional voluntary roles. The EPHA Manager suggested that the role of County Treasurer
could be undertaken as a paid role by a non-serving headteacher, for example the EPHA Liaison
Officer, who would also then have a strategic financial overview of the Association.
The Chair of EPHA acknowledged that there had been no nominations for the role and asked if any
headteacher present was prepared to take on this role at the current time. No nominee was
forthcoming and the proposed change to constitution, to allow a non-serving headteacher to be
appointed to the role of EPHA County Treasurer, was APPROVED.
It was noted that a headteacher may be more likely to take on the role in future if there is a better
understanding of what the role entails and it was AGREED that, if appointed, Mike Blant will keep
a record of the number of hours required along with a job description of the role.
EPHA Liaison
Other changes to the Constitution and Financial Regulations were APPROVED including:
 The change to the financial year end which will now be the end of July; and
 The closure of the business account, transferring £10,000 to the conference account to
create a cash reserve.
It was AGREED that the Constitution and Financial Regulations would be amended accordingly
and ADOPTED for the coming year. The documents would be updated by the EPHA Manager and
would be circulated with the minutes of the meeting and posted on the EPHA website.
a) Election of Chair
It was noted that one nomination had been received prior to the meeting for the position of Chair for
the Essex Primary Headteachers’ Association, from Karen Springett (Milldene Primary).
There were no further nominations received at the meeting and Karen Springett was duly elected
as Chair. She was thanked for the work she has done on behalf of Essex Headteachers during the
year and for agreeing to continue as Chair of the Association.
b) Election of Vice-Chair
It was noted that one nomination had been received prior to the meeting for the position of ViceChair for the Essex Primary Headteachers’ Association, from Harriet Phelps-Knights (Janet Duke
There were no further nominations received at the meeting and Harriet Phelps-Knights was duly
elected as Vice-Chair. She was thanked for the work she has done on behalf of Essex Headteachers
during the year and for agreeing to continue as Vice-Chair of the Association.
c) Election of Treasurer
It was noted that no nominations from a serving headteacher had been received in advance of the
meeting. There were no further nominations received at the meeting and Mike Blant was duly
appointed as Treasurer. It was noted that this role will be separate from his role as EPHA Liaiosn
Officer and he will be given additional hours to allow him to carry out this role.
The outgoing Treasurer, Shaon Ishaque, and her Finance Manager, Lisa Smith, were thanked for the
work they have done in relation to the management of the EPHA accounts in the last two years.
The Expenses Claim form will be updated to reflect the change of treasurer’s contact details.
The Expenses Claim form can be found on the EPHA website www.essexprimaryheads.co.uk – go
to About Us (left hand side drop down menu) and then Constitution and Finance.
It was AGREED that the Signatories will be changed to enable Mike to operate the bank account
in his area of the County: David Yeld and Nigel Roberts will be REMOVED and the following
headteachers will be ADDED as signatories on the bank account:
Brenda Dalley, Harriet Phelps-Knights and Debbie Allen.
Lorna Handscomb will REMAIN as a signatory on the bank account.
d) Area and Local Delivery Group Representatives
Following the Area AGMs that took place during the summer term, it was confirmed that the
following headteachers will represent the South, Central (Mid), North-East and West Areas and
Local Delivery Groups (or locality equivalents) on the Executive Committee:
Canvey Island
Brenda Dalley
Marion Still
Alison Blant
Pauline MacMillan
Melissa Eades
Chris Eshmade
Marion Still
Megan Jenkins
Lorna Pigram
Annette Keeney
Hadleigh Infants
Barling Magna Primary
Pitsea Juniors
Oakfield Primary
Sunnymede Infants
Canewdon Primary
Barling Magna Primary
Riverside Infants and Juniors
St Nicholas CE Primary
St Katherine’s CE Primary
Basildon East/Pitsea
Basildon West
Castle Point/Benfleet
Jenny McCutcheon
Angela Russell
Brenda Dalley
Shelagh Harvey
Fairhouse Juniors
St Anne Line Catholic Infants
Hadleigh Infants
Ingatestone Infants
CENTRAL (Mid) Area
Doretta Cowie
Perryfields Juniors
Sue Foster
The Tyrrells School
Joe Figg
Purleigh Primary
Penny Smith
White Notley Primary
Chelmsford North
Sue Foster
The Tyrrells School
Chelmsford West
Helen Hutchings
Highwood Primary
Chelmsford South
Cheryl Allard
Oaklands Infant School
David Milligan
Tollesbury School
Geraldine Denham-Hale St Mary’s, Burnham
Anna Conley
The Howbridge Infants
South Woodham Ferrers Sue Grocock
St Mary’s, Woodham Ferrers
Tendring Mid
Tendring South
Tendring North
Harwich & Dovercourt
Colchester East
Colchester West
Colchester South
Simon Billings
Nick Hutchings
Heather Tetchner
to be confirmed
Ronnie Farrelly
Donna Parker
Val Metcalf
Helen Dudley-Smith
Neil Matthews
Gail Thomas
St John’s Green Primary
St John’s CE Primary, Colchester
Dedham Primary
Holland Park Primary
Ardleigh St Mary’s Primary
Harwich Primary & Nursery
Friars Grove Primary
Heathlands Primary
St Michael’s Primary & Nursery
The current vacancy for Tendring Mid will be addressed at the North East Headteachers’ meeting
on 8th November 2012.
Epping Forest South
Epping Forest Rural
Uttlesford North
Uttlesford South
Nigel Roberts
Isobel Barron
Elspeth Bonds
Janice Tunney
Elspeth Bonds
Lorna Handscomb
Rachel Callaghan
John Clements
Jerounds Juniors
The Leverton Infants & Nursery
Theydon Bois Primary
Limes Farm Infant and Nursery
Theydon Bois Primary
Latton Green Primary
Katherine Semar Juniors
Hatfield Heath Primary
It was confirmed that the Executive Membership list will be updated to reflect these changes, and
will made available on the EPHA website.
a) Data sharing protocol
The EPHA Manager noted that in December 2008 the EPHA Executive agreed a protocol for
sharing data with Essex schools and the Local Authority. The protocol was circulated at the meeting
and reviewed.
Shelagh Harvey noted that in small schools it was impossible to maintain anonymity in respect of
some staff when reviewing data and that the protocol should not state that: “Such relevant
information will not identify or make it possible to identify individual teachers or pupils.” (No. 6)
It was noted that the document was a statement of general principles rather than an enforceable legal
requirement. Nevertheless, it was AGREED that the statement should be amended to read:
“Such relevant information will not name individual teachers or pupils.”
It was also AGREED to amend No 10 to read “This protocol will be reviewed regularly by the
EPHA Executive.” (rather than annually).
It was AGREED that the revised data protocol would be shared with LA Officers at the meeting
later in the day.
b) Quadrant Commissioners representing schools during Ofsted inspections
Shelagh Harvey expressed a concern that Quadrant Commissioners are attending meetings with
Ofsted Inspectors, in line with the new framework, whether or not they know the school or its
headteacher. She recognised that this may come about because a QC who does know the school may
not be available at short notice, but felt that if the LA Officer does not know the school they will be
unable to represent them supportively and appropriately.
It was noted that there also needs to be clarification of the LA’s protocols for working with
independent School Improvement Advisers/Consultants, and it was AGREED that these issues
would be raised with LA Officers at the meeting later in the day.
c) Utility Contract
Simon Billings expressed concerns about the new utility contract that is being implemented by the
LA, which will cost around £4.95 a day per school in addition to fuel costs. It was AGREED that
clarification on this issue would be sought from LA Officers at the meeting later in the day.
d) Headteachers supporting schools in challenging circumstances
Simon Billings noted that, increasingly, experienced headteachers of currently good and outstanding
schools are being asked to support or lead schools in challenging circumstances, and in particular,
those schools that have been judged to be inadequate by Ofsted. He asked what incentive there was
for headteachers to take on these schools, potentially risking their own careers if, after a couple of
terms, they have been unable to turn round a failing school. It was AGREED that the EPHA
Executive would seek clarification around the LA’s strategy in relation to school to school support
and the use of experienced heads to rescue failing schools, at the meeting later in the day.
e) Floor targets - disparity between secondary and primary schools
Simon Billings questioned the lack of parity between the expectations of primary and secondary
floor targets. It was AGREED that this issue would be raised with LA Officers at the meeting later
in the day.
f) EYFS assessment and Target Tracker software
Concerns were expressed about the lack of information about assessment in the Early Years
Foundation Stage and the associated Target Tracker software. It was AGREED that this concern
would be raised with LA Officers at the meeting later in the day.
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
meeting with
LA Officers
23 October
The meeting ended at 11.00 am
Karen Springett
Chair of EPHA
Pam Langmead
EPHA Manager