PRIMARY HEADTEACHERS’ CONFERENCE Wednesday 18 March to Friday 20 March 2015 Arrival/registration time on Wednesday 18 March is 6.00 pm Departure time on Friday 20 March is following lunch, which is optional, at 1.00 pm at The Carlton Hotel, North Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1SD Cost: £500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPLY SLIP I would like to attend the Primary Headteachers’ Conference on Wednesday 18 March to Friday 20 March 2015, at The Carlton Hotel, North Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1SD. Name of delegate School Full Address of school Telephone number Email Dietary requirements EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS - Please provide a contact name and number in case of an emergency. Emergency contact name Emergency phone number(s) Please return, with a cheque for £500, made payable to ‘WRCDT’, to Margaret Theissl at Education Service, St Joseph’s, St Joseph’s Grove, NW4 4TY, as soon as possible. Tel: 020 8457 6531/Fax: 020 8203 8278/