This Key Learning Guide is the study guide for Course 416: “Mental

This Key Study Guide is the study guide for City Vision College Course 416: “Mental Illness
and Addiction.” Use this guide to take your personal notes. Answer the questions pertaining to
each chapter and submit to your instructor as directed. Use this Key Study Guide as a study tool
for your midterm and final exams.
Chapter 1: The Nature of the Problem (pages 1 – 9)
1. This chapter begins with the quote taken from Alcoholics Anonymous: “One drink is too
many and a thousand is never enough.” What does that quote mean to you? What does that
quote say about someone’s alcohol addiction?
2. How is the term “dual diagnosis” defined?
3. What does “comorbid” mean in relationship to mental health and substance use/abuse
4. True or false. Individuals with a psychiatric disorder are at increased risk for having a
comorbid substance disorder.
5. People abusing or dependent on drugs often develop symptoms similar to those seen in many
psychiatric disorders. List those psychiatric symptoms referred to in your text.
6. When a client presents for treatment for substance use and abuse disorders the evaluator must
assess whether or not their psychiatric symptoms come from the substance use or from a
mental illness or both. Using the questions in your text as examples, formulate four questions
you could ask your clients when they present for treatment to help you determine the cause of
the psychiatric symptoms.
7. People who are dually diagnosed are often difficult to treat. Name three reasons why these
clients may be difficult to treat:
8. Imagine that you are the counselor and you suspect your client has both a substance
use/abuse and mental health disorder. How would you approach telling the client? What
would you do if your client were resistant to the diagnoses?
9. Traditionally, how does society view alcoholism and addiction? Do you share that view?
Why or why not?
10. “ Many providers who want to treat the dually disordered person in a comprehensive way are
faced with moral, ethical, and financial dilemmas regarding what is in the client’s best
interest, given the limited availability of treatment funding” is the last sentence on page 4 in
your text. What are some of the dilemmas providers face? What is your reaction to that
11. There is a definite relationship between substance abuse and criminal activity. What are
some of the common charges the substance abuser may be arrested on?
12. Is the “legal system” a “treatment system?” Why or why not?
13. What effect(s), if any, would a dual diagnosis have on the patient’s family and friends?
14. Your text discusses many of the difficulties treatment providers often face when working
with the dually diagnosed client. After reading about these difficulties, what is your
reaction? Do you believe these difficulties will affect your decision to be a substance abuse
counselor? If so, how?