Christmas Carol: Stave III

Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ________
Christmas Carol: Stave I-II: How well have you read and listened?
DIRECTIONS: Circle the best answer. Go back to the story if you need to.
1- Marley gets Scrooge the chance to
A- lighten his sentence
B- become a richer person
C- avoid his (Marley’s) fate
D- become immortal
2- Because he has interceded, Marley will
A- be able to rest
B- not have to carry such a heavy chain
C- be released from his fate
D- remain as he is
3- Marley’s chance is that
A- Scrooge will be haunted by three ghosts
B- Scrooge can start to do good things and lighten his sentence
C- Scrooge must change his ways
D- Scrooge must celebrate Christmas
4- The purpose of the Ghost of Christmas Past is
A- to remind Scrooge of the past years in his life
B- to change the things Scrooge did in his past
C- to remind Scrooge of the good times of his past
D- to make Scrooge see how happy he used to be
5- When the Ghost tells Scrooge that Fezziwig has only spent a small amount on
the party, Scrooge replies that
A- it wasn’t enough to make everyone happy
B- it isn’t the amount he spent that is important
C- it is the only way to keep employees loyal at the holidays
D- it was a waste of money and time
6- The party at Fezziwig’s is important because
A- It helps Scrooge begin to remember how happy his employer had made
him, and how miserable he makes Bob Cratchit.
B- It helps Scrooge realize that all these people in his past were cruel to him
and made him the way is.
C- It helps to justify Scrooge’s behavior in relation to the way he treats Bob
D- It helps to show how important it is to spend a lot of money on people
during the holidays so that they like you.
7- Belle breaks her engagement because
A- she is in love with someone else
B- Scrooge has found another girlfriend who has more money
C- She is now worshiping golden idols
D- Scrooge loves money more than her
8- Belle is sure that if she marries Ebeneezer, he eventually will
A- Grow to love her.
B- regret it
C- overlook her poverty because she is so beautiful
D- be so proud of all that she has begun in spite of her humble beginnings.
9- The last place the spirit takes Scrooge in Stave 2 is
A- To Fan’s grave, who died because she needed medicine and could not
afford it.
B- To Ali Baba’s house where he visited with Robin Crusoe
C- To Fessiwig’s house where Mrs. Fezziwig waited for the party to begin
D- To Belle’s home, where she was happily married with a lot of children.
10- This last visit was
A- In the future, after Scrooge has died.
B- During the time Scrooge worked at Fezziwig’s
C- Seven years earlier, when Marley died.
D- It was a possibility that never really happened.
11- The spirit shows Scrooge this scene (the last place they went)
A- To make him regret the way he treated Bob Cratchit that night.
B- To make him realize that Marley had died.
C- To see what kind of a life he could have had.
D- To show what happened to his former friend, Dick Wilkins.
12- When they return to Scrooge’s home, Scrooge tries to
A- Extinguish the light from the ghost’s head.
B- Escape from the spirit by running into his room and locking the door.
C- Ignore the spirit and go to sleep.
D- Search his rooms for the other spirits.
Stave 3: Did you read well?
13- The second Spirit uses his “torch” to
A- light fires where they are needed
B- sprinkle good cheer
C- share the wealth of the upper class with the poor
D- illuminate the past for Scrooge
14- By the beginning of Stave III, we see that Scrooge
A- does not believe in the spirits anymore
B- is willing to buy gifts for the Cratchit family
C- is beginning to change
D- is more greedy than ever!
15- An example of alliteration is:
A- “…Chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples…”
B- “… ‘You have never seen the like of me before?’…”
C- “… he was not the dogged Scrooge he had been…”
D- “…that dull, petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooge’s time,
or Marley’s…”
16- Read the following excerpt from Stave III:
“… ‘Spirit,’ said Scrooge submissively, “conduct me where you will. I went forth
last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. Tonight, if
you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it.’”
What this means is:
A- Scrooge is looking for a way to make money from this experience
B- Scrooge is starting to understand the wrong way his life has gone
C- Scrooge is willing to learn a different way to conduct his business
D- Scrooge wants the ghost to leave him alone
17- Charles Dickens spends a great deal of time describing the marketplace to the
readers. This helps the reader to
A- identify the location of the town where this part of the story takes place
B- understand the names of the foods that were imported for Christmas
C- picture the scene accurately
D- understand where Scrooge often shopped for Christmas presents for his
guests at his home on Christmas Day
18- Read the following excerpt from Stave III.
“… ‘There are some upon this earth of yours,” returned the Spirit, ‘who lay claim
to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy,
bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strangers to us and all our kith
and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on
themselves, not us.’”
The Spirit is referring to the fact that Scrooge has “blamed” the Spirit for
the closing of the baker shops on the Sabbath
the practice of closing the Exchange on the week-ends
the fact that poor people have no room for ovens in their homes
many people not attending Church services on Christmas Eve
19- Since they didn’t have ovens large enough to roast their turkeys, geese or roasts,
many poor people would rent the ovens from
the butcher
the baker
the candlestick maker
the mercantile store
20- The Christmas dinner at the Cratchit house had
A- love and joy
B- waste and lavishness
C- stinginess and frugality
D- solemnity and staidness
21- Plum Pudding, a traditional dessert in England for Christmas dinner, was often
brought to the table
A- soaked in brandy and set on fire
B- hot and served with ice cream
C- decorated with bread and sauce
D- boiled and served in a copper pot
22- The Spirit foreshadows that if things do not change, Tiny Tim’s future is
A- bright and hopeful
B- sad and sorrowful
C- bleak and hopeless
D- rich and full
23- When the Spirit and Scrooge go to Fred’s house
A- Scrooge is insulted by the game
B- Scrooge wants to stay longer
C- Scrooge is angry that the Spirit has brought him here
D- The Spirit wants Scrooge to see the suffering he has caused
24- Read the following excerpt from Stave 3:
“… ‘However, his offences carry their own punishment, and I have nothing to say
against him’…”
Scrooge’s nephew Fred is saying that:
Scrooge is only hurting himself with the way he acts
His uncle is a mean, stingy man who should be punished severely
His uncle will receive punishment for what he does because he is so mean
What goes around comes around.
25- Toward the end of the night, Scrooge noticed that the Ghost
A- Grew thinner
B- Became larger
C- Faded into the background
D- Grew older
26- The Ghost reveals to Scrooge, two children from the folds of his robe. They are
A- the personification of ignorance and want
B- the children of the Spirit of the damned
C- cursed for all eternity for the evil they had done
D- the alliteration of the ignorant and needy of the known world of the
Victorian era
27- Read the following excerpt from Stave 3:
“… ‘Have they no refuge or resource?’ cried Scrooge.
‘Are there no prisons?’ said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his
own words. ‘Are there no workhouses?’”
This is said to remind Scrooge and the reader that:
in Dickens’s time workhouses and prisons did exist
Scrooge supports the workhouses and prisons
The Cratchit family lived in a workhouse
Scrooge refused to give money to the poor at the beginning of the story
28- At the end of Stave 3, Scrooge sees a figure approaching him after the clock
struck midnight. We can infer that the figure is
the Ghost of Marley’s brother
the Ghost of Scrooge’s Death
the third ghost that Marley had warned him about
the Ghost of Christmas Present