module1.2 EE and NCE

Introduction to Ecological Economics
The pre-analytic vision of ecological economics.
Module Topic: Neoclassical welfare economics and Ecological
Course Learning Outcome(s):
Construct the pre-analytic vision of ecological economics
Module Outcome(s):
Differentiate between neoclassical welfare economics and ecological economics.
Reading: Chapter 2 of DF
Discussion board (Pre-analytic vision: Economic Man): Read the "Economic
Man" and “Wants” from the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. State
whether you believe humans actually act in such a manner in their daily lives.
How do these actions and beliefs differ from those held within ecological
economics? Read the postings of some of your classmates and comment on them.
Wiki: (This folder: Eco Economics vs. Neoclassical Economics): Create a chart
comparing and contrasting ecological economics and neoclassical economics. On
each respective side put the main points for each school of thought. For each
major point also write down the reasoning behind the development of these
practices and their goals, these may be either historical or current needs.
Video: Watch ‘Principles of economics, translated’ by the Standup Economist
Project reading: Chapter one of FED
Discussion board/Project assignment (Pre-analytic vision: Choosing a problem
(post under appropriate thread)): Begin choosing a problem and your partners.
Post an idea for a problem on a discussion board, or if someone has already posted
a problem that interests you, post your ideas there.
Self Check:
Make sure you can answer the questions on the right, and understand the
‘big ideas to remember’ from DF chapter 2.
Submit as Proof(s) of Learning:
Activities 2,3,6
For more information about this module and its contents, contact your instructor.
At the end of this section you
should be able to answer the
following questions:
What is uneconomic
What is a pre-analytic
What is the pre-analytic
vision of ecological
economics, and how does it
contrast with that of
neoclassical economics?
What is scale and what is
optimal scale?
What is distribution?
What is allocation?
What are the central
differences between
ecological economics and
neoclassical economics?