Culture – Arts and Museums - London Borough of Richmond upon

Priority Area
Culture – Arts and Museums
Community Plan
Culture relates to every theme of the community plan, arts and museums are
fundamental in helping people understand the world, enrich their lives and
reach their full potential.
Key Targets
(For details of National Indicators (NI’s and recent baseline information go to
(For NI’s all museums, galleries, arts activities and events are included, not
only those funded by local authorities)
NI 10 - Number of education visits to museums and galleries
NI 11 - Number of young people under 26, older people, people with
disabilities, people from ethnic minority communities accessing theatre,
arts based positive activities and museums – data based on regular
Improve health and wellbeing link to n 119
NI 119 reported health and well being
Outcomes and type of service
Richmond’s Vision for Culture – “Enjoying excellence” is to enrich the lives of
people living in Richmond upon Thames and to attract visitors to the borough
by providing cultural and sporting opportunities and experiences that are
excellent, enjoyable and accessible to everyone”
Applications for grants should reflect this vision and reference the 6 themes of
the Cultural partnership Plan 2009-13 – Education and talent pathways,
Grassroots Culture, Health and Emotional Wellbeing, Promoting Richmond
and lively public realm, Heritage built environment and open spaces and the
creative industries.
Support voluntary sector arts organisations in Richmond to help achieve
the following:
Contribute to the delivery of the Cultural Partnership Plan
2009-13 targets and take an active part in the borough’s
Cultural Forum, Arts Advisory Forum, Dance Forum, Dramatic
Edge Partnership and other relevant meetings.
Contribute to the success of the Cultural Olympiad in
Richmond through participation in borough wide programmes,
links to the Olympiad 10 main projects, and the open weekend
Promote and increase access to arts through improving access
to information and cultural signposting for the public
Provide opportunities for active engagement in the arts through
volunteering and work based learning opportunities
Widen participation and access to the arts by encouraging
attendances from priority groups (see targets) and through
delivering services on a local basis in the 5 deprived wards of
the borough
Promote and preserve the heritage of the borough through
exhibitions, publications and performances/events utilising the
wealth of material in the Local Studies Collection and Borough
Art Collection
Involve people in the design of arts and heritage services
through regular consultation and feedback
Number of Visits to museums and galleries and number of attendances at
arts events/performances
(Year One)
Number of arts and heritage organisations supported/worked with in
Number of exhibitions, events, performances and number of artists
employed through these
Number of young people under 26, older people, people with disabilities,
people from ethnic minority communities, people from diverse religious
backgrounds accessing arts and museums – data in percentages based
on regular surveying
Number of people who consider that they have improved their health,
wellbeing and quality of life through arts (i.e. active participation in dance
and through combating isolation through taking part /attending the arts
and volunteering) - evidence based on surveying
Number of people consulted per annum and impact of the consultation
Number of
Link Officer
Rachel Tranter, Head of Arts
020 8831 6462
Do you agree with the service description and performance indicators identified or are there
others that you think should be included? Please include any additional comments or