COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE REGULAR/ADVANCED ENRICHMENT Teacher’s Note: The generic enrichment strategies below correlate to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Following the Science Pacing Guides, students should be encouraged to identify a science topic from the curriculum and select from the following instructional strategies to complete an enrichment experience. Linguistic Intelligence Design a brochure about a specific topic and ask students to share in classroom. Create foldable books on scientific topics/concepts. Create crossword puzzles/ word searches using vocabulary words from chapter(s) as a review activity. Do oral reports/presentations on a variety of current research topics. Design PowerPoint presentations on a variety of topics and share in classroom. Create poems using scientific vocabulary or themes. Write creative short stories incorporating scientific ideas. Deliver an informative speech on a famous scientist/discovery/inventor. Conduct projects that require specifying a problem, designing an experiment, analyzing data and reporting results/solutions. Write essays on a variety of topics. Write a newspaper article about a topic of interest. Write diary entries as if you were a famous historical figure describing your role in a famous scientific discovery. Create study guides/questions for chapter review. Write a letter to the editor about a current issue/topic and take sides. Create a scrapbook documenting a famous scientific event/discovery. Logical-mathematical Intelligence Design concept maps/webs/graphic organizers on topics dealing with Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science to present to others. Develop scientific/mathematical models for a complex situation. Create flowcharts/charts/time lines on scientific discoveries. Conduct Internet research and outlines on Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science topics. Design scale drawings of science concepts. Create trivia games that others can play. Develop crossword and other puzzles for classmates to solve. Write a how-to book on a specific science concept. Diagram procedures of an experiment. Conduct research and laboratory experiments to investigate concepts. Categorize facts and information. Compose analogies. Curriculum and Instruction Page 1 of 3 Adapted from: Coil, C. (2004) Standards-based Activities and Assessments for the Differentiated Classroom. Pieces of Learning. COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE REGULAR/ADVANCED ENRICHMENT Spatial Intelligence Create cartoons/comic strips/comic books that illustrate a scientific concept/idea in sequential order. Construct scale drawings/collages/mosaics/murals to demonstrate understanding of science concepts. Make illustrated booklets on a variety of scientific topics. Design maps and graphs to illustrate data. Design picture postcards/posters to illustrate science concepts. Make an informative video about a scientific concept/idea/theme. Write book reports on scientifically accurate novels. Create drawings of different types of cells in the human body. Create a T-shirt design/logo that represents a specific theme/idea. Create an ABC book/illustrated children’s book that demonstrates understanding of science concepts. Make a sculpture of a famous scientist/inventor. Create mnemonic devices from vocabulary words or scientific concepts. Draw or paint a picture, poster, chart, or sketch representing science concepts learned. Make a three-dimensional model of a science concept learned. Sketch an illustration of how historic scientific figures might have changed events. Take photographs or video to create a pictorial report. Construct props and costumes to dramatize an event in science. Create Venn diagrams or concept maps to explain information to others. Build a shadow box or diorama display to illustrate science concepts. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Perform a skit/play depicting the life/ part of the life of a famous scientist/inventor. Create informational TV Commercials on topics of interest. Dance and explain the science concepts involved in movement. Make a mobile demonstrating a scientific topic such as how traits are inherited. Role-play science concepts and discoveries. Create a dance or movement that explains a science concept. Take a fieldtrip to further explore a science concept. Act out vocabulary words or a sequence of events. Construct projects and make diagrams and/or models of science concepts. Perform charades of key science vocabulary and concepts. Curriculum and Instruction Page 2 of 3 Adapted from: Coil, C. (2004) Standards-based Activities and Assessments for the Differentiated Classroom. Pieces of Learning. COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE REGULAR/ADVANCED ENRICHMENT Musical Intelligence Perform songs/raps to help review vocabulary or scientific concepts. Make a slide show dealing with a scientific concept/idea. Write an original song, rap, jingle, or cheer to review important science concepts and/or discoveries. Play instruments and describe the science concepts involved. Compose music that conveys the theme or mood of the science lesson. Create a rhythmic way to remember science concepts. Interpersonal Intelligence Create Interactive/Review games on scientific concepts/topics. Conduct interviews/email interviews of scientists, engineers, and/or persons working in science fields. Debate a controversial or current scientific issue. Pantomime science concepts as a review activity. Participate in activities, where each person in a group is responsible for specific tasks. Participate in a global collaborative project. Peer tutor a classmate on a science topic. Intrapersonal Intelligence Perform/write a monologue as if you were a famous scientist/inventor about your discovery/ invention. Write journal entries with personal reflections on science concepts learned. Research scientific topics. Schedule a meeting with a science teacher/scientist to investigate a topic further. Conduct an independent investigation of a scientific concept. Self-assess projects and products and recommend improvements. Naturalist Intelligence Participate in field trips and nature walks to explore science concepts. Make observations of the natural world; make predictions, and record findings. Record changes or developments of certain scientific and/or engineering discoveries over time. Photograph events in the natural world. Sort, categorize, and classify items in the natural world. Care for plants and animals in an ecosystem and study the interconnectedness of the living and nonliving parts. Forecast and track the weather. Resources Learning Style Quiz at Curriculum and Instruction Page 3 of 3 Adapted from: Coil, C. (2004) Standards-based Activities and Assessments for the Differentiated Classroom. Pieces of Learning.