Protocol No: BR 2.2 Please complete the table below. If you are breeding genetically modified animals, please indicate the exact modification and the rationale for its use*. This rationale must include the type of modification (e.g., KO, Tg, KI, naturally occurring mutant), background strain, construct, and what the construct’s function. Species Background Strain Construct* Modification* Function* IACUC protocol number served Species Background Strain Construct* Modification* Function* IACUC protocol number served Tg KO KI Other: KI Other: NUS: Other institution: Tg KO NUS: Other institution: 2.3 (b) Please indicate the number of breeders to be obtained and estimated number you will breed per year. ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ Species/ strains breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: breeder: Animal Number per year Offspring: Offspring: Offspring: