Risks and Consequences: Mae Jemison Name: _______________________________________ Grammar: Write whether the underlined word is a noun or a verb. 1. ______________ There are numerous benefits to learning to read. 2. ______________ I want you to leave my house this instant! 3. ______________ It is known that Mark had a wreck yesterday. Circle the pronoun that best completes the sentence. 4. (Her, Hers, She) fingers were covered with sticky, sweet, honey. 5. When we went to the zoo, we saw a white tiger and (her, hers, she) cubs. 6. I took a pill to help (my, mine, I, me) throat feel better 7. It’s hard for (I, me) to resist buying chocolate when I shop at the candy store. 8. (You, Your, Yours, You’re) have gum on the bottom of your shoe. Write the nouns in each sentence. 9. The thunderstorm slowed the progress of traffic. 10. Do you think black cats bring bad luck? Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence. 11. We (is, are) going to the mall later this afternoon. 12. John needed to intrude on his mother because he (was, were) hurt badly. 13. There (was, were) several empty seats at the theatre. Write a sentence about Mae Jemison using an abstract noun, and a linking verb. Label the abstract noun as AN and the linking verb as LV. ________________________________________________________________________ http://www.opencourtresources.com Risks and Consequences: Mae Jemison Name: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ http://www.opencourtresources.com