From the “Oprah Video” You have the ability to control the majority of your health destiny… The foods below help reduce cholesterol & high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The whole grains below which contain fiber help flush fat and cholesterol out of your system and provide powerful antioxidants that help you stay healthier, look younger and live longer (USDA suggests three servings of whole grains a day). Examples of Natural foods that contain Fiber: Artichoke Lima Beans Soy Beans Grapefruit Blackberries Raspberries Whole Grain Breads Buckwheat Steel Cut Oatmeal or Scottish oatmeal (basically most fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains contain fiber) Examples of Whole Grains: Spelt Bulgur Quinoa Foods that help fight Cancer are foods that contain magnesium Magnesium—gets bowel to move better, example foods below: (when you eat them, they should look the way they looked when they came out of the ground) Examples: Beets Raisins Dates Soybeans Foods that fight High Blood Pressure are foods that contain potassium Examples: Bananas Avocado Peaches Watermelon Baked potato with the skin on them Other foods that help reduce your chances of getting Cancer: Folate (leafy green veggies) Vitamin D (fortified juices, eggs, sun, fortified milk, supplement) Cabbage Broccoli Brussel sprouts Tomato Sauce, tomatoes, tomato paste Cauliflower “Can’t test for safety, you must live to be safe” (Eat healthy, exercise regularly and think well…positive thinking…) Foods for a Stronger Heart: Walnuts Onions Garlic Salmon Foods to eat daily: Handful of nuts everyday (walnuts, almonds) 5 handfuls of fruits and veggies daily…and I would say even more veggies Some whole grains/whole grain cereal Foods to eat weekly: Fish: beware of mercury content in some fish Tomatoes, cooked--they help decrease cancer and arteriole aging, heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence, wrinkling of the skin—eat with olive oil or other healthy fat to allow it to absorbs faster Drink daily and supplements: Water: 8 glasses (about 64 ounces) Folate: 800 MCG (microgram= 1 millionth of a gram) Vitamin D: 400 IU Calcium and Magnesium supplement ****Consult a nutritionist before taking a supplement or a doctor who has had quality training in nutrition. Remember the best place to get your vitamins and minerals is from the food itself, if you know you aren’t getting enough of the right foods, then the next best bet are whole food supplements.