2-10-00, Environmental Factors in the Coastal Region, Waves Ref: Shore Protection Manual, USACE, 1984 Basic Coastal Engineering, R.M. Sorensen, 1997 Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, M.K. Ochi, 1990 Coastal Engineering Handbook, J.B. Herbich, 1991 Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers & Scientists, R.G. Dean and R.A. Dalrymple, 1991 Coastal, Estuarial and Harbour Engineers' Reference Book, M.B. Abbot and W.A. Price, 1994, (Chapter 29) Topics Description of Ocean Waves Time Series Common Parameters Spectral Parameters and Standard Wave Spectra Design Wave Estimation Based on measured Data Extreme value analysis- Graphical and Asymptotic Approaches Return period and Risk of Encounter Based on Wind Data Empirical Formulae Spectral Models Description of Hurricane Waves Review of Linear Waves Wave Transformation in Coastal Waters Shoaling and Refraction Diffraction Reflection Damping due to Bottom friction Wave Breaking --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description of Ocean Waves Irregular waves characterizing them requires statistical parameters may be timeseries (wave height, period) based or frequency domain (energy spectrum) based Time-Series Describe wave height & period for each individual wave using "zero up-crossing" analysis (i.e. when profile crosses the zero mean upward) Wave height from minimum and maximum on either side of up-crossing Common parameters: 1. Significant wave (H1/3, T1/3) - average of heights and periods of highest 1/3 waves of a given record 2. Mean wave ( H , T ) mean of a record Havg = H1/10 H Havg = H1/3 3. One-tenth wave (H1/10, T1/10) - average of heights and periods of highest 1/10 waves of a given record 4. Root mean square wave (Hrms, Trms) - H rms N1 H i2 5. Mean wave energy per unit surface area g 2 E Hi 8N (recall for monochromatic waves E 18 gH 2 ) 66% 90% F(H) Assuming a Raleigh distribution for the wave height gives: H1/ 3 H s 0.63H 0.63H avg H1/ 10 1.27 H1/ 3 , average of highest 10 percent of waves H1/ 100 1.67 H1/ 3 , average of highest 1 percent of waves H max 1.86 H1 / 3 , expected maximum in 500 waves 2 1.26 H rms H H1 / 3 Spectral (freq. domain) Parameters 2 H rms 8 2 , where 2 is the variance of the time series recall: 1 H H i mean N 1 2 2 H i variance N using Rayleigh distribution assumption H1/3 = 1.416 Hrms = 4 Peak energy period (Tp) period corresponding to the peak in the energy spectrum (i.e. the modal frequency) E(f) fm modal freq Significant period: f Ts 3.86 H s (occasionally used, T in sec, H in meters) Standard Wave Distributions: 1. Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) Spectrum (one parameter, wind speed at 19.5 meters above the surface, U in m/s) 4 g 8.10 10 3 g 2 , E(f) in m2-s E( f ) exp 0.74 4 5 U 2 f 2 f modal frequency for this spectrum is f m 21 g H s gH s (narrow band spectrum assumed) 0.21 2 g Hs 8.10 10 3 g 2 E( f ) exp 0.032 2 24 f 5 2f convert to Hs vice U U 2. Bretschneider Spectrum (two parameters: H s , f m ) 4 fm 1.25 f m4 2 E f H s exp 1.25 4 f5 f 3. JONSWAP (Joint North Sea Wave Project), for fetch limited seas (i.e. hurricane generated waves) f fm 4 f m exp 2 2 f m2 g2 1 E( f ) exp 1.25 24 f 5 f 0.076x 0.22 2 , gX , X is fetch length, U is mean wind speed U2 ( 0.008) g 0.33 fm = modal frequency, f m 3.5 x U = 0.07 for f fm = 0.09 for f > fm where x = shape parameter, = 3.3 Pierson-Moskowitz & JONSWAP Spectra 350 Pierson-Moskowitz JONSWAP 300 E(f) (m2-sec) 250 200 Hs = 8.6m fm = 0.068 Hz 150 100 50 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 freq. (Hz) 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 Bretschneider & Pierson-Moskowitz Spectra 100 Bretschneider Pierson-Moskowitz 90 80 E(f) (m2-sec) 70 60 Hs = 8.6m fm = 0.068 Hz 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 freq. (Hz) 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 Design Wave Estimation Required information varies with objective. 1. For sediment transport, need long term directional wave data 2. For structural integrity, need extreme design wave parameters Based on Measured Data - Extreme value analysis/ return interval analysis A. Graphical Approach (requires large data set, > 30) Pr{X xn} = 1 - F(xn) return interval T ( xn ) 1 , F(xn) is the cdf 1 F ( xn ) Case 1: Have ordered sample, y1 < y2 < … < yn ln(N) ln(n) 1. Plot ln(n) vs. ln(xn) Extend plot to desired ln(N), e.g. N is a number of observations for a desired time period, (e.g. 100 years) End of data set ln(xN) i.e. m observations per year, let T = desired years (100) N = T x m ln(xn) 2. For desired N, find xN on plot Case 2: Have random data, X with N = total number of observations 1. Build histogram with data set, X gives freq. (f) and center bin, y1 < y2 < … < yn n 2. tabulate associated distribution function F ( xn ) fi i 1 N n 1 1 F xn 3. Plot ln(n) vs. ln(xn) and find yn for the desired T as above B. Asymptotic Distribution Methods: Basic idea is to determine a distribution function which fits the data. Given the data set {y1, y2, … yn} where y is the maximum (or minimum) value in a given time interval. Most coastal and ocean engineering problems are Type I or Type III F ( yn ) exp exp yn Type I - exponential type - < yn < Type III - limited type w y n F ( y n ) exp w v - < yn < w Type I F ( yn ) exp exp yn 6 6 var y n , and the asymptotic values are , E y n var y n var y 6 and y = 0.5772 (Euler's number) Return Period and Risk of Encounter 1 , where T is the 1 F yn return period or return interval in years (e.g. 100 years, 500 years, etc.), m is the number of observations per year (from data yn) and F(yn) is the c.d.f. The return period can be calculated from mT N Substituting the Type I Asymptotic Distribution gives 1 N which can be solved for yn to determine the 1 exp exp y n extreme event for a given return period (alternative to the graphical method) It may be more desirable to evaluate the design event in terms of a Risk of Encounter. For example, what is the return interval of an event which has a 50% chance of occurring over the life time of the structure… the risk of encounter of this event is 50% Can calculate from R = risk or probability of encounter (%) T = return period of an extreme event (years) L = design structural life (years) T R 1 Pr x xn 1 exp L T L ln 1 R 100 (1) or (from SPM and Coastal, Estuarial and Harbour Eng.'s Ref. Book) 1 R 1 Pr x xn 1 1 T R (%) T from eqn. (1) T from eqn. (2) T in years 10 475 475 20 224 225 30 140 141 L 40 98 98 T 50 72 73 60 55 55 1 (2) 1/ L 1 1 R 100 70 42 42 80 31 32 90 22 22 Based on Design Wind Information Empirical formulae Wave energy spectrum method Hurricane wave description Definitions Fetch - region in which wind speed and direction is relatively constant Fetch Limited - seas build to the maximum possible for the wind blowing over the given distance (i.e. if the wind blows longer, the seas don't increase) Duration Limited - seas do not reach the maximum possible for the distance Empirical Wave Prediction Models (from the SPM) Sverdrup-Munk-Bretschneider (SMB) Model H,T = f(wind speed, fetch, duration) (requires stationary system, uniform wind field, deepwater… but it's simple) Speed variation should be < 2.5 m/s (5 knots) Direction variation should be < 45 degrees (accuracy deteriorates for > 15deg) Procedure: 1. Determine wind fetch (usually due to geographic constraints) 2. Determine wind duration 3. Determine if seas are Fetch Limited or Duration Limited 4. Compute significant wave parameters Determine if conditions are Fetch-Limited or Duration-Limited 3/ 2 gt gFt 0.015 2 UA U A Ft < F (actual or available fetch) Duration Limited Ft > F (actual or available fetch) Fetch Limited t = wind duration Ft = fetch corresponding to t UA = wind stress factor U A 0.71U 1.23 , U in m/s Compute Significant Wave Parameters (for deep water) gF gH s 1.6 10 3 2 2 UA U A 1/ 2 1/ 3 gF gTs 2.7 10 1 2 UA U A use small of available fetch or Ft for F shallow water corrections (constant depth, d): 1/ 2 gF 0.00565 2 3/ 4 gd gH U A 0.283 tanh 0.530 2 tanh 2 3/ 4 UA gd U A 0.530 U 2 A 1/ 3 gf 0.0379 2 3/8 gd gT U A 7.54 tanh 0.833 2 tanh 3/8 UA gd U A 0.833 U 2 A for sloped bottom use "equivalent water depth" Spectral Wave Models - based on development of the wave energy spectrum. Numerical models include spatial and time varying input wind fields; dissipation and energy transfer mechanisms (e.g. wave breaking, bottom friction, wave-wave interaction, etc.). Description of Hurricane Waves Estimate deep water wave conditions at the point of maximum wind due to hurricanes 0.29VF exp Rp and T1 / 3 8.61 0.145VF exp Rp H1 / 3 5.031 U R U R 9400 4700 H1/3 in meters T1/3 in seconds R = radius of maximum wind in kilometers UR = sustained wind speed at R in m/s VF = forward speed of storm in m/s p = pamb - pcenter in millimeters of Hg = resonance factor, depends on VF, slowly moving hurricane = 1.0 ** once significant wave height for the point of maximum wind is determined, can obtain approximate deepwater Hs for other areas by constructing isolines of wave height based on p. Ranks of waves (i.e. highest to lowest) N , N is the total number of waves passing a point H n 0.707 H1 / 3 n R during the storm: N VF T1 / 3 H1 = most probable maximum wave, H2 = second most probable, etc. (generally just use H1 and H2 for design) Review of Linear Wave Terms and Equations (see waves handout + following notes) Pressure Field for a progressive wave: p gz g H cosh k h z coskx t 2 cosh kh Progressive vs. Standing Waves H coskx t 2 (-) indicates wave propagating in the (+) x direction Progressive wave (propagating) Standing wave (phase oscillates while x location of peak is the same) H cos kx cos t 2 Wave Energy and Wave Energy Flux Wave energy propagates at group velocity, cg cg = nc 1 2kh where n 1 , 2 sinh 2kh deep water: kh but sinh 2kh faster, so n ½ shallow water: sinh 2kh 2kh, so n 1 Wave Set-up and Set-down Changes in momentum as wave approach shore due to shoaling and wave breaking result in a force imbalance which is offset by a variation in mean water level know as set-up and set-down ( ). Break point Set-down Set-up MWL h H 2 2kh 16h sinh 2kh 3 2 8 hb h , where b and hb are set-up after break point: b 1 3 2 8 values at the break point and H b hb 0.78 (note: set-up and set-down are set-down up to break point: 2 H equal at the break point, so b b 16hb 2kh ) sinh 2kh b Wave Transformation in Coastal Waters (i.e. shallow water effects) Shoaling and Refraction (see Dean & Dalrymple, pp. 104-112) o bo lo Wave Ray 1 Wave Ray 2 b1 Depth Contours sin sin o c co wave direction tends to decrease as the wave shoals (i.e. enters water of decreasing depth) tends to make wave approach the shore normally process is known as refraction Snell's Law: l 1 = lo b2 l2 = l o Both shoaling and refraction result in changes in wave height as the wave approaches the shore. lo Use wave energy balance to evaluate E1b1 E 2b2 , where E = energy flux, assumes no generation and dissipation further assuming no energy flux across wave rays and no reflection E1b1 E 2b2 EnC 1 b1 EnC 2 b2 since E 18 gH 2 H 2 H 1 c g1 cg 2 c go b1 Ho b2 cg 2 bo b2 where Ho, bo, cgo and o and are deepwater values; let H H o K s K r , the shoaling coefficient, K s the refraction coefficient, K r c go cg 2 bo co 2c g 2 b2 1/ 4 bo cos o 1 sin 2 o the wave ray geometry gives K r b2 cos 2 1 sin 2 2 NOTE: Kr is always < 1, i.e. perpendicular spacing between rays always becomes greater as the wave shoals. NOTE: if wave propagate perpendicular to contours bo = b and the wave height change is due only to shoaling. When waves propagate at an angle refraction Diffraction due to Structures (see Dean & Dalrymple, pp. 116-122) Diffraction is the process by which energy spreads laterally perpendicular to the dominant direction of wave propagation. Incoming waves interrupted by a barrier such as a breakwater or a groin tend to curve around the barrier and spread into the shadow zone as shown y Geometric illuminated zone Geometric shadow zone Diffracted wave crests impermeable barrier (breakwater) x Incident wave When not taken into account, diffraction can cause greatly exaggerated calculations of the distributions of wave energy. 2F 2F k 2F 0, x 2 y 2 F is a "surface wave potential" from the velocity potential, x, y, z, t Z z F x, y e it (with separation of variables) Computed using Helmhotz equation: Theoretical solutions are available for limited simple geometries (i.e. semi-infinite breakwater). Otherwise, numerical solutions are available. Results is a change in wave height (or a wave height distribution over a given area). Solutions develop a 2D plot for a diffraction coefficient (i.e. contours), Kd H , where Hi is the incident wave height (similar to shoaling Hi and refraction coefficients) ** Refraction and Diffraction often occur simultaneously. Approximations, model equations and numerical models can be used to solve problem. Crudest approach (and most often used in practice) is to assume diffraction dominates within several wave lengths of the structure and refraction dominates further away. Wave Reflection Waves impinging on a structure may be reflected or transmitted or both (some energy is reflected and some transmitted) and/or absorbed (i.e. the energy absorbed by the structure) Balance the energy flux across a structure: K R2 KT2 fraction of energy lost 1 KR = reflection coefficient, K R H R KT = reflection coefficient, K T H T Hi Hi KR and KT usually determined by experiment , HR = reflected wave height , HT = transmitted wave height Wave Damping Due to Bottom Friction Energy will be dissipated by interaction with the bottom and the wave height will be attenuated (without breaking). Effect is small for short distances, but accumulates. Quadratic energy dissipation equation: D b ub 12 fub2 ub (overbar indicates time mean) D = rate of energy dissipation f = bottom friction coefficient ub = bottom velocity outside the BL for flat bottom, linear wave with turbulent BL, averaging over a wave period gives: f ub max 3 f H D 6 6 2 sinh kh note: dissipation increases as depth decreases 3 solve for wave height decay over distance for a flat bottom dEcg dx D H x 1 2 1 dH f 3 gc g H3 3 8 dx 48 sinh kh Ho 1 Ho f 3 2kh sinh 2khsinh kh Wave Breaking As a wave shoals (and wave height increases), it will eventually become unstable and break, dissipating its energy in turbulence and work against bottom friction. Design of structures which may be inside the surf zone requires prediction of the location of the breakerline. Various types of breakers, which depends on the nature of the bottom and characteristics of the wave. Generally: spilling breakers - (mildly sloping beaches) forward face of wave becomes unstable and water-air mixture slides down the slope surface roller that travels with the wave; most common in deep water plunging breakers - (steeper beaches) crest curves forward and plunges into the trough in front, penetrating the water column surging breakers - (very steep beaches) wave front steepens without breaking, turbulence forms at the toe and the wave rushes up the beach in a bore-like fashion; very short surf zones & high reflection (collapsing breakers combine characteristics of plunging and surging breakers) Determining the location of the breakerline (very empirical) Basic Equation from McCowan (1894): Hb = hb , Hb = breaking wave height hb = breaking depth = breaker index, = Hb/hb T = wave period m = bottom slope Ho = deep water wave height Lo = deepwater wave length kb = wave number at breaking depth Lb = wave length at breaking depth Breaker Index Formulae (Linear Wave Theory) 1. McCowan (1894) Hb = hb where = 0.78, constant 2. Miche (1944) H b Lb 0.142 tanh k b hb , steepness limited to 1/7 3. LeMehaute & Koh (1967) H Hb 0.76m 1 / 7 o Ho Lo 4. Collins & Weir (1969) Hb = hb where 0.72 5.6m 5. Weggel (1972) 1 / 4 b Hb = hb where 1 a hb gT 2 Hb T2 ba a 43.8 1 e 19m , b 1.56 1 e 19.5m 1 SI units 6. Battjes & Jensen (1978) 0.88 Hb tanh k b hb , a " slightly adjustable coeff. (~ 0.83) kb 0.88 7. Svendsen (1987) Hb = hb where 1.9 Sb and 1 2S b 1 / 2 Ho L Sb m m2.30 L h b o 8. Hansen (1990) Hb = hb where 1.05S 0.2 and 0.45 Ho L S m m2.87 L h b o 9. Smith & Kraus (1991) Hb = hb where b a Ho ; Lo a 5 1 e 43m , b 1.12 1 e 60m 1 Use the refraction and shoaling formula to determine where the wave height will reach Hb, and the beach slope or profile to determine the distance hb is from shore.