Hypothesis If there are a lot of low frequency waves, then the skies will be red. Objectives Understand the difference between natural and artificial light wavelengths and frequency. Learn the parts of a wave, light travels in waves and a straight line. The Incredible Wave Purpose Make a model of a wave. Vocabulary Amplitude - In a wave, one-half the distance from the bottom of the trough to the top of the crest. Crest - High point of a wave. Trough - Lowest point of a wave. Wavelength - Distance between any two corresponding points on successive waves, usually crest-tocrest or trough-to-trough. Materials String 3x5 cards Procedure 1. Lay out your sting so it looks like a wave. 2. Using the diagram, label the parts of a wave using string and 3x5 cards. Diagram of a Wave 3. Show Mr. Hill your completed model.