Phase 2 Service Times for CBP Revisions CBP v3 a planners guide . Road Speeds Road Speeds for CBP Revisions The Road Network Maintenance (RNM) application contains the default road speeds for off peak & peak which are transferred across to Georoute to calculate the driving time for travelling to/from collection unit to first/last point and the travelling down between collection points on a route. To produce a successful CBP revision the default road speeds should be reviewed locally for suitability as part of the CBP Phase 2 data gathering process. Road speeds must be reviewed as these are critical to a successful revision to ensure that both adequate time allowed for each route to complete to time and that we do not build in unnecessary slack time if the speeds applied are too lower than reality. Based on previous Geouroute revisions, the default speeds in RNM should be adequate for the majority of roads and will not need to be changed. However based on local knowledge there may be a requirement to review and change road speeds specifically around peak times, any particular known congestion areas and in rural areas/major roads between towns. Note if you do have to change any road speeds how to do this is for RNM is covered in the GIS for collections guide activity 7 and can be found on the Pegasus support pages. What are the default road speed values in Road Network Maintenance? The default road speeds that are set within RNM are: No Road Type Peak KM Off Peak KM Peak MPH Off Peak MPH Colour Identifier in RNM 1 Motorway 83 100 52 62 Blue 2 A Road 25 48 16 30 Red 3 B Road 25 42 16 26 Pink 4 Minor Road 34 42 21 26 Green 116100828 12/02/2016 Phase 2 Service Times for CBP Revisions CBP v3 a planners guide . 5 Pedestrianised Street N/A N/A N/A N/A Light Blue 6 Private RoadPublic Accessible 25 25 16 16 Purple 7 RM Access Road 25 25 16 16 Turquoise 8 Footpath N/A N/A N/A N/A Orange 9 Alley N/A N/A N/A N/A Dark Green 10 Private Road Restricted Access 25 25 16 16 Brown 11 Local Street 26 26 16 16 Grey Under what circumstances must you increase the default road speeds? Rural areas or major A/B roads between towns tend to be understated in RNM. This is because the system can’t hold different default values for Town/Urban/Rural areas. It is therefore important for such road to be identified and the default road speeds to be critically reviewed with this in mind. As a guide in previous collection revisions undertaken, it is not uncommon such roads speeds to be in the region of: National Speed Limit Description Peak KPH Off Peak KM Peak MPH Off Peak MPH 30 mph Approaching outskirts of town Ok as is 43 Ok as is 27 40 mph By passes/approachi ng rural areas 48 58 30 36 50 mph A/B roads between towns or villages single/dual carriageway 60 72 37 45 60 mph A/B roads between towns or villages single carriageway 60 72 37 45 60 mph A/B roads 72 87 45 54 116100828 12/02/2016 Phase 2 Service Times for CBP Revisions CBP v3 a planners guide . between towns or villages dual carriageway 70 mph Trunk roads which are similar to Motorways but classified as a dual carriageway 83 93 52 57 Under what circumstances might the default speeds be slowed down? Town centres, and key approaches to/from these, typically can be congested at certain times. Where this is known to be the case the default values should be critically reviewed with local expertise and where appropriate should be updated to reflect this. As a guide in previous collection revisions undertaken, it is not uncommon for town centre speeds to be in the region of: 1. Off Peak 10-15 mph (16-24 kph) 2. Peak 5-10 mph (8-16 kph) The other main place road speeds might need to be slowed down are roads approaching motorway/trunk roads these tend to effect roads during the peak and have typical values of 5/10 mph. (8/16kph) If locally any road speeds can not be determined from expertise/knowledge then a small sample of routes in the effected areas should be sampled to determine the values. 116100828 12/02/2016