WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2) _______________________________ (17.XI.2009) Joint Meeting of ______ CBS Expert Team on Surface-based Remotely-Sensed Observations (First Session) ITEM: 6 and CIMO Expert Team on Remote Sensing Upper-air Technology and Techniques Original: ENGLISH ONLY (Second Session) Geneva, Switzerland, 23-27 November 2009 DEVELOP GUIDANCE AND METHODOLOGY FOR SURFACE BASED REMOTE SENSING MONITORING Report from China (Submitted by China) Summary and Purpose of Document The document presents a brief overview of the methods used for surface-based remote sensor monitoring in China. ACTION PROPOSED The meeting will be invited to develop the methodology and standard guidance material that can be used for the monitoring of surface-based remote sensor systems. _________________ CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 2 REPORT ON METHODS USED TO DOPPLER RADAR NETWORK FOR CHINA 1.Operational radar system Since 1998, The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has being constructed the 158 China New Weather Radar—CINRAD (Doppler radar). The deployment of the network has provided meteorologists critical information toward the issuance of warnings for heavy rainfall, typhoon and severe storms. The CINRAD include S band and C band Doppler radars. Most of S band radar located in southeastern China and designed to observe and warn the heavy rainfall and typhoon. C band radar located in northern China for regional heavy rainfall and severe storms. The S band radar system measures reflectivity within the 460km coverage, and radial velocity and spectrum with 230km coverage. The C band radars have coverage of 150km. CMA has also plan to build additional 58 Doppler radars. 2.Operational Model The radar system perform a volume scan with 14 or 9 elevation angles once every 5-6 min (Fig.1 and 2), which are similar with WSR-88D. For S band radar (SA) , the radar gate width for reflectivity and velocity observation are 1km and 250km, respectively, and beam width is 1.0°, for C band radar, the radar gate width is 0.15 km and beam width is 0.75°. VCP11 Number of scans 14 Beam width 0.95 VCP21 Number of scans 9 Beam with 0.95 20 20 Height above radar(km) Height above radar(km) 16 12 8 4 0 16 12 8 4 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Horizontal range(km) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Horizontal range(km) (a) (b) Fig.1 The volume scan used in CINRAD The radar raw data and some products, such as composite reflectivity (CR), Echo top, are transferred to the National Meteorological Information Centre of CMA in Beijing. In some local meteorological centers region, for example, Beijing and Shanghai, can get the raw radar data in time for important weather service. The national radar product mosaic and regional raw data mosaic are used in CMA. CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 3 3.The method for CHRAD (1) Radar data quality control The fuzzy logical based algorithm is used to detect the anomalous propagation ground clutter (AP). The reflectivity, radial velocity and spectrum width in polar coordinate are input into the “feature generator” for calculation of the features. The features used in the software includes: texture of the reflectivity (TdBZ), the vertical difference of the reflectivity (GDBZ) between two elevation angles, the median radial velocity (MVE) and spectrum width (MSW), the standard deviation of radial velocity (SDEV), Percent of all of possible differences, that exceed the minimum difference threshold (SPIN) and mean sign of reflectivity change along range (SIGN). All of memberships are given a equal weight when calculating the interest field of AP clutter, and 0.5 is the threshold to detect the AP clutter. This AP detection algorithm was used in serve for Beijing 2008 Olyphic game and operational system - Severe Weather Warning and Analysis system (SWAN). The other noise from radio interpolation was also detected in radar data QC. (2) Regional Reflectivity mosaic The transformation of raw radar data from a spherical coordinate to a Cartesian grid provides a more direct approach of combining multiple radars onto a common grid. The 3D mosaic grid can benefit forecasters, meteorologists, and researchers with a wide variety of products and displays, including flexible horizontal or vertical cross sections in addition to regional rainfall maps. High-resolution reflectivity analyses can also serve as an important source in data assimilations for convective-scale numerical weather modeling over large domains and for merging conventional datasets with the radar data. Regional Reflectivity 3-D mosaic was used in Beijing, Shanghai and other local meteorological centers. The 3-D mosaic includes QC of radar data, interpolation of reflectivity, mosaic and production generation. Four interpolation approaches were investigated to remap raw radar reflectivity fields onto a 3D Cartesian grid with high resolution: 1) Nearest-neighbor mapping The nearest neighbor mapping (NNM) uses the value of the closest radar bin to grid cell, where distance is evaluated using the location of the centers of the radar bins. CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 4 2) Nearest neighbor on range-azimuth planes combined with a linear interpolation in vertical direction,NVI) 3)Linear interpolation in vertical direction plus a horizontal interpolation,VHI) Fig. 2 shows the VHI approach. For the grid cell ( r , a, e) , the four reflectivity observations are f a (r , a, e2 ) 、 f a (r , a, e1 ) 、 f a (r1 , a, e2 ) 、 f a (r2 , a, e1 ) ,the analysis formula for the vertical and horizontal interpolation (VHI) scheme is f a ( r , a , e) we1 f a (r , a, e1 ) we 2 f a (r , a, e2 ) wr1 f a (r1 , a, e2 ) wr 2 f a (r2 , a, e1 ) we1 we 2 wr1 wr 2 (3.1) Here wr1 、 wr 2 are nterpolation weights given to the he reflectivity observations wr1 (r2 r ) /( r2 r1 ) (3.2) wr 2 (r r1 ) /( r2 r1 ) (3.3) (r,a,e 2 ) (r,a,e) (r1 ,a,e 2 ) (r2 ,a,e 1 ) (r,a,e 1 ) Fig. 2 The schedule for NVI 4) Dual linear interpolation As shown in Fig. 3 f1o (r1 , a1 , e1 ) 、 f 2o (r2 , a1 , e1 ) 、 f 3o (r1 , a 2 , e1 ) 、 f 4o (r2 , a2 , e1 ) 、 f 5o (r1 , a1 , e2 ) 、 f 6o (r2 , a1 , e2 ) 、 f 7o (r1 , a 2 , e2 ) 、 f 8o (r2 , a 2 , e2 ) ( r , a, e) are 8 reflectivity observations near the grid cell f a (r , a, e) , the analysis values is : f a ( r, a, e) we1 [( wr1 f1o wr 2 f 2o ) wa1 ( wr1 f 3o wr 2 f 4o ) wa 2 ] we 2 [( w f wr 2 f ) wa1 ( w f w f ) wa 2 ] o r1 5 o 6 o r1 7 (3.4) o r2 8 wa1 (a2 a) /( a2 a1 ) (3.5) wa 2 (a a1 ) /( a2 a1 ) (3.6) o f6 o f5 o f8 o f7 o o f1 Fig. 3 f2 o f3 o f4 Dual linear interpolation CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 5 In addition to remapping single radar reflectivity fields, one must consider a multiple radar observation where more than one radar collects reflectivity data for the same point in space. The mosaic approach is to calculate a final reflectivity value for grid cells oversampled by radar bins. Three approaches of combining multiple-radar reflectivity fields were investigated. They are maximum reflectivity, Nearest-neighbor reflectivity and distance weighted means. 1) Nearest-neighbor mosaic approach In this approach, the analysis value from the closest radar is assigned to the grid cell. The nearest-neighbor method does not impose any smoothing when creating a mosaic from multiple radars. However, discontinuities may appear at the equidistant lines between radars in the mosaicked field. 2) Maximum reflectivity This mosaicking method simply uses the maximum reflectivity value among the multiple observations that cover the same grid cell. This method does not involve smoothing and it retains the highest reflectivity intensities in the data fields. 3) Distance weighted means The mosaic method considered is a weighted mean, whereby the weight is based on the distance between an individual grid cell and the radar location. Two weighting functions were tested; both monotonically decrease with range, that is exponential weighting function and Cressman weight function are used in this study. This distance weighted means take advantage of multiple observations while handling those observations that do not agree with each other. The shape of an exponential weighting function is easily adjustable to achieve a rapid decrease with range while retaining a positive weight value. Thus, an exponentially decaying function is especially useful for radar analysis and is employed in the algorithm. The two functions are expressed as following: r2 w e x p 2 R (3.7) Here r is the distance of the observation from its respective radar and R is an adaptable length scale (i.e., 100 km). R2 r 2 w 0 R 2 r2 rR rR (3.8) CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 6 Where R is effective radius (i.e. 300 km), and r is the distance of the observation from its respective radar. The shape of an exponential weighting function is easily adjustable to achieve a rapid decrease with range while retaining a positive weight value. Thus, an exponentially decaying function is especially useful for radar analysis and is employed in the algorithm. (3) Qualitative Precipitation estimation (QPE) The QPE algorithm in this study is based on CINRAD and raingauge. It composed of five main scientific processing components and one external support functions. The five scientific subalgorithms are identified as follows: 1) Rain gauge data and CINRAD data acquisition and QC The CAPPI of 3D mosaic reflectivity or hybrid scan data are chosen to calculate the precipitation. This radar data QC first detect AP echo and other non meteorological echo, and then removes reflectivity data that are abnormally large in magnitude but small in area, if a grid has a reflectivity that exceeds this threshold, it is replaced with either an average of surrounding values. 2) Rain rate conversion from reflectivity Z–R power law relationship is sued to initial precipitation under the assumption of Z–R power law relationship. 3) Gauge–radar adjustment A temporally fixed Z–R relationship will not be appropriate for all rainfall events. Because it is not currently feasible to manually adjust the Z–R parameters in real time due to the lack of proven, robust, and objective criteria valid over a broad range of rainfall types, it is useful to make automated adjustments to the rainfall estimates by comparing them with real-time rain gauge data on an hourly time step. Real-time rain gauge data can be used to adjust the radar rainfall estimates in the algorithm. Average calibration, Kalman filter calibration, optimal interpolation calibration and their combination are used in QPE. (3) Nowcasting systems Severe Weather Warning and Analysis system (SWAN) will be used in watching and warning severe weather. It composed of following functions: Radar data QC, Public product generation, Regional 3-D mosaic, Nowcasting with radar echo extrapolation. AP and other no meteorological echo, noise are processed in this function. The algorithm includes Thunderstorm Identification, Tracking, Analysis CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 7 and Nowcasting (TITAN), Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) and Tracking Radar Echo by Correlation (TREC). 4.Development of advantage radar technology (1) Dual polarization radar used in field experiment The C band and X band dual polarization radar systems have been developed and used in field experiments. Most of dual polarization radar systems are movable and work in polarimetric base of simultaneous transmission of H and V wave and simultaneous reception using a pair of receivers (SHV). There radar can distinguish precipitation phase and improve the QPE skills. (2) Cloud radar The firs ground based cloud radar (8mm wavelength) with Doppler and polarization capabilities for cloud observation was developed in 2007 and used in cloud observation in China for weather modification, heavy rainfall observation and so on (Fig. 4.1). The radar operates at a frequency of 34.7GHz with vertical pointing, plan position indicator (PPI) and range height indicator (RHI) scan models. The traveling-wave tube (TWT) transmitter operates with a peak power of 600W at a pulse repetition frequency of 2500 and 5000Hz. Radar system parameters are listed in Table 1. The cloud radar measurements include reflectivity (Z), Doppler velocity (V), velocity spectrum width (W) and the de-polarization ratio (LDR) . (a) CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 8 (b) (c) Fig. 4.1 Radar hardware (a) simple description of radar structure (b) transmitter and receiver channels CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 9 Table1. Characteristics of the Ka-band (35GHz) cloud radar Antenna Diameter 1.3m Receiver Mode Transmit H, receive H and V Gain 50dB Sensitivity -98.4dBm Beamwidth 0.44° Noise coefficient 5.6dB First main sidelobe <-30dB Dynamic range 70.0dB Cross >33dB polarization Data processing system isolation Transmitter Beam number 500 Frequency Ka band Beam length 30m or 60 m Peak power 600W Base parameters Z、Vr、SW、LDR Plus length 0.3、1.5、20、40 Processing method FFT、PPP μs Plus repetition frequency 2500or5000Hz FFT accumulation 128、256、512 number Polarization state Horizontal Compress performance side lobe<30dB CBS-CIMO Remote Sensing/Doc. 6 (2), p. 10 (3) The S band Phase array weather also was studied in China. The S band and X band weather phase array are been developed to observe the storms and hail. 5. Problems in operational usage of CINRAD (1) The coverage of CINRAD The CINRAD could not cover the precipitation system in the mountain, desert and depopulated zone in northwestern China and other areas. In this area, the raingauge are also rare. (2) Mosaic with C and S band radar The reflectivity bias for S band and C band radar is obvious. It make difficult in mosaic with S and C band.