Louie V. Elie chart

Comparing and Contrasting Characters in Unbroken and Night
Compare and contrast Louie from Unbroken and Louie from Night from Night. Come
up with at least two similarities and two differences. These similarities and
differences must be internal character traits or motivations—do not focus on
external differences (physical traits, jobs, how other people feel about them, etc.)!
On the chart below, write two similarities and two differences and find evidence of
these traits in both texts.
Similarity #1 (trait): _______________
Similarity #2 (trait): _______________
Evidence from Unbroken to prove this
Evidence from Unbroken to prove this
Evidence from Night to prove this trait:
Evidence from Night to prove this trait:
Difference #1 (two different traits):
Difference #2 (two different traits):
Evidence from Unbroken to prove this
Evidence from Unbroken to prove this
Evidence from Night to prove this trait:
Evidence from Night to prove this trait:
Based on your similarities and differences, write a theme statement that applies to
both texts: