A novel high resolution and high efficiency dual head detector for Molecular Breast Imaging F. Garibaldi et al. ISS Dipartimento TESA 1. INTRODUCTION Several designs of dedicated gamma cameras for Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) have been implemented, tested and shown to increase the detection sensitivity for sub-centimeter size lesions [1,3]. Nevertheless the technique can be further improved. Key parameters for detecting small lesions are: spatial resolution, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and contrast. Energy resolution plays only a secondary additional role in imaging breast under compression. The intrinsic properties of the gamma detector have been optimized and clinical trials have been successfully performed with a single head detector. In order to improve the performances of the MBI system we have implemented a new layout, a dual detector setup that allows spot compression for detecting very small tumors. further improved by using a pinhole collimator. The system has another advantage, the possibility of rotating the small detector and allowing focusing on the suspicious lesion in case of lesion proximity to the chest wall. a b c Fig. 1. Schematic layout of the detector. Standard dual head system (a) was replaced with an asymmetric system with one detector head with a spot compression and pinhole collimator (b). Rotating the small detector allows better “focusing “on the lesions close to the chest wall (c). I. MATERIALS AND METHODS We designed a dual head high-resolution high sensitivity detector for MBI. The layout is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the system prototype. The larger detector has the same dimension as the mammographic screen (150 x 200 mm2); the smaller is 50 x 50 mm2. The first detector consists of a high efficiency/multipurpose parallel hole collimator, a Saint Gobain Crystals array of pixellated NaI(Tl) with 1.5 mm pixel step (1.3 mm pixel size + 0.2mm thick separation septa) coupled to an array of Hamamatsu H8500 flat panel PMT’s. More optimal design has been also considered with NaI(Tl) 1.2 mm pitch array coupled to an array of Hamamatsu H9500 flat panel PMTs. Indeed smaller pixel size has been shown to produce greater SNR [7,8,9]. Pixel size (and correspondingly the number of pixels in the detector) is to our best knowledge, the smallest for this kind of detectors (high resolution MBI). The second detector consists of a pinhole collimator with a 2 mm hole, magnification factor M=2 and FOV ~ 25 x 25 mm2, coupled to a continuous LaBr3(Ce) scintillator (4 mm thick) and Hamamatsu H9500 PMT. A commercial electronic system1 capable of reading out all channels separately has been used (12 x 64 = 768 channels in this case). A new readout. described elsewhere, has been successively implemented to overcome some limitation of this system [10,11]. The layout allows performing spot compression and therefore bringing the detector closer to the lesion with significant increase in the efficiency and consequently the SNR. The sensitivity and spatial resolution are 1 IDEAS Fig.2. The clinical prototype system. 2. Simulations and calculations Both spatial resolution and sensitivity are greatly improved by using the pinhole collimator. Fig. 3 shows the comparison of spatial resolution of detectors with parallel hole and pinhole collimators as function of the source distance. Fig. 3: Comparison of spatial resolution of 2mm pinhole and parallel hole collimators. Fig. 4 shows the efficiency and FOV for parallel hole and pinhole collimators as function of source distance for different values of the “focusing”. A system able to tune the focus in order to avoid too small FOV is needed. It has been implemented by using simple plastic spacers allowing to tune the FOV and optimize the tradeoff spatial resolution/efficiency/FOV. In fact Fig. 5 shows the same as Fig. 4 but with different focusing distances. It is possible to choose the right compromise FOV/efficiency. Fig. 4. Top: Efficiency of parallel hole and pinhole collimators. Bottom: effective FOV for a pinhole collimator system versus “focusing”. 3. Phantom measurements to be done Fig. 6. SNR for single and dual head detctors. The single head parallel hole points are phantom data. The other points are extrapolated from the calculated efficiencies. 4. CLINICAL TRIALS The single head detector has been used on 10 patients in clinical trials at the University of Tor Vergata (Rome) where a commercial high resolution detector was available, the LUMAGEM by Gamma Medica. Fig. 7 shows the image of the breast with a suspicious lesion from mammography. It showed to be negative to the MBI both for our detector and for LUMAGEM. Biopsy confirmed this finding. Fig. 5. Efficiency of parallel hole and pinhole collimators for a different focusing geometry. A dual detector setup improves the performances because of the possibility of combining the counts of the two detectors [12]. Fig. 5 shows the comparison of the efficiencies obtained combining counts coming from two parallel-parallel collimators with parallelpinhole collimators. The advantage of our system is evident. Finally Fig. 6 shows the advantage in terms of SNR of the pinhole with respect to parallel hole for single head setup and parallel-parallel to parallelpinhole dual head setup. Fig. 7. Scintimamography performed with LumaGem (left) and our detector (right). There was a suspicious lesion from mammography, ultrasound and MRI. There were other such negative cases and few (relatively) big tumors (>10mm). All trials showed comparable results with respect to the LUMAGEM detector. Other trials will be performed soon with the novel dual detector both in Rome and in Naples hospitals. Results will be shown during the workshop. II. SUMMARY A novel MBI system has been built and tested with phantoms and in clinical trials. 10 patient trials have been performed with the high resolution single head detector. The images have been compared with a commercial high resolution gamma camera (LUMAGEM2) showing similar results. A novel setup has been implemented by adding a second, smaller detector, to allow spot compression. Calculations and preliminary phantom measurements show that the performances of the system are significantly increased allowing to detect small tumors. The new system is going to be used in clinic in patient trials. Results will be presented during the workshop. References 1.F. Scopinaro et al. NIM A 497, 2003, 14-20 2.I. Khalkhali, et al. J. Am Coll. Surg. 178, 1994, 491 3.G. De Vincentis et al. NIM A 497, 2003, 46-50 4.D. Kieper et. 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