Let’s Debate In team of 3, you will defend a side of one of the following resolutions. You will have one period to prepare Odd number team are for the resolution, even number team are against the resolution This House believes that the environment is more important then economic development This House Support the Family Farm This House would export Water to the USA This House would support a Free Trade Area of the Americas This House Support Affirmative Action for First Nations This House Support the independence of Quebec Tasks description As a team, before you start preparing: Look at the Issue: What is the main issue? What positions are the key player(s) taking on the issue? What arguments were used by one side to support their position? What arguments were used by the opposing side to support their position? What beliefs or values were at odds in this issue? After your research, prepare your speech: Student 1 Prepare a 2 min speech : Introduce the topic, present an argument in favour of your position Also, help the 2 other members of your team Finally, you will be MC or timekeeper for another debate Student 2 Prepare a 2 min speech : Attacks the arguments of the other side and present another argument for your side Also, help the 2 other members of your team Finally, you will be a judge for another debate Student 3 Prepare a 2 min speech : Summarizes your side strong point and the other side weaknesses. Also, help the 2 other members of your team Finally, you will be a judge for another debate Procedure : Intro by the MC 1st Affirmative Speech (2min) 1st Negative Speech (2Min) 2nd Affirmative Speech (2min) 2nd Negative Speech (2Min) Discussion Period (5 Min) Debaters raised their hand MC picks who will speak, going from side to side 3rd Negative Speech (2Min) 3rd Affirmative Speech (2min) (the order is reverse because the Affirmative has a tougher job and as such, has the last word!) Who does what? Team Debating MC, timekeeper and Juges 1 VS 2 11,12 3 VS 4 1,2 5 VS 6 3,4 7 VS 8 5,6 9 VS 10 7,8 11 Vs 12 9,10 MC Script On behalf of the House, I extend a special welcome to our Judges ________________________, ________________________, and ________________________. Our Timekeeper is _______________________ and I, _______________________ am your Moderator. I now introduce the first speaker of the affirmative team __________________________________, who will speak for 2 minutes. I now call on the first negative speaker ____________________________________, who will speak for 2 minutes. I now introduce the second affirmative speaker ________________________________, who will speak for 2 minutes. I now introduce the second negative speaker __________________________________, who will speak for 2 minutes. We will now have a 5 minutes discussion period I will direct the discussion, going from side to side, starting with the first person who raise their hand I now introduce the first negative speaker to deliver the negative rebuttal for 2 minutes. (After this speech say:) I now introduce the first affirmative speaker to deliver the affirmative rebuttal for 2 minutes. (after this speech…) Wait for the Judges to complete their scoring of the debate. As the Judge finishes, collect his/her score sheet. When you have collected all the score sheets, check to see which team won the debate. When you are certain which team won the debate, stand at the front of the room and say: “It is the considered decision of our judges that this debate has been won by the ______________________ (affirmative or negative). Ballot Your name: ________________________________________________________ The Resolution: ___________________________________________________________________________ Affirmative Negative Names Presentation Content Strategy 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 54321 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 54321 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 54321 Individual Total Team Total The winner is: __________________________________________________ Comments : 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 54321