Algae Assignment

Please complete the following Homework assignment
1. What are three ways in which algae are adapted to live in the intertidal zone?
2. How are the algae a important part of the food chain?
3.. How can the study of algae determine the health of the marine environment?
4. What are the importance of Algae?
Create an algae which lives in the INTERTIDAL ZONE
It must include the following features
5. how do they live? ex. single, colony…
6. Are they unicellular or multicelluar?
7. what color are they (meaning what kind of photosynthetic pigments do they have)?
8. What are their predators?
9. How does it defend themselves from the predator?
10. Can they move or are they sessile?
For each of these points, you must justify them. For example, if you tell me your algae
has flagella to swim, you have to tell me why it has to swim.
Draw a picture of your algae, name it, label it, and justify each feature or your algae
Algae: The Next Biofuel
The Replacement for Transportation Fuels in the U.S. - New Report.
Invented in an Ashram
Shipped to Your Home Billy's Superfoods for Health
Got Pond Algae?
You Need Ultrasonic Algae Control No Chemicals, No Labor, No Kidding!
Lab Exercise 10
BIO 2500 Principles of Botany - Kean University, Union, NJ
I selected links that provide images of algae similar to those observed
in laboratory. Review the links as you prepare for lab and as you study
for your lab exam.
Reminder: Bring the two samples of algae that you collected to lab today! Where to
collect algae?
In lab you are asked to focus on four things:
1. Sample the diversity of the various Divisions of Algae
2. Select one representative organism from each Division with
which you will associate the characteristics of the Division
3. Determine the Division to which each of the two algae you
collected belongs
4. Learn the pattern of reproduction of selected Green Algae
o Spirogyra
o Ulothrix
o Oedogonium
o Ulva
Where to collect Algae
The following locations probably will provide a variety of algal samples.
Keep your specimens alive (provide conditions similar to those in
which you collected the sample) in a jar, plastic bag, etc. that you
keep exosed to light and at a temperature similar to that in which the
algae were living.
1. Campus stream -- collect a rock or branch that is covered with
green, slimy algal growth.
2. Aquarium - collect a pebble with green growth on it , or scrape
green or blue-green growth from the glass
3. Tree bark - collect a fragment of tree bark that has green growth
on it. Do not confuse moss plants (they are larger, and appear to
have macroscopic leafy structures). In contrast, the algae may
appear as a crust.
4. Visit a pond, lake, stream or even a puddle in a local park or
near your home and collect some of the "pond scum" floating on
the surface, rocks or sticks with green growth on them.
5. Visit the sea shore and collect macroscopic green, brown or red
colored plants, which may be floating freely or growing attached
to rocks or shells.
Prepare in advance by looking at the examples on the website,
illustrations in your text, and illustrations in other reference books.
Assignment for Laboratory Exercise 10 -- Algae
1. Bring the two algae that you collected to laboratory today.
Complete page 10-3 and display your specimens at your desk.
2. Examine the materials on display in the room. These will
include living and preserved specimens representing
diversity of algae; type specimens for the divisions we will
study; live and prepared slides illustrating reproductive
patterns of selected green algae; information from books and
journals related to these and to the economic importance of
algae and the ecological role of algae.
3. Learn the major characteristics of the following division of
algae and one organism to represent each division:
Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, *Diatoms (Chrysophyta), Rhodophyta,
Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta.
4. Examine materials present which illustrate biological
diversity of the Divisions of algae. Recognize how, despite
the variation illustrated, each representative meets the
criteria for the division to which it belongs.
5. Learn cell structure of the Green Algae Ä Spirogyra,
Ulothrix, Oedogonium, and patterns of reproduction of these
and Ulva.
6. Show me the items on the check sheet (page 10-2) and have me
initial that page to indicate that you have shown them to
7. Prepare for a quiz.