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compiled By: Gopal
Unit – one
Introduction to Wildlife Conservation in Nepal
Wildlife conservation is the dynamic social, cultural incompatibility both lay and professional activities and that define and seek to attain to wise use and maintain the productivities of wildlife habitat.
Wildlife Management
Before 1950, during Rana regime, Population of wildlife was high so, Rana and
their guest hunted them. Rana used to hunt wildlife for Royalty.
After 1950- after dawn of demecracy many intervention were taken place
 Eradication of Malaria
 Resettlement Program in Tearai
 Large scale of wildlife were hunted or poached.
 1973 – National Park and wildlife conservation act.
 After the promulgation of this act, Royal Chitwan N.P. was first established.
 4 different types of protected areas
 1980- National Park and Wildlife Conservation Reserve department was established.
 1970-80 = about 14% of total area of country was covered by protected areas.
 1982- Brazil Conference in Wildlife Conservation.
There are three phases
1. Established Phase- protected Area established, boundry delineated of
P.A.and research on sildlife was conducted.
2. Development Phase: Extension and development of protected Areas.
3. Development and maintainance Phase.
According to WWF there are three era:
Era 1: species preservatio Phase
Era 2: Conservation and development era (1980-1990)
Era 3: Regional co-operation ecoregion Conservation mid 1990 to present. Landscape
preservation Project, Global and Regional co-operation project.
Succesful Results:
Increase of some wildlife species-about 700 rhinosm 200 gharial ad many others spp.
Now, People centred (Partticipatory or community based) policies and programes is running.
Landscape or ecoregional Conservation Programmes is rummig now.
 Eastern Nepal Mountain landscapes- Makalubarun to Kanchanjangha.
 Western Nepal Terai Landscapes: Bardia and Suklaphanta area.
1.2 Legislation Concerning to Wildlife Conservation in Nepal
After the democracy of 1990
Policies of wildlife are guided by national conservation strategies 1988.
Masterplan for Forestry Sector in 1988.
Nepal Environment Policy and Action Plan I –1993.
- 1998.
National Conservation strategies stressedon the park management, zoo and and development of tourism policy and stessed conservation of wildlife by establishment
compiled By: Gopal
Guiding Principles
1. Reflection of social and cultural values and economic need of Nepalese
2. Wise use, protection, prervation and restoration as a basic element of Conservation
3. Full use of existing Institution and structure.
MPFS – MPFS prepared in 1988 and approved in 1989, which has a programme of conservation of ecosystem and genetic resources among its 6 major programmes.
Policies of MPFS 198
All representing ecosystem
Extra sectoral activity do not destry biodiversity
To minimize negative financial and social component.
To regulate tourism and keep it within carrying capacity.
NEPAP- II 1998
Elaborate strategies and policies of protected Areas.
It identifies 54 environmental projects directly and indirectly to forestry sector.
They stengthen or inprove the biodiversity through survey and management techniques.
It also stressed people participation.
Legislation in Wildlife Conservation
Main legislation for NP, WR is NP and WR act 1973
Objectives of the legislation
Primary objectives:
 Protection of site, landscape, geologies, Aesthetic together to wild flora and fauna.
Secondary objectives
 Development of such area for tourism.
National park and Wildlife Reserve act has 34 sections among them in section 2, five categories of protected areas have been described.
 Strict nature reserve
 National Parks
 Wildlife Reserve
 HUnting Reserve
 Conservation Areas.
In section 6
Operation and establishment of hotel and resort.
NP and WR act was amended Ist in 1931, iind in 1939, iii rd in 2046
and ivth in 2049.
Legislation is changed by situation, condition and other factors.
Np and WR Rules 2030.
Royal chitawan N.P Regulation – 2030.
Wildlife Reserve Regulation - 2034.
Himali Wildlife Reserve 3rd amendment –2042.
Buffer zone Regulation 2052/ 1993.
Conservation Area Regulation –1998.
compiled By: Gopal
Other Lesislations
Aquatic animal Act -1961.
Water Act -1992.
Forest Act –1993.
Forest Regulation –1995.
King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation-2040.
Soil and water conservation Act- 1982.
Tourism act – 2035.
Environment Protection Act- 1996.
Local self-Governence Act – 1998.
International agreements
CBD-1992. (Conservation on bio-diversity)
CITES- 1973
WHC- 1972.
Ramsar –1971
Protection of wildlide & fauna.
Regulation of trade
Appendix I- Totally band of wildlife.
Appendix II- with some provision of wildlife hunting for their management.
Appendix III-with negotiation exchange &trade of wildlife parks.
Nepal's flora & fauna in the CITES Appendix.
ForestAct and Regulation
There is provision of band of flora
1. Band on collection, processing and export of panchaule and yarshagumba.
2. Band on harvesting, collection and export of Sal, Champ, Khair.
Collection on wetland of internal important habitat especially as Waterfowl habitat-1998.
Kashitappu W. R. has been accredidated on December in 1987.
1.4 Problems and Success in Wildlife Conservation in Nepal.
Problem in Wildlife Conservation
I. Socio- economic and organizational Problem
Deforestation and degradation of forest, which lead to loss of wildlife habitat.
There is no strong legislation of habitat in relation to Wildlife.
Agriculture expansion and intensification at the cost of high chemicals, which
are toxic to wild animals.
High dependency on forest resorce. Uncontrolled collection of forest products,
thatch grasses and other NTFPS, fulewood, timber as well as heavy grassing.
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Spreading of urban center and infrastructure because of pollution of rivers, incroachment, construction of dam, electric powerhouse.
Increasing tourist number in one hand and local people pressure in other hand.
Uneven distribuation of tourist. Pressure of tourist not creating demand.
Environment change due to soil erosion and pollution. These also causes serious problem to wildlife conservation.
Poaching organised hunting and illegal trade of wildlife and their pasts. This is
more severe problem in border of India and China.
Poor education and awareness of all level of politician and local people.
High population growth and poverty in endemic.
Financial resources are inadequate to invest on management of habitat and lack
of composition of damage of wildlife. So people are retaliate.
Weak management organization structure.
Size of protected area, which cannot properly protect the wildlife.e.g.Koshi
Uninstitulization of Bufferzone programme.
The biodiversity unit of ministry is inactive and biodiversity action plan has
not official not indorse or published.
The management plan of most of the protected area is not available and also
not complemented.
Wildlife conservation in Nepal is mainly focal on large mammals.remain has
been neglected.
Research is conducted only few major wildlife.
Training and workshop to protection and management authority is inadequate.
Problems in Legislation
Appendix I – endangered species.
Appendix II – legally hunting wildlife.
Category I – collected and hunting provision.
Category II – wildlife part collected for Research and scientific study.
Nepal's hunting species are fully protected in other countries but not in Nepal. e.g. wild
cat, fox, days blue sheep.
 Shedule II species is not well defined specially.
 Falcun and Vulture are legally hunted Nepal.
 Rodent and bat order are not listed in shedule I.
 Inforcement of wildlife laws in outer than protected area.
Success of Wilflife Conservation
Nepal has inacted strong wildlife conservation law and bylaws, KMTNC law.
Creation of National Park and wildlife reserve department focus on wildlife conservation.
Establishment of well network of protected area 26,758 sq km are of protected area
these include 16 P.A. 9 NP, 3 WR, 1HR, 6 BZ, 3CA.
According to IUCN protected are should be covered at least 10% of area.
Protected are covers different ecological zone and varities of ecosystem out of 118
ecosystems, 80 ecosystems are included in protected area. However, coverage of
midhill is poor less than 1%.
Revival of key stones species, Tiger, Gharial etc.
Species action plan prepared for tiger and Rhino.
There are trained staffs employed in conservation and management of wildlife activities (wardens, assiatant wardens, Rangers, gamescouts etc).
compiled By: Gopal
Tourism development has been quite significant.
Protected areas are popular destination for tourist which brings larger tourists, It
brings about 8.9 million dollars.
Major chunk (part) of park income about 90% from tourist.
Single species focus on biodiversity protection.
Nepal is receiving from external assistance from various inrenational agencies,
IUCN, UNDP< GEF, WWF, and KMTNC, receiving funds for wildlife consefvation.
Education, training and researcn have been developed as help in biodiversity conservation.
Translocation of Rhino has been succesful fron chitwan to Bardia.
1986 1991
1999 2000 2001 2002 Total
No of rhino
 Nilgai was translocated from Lumbini to Bankey.
 Captive breeding of Gharial programme in Kasara, Chitwan and Bardia has been
 Gharials have been left in Natural habitat in Koshi, Karnalim, Narayani, and Rapti.
But survival rate is different.
 National conservation strategy, MPFS etc.
 National Biodiversity Action Plan.
 Transboundry conservation between Tibet, India and Nepal.
 Active member of CITES, WHC, Ransar conservation, CBD- 1992 (conservation
on Biodiversity).
 Buffer Zone Conservation (Intregrated Conservation and Development Programme) by UNDP.
1.3 History and status of wildlife Conservation in Nepal.
 First to fourth five year plan period (1956- 1975)
 Fifth and Sixth five year plan period (1975-1985)
 Seventh five year plan period (1985-1990) MPFS.
 Eighth five year plan period (1992-1997)
 Nineth five year plan period (1997-2002)
1959- fauna conservation society.
1961- Rhino patrolling was established in DNPWR.
1964- Rhino patrolling was declered in Chitwan.
1969- 6 Royal Hunting Reserve in Terai and 1 in Mountain area under DNPWR.
1970- Chitwan declered as National Park, Nepal Nature Conservation society was
1972- Wildlife division- National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Section, Park
and People project was established.
1973- Chitwan NP was gazetted, Tiger ecological project was established.
1974- Nepal became active member of IUCN.
Fifth and sixth Five year plan.
1975- natural history musium established, Royal Nepal Army gives to protection of
NP and WR, CITES (state partly member).
compiled By: Gopal
1975- Langtang, Sagarmatha, Koshitappu, Rara, Badia.
 1978- All Hatisaar responsible to department of DNPWR, State be a party of WHS,
Gharial breeding centre was established.
 1979- Nepal organized Ist International simposium, Sagarmatha was declered as
WHS, and Elephant breeding centre in sauraha.
 1980- DNPWR established, (full phased department).
 1981- Shey phoksundo NP established, Diplom in Forestry was started.
 1982- KMTNC was establishedas first NGO in wildlife conservation, second ammendment of the law of DNPWR.
 1984- Khaptad and Parsa WR were established; RCNP listed as world Heritage
site, Dhorpatan HR field office was established, Jerry wildlife Trust Research on Terai,
Pigmy hog, and hispid hare.
Sventh Five year plan:
1985- Park and protected area monitoring project started (UNDP/FAO), natioanl wide population monitoring, ACAP was established under KMTNC.
1986- Shivapuri Watershed and WR established.
1987- national conservation strategy was started was first conservation policy,
Dhorpatan hunting reserve was gazetted, Koshitappu WR was first listed as Ramsar
site inder Ramsar conservation.
1988- MPFS, Plant breeding and Conservation of genetic resources.
1990- Constitution of Nepal stressed on conservation of endangered wildflora
and fauna.
1992- Makalu Barun NP and CA were established or declered, signed on conservation of Biological diversity REO Summit, Bufferzone provision was incorporated
on NP and WR Conservation act 4th ammendment.
1993- Nepal environment Policy and Action plan (NAPAP)-I 1993, WWF field
office (country programme office was established, Rhino action plan was developed.
1994- Parks and people project was implemented on 5 terai-protected areas by
UNDP, Rhino count (544 rhino in Chitwan).
1995- GEF founded Makalubarun NP and CA.
1996- Bufferzone regulation was gazetted; Makalubarun Conservation Project
was established under KMTNC, Environment Protection act was gazetted.
1997- kanchangangha CA was established, Regional Action plan for South Asia
was adapted for 5 yrs. WCPA (World Commission Protected Area of IUCN), Bardia
Research Project on Tiger, Gharial and Elephant was started on support of NORAD.
1998-Sheyphoksundo, Rara, Khaptad national parks were extended; Regional
simposium in Tiger was hosted by Nepal in Chitwan, tiger Action plan was prepared.
1999- Makalubarun CA was converted into bufferzone area, grassland ecology
and mgmt workshop of protected area on Bardia was held, management strategy
framework of 9 NP and WR were developed.
2000- Rhino census (612), 3 projects on Wildlife conservation (Arun valley,
Uppermustang, Chitwan), GIS database of National parks and wildlife reserves, WWF
started Terai Arc landscape project (TAL)
2001- Bufferzone of Sagarmatha was declered; Royal Chitwan and Bardia NP
managament plan were prepared including their tourism plan, and Wetland policy was
2002- Shivapuri watershed and Wildlife reserve was declered as National
parks, Koshitappu and Parsa WR management plan were completed, Ministry of Forest Finalized Nepal Landscape and Biodiversity Project, Wetland management project.