PROPOSAL INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. 2. Regional Panel Destinations: Project Title: 3. Principal Investigator(s): SC Shallow structures and site effects at precarious rock and Rosrine sites critical to southern California seismic hazard John N. Louie Tel.: (775) 784-4219, Email: James N. Brune Tel.: (775) 784-4974, Email: Rasool Anooshehpoor Tel.: (775)784-1954, Email: 4. Authorized Institutional Representative: 6. 7. Element Designation Key Words 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Amount Requested Proposed start date Proposed Duration New Proposal Active Earthquake-related Research: Grants, and Level of Support 13. Has this proposal been submitted to any other agency for funding? Seismological Laboratory MS 174 University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 Fax: 775-784-1833 Dr. Richard Bjur Acting Director, Office of Sponsored Project Admin. University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 Tel.: (775)784-4040, Fax (775)784-6064 Email: I, II Strong Ground Motion, Precarious Rock, Shake-Table, Regional Seismic Hazards $48,283 January 1, 2002 1 year Yes USGS/NEHRP, Seismic hazard in the vicinity of Las Vegas and Reno, $100,000-Anderson, Zeng, Su, and Louie. NSF-SCEC, Site Response Investigations at Critical Precarious Rocks Near the San Andreas Fault, $20,000-Louie, Anderson, Brune, and Anooshehpoor NSF-SCEC, Study of the toppling acceleration of precarious rocks on a profile perpendicular to the San Andreas fault for constraining strong motion attenuation relationship for great earthquakes, $50,000-Brune and Anooshehpoor US DOE/HRC, Precarious rock methodology and seismic hazard, $181,870, Brune and Anooshehpoor. No 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form (SF) 424 ......................................................1 Proposal Information Summary....................................................................................................2 Table of Contents .........................................................................................................................3 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................4 Budget Summary ..........................................................................................................................5 Budget Explanation ......................................................................................................................6 Significance of Project .................................................................................................................7 Introduction .....................................................................................................................7 Uncertainties in Current Attenuation Curve and Hazard Maps .......................................7 Precarious Rock Studies ..................................................................................................7 Possible Anomalous Site Effects at Precarious Rock Sites .............................................8 Results from refraction and Surface-Wave Noise Studies at Three Sites .......................8 Proposed Studies .............................................................................................................10 References ........................................................................................................................12 Figures..............................................................................................................................14 Final Report and Dissemination of Results ..................................................................................17 Related Efforts .............................................................................................................................17 Project Personnel ..........................................................................................................................17 Institutional Qualifications ...........................................................................................................21 Project Management Plan .............................................................................................................22 Current Support and Pending Applications ..................................................................................23 3 ABSTRACT We propose to carry out shallow refraction and surface wave microtremor studies at a number of sites in southern California. We will study 10 sites: precarious rock sites; the site of a previously known precarious rock toppled by the the Oct. 1999 Hector Mine earthquake; sites where we previously collected records of LARSE-II blasts and Hector Mine aftershocks; engineering rock sites of well-known strong motion records; and Rosrine sites of logged boreholes. The proposed studies will improve our understanding of (1) site conditions for rock sites in general, (2) the implied site conditions for the recent USGS-CDMG hazard maps, (3) and how results from precarious rock studies can be used to improve ground motion attenuation curves and hazard maps. 4 BUDGET SUMMARY Project Title: Shallow Structures and Site Effects at Precarious Rock and Rosrine Sites Critical to Southern California Seismic Hazard Principal Investigator: John N. Louie, James N. Brune and Rasool Anooshehpoor Proposed Start Date: Jan 1, 2002 COST CATEGORY Proposed Completion Date: Dec 31, 2002 Federal First Year $ 24,910 Federal Second Year $ Total Both Years $ 2. Fringe Benefits/Labor Overhead $ 24,910 $ 1,951 $ $ 3. Equipment $ $ $ 4. Supplies $ $ $ 5. Services or Consultants $ $ $ 6. Radiocarbon Dating Services $ $ $ 7. Travel $ 2,100 $ $ 8. Publication Costs $ 1,800 $ $ 9. Other Direct Costs $ 2,675 $ $ 10. Total Direct Costs (items 1-9) $ 34,036 $ 14,247 $ $ $ $ 12. Amount Proposed (items 10 & 11) $ 48,283 $ $ 13. Total Project Cost (total of Federal and non-Federal amounts) $ 48,283 $ $ 1. Salaries and Wages Total Salaries and Wages 11. Indirect cost / General and 600 Administrative (G&A) cost 5 BUDGET EXPLANATION 1/1/2002-12/31/2002 1. Salaries and Wages Principal Investigators: John N. Louie , 10 days @ $430/day James N. Brune , 5 days @ $760/day Rasool Anooshehpoor, 1 month @ $5260/mo Graduate Student: One semester (4.5 mos.) @ $1100/mo + 3 summer mos. @ $2200/mo 4,300 3,800 5,260 11,550 2. Fringe Benefits Louie @ 5% Brune @ 5% Anooshehpoor @ 25% Students @ 2% 215 190 1,315 231 3. Equipment 0 4. Supplies Miscellaneous field supplies 600 5. Services or Consultants 6. Radiocarbon Age Dating 7. Travel Transportation Cost (7 days University or commercial truck rental @ $75/day 7 days per diem for three @ $75 per day per person 525 1,575 8. Publication Costs 12 pages in Bull. of the Seismological Soc. Of Amer. (or similar journal) @ $150/page 9. Other Direct Costs Misc. computer supplies and fees to support data analysis and reporting Tuition and Fees for graduate assistant 1800 800 1,875 10. Total Direct Costs 34,036 11. Indirect Cost (44.3% of Total direct costs less tuition and fees) 14,247 12. Amount Proposed 48,283 6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT Introduction We propose to carry out shallow refraction and surface wave microtremor studies at a number of sites in southern California (figure 1). We will study about ten sites important to the description of southern California's seismic hazard. The sites will include: precarious rock sites; the site of a previously known precarious rock toppled by the the Oct. 1999 Hector Mine earthquake; sites where we previously collected records of LARSE-II blasts and Hector Mine aftershocks; engineering rock sites of well-known strong motion records; and Rosrine sites of logged boreholes. The proposed studies will improve our understanding of (1) site conditions for rock sites in general, (2) the implied site conditions for the recent USGS-CDMG hazard maps, (3) and how results from precarious rock studies can be used to improve ground motion attenuation curves and hazard maps. We currently have a $50,000 grant from the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) to study precarious rocks near the San Andreas Fault, a $20,000 grant from SCEC to carry out further site effects recording and interpretation at a few sites, and a $60,000 grant from NEHRP to study precarious rocks associated with the White Wolf Fault, site of the M=7.6 Kern County earthquake of 1952. The San Andreas Fault and White Wolf Fault grants do not provide funds for site effects studies, and the $20,000 SCEC grant does not provide sufficient funding for the detailed site effects studies we believe to be justified by our previous results and proposed here. Uncertainties in Current Attenuation Curves and Hazard Maps Current attenuation curves for large earthquakes at near distances are based on very little constraining data. In fact they are extrapolations from data from smaller earthquakes at larger distance, a data set heavily influenced by thrust faults. Thus it is questionable how accurate they are for large strike-slip earthquakes. The first rock site data for a large strike-slip earthquake at the distances of about 5 km was provided by the recent M=7.4 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake. The accelerations recorded at the sites Sakarya and Izmit were 0.42g at a distance of 4 km, and 0.23 g at a distance of 5 km respectively. These values are significantly lower (almost one standard deviation) than the median values predicted by recent attenuation curves, and thus cast the validity of these curves into some question (Anderson and Brune, 2000; Anderson et al., 2000). Of course, one earthquake does not provide a sufficient sample for final conclusions, but rather emphasizes the uncertainty associated with current attenuation curves. On the other hand, the Sakarya and Izmit accelerations are consistent with limits inferred from ongoing precarious rock studies (Brune. 1999; Anderson and Brune, 1999; Anderson and Brune, 2000) Precarious Rock Studies Groups of precariously balanced rocks provide constraints on the maximum ground motion that could have occurred during the last several thousand years, and are an underutilized source of data for improving attenuation curves and for improving our understanding of earthquake hazard (Brune, 1996; Brune, 1999, Anderson and Brune, 1999). Near the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault numerous precarious and semi-precarious rocks have been found extending from distances of 35 km from the fault to as close as 11 km, with a considerable number occurring at Lovejoy Buttes, a distance of about 15 km. The precarious rock data appear to be inconsistent with recent USGS-CDMG PSHA maps for long recurrence intervals (low probabilities, 2% in 50 year probabilities; Brune, 1999, Anderson and Brune, 1999), and suggest that the maps may seriously overestimate the hazard. The rock-site acceleration data from the recent M=7.4 7 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake are considerably lower (by about one standard deviation) than the median curves used in the USGS-CDMG hazard maps, and, since they are the first rock data at this distance range for such a large earthquake, they bring into question the validity of these curves (Anderson and Brune, 2000; Anderson et al., 2000). On the other hand, the precarious rock data are consistent with the Turkey earthquake data, emphasizing the importance of further understanding the precarious rock data. Possible Anomalous Site Effects at Precarious Rock Sites A remaining uncertainty in the interpretation of precarious rock data comes from the possibility that precarious rock sites have strong local site effects which reduce ground motions compared to the sites assumed in standard attenuation curves and hazard maps. Preliminary studies of site effects showed no obvious differences from standard rock sites (Brune et al., 1998; Stirling, 1999) but the limited data base consisted of only vertical component records, and thus was not very convincing. The USGS-CDMG rock site hazard maps assume a nominal surface shear wave velocity (30-m depth-averaged) of 760 meters/sec, but site velocities for most of data used in the assumed attenuation curves is only roughly known, and thus there is large uncertainty in both the site effects at precarious rock sites and in the implied site effects in the hazard maps. Under a project funded by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) we are currently operating three component broad band instruments at several precarious rock sites to collect site response data for comparison with sites with known surface rock characteristics, and with other broad band sites in southern California (primarily TRINET sites operated by Caltech). Our SCEC site effects projects involved reconnaissance refraction and surface wave microtremor phase velocity studies at three sites (results described next and by Abbott and Louie, 2000a; and Abbott et al., 2001), along with operation of broad band instruments at 2 precarious rock sites and 4 other rock sites during the LARSE II active experiment (which recorded not only LARSE II explosions, but also numerous aftershocks of the M=7 Hector mine earthquake). Caltech and USGS are currently completing site response comparison and velocity studies at TRI-NET sites (Kanamori 2000, personal communication), and we will compare our results from precarious rock sites with their results. To fully utilize their results as well as ours, we need verification that the surface-wave microtremor method provides estimates of spectral amplifications comparable to estimates made from borehole logs. This proposal is for carrying out the required studies at additional precarious rock sites (including precarious rock sites associated with the White Wolf fault, and at a formerly precarious rock toppled by the Oct. 1999 Hector Mine earthquake), at a couple of our LARSE II sites, at engineering rock sites, and at Rosrine borehole log sites. The results will give a definitive comparison of surface shear wave velocities at precarious rock sites with those at other sites. This will in turn allow us to better define a standard rock site and optimize the use of precarious rock data for improving attenuation curves and hazard maps. Results from Refraction and Surface-Wave Noise Studies at Three Sites Rayleigh waves are a constant and ubiquitous feature of background seismic noise in southern California's urban environment. This background noise, originating from traffic, trains, wind, waves at shorelines, and machinery, is known as microtremor (Liu et al., 1999). Horike (1985) found that a passive array of 7 to 10 1Hz vertical seismometers, with an aperture of 100 m to 1 km, could deaggregate the noise into Rayleigh waves with measurable phase velocities. We use the "refraction microtremor" recording techniques of Louie (2001) as an inexpensive alternative to the time-consuming Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) method of Nazarian and Stokoe (1984) or the shear-wave seismic refraction method (ASTM D5777), which both require mobilizing a large source of seismic energy. 8 A two-dimensional surface array recording, subjected to a moving-window frequency-wavenumber (F-K) transformation, will identify the back azimuth, velocity, and frequency of microtremor wave trains. Satoh et al. (1997) and Iwata et al. (1998) interpreted the F-K information for arrays in Santa Monica, Calif. and Reno, Nevada, respectively, in terms of Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity dispersion curves from 1-8 Hz. Modeling the dispersion data, using methods very similar to the SASW dispersion models, produced shear-velocity profiles valid to almost 1 km depth. Relation to engineering standards– Because the ReMi technique can require as little as two person-hours to measure a site, and no active energy source, it offers a relatively inexpensive characterization of a large number of sites. Refraction microtremor can achieve the 85% velocity accuracy of surface shear-wave refraction surveys (when they are implemented according to ASTM standard D5777) at lower cost, Being a non-invasive surface technique, ReMi cannot achieve the depth resolution or 97% velocity accuracy of the ASTM standard for shear-velocity measurement, the crosshole seismic technique (ASTM D4428), of the OYO shear-velocity borehole logger (when implemented according to ASTM standard D5753), or of downhole shear-wave profiles. Only cone-penetrometer methods (ASTM D3441 and D5778) can match ReMi's low cost per site. Because cone penetrometers are limited to 20-m depths and relatively soft soil sites, they would not be appropriate for this project, to characterize rock sites. Validation of the "refraction microtremor" characterization method– Figure 2 compares site characterizations at the Newhall Fire Station in southern California, a relatively deep soil site. The Rosrine project logged a borehole for P- and S-wave velocities to 107 m depth. Louie (2001) describes refraction-microtremor and Pwave refraction results from the site. The left side of figure 2 shows that a 4-layer shear-velocity model estimated from the microtremor Rayleigh phase-velocity data matches depth-averaged velocities from the borehole log to within 15% (85% accuracy). The right side of figure 2 compares spectral amplifications at Newhall relative to the NEHRP B-C boundary model of Frankel et al. (1996), estimated from the log and the ReMi results. Amplifications were computed using the quarter-wavelength travel-time method of Boore and Brown (1998). The log and the ReMi results predict virtually the same amplifications above 4 Hz. From 1-4 Hz the predicted amplifications differ by less than 25%. This difference is due to the shallow 9-m depth of the top of a 360 km/s layer in the ReMi velocity model, giving higher velocities than the log from 9-25 m depth. The most likely explanation for the velocity and amplification differences is lateral heterogeneity. The borehole log is a point sample at one location, valid only within 2 m of the hole. The refraction microtremor survey was centered 3 m from the surface location of the borehole, but extended 100 m north and south from it. It thus produces more of a volume average of velocities across these relatively large distances. Despite the huge differences in subsurface volume sampling between the borehole log and the ReMi survey, the predicted amplifications of figure 2 do not differ significantly. Figure 3 shows that the refraction microtremor technique has made shear-velocity measurements of similar 85% accuracy at many sites, across a huge range of velocities. The figure compares 30-m-depth-averaged shear velocities from ReMi against 30-m-averaged P-wave refraction velocities (adhering to ASTM D5777) at ten sites in Nevada, southern California, and New Zealand. The P- versus S-velocity comparison follows a 0.25 Poisson's ratio within 15% for all but one site, Seatoun (STN) in Wellington, New Zealand. The Seatoun site was a beach; none of the other sites were fully water-saturated to the surface. Details of characterizations at LJB and MCS– Given the match of borehole and microtremor-derived shearvelocity profiles Louie (2001) found at Newhall, he conducted identical experiments at one precarious rock site, Lovejoy Butte, and one long-established strong-motion site on engineering A rock, Mill Creek Summit 9 (MCS). Both sites are about 15 km from the 1857 rupture of the San Andreas fault (figure 1). Figure 4 shows linear microtremor array results from both sites. We also conducted reversed hammer seismic refraction measurements with the 200-m-long 24-channel receiver lines, to estimate compressional-velocity structure. Comparing figures 4a and 4b, phase velocities are clearly higher at the Lovejoy Butte precarious-rock site than at the Mill Creek Summit engineering A strong-motion site. Dark areas on these p-f-domain images show high power ratios, from identifiable waves propagating across the 24-station array. The small squares on figures 4a and 4b show our interpreted phase velocities, including a central pick at a "best" interpretation, and our highand low-velocity limits of what we would consider reasonable picks. Even though the bottom envelope of the power-ratio highs are not as well defined at Lovejoy Butte as they are at Mill Creek Summit, all of the phasevelocity picks and limits are at higher velocities from 2-12 Hz at Lovejoy Butte. The Lovejoy Butte site is farther from heavy traffic than Mill Creek Summit. The Mill Creek Summit image is interpretable despite its location under a large power transmission line, and the raw records being dominated by 60 Hz oscillation. The dispersion plot of figure 4c shows the overall velocity differences between the Lovejoy and MCS sites over a large range of periods. Below 0.5 s periods the dispersion picks are at similar velocities. Using our interactive dispersion-modeling code based on Saito's (1979, 1988) methods, we modeled a shear-wave velocity profile that fit the central "best" dispersion picks at both sites. Figure 4d shows shear-velocity profiles. In addition to estimating a "best" model at each site, we also show the models that fit the high- and low-phasevelocity extremes at each site. Figure 4d shows how the shallowest velocities at the sites are similar, at 250-400 m/s. Below 7-13 m depth, the Lovejoy Buttes dispersions result in a maximum possible velocity range of 11301700 m/s, while the Mill Creek Summit dispersions model a maximum 550-700 m/s velocity range. Below 60 m depth the velocity ranges are larger and the depths of the transition to higher velocities are less well constrained. Both sites could have little further velocity increase down to 100 m depth, or could show velocities above 2000 m/s below 100 m depth. We also acquired reversed P-wave seismic refraction records from the two 200-m 24-channel arrays, according to ASTM D5777, at Lovejoy Butte and Mill Creek Summit. At Lovejoy the near-surface refractions are at a Pwave velocity of 2000 m/s, which is consistent with the 1250 m/s shear-wave velocity we modeled there. At Mill Creek Summit, on the other hand, a 20-30-m-thick surface layer with a 590 m/s P-wave velocity overlies velocities of 1500-2000 m/s. This is also consistent with the 600 m/s shear velocities there, as shown for the points LJB and MCS on figure 3. Even when the linear noise arrays are interpreted with a very large and conservative error, Louie (2001) found that the two sites have very distinguishable velocities. Mill Creek Summit has a 30-m-depth average shear velocity that is somewhat lower than the NEHRP B/C boundary at 760 m/s. Lovejoy Butte, on the other hand demonstrates shallow velocities that are more than double those at Mill Creek Summit, in the NEHRP A category. Three-component recordings of LARSE II blasts and Hector Mine aftershocks in October 1999, reported by Abbott and Louie (2000a) and Abbott et al. (2001), bear out this difference, with the the same events appearing amplified at Mill Creek Summit relative to Lovejoy Butte. Proposed Studies Our studies at Lovejoy Butte and Mill Creek Summit suggest that ground motions may be attenuated to some degree at hard precarious-rock sites simply because they have higher shear velocity. However, this sample of two sites is not sufficient to constrain either the site conditions at precarious-rock sites in general, or to propose modifications to standard attenuation curves. Additional site characterizations are needed before we can produce such results. We propose here to carry out studies of the type described above at about 3 new 10 precarious rock sites, 2 more sites occupied by us with weak-motion recorders, 3 Rosrine borehole sites, and 2 more engineering rock sites (figure 1). Funding is requested for field operations, data analysis and synthesis, and interpretation of implications for current attenuation curves and hazard maps. Current SCEC funding will only allow surveys at other precarious rocks such as we have carried out at Aliso Canyon, Palmdale and Llano; Antelope, Piute and Alpine Buttes; and the Keenwild and Piñon Flat hard-rock characterization sites (figure 1). NEHRP funds are needed to measure the ten additional sites and to integrate all results into meaningful corrections to seismic hazard maps and attenuation relations. Locations for characterization– We will characterize newly discovered precarious-rock sites Devil's Punchbowl, very close to the San Andreas fault (figure 1). We have also discovered precarious rocks on the footwall of the White Wolf fault near Caliente, only a few kilometers from the M=7.6 thrust earthquake in 1952. As well, precarious rocks remain near Granite Pass and Amboy Crater, close to the Hector Mine fault ruptures. We discovered recently that a previously noted highly precarious rock at Lovejoy Buttes (Brune, 1999) has toppled, perhaps during the Oct. 1999 Hector Mine earthquake. This site requires very careful and direct new characterization. We had collected refraction and microtremor surveys at the base of Lovejoy Buttes, a few hundred meters away; additional surveys must be run directly over the outcrops hosting the toppled rock. In October 1999 we recorded Hector Mine aftershocks at a site between Black Butte and Black Mountain about 20 km north of the San Andreas (Abbott et al., 2001). We will complete our study of such sites by characterizing that location as well. We also seek to investigate site conditions at 3-6 Rosrine boreholes, to allow comparison of our velocity and amplification results against the further Rosrine logs as we did at Newhall (figure 2). We plan to measure at least three of the six Rosrine boreholes near Los Angeles ( from which samples have been tested to measure nonlinear properties. These boreholes are located at Newhall, Arleta, Kagel, La Cienega, Sepulveda VA #5 B-2, and Potrero 1. We also want to obtain additional comparisons at engineering A rock sites of Northridge, San Fernando, Landers, or Hector Mine strong-motion recordings. We will select from the other sites labeled on figure 1, perhaps choosing Leona Valley or Wrightwood (WWS) on the San Andreas fault, and Rosamond (ROS) 50 km north. Characterization procedure– At each of the 10 sites we will record a 200-m-long noise array, and collect stacked hammer refraction records, as was done by Louie (2001) at Lovejoy Butte and Mill Creek Summit. In addition, we will record all data with not just one 24-channel linear array, but with two crossed arrays. The crossed arrays will allow better estimates of phase velocity from noise propagating in random directions across the arrays; this will reign in the high-velocity limits on the phase-velocity interpretations and more tightly constrain shear velocities, especially at 50-100 m depths. The P-wave refraction velocity interpretations will also benefit from these minimal constraints on lateral velocity variations. Measurements at each site will take about a half day of field time by a crew of three people. We will analyze the noise records from all sites with our p-f method as in Louie (2001), combining the two different array directions into the p-f power-ratio images. After picking phase velocities and their extreme limits, we will model both "best-fit" and high- and low-velocity extremal models as we did for Lovejoy and MCS. The refraction times and P-wave velocities we will use for constraint on the shear-wave velocities and dispersion modeling. Once we have a shear-velocity structure at each of the proposed sites, we will be able to compare amplifications predicted from velocity differences against the LARSE II and Hector Mine record amplifications we analyzed for a SCEC project (Abbott et al., 2001). It is possible that we will not find the expected 11 correlation between amplifications and shallow velocities that might be expected. In that case we will examine carefully the shallow-velocity variations between different precarious-rock sites, and search for clues on the nature of the discrepancy in site geology and setting. If there is a consistent correlation between amplification and shallow velocity, we will then compare our predicted PSHA for the hard and precarious rock sites against the USGS-CDMG hazard maps, to evaluate any remaining discrepancies. Such evaluation will lead us to propose modifications to standard attenuation curves to account for the hard-rock site data. References Abbott, R. E., and Louie, J. N., 2000a, High shear wave velocities under precarious rock sites might be enough to explain their existence near the San Andreas fault: presented at Amer. Geophys. Union Fall Mtg., Dec. 15-19, San Francisco. Abbott, R. E., and Louie, J. N., 2000b, Depth to bedrock using gravimetry in the Reno and Carson City, Nevada area basins: Geophysics, 65, 340-350. Abbott, R. E., Louie, J. N., Brune, J. N., and Anooshehpoor, R., 2001, Analysis of shallow site response to LARSE-2 blasts at precarious rock sites near the San Andreas fault: unpub. final project report to the Southern California Earthquake Center, March 10, 21 pp. (Available electronically from Anderson, J. G., Lee, Y., Zeng, Y., and Day, S., 1996, Control of strong motion by the upper 30 meters: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 86, 1749-1759. Anderson, J.G. and J.N. Brune (1999). Methodology for using precarious rocks in Nevada to test seismic hazard models, Bull. Seism., Soc. Am. , 89, 456-467. Anderson, J.G. and J. N. Brune (2000). Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, improvving consistency with precarious rock observations by removing the ergodic assumption, Proceedings, the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, Jan.31-Feb. 4, 2000. Anderson, J.G., H. Sucuoglu, R. Anooshehpoor, and J.N. Brune, (2000), Strong ground motions from the Kocaeli and Duzce, Turkey, earthquakes and possible implications for seismic hazard analysis, Seism. Res. Letts., 71, p. 222. Boore, D. M., and L. T. Brown, 1998, Comparing shear-wave velocity profiles from inversion of surfacewave phase velocities with downhole measurements; systematic differences between the CXW method and downhole measurements at six USC strong-motion sites: Seismol. Res. Lett., 69, 222229. Brown, L. T., 1998, Comparison of Vs profiles from SASW and borehole measurements at strong motion sites in southern California: M.Sc. Eng. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 349 pp. Brune, J.N. (1999). Precariously rocks along the Mojave section of the San Andreas Fault, California: constraints on ground motion from great earthquakes, Seism. Res. Lett., 70, 29-33. Frankel, A. D., C. S. Mueller, T. P. Barnhard, D. M. Perkins, E. V. Leyendecker, N. Dickman, S. L. Hanson, and M. G. Hopper, 1996, National seismic-hazard maps: documentation June 1996, pp. 110, U. S. Geological Survey, Reston. Horike, M., 1985, Inversion of phase velocity of long-period microtremors to the S-wave-velocity structure down to the basement in urbanized areas, J. Phys. Earth., 33, 59-96. Iwata, T., Kawase, H., Satoh, T., Kakehi, Y., Irikura, K., Louie, J. N., Abbott, R. E., and Anderson, J. G., 1998, Array Microtremor Measurements at Reno, Nevada, USA: presented at Amer. Geophys. Union. Fall Mtg., Dec. 6-10, San Francisco. Liu, H. P., Boore, D. M., Joyner, W. B., Oppenheimer, D. H., Warrick, R. E., Zhang, W., Hamilton, J. C., and Brown, L. T, 2000, Comparison of phase velocities from array measurements of Rayleigh waves associated with microtremor and results calculated from borehole shear-wave velocity profiles: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 90, 666-678. 12 Louie, J. N., 2001, Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 100 meters depth from refraction microtremor arrays: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 91, no. 2 (April), 347-364. (Available electronically from McMechan, G. A., and Yedlin, M. J., 1981, Analysis of dispersive waves by wave field transformation: Geophysics, 46, 869-874. Nakamura, Y., 1989, A method for dynamic characteristics estimation of subsurface using microtremor on the ground surface, QR Railway Technical Research Institute, 30, 1. Nazarian, S., and Stokoe II, K. H., 1984, In situ shear wave velocities from spectral analysis of surface waves: Proceedings of the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 8, San Francisco, Calif., July 21-28. Saito, M., 1979, Computations of reflectivity and surface wave dispersion curves for layered media; I, Sound wave and SH wave: J. Phys. Earth., 32, 15-26. Saito, M., 1988, Compound matrix method for the calculation of spheroidal oscillation of the Earth: Seismol. Res. Lett., 59, 29. Satoh, T., H. Kawase, T. Iwata, K. Irikura, 1997, S-wave velocity structures in the damaged areas during the 1994 Northridge earthquake based on array measurements of microtremors (abstract): presented at Amer. Geophys. Union. Fall Mtg., Dec. 8-12, San Francisco; Eos, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 78, suppl. to no. 46, 432. Steidl, J. H., A. G. Tumarkin, and R. J. Archuleta, 1996, What is a reference site?: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 86, 1733-1748. Stirling, M. W. (1998). Earthquake frequency statistics, and probabilistic seismic hazard in southern California and New Zealand, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno. 13 14 15 16 FINAL REPORT AND DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS All reports requested and required by the USGS will be submitted in a prompt and timely manner and the results of the research will be published in a professional journal. RELATED EFFORTS Dr. Louie has extensive experience with multi-channel seismic analysis methods (see vita) and is currently involved in research projects to study shallow site response at precarious rock sites near the San Andreas fault, and seismic hazard in the vicinity of Las Vegas and Reno (see current support). Drs. Brune and Anooshehpoor have carried out extensive studies of precarious rocks and modeling of dynamic ground motions in foam rubber models (see vitae), and are currently involved in research projects similar to this in southern California and southern Nevada (see current support). PROJECT PERSONNEL This study will be conducted jointly by principal investigator John Louie, Associate Professor of Geophysics, co-investigator James N. Brune, Professor of Geophysics, and Rasool Anooshehpoor, Research Associate Professor, at the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. 17 John N. Louie Seismological Laboratory 174, Mackay School of Mines The University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557-0141 (775) 784-4219; fax (775) 784-1833; Professional Experience Associate Professor of Seismology, Seismological Laboratory, The University of Nevada, Reno; since January 1992. Responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate instruction, supervision of M.S. and Ph.D. degree candidates, and conducting a research program in seismology. Assistant Professor of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania; Sept. 1987 to Jan. 1992. Responsibilities included undergraduate and graduate instruction, supervision of M.S. and Ph.D. degree candidates, and research in high-resolution seismology. Relevant Publications J. N. Louie, 2001, Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 100 meters depth from refraction microtremor arrays: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 91, no. 2 (April), 347-364. (Available electronically from R. E. Abbott, J. N. Louie, S. J. Caskey, and S. Pullammanappallil, 2001, Geophysical confirmation of lowangle normal slip on the historically active Dixie Valley fault, Nevada: Jour. Geophys. Res., 106, 4169-4181. R. E. Abbott and J. N. Louie, 2000, Depth to bedrock using gravimetry in the Reno and Carson City, Nevada basins: Geophysics, 65, 340-350. A. M. Asad, S. K. Pullammanappallil, A. Anooshehpoor, and J. N. Louie, 1999, Inversion of travel data for earthquake locations and three-dimensional velocity structure in the Eureka Valley area, eastern California: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 89, 796-810. G. Shields, K. Allander, R. Brigham, R. Crosbie, L. Trimble, M. Sleeman, R. Tucker, H. Zhan and J. N. Louie, 1998, Geophysical surveys of an active fault: results from Pahrump Valley, California-Nevada border: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 88, 270-275. Other Important Publications S. K. Pullammanappallil and J. N. Louie, 1994, A generalized simulated-annealing optimization for inversion of first-arrival times: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 84, 1397-1409. J. N. Louie, S. K. Pullammanappallil, and W. Honjas, 1997, Velocity models for the highly extended crust of Death Valley, California: Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 735-738. S. Chavez-Perez and J. N. Louie, 1998, Crustal imaging in southern California using earthquake sequences: Tectonophysics, 286 (March 15), 223-236. S. Chavez-Perez, J. N. Louie, and S. K. Pullammanappallil, 1998, Seismic depth imaging of normal faulting in the southern Death Valley basin: Geophysics, 63, 223-230. Z. Kanbur, J. N. Louie, S. Chavez-Perez, G. Plank, and D. Morey, 2000, Seismic reflection study of Upheaval Dome, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Jour. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 105, 9489- 9505. Graduate Education California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Degrees: Ph.D. Geophysics, June, 1987; M.S. Geophysics, June, 1983. 18 James N. Brune DEGREES: Ph.D. Geophysics, 1961 - Columbia University, New York City B.Sc. Geological Engineering, 1956, University of Nevada, Reno HONORS AND AWARDS: Medal of the Seismological Society of America, 1997 University of Nevada Foundation Professor, 1995 Nomination to Academy of Creative Endeavors in Soviet Union, 1990 Fellow, Indian Geophysical Union, 1989 1987 Citation Classic Designation for 1970 article: Tectonic Stress and the Spectra of Seismic Shear Wave from Earthquakes Seismological Soc. America; Past President 1970-71 G.K. Gilbert Award, Seismic Geology, 1967; Arthur L. Day Award, 1972; Fellow, Geo. Soc. of America, 1975; American Geophysical Union, 1967; J.B. MacIlwane Award of American Geophysical Union, 1962 MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS: Seismology, Earthquake Hazard and Source Mechanism, Tectonics, Earth Structure, Cooperative Foreign Seismic Research Projects (Mexico, India and Soviet Union) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Member, Ed. Boards: Geofisica Internacional and Indian Geophys. Journal Member, California Earthquake Predication Evaluation Council Advisory Committee, Berkeley Seismographic Stations Board of Trustees, GeoHazards International EXPERIENCE: 1998-to date: Professor of Geophysics, Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno. 1987-1998: Director, Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno; Professor, Dept. of Geol. Sci. 1969-1990: Professor of Geophysics, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego 1973-1976: Associate Director of IGPP 1965-1969: Associate Professor of Geophysics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: Anderson, J.G. and J.N. Brune (1999). Methodology for using precarious rocks in Nevada to test seismic hazard models, Bull. Seism., Soc. Am. , 89, 456-467. Anooshehpoor, A., T.H. Heaton, Shi, B. and J. N. Brune (1999), estimates of the ground accelerations at Point Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 845-853. Anooshehpoor, A. and J.N. Brune (1996). Constraints on ground motion in southern California provided by precarious rocks, Seism. Res. Lett., 67, 2, p.30. Brune, J. N. (2001), Shattered rock and precarious rock evidence for strong asymmetry in ground motions during thrust faulting, in press, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 91, June issue. Brune, J.N. (1999). Precariously rocks along the Mojave section of the San~Andreas Fault, California: constraints on ground motion from great earthquakes, Seism. Res. Lett., 70, 29-33. Brune, J.N. (1996). Precariously balanced rocks and ground motion maps for southern California, Bull. Seism., Soc. Am., 86, 43-54. Brune, J.N., J.W. Bell, and A. Anooshehpoor (1996). Precariously balanced rocks and seismic risks, Endeavour, 20 (4), 168-172. Shi, B., A. Anooshehpoor, J.N. Brune and Y. Zeng (1998), Dynamics of thrust faulting: 2D Lattice Model, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 88, 1484-1494. Shi, B., A. Anooshehpoor, Y. Zeng, and J.N. Brune (1996). Rocking and overturning of precariously balanced rocks by earthquakes, Bull. Seism., Soc. Amer. 86, 1364-1371. 19 20 Rasool Anooshehpoor Degrees: Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Physics, 1988, University of California, San Diego Physics, 1983, University of California, San Diego Physics, 1976, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Major Research Interests: Site Effects and Earthquake Hazards, Physical Modeling of Earthquakes Experience: 19991991-1999 1990-1991 1987-1990 1983-1987 1980-1983 1978-1980 Research Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Reno Research Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno Assistant Professor, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Research Associate, University of Nevada, Reno Research Assistant, University of California, San Diego Teaching Assistant, University of California, San Diego Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Publications: Anooshehpoor, A., T.H. Heaton, Shi, B. and J. N. Brune (1999), estimates of the ground accelerations at Point Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 845-853. Anooshehpoor, A. and J.N. Brune (1996). Constraints on ground motion in southern California provided by precarious rocks, Seism. Res. Lett., 67, 2, p.30. Brune, J. N., J. W. Bell, A. Anooshehpoor, Precariously Balanced Rocks and Seismic Risk (1996), Endeavour, 20 (4), 168-172. Brune, J.N., Anooshehpoor, A., Stirling, M.W., Anderson, J.G. (1998), Precarious rocks, site effects and seismic hazard in southern California: to be published in proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, May 1998. Brune, J.N., Anooshehoor, A. (1998), A physical model of the effect of a shallow weak layer on strong motion for strike-slip ruptures Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 88, 1070-1078. Brune, J.N., Anooshehpoor, A., (1999), Dynamic geometrical effects on strong ground motion in a normal fault Model J. Geophys. Res., 104 (B1), 809-815. Shi, B., A. Anooshehpoor, J.N. Brune and Y. Zeng (1998), Dynamics of thrust faulting: 2D Lattice Model, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 88, 1484-1494. Shi, Baoping, A. Anooshehpoor, Y. Zeng, J.N. Brune (1996), Rocking and Overturning of Precariously Balanced rocks by Earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 86, 1364-1371. 21 INSTITUTIONAL QUALIFICATIONS As one of the statewide research agencies of the University of Nevada, the Seismological Research Laboratory is headed by a Director (J. Anderson) who reports to the Dean, Mackay School of Mines. The current research staff consists of ten professional seismologists. Other professionals include a Research and Design Engineer. Technical staff members include two seismographic technicians, one record analyst, 1.5 FTE of computer support personnel, and five graduate research assistants. The Seismological Laboratory operates the Western Great Basin Seismic Network (USGS Funding; digital upgrades provided by the W.M. Keck Foundation), the Yucca Mountain Digital Seismic Network (DOE-HRC Funding). These networks now include more than three dozen state-of-the-art high-dynamic-range real-time digital stations. After twelve years of operation of computer-based digital seismic acquisition, over 50,000 local events have been located, and these and many more regional and teleseismic events and blasts have been archived, leading to over 600,000 digital seismograms archived on magnetic tape and CD-ROM. Data bases from paper records and other analog sources extend back to 1916 (e.g. a collection of Wiechert smoked-paper recordings). Earthquake data are now manipulated using the Antelope and CSS database systems developed by BRTT, allowing us to interchange both real-time and archived catalog and seismogram data with the SCSN, NCSN, Oregon, Arizona, and Utah seismic network through data centers at Caltech, Menlo Park, and Salt Lake City. Computer hardware consists of four Sun servers and twenty Sun workstations with speeds up to 400 MHz, eight Pentium II and III UNIX workstations, and numerous PCs and Macintoshes. These processors are used mainly for research applications and provide a basis for analysis of the accumulating network data base. One of the servers hosts the Lab's web site at, which at 30,000-80,000 hits per week is one of the University's most popular public outreach programs. Seismic reflection data sets are processed both with John Louie's ``Resource Geology'' UNIX system for research, and with the industry-standard Halliburton ProMAX system. In partnership with the Nevada Applied Research Initiative and, the Lab operates a 16 Gflop Beowulf parallel processor. Additional equipment is available for field work and special investigations. The seismology group has 15 portable Reftek seismographs and 8 PRS-4 portable digital seismographs. We have 18 Mark Products L-4 1-second, three sets of Kinemetrics 5-second, 10 sets of 1-Hz S13 and several Guralp CMG-5 and CMG-4 broadband seismometers. The W. M. Keck Foundation donated to the Mackay School of Mines (of which the Seismological Lab is a part) a 48-channel, Pentium-based Bison Galileo-21 reflection-refraction recording system, with 700 m cables for 8-Hz refraction geophones; and a high-resolution 210 m segmented roll-along cable with 48 groups of six 100-Hz geophones each. The School maintains as well a Lacoste and Romberg Model G gravimeter with 0.04 mGal demonstrated precision, and three Trimble 4000SSi, dual-frequency, carrier-phase, geodetic GPS receivers. A grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation also established four years ago the Mapping, Modeling, and Visualization (MMV) Laboratory in the Mackay School of Mines. It consists of 10 PCs and workstations served by a Silicon Graphics multiprocessing supercomputer, with every major GIS, image-processing, geophysical, and geological software package available on multiple platforms. The School is wired for 100 Mbps full-duplex ethernet, with high-speed isolated connections available to all servers. All buildings on campus connect via a 100 Mbps campus fiber network, which has a fiber connection at 155 Mbps to the nearest CALREN/vBNS/Abilene gigaPoP at U.C. Davis. 22 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN The project is projected to last one year. Dr. John Louie will be supervising the refraction and noise experiments. The integration of the passive site effect studies will be supervised by Drs. Brune, and Anooshehpoor. All Pis are at the Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno. They will be responsible for the completion of the project and submittal of required reports. 23 CURRENT AND PENDING GRANT SUPPORT John N. Louie Current: U.S. Geological Survey/NEHRP: Seismic Hazards in the Vicinity of Las Vegas and Reno, $100,000, 4/1/1999 - 9/30/2001, Anderson, Zeng, Su, and Louie (0.5 summer month). National Science Foundation/SCEC: Analysis of Shallow Site Response to LARSE-2 Blasts at Precarious Rock Sites Near the San Andreas Fault, $10,270, 4/01/2000 - 3/31/2001, Louie (0.15 summer month), Brune, Anooshehpoor. National Science Foundation/Tectonics: Evolution of the Sierra Nevada - Basin and Range Boundary — Tephrochronologic and Gravity Constraints on the Record in Neogene Basin Deposits, $55,182, 6/1/2000 - 5/30/2002, Cashman, Louie (0.25 summer month), Trexler. National Science Foundation/SCEC: Site Response Investigations at Critical Precarious Rocks Near the San Andreas Fault, $20,000, 4/01/2001 - 3/31/2002, Louie (0.5 summer month), Anderson, Brune, Anooshehpoor. Pending: National Science Foundation: ITR/AP(Geo): Speed and accuracy of 3-d traveltime computation on Beowulf supercomputers: adaptive parallelization and tomographic applications, $480,585 9/1/2001 8/31/2003, Louie (1.0 summer month/year), Kongmunvattana. National Science Foundation: ITR/AP(Geo): Factual Geologic Mapping: The development of field tools using GIS and remote sensing to produce quantified geological maps, $371,178 9/1/2001 - 8/31/2003, Sawatzky, Taranik, Louie (0.5 summer month/year). U.S. Geological Survey/NEHRP: Shear Velocities and Site Amplifications at Nevada and Eastern California Stations Needed for Instrumental Acceleration Mapping, $56,378 1/1/2002-12/31/2002, Louie (0.5 month), Anderson. U.S. Geological Survey/NEHRP: Shallow Velocity Structures and Site Effects at Precarious Rock Sites Critical to Southern California Seismic Hazard, $49,403 1/1/2002-12/31/2002, Louie (0.5 month), Brune, Anooshehpoor. 24 James N. Brune Current National Science Foundation/Southern California Earthquake Center, Constraints on Ground Motions and Source Parameters for Great Earthquakes Provided by Precarious Rocks, 2/1/98 – 1/31/02, $50,000, 10 days. National Science Foundation/Southern California Earthquake Center, Precarious Rocks on the Footwall of Major Earthquakes Involving Thrust Motions, 2/1/99 – 1/31/02, $5, 033. National Science Foundation/Southern California Earthquake Center, Shallow Site Response and FaultReflection Recording During Larse2, 2/1/99 – 1/31/02, $7,000, 0 days. Department of Energy/UCCSN/University of Nevada Las Vegas, Seismic Monitoring of Yucca Mountain – Southern Great Basin Seismic Network Operations, 10/1/99 – 9/30/01, $1,578,361, 40 days. Department of Energy/UCCSN/University of Nevada Las Vegas, A Long Baseline Laser Strainmeter for the Exploratory Studies Facility at Yucca Mountain, 10/1/99 – 9/30/01, $362,725, 10 days. Department of Energy/UCCSN/University of Nevada Las Vegas, Precarious Rocks Methodology for Seismic Hazard, 7/1/99 – 9/30/01, $339,562, 22 days. US Geological Survey/NEHRP, Verification of Precarious Rocks Evidence for Low Ground Accelerations Associated with Strike-Slip Faults in Extensional Regimes, 03/01/01-02/28/02, $49,403, 5 days. US Geological Survey/NEHRP, Interpretation of Precarious Rock and Overturned Transformer Evidence for Ground Shaking in M=7.6 Tehachapi Earthquake, an Analog for Disastrous Shaking From a Major Thrust Fault in the Los Angeles Basin, 2/1/99 – 6/30/01, $60,000, 10 days. UC Berkeley, Study of Rupture Directivity in a Foam Rubber Physical Model, 02/01/0009/30/01, $72,500, 15 days. Pending Southern California Earthquake Center, Toppling Accelerations of Precarious Rocks on a Profile Perpendicular to the San Andreas Fault for Constraining Strong Motion Attenuation Relationships for Great Earthquakes, $20,000. USGS/NEHRP, Interpretation of Precarious Rock and Overturned Transformer Evidence for Ground Shaking in the M=7.6 Arvin-Tehachapi Earthquake, and Analog for Disastrous Shaking from a Major Thrust Fault in the Los Angeles Basin, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $81,631, 10 days. USGS/NEHRP, Shallow Structures and Site Effects at Precarious Rock and Rosrine Sites Critical to Southern California Seismic Hazard, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $48,283, 5 days. USGS/NEHRP, Shake Table, Numerical, and Field Tests of Precarious Rocks to Further Quantify the Precarious Rock Methodology for Constraining Ground Motion Attenuation Curves and Seismic Hazard Maps, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $52,703, 5 days. 25 Rasool Anooshehpoor Current National Science Foundation/Southern California Earthquake Center, Constraints on Ground Motions and Source Parameters for Great Earthquakes Provided by Precarious Rocks, 2/1/98 – 1/31/02, $50,000, 2 academic months. National Science Foundation/Southern California Earthquake Center, Shallow Site Response and FaultReflection Recording During Larse2, 2/1/99 – 1/31/02, $7,000, 0 days. Department of Energy/UCCSN/University of Nevada Las Vegas, Precarious Rocks Methodology for Seismic Hazard, 7/1/99 – 9/30/01, $339,562, 6 academic months. US Geological Survey/NEHRP, Verification of Precarious Rocks Evidence for Low Ground Accelerations Associated with Strike-Slip Faults in Extensional Regimes, 03/01/01-02/28/02, $49,403, 2 academic months. US Geological Survey/NEHRP, Interpretation of Precarious Rock and Overturned Transformer Evidence for Ground Shaking in M=7.6 Tehachapi Earthquake, an Analog for Disastrous Shaking From a Major Thrust Fault in the Los Angeles Basin, 2/1/99 – 6/30/01, $60,000, 2 academic months. UC Berkeley, Study of Rupture Directivity in a Foam Rubber Physical Model, 02/01/0009/30/01, $72,500, 4 academic months. Pending Southern California Earthquake Center, Toppling Accelerations of Precarious Rocks on a Profile Perpendicular to the San Andreas Fault for Constraining Strong Motion Attenuation Relationships for Great Earthquakes, $20,000. USGS/NEHRP, Interpretation of Precarious Rock and Overturned Transformer Evidence for Ground Shaking in the M=7.6 Arvin-Tehachapi Earthquake, and Analog for Disastrous Shaking from a Major Thrust Fault in the Los Angeles Basin, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $81,631, 3 academic months. USGS/NEHRP, Shallow Structures and Site Effects at Precarious Rock and Rosrine Sites Critical to Southern California Seismic Hazard, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $48,283, 1 academic month. USGS/NEHRP, Shake Table, Numerical, and Field Tests of Precarious Rocks to Further Quantify the Precarious Rock Methodology for Constraining Ground Motion Attenuation Curves and Seismic Hazard Maps, 1/1/02-12/31/02, $52,703, 2 academic months. 26