
Statewide Marketing Project
Monday 1 March, 9.45am – 12noon
H4.02 Meeting Room, State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St. Melbourne
Statewide Marketing Project Advisory Committee
Lorraine Seeger
Community Liaison Manager, Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation
Christine Denis
Service Librarian, Hume Global Learning Village Library Service
Michael Hogan
Christine McLaren
Client Services Librarian, Mildura Rural City Council Library Service
Library Operations Manager, West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation
Pru Menzies
Wendy O’Hara
Customer Service Manager, Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation
Customer Services Librarian, Campaspe Regional Library
Larissa Oldham
Annie Opray
Ararat Branch Librarian, Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation
Marketing Coordinator, Bayside Library Service
Lesley Fell
Public Libraries Unit
Marketing & Program Librarian, Monash Public Library
Nicole Lowndes
The Marketing Bank
Project Officer, Public Libraries Unit, SLV
Marlo Branagh
Michelle Wallace
Account Director, Bristow, Prentice, Lambaart, Budd (Items 1-2)
Corporate Programs Manager, Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation
Anne-Marie Otley
Michael Byrne
Lisa Naphtali
Samantha Houston
Community Relations Coord., Yarra-Melbourne Regional Library Corporation
Coordinator Library Operations, Monash Public Library
Account Manager, Bristow, Prentice, Lambaart, Budd
Partner, Bristow, Prentice, Lambaart, Budd
 Finance Report: NL
 Progress Report: MBr/NL
 Proposed Promotions Kit
 Marketing Seminar
 11am: Your Future partner/sponsorship opportunity: Mieke Mellars, The One Umbrella
Welcome and Business Arising
No business arising from the previous minutes. Actions were completed, except the item
regarding Library and Information Week. The minutes were accepted.
Finance Report
NL tabled a report of current expenditure and committed project funds. She noted that the saving
from the cancellation of the 1300 service was not yet reflected in the report, as the account was
not finalised.
Progress Report
MBr reported that:
TV ads are now running on Channel 10
Print ads are running in the Leader Newspapers
February Champions newsletter has been sent
Your Future campaign material has been distributed
Radio National are still interested in pursuing the quiz idea later in the year; LN
recommends taking up this offer as it would not require many resources
The Your Future media release has attracted good media attention:
The Herald-Sun will run an article and photograph in its Learn section on Tuesday 9 March
The Age will run a high-profile article, with an interview and photograph, in the My Career
section on Saturday 13 March
The Herald and Weekly Times are interested in running a profile of a rural librarian
SBS radio are interested in airing a multicultural services-focussed interview
At the last meeting, LN was requested to approach major radio stations to suggest the
Stump-a-Librarian quiz concept. MBr relayed their feedback: that kind of coverage
requires significant advertising spend with the station, and must also have the support of
the DJs. This is not achievable for the @ your library campaign. However, if libraries
organise high-profile events, the stations will consider sending a roving vehicle.
Feedback on the Holiday Fun campaign was positive overall:
32 responses were received by the closing date
most libraries reported good numbers at events, and 93% the posters and bookmarks
many libraries were able to attract good local media coverage
some Champions reported a lack of enthusiasm for the campaign at a branch level
overall, inquiries and attendance met expectations
MBr tabled a summary of responses (attached).
NL tabled a summary of progress. She highlighted:
Recommendations from the last meeting were adopted by the Statewide Projects Steering
A page on the Your Future campaign has been added to the @ your library information on
Victoria’s Virtual Library (www.libraries.vic.gov.au/atyourlibrary/info/yourfuture).
The Careers Expo still needs more staff for the stall. Extra postcards have been printed,
and material requested from ALIA, and from all the library schools (Your Future material
has also been sent to them for display in departments). The stall will have the postcard
colours and feature a yellow kayak.
NL was requested to ask ALIA to send information to all Victorian public libraries.
NL to ask ALIA to
send information
to all Victorian
public libraries
The mural in storage has been offered to libraries, requiring a $100 installation fee. It has
been requested by four libraries: Wimmera, Casey-Cardinia, Bayside, and Hume. NL will
organise a roster.
NL asked the Committee how they feel the Your Future campaign is going. Libraries have
organised some events, and many of them are doing displays and sending information to
careers teachers in local school, Job Network agencies, etc. The Committee asked NL to
email Champions about Your Future media coverage.
AO suggested that Marketing Bank could prepare a media release on the success of the
Holiday Fun campaign. PM recommended sending it immediately prior to the April
holidays instead. CM said Champions should also be sending follow-up media releases.
NL noted that any media releases prepared by Marketing Bank can be uploaded to the
web site and used by all Champions. NL asked MBr to quote for this additional work, as it
is outside the contract.
NL to organise
roster for mural
Champions about
media coverage
Marketing Bank to
additional media
Proposed Promotions Kit
NL passed on a suggestion that the Marketing Project could fund or at least coordinate a
bulk purchase of basic promotions/ display equipment for all libraries, such as poster clips.
This suggestion comes from Visual Merchandising trainer, Kevin Hennah, who has now
visited most of the library services in Victoria. NL has requested a cost estimate from him.
Marketing Seminar
NL reported not many suggestions had been received in response to the request on
libmark. Topics suggested were:
Marketing to community groups
Stephanie Alexander, Bud Tingwell, or other people who are consistently good at dealing
with the public
display by a shop fittings supplier
ICMI speakers: Anne Whatley-Dale, Tricia Olsen, Frank Romano, Barry Urquart
Diane Pembelton, SLQ
PM to send NL
The committee also suggested:
‘Making the connection’: marketing as everyone’s work
Report from a mystery shopper
Getting close to local businesses
‘What works in your library’ – break out groups
CM said the Champions should have a role in preparing and presenting the seminar.
AO to send NL
Mystery Shopper
NL noted the business topic would be a good preparation for Doing Business @ your
library. She asked if the break-out groups should be at the same time as the Champions
workshop, which was agreed.
NL will find out if the City Library has an appropriate venue, and investigate using Willliam
The committee supported the title ‘Day In Day Out’ and a date around 10 May. The target
NL to investigate
audience will be the Champions plus at least one branch staff member per library service.
NL suggested a small lunch time expo of marketing and promotions related companies,
such as displays equipment suppliers. The committee added Southern Scene, printers,
coffee cart companies, Rainbow Displays, Toucan Displays, and graphic designers. LS
suggested the vendors could be charged a small fee.
AO said a prize should be offered to seminar attendees, to promote the seminar. PM
suggested asking Champions to send in visual evidence of their best promotion, to be
judged by this committee at its May meeting. As it is part of the State Public Library
Marketing project, it could be called the ‘SPLaM Award’. The entries would be displayed at
the seminar, and a People’s Choice prize also voted during lunch. A presentation to the
best immediately after lunch. CM offered to present this ‘Library Idol’ segment.
NL asked about thank you gifts for unpaid speakers. The Committee agreed on $50 book
NL asked for ideas on speakers. Garth Nix and Matthew Reilly were suggested. AO will
also forward details of agency speakers to NL.
NL and committee
AO to forward
details of agency
speakers to NL
Your Future sponsorship opportunity: Mieke Mellars, The One Umbrella
NL welcomed Mieke Mellars from recruitment agency The One Umbrella. NL described
the objectives and activities for the Your Future @ your library campaign month, and
asked whether The One Umbrella could provide any support to libraries.
Mieke indicated that they could provide promotional giveaways, and champagne for larger
events, and possibly could speak at staff/ public events on library futures. Events can also
be listed on the One Umbrella website.
NL will send the Champions this information, and an invitation to submit sponsorship
proposals to Mieke, with a template.
proposals for One
Other Business
NL noted Library & Information Week will run 24-31 May, during Just Ask. ALIA has not
yet sent details or material. NL suggested offering a prize for joining online during the
week, and asked for ideas for one statewide activity during the week as part of the Just
Ask campaign.
The committee proposed ‘The Big Ask’: a trivia event featuring:
Statewide trivia competitions, with adult and junior categories. A kit would be provided to
each library; resource rich libraries could run events, smaller libraries could run drop-in
City lunchtime event to attract media attention, possibly at the new City Library if it is open.
Celebrities and librarians could compete to answer questions using the Internet, with a
high-profile M.C.
Prizes from sponsors such as Trivial Pursuit, World Book, Gale Group, iPod, or ISPs
Next Meeting
Monday 5 April, 9.30 – 11.30am, G3.02 Meeting Room, Vicnet, State Library of Victoria
NL and committee
members to work
on The Big Ask