CVR-2013-913R2 Supplementary material Supplemental figure legend Figure S1. Female WT-mice show higher running performance and higher cardiac response after voluntary cage wheel running compared to males. A, Average daily running speed and B running time of female WT- and ER-/--mice is significantly higher compared with male mice. In contrast female ER-/--mice show significant lower daily running speed and time compared with male counterparts and female WT-mice. C, Female WT-mice show significant higher percent of increase in LVM/TL and D, cardiomyocyte diameter compared with males after exercise. WT-mice: n= 20-22 per group; for cardiomyocyte diameter: n=7-8 per group; ER-deleted mice: n= 9-12 per group. 2-way ANOVA: *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001. unpaired t-test: § p≤0.05. WT: wild-type mice; ER-/-/ER -/-: estrogen receptor alpha/beta deletion. Figure S2. No induction of the fetal gene programme and collagen content in WT-mice after VCR. A, Relative NPPA-, B NPPB-mRNA expression and C collagen content in left ventricular tissue of female and male sed and VCR WT-mice. D, Representative Sirius red staining of left ventricular tissue; x20 magnification; scale bar: 100µm. Number of mice: n= 16-21 per group for gene expression; n= 5-8 for collagen content. WT: wild-type mice; VCR: voluntary cage wheel running; sed: sedentary. Figure S3: MAPK-ERK1/2, AMPK, GSK-3 and p70s6 kinase and s6 in WT-mice are not induced after 8 weeks of VCR. A, p-ERK1/2 is significantly higher in female sed- and VCRmice compared to male counterparts, but not changed after VCR. B, p-AMPK, C p-GSK-3, D p-p70s6 kinase and E p-s6 are not induced by 8 weeks of VCR in WT-mice. Number of mice: n= 6-11 per group and sex. 2-way ANOVA: *p<0.05 and **p<0.01. WT: wild-type mice; VCR: voluntary cage wheel running; sed: sedentary. Figure S4: E2 and activated ER increase expression of mitochondrial key regulators in AC16 cells. MEF2A, NRF-1 and -2 mRNA-expressions are significantly up-regulated in AC16 cells after 12h E2- and ERβ-agonist treatment. HPRT was used as internal standard. CVR-2013-913R2 Relative mRNA-expression levels of E2- and ERβ-agonist treated cells are expressed as fold induction of vehicle-treated cells. n= 3-4, carried out in triplicates; 1-way ANOVA: *p<0.05 and **p<0.01. Figure S5: ERα and ERβ expression display no sex differences and are not modulated by VCR. A-B, ERβ and C-D, ERα mRNA and protein expression and representative western blot images for E, ERβ and F, ERα in mouse left ventricular tissue. mRNA: n=5-6 and protein: 5-11 per sex and group. VCR: voluntary cage wheel running; sed: sedentary. CVR-2013-913R2 Supplemental tables Table S1: Primers used for Real-Time polymerase chain reaction. Species Gene Sequence (5`to 3`) Mouse Hprt FW: GCT TTC CCT GGT TAA GCA GTA CA RV: ACA CTT CGA GAG GTC CTT TTC AC Nppa FW: GGG GGT AGG ATT GAC AGG AT RV: ACA CAC CAC AAG GGC TTA GG Nppb FW: GCA CAA GAT AGA CCG GAT CG RV: CTT CAA AGG TGG TCC CAG AG Mef2a FW: AGA GTT TTC TGC AAG AAT CAA ACA RV: TCC AAT CTC CTA ATG CAT CGT Atp5k FW: TCA GGT CTC TCC ACT CAT AAA GT RV: TTC TTT TCC TCC GCT GCT AT Human HPRT FW: TGT TGT AGG ATA TGC CCT TGA CT RV: GGC TTT GTA TTT TGC TTT TCC A NRF-1 FW: GGC ACT GTC TCA CTT ATC CAG GTT RV: CAG CCA CGG CAG AAT AAT TCA NRF-2 FW: CAG CCT GAA CTG GTT GCA CAG AAA RV: TCA ACT CCG CTG CAC TGT ATC CAA MEF2A FW: GCT TCA ACT CGC CAG GAA T RV: GAT AAC TGC CCT CCA GCA AC CVR-2013-913R2 Table S2: Echocardiographic parameters and cardiomyocyte diameter of ER-/--mice 8 weeks after VCR. ERα-/--sed sex ERα-/--VCR Male Female Male Female 11 9 9 9 LVM (mg) 89.48±2.4 80.37±2.1§ 97.39±2.7* 79.84±1.8§§§ LVM/TL (mg/mm) 5.18±0.08 4.56±0.13§§§ 5.63±0.12** 4.66±0.09§§§ IVSd (mm) 0.63±0.01 0.62±0.01 0.66±0.01 0.64±0.01 Pwd (mm) 0.61±0.01 0.62±0.01 0.66±0.01* 0.62±0.01 LVIDd (mm) 4.16±0.08 3.90± 0.08 4.19±0.10 3.84±0.07§ EF (%) 51.7±1.9 58.6±2.9 54.0±2.6 58.7±2.3 508.3±13.8 502.8±17.0 490.6±12.7 491.8±10.5 11.19±0.25 12.19±0.18 11.69±0.33 12.01±0.48 n HR (beats/min) Cardiomyocyte (µm)* diameter Values show means±SEM. All measurements were performed after 8 weeks of VCR. N: number of mice in each group, *N for cardiomyocyte diameter: 5-9; ERα-/-: estrogen receptor alpha deleted mice, sed: sedentary, VCR: voluntary cage wheel running, TL: tibia length, LVM: left ventricular mass, IVSd: septum thickness during diastole, PWd: posterior wall thickness during diastole, LVIDd: left ventricular internal diameter during diastole, HR: heart rate and EF: ejection fraction. 2-way ANOVA: (*) intervention (sed vs. VCR) *p≤0.05 and ** p≤0.01; (§) sex (female vs. male) §§§p≤0.001 and §p≤0.05. CVR-2013-913R2 Table S3: Running performance and echocardiographic parameters of male and female WT-mice after 1 week of VCR. WT-sed sex WT-VCR Male Female Male Female 6 6 7 7 4.24±0.3 8.18±0.9§§§ Running speed (km/h/24h) 1.03±0.0 1.4±0.1§§§ Running time (h/24h) 3.53±0.5 5.16±0.7 n Running distance (km/24h) LVM (mg) 114.2±3.1 86.95±2.0§§§ 107.3±3.0 89.29±2.7§§§ LVM/TL (mg/mm) 6.76±0.2 5.30±0.1§§§ 6.24±0.2 5.48±0.2§§ IVSd (mm) 0.62±0.0 0.58±0.0§§ 0.62±0.0 0.60±0.0 Pwd (mm) 0.61±0.0 0.56±0.0§§ 0.62±0.0 0.59±0.0§ LVIDd (mm) 4.81±0.1 4.34±0.1§§§ 4.6±0.0 4.28±0.1§ EF (%) 42.9±2.8 43.4±1.8 39.4±1.2 50.3±3.7§ 427.7±14.8 444.7±17.8 429.3±17.6 421.7±13.3 HR (beat/min) Values show means±SEM. All measurements were performed after 1 week of VCR. N: number of mice in each group; WT: wild-type mice, sed: sedentary, VCR: voluntary cage wheel running, TL: tibia length, LVM: left ventricular mass, IVSd: septum thickness during diastole, PWd: posterior wall thickness during diastole, LVIDd: left ventricular internal diameter during diastole, HR: heart rate and EF: ejection fraction. 2-way ANOVA: (§) sex (female vs. male) §§§p≤0.001, §§p≤0.01 and §p≤0.05. CVR-2013-913R2 Supplemental methods: Monitoring and evaluation of daily running distance. Each VCR mouse was kept in an individual cage supplied with a running wheel (11.5 cm diameter) and equipped with a tachometer (ML Solution GmbH, Germany) recording daily running distance, time and speed, which then were averaged over the 1- and 8-week time period. Echocardiography. Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (1.5%) and measurements were carried out using a Vevo 770 High-Resolution Imaging system with an RMV 707 Scanhead (Visual Sonics). MH was assessed by the ratio of left ventricular mass (LVM) to tibia length (TL). To better compare the magnitude of cardiac mass adaptation between sexes in WTmice, increase of LVM/TL compared to each respective sed group was calculated and are given as percent of increase. Histology. For histology, LV was paraffin-embedded and cut in 2µm sections. Hematoxylin/eosin staining was carried out to determine cardiomyocyte diameter. At least ten pictures with an x20 magnification of each section were taken (AxioStar, Zeiss) and the diameter of at least 100 cardiomyocytes was measured using AxioVision Rel.4.6 (Zeiss). Sirius Red staining was used to obtain collagen content. At least ten pictures of each section with an x20 magnification were taken (AxioStar, Zeiss) and quantified using ImageJ 1.38 & software. Collagen content was calculated: [collagen area (red)/total section area (yellow)] x 100. Western blot. Used primary antibodies are as followed: phospho-AKT1/2/3 (Ser 473-R, Santa Cruz); AKT1/2/3 (H-136, Santa Cruz); phospho-p38-MAPK (Thr180/Tyr182) (#4511, Cell Signaling Technology); p38-MAPK (#9212, Cell Signaling); phospho-p44/p42 ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204) (#4370, Cell Signaling Technology); p44/p42 ERK1/2 (#4695, Cell Signaling Technology); phospho-s6 ribosomal protein (Ser240/244) (#5364, Cell Signaling technology); NRF-1 (ab34682, abcam); NRF-2 (21542-1-AP, proteintech); MitoProfile® total OXPHOS Rodent WB Antibody Cocktail (#MS604, MitoSciences); Mfn-2 (#9482, Cell Signaling Technology); phospho-AMPK (Thr172) (#2535, Cell Signaling Technology); AMPK (#2532, Cell Signaling Technology); phospho-GSK-3β (Ser9) (#5558, Cell Signaling Technology); CVR-2013-913R2 GSK-3β (#9315, Cell Signaling Technology); phospho-p70s6k (T389) (AF8963, R&D systems) p70s6k (AF8962, R&D systems); ERα (G-20, Santa Cruz); ERβ (1531, Santa Cruz); α-tubulin (clone DM1A, Sigma) and GAPDH (#MAB374, Millipore). Transmission electron microscopy. Mitochondrial area and number evaluations were accomplished by taking Transmission electron microscopy-micrographs from different areas and estimated using AxioVision Rel.4.6 (Zeiss). Five to ten micrographs were taken for each heart (n=4-6 per group and sex) to measure mitochondrial number (x6.000 magnification) or mitochondrial area (x16.700 magnification) per unit area in a blinded fashion. To determine the effects of treatment, sex and genotype on mitochondrial size, mitochondrial profiles were categorized as small (≤0.5µm2), medium (0.5-1µm2) and large (≥1µm2) as described elsewhere.59 Supplemental references: 59. Sohal RS, Bridges RG. Associated changes in the size and number of mitochondria present in the midgut of the larvae of the housefly, Musca domestica and phospholipid composition of the larvae. J Cell Sci 1978;34:65-79.