NORTHWEST LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT McDermott, Ohio CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN BOMB THREAT I. II. Bomb threat at one Northwest building: A. 1. Northwest High School a. Go throughout building with announcement and evacuate to Northwest Middle School Gymnasium 2. Northwest Middle School a. Go throughout building with announcement and evacuate to Northwest High School Gymnasium 3. Northwest Elementary School a. Code 4 and evacuate to Northwest High School Gymnasium b. Staff authorized to block traffic on Henley Deemer Road B. Contact Northwest Local School District Superintendent who will alert other Northwest buildings and Scioto County Sheriff’s Department and the Fire Department. C. Local building team searches threatened building Bomb threat at all Northwest buildings: A. Evacuate all buildings. (If extreme weather, allow students to get coats.) 1. Northwest High School and Northwest Middle School a. Evacuate to center (bus) parking lot 2. Northwest Elementary School a. Evacuate to upper driveway/field (staff will block all traffic) B. NLSD Superintendent will contact Scioto County Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department. C. If after 1:00 p.m. or in the event of inclement weather, buses will be called in for early dismissal ,and radio stations will be notified. D. Local building teams will begin search. If rain/lightning, the following areas will be immediately searched and cleared: Northwest High School: Northwest Middle School: Northwest Elementary School: Cafetorium and L.P. tank Band room, lobby, football bleachers and L.P. tank Gymnasium and L.P. tank BOMB THREAT REPORT FORM Bomb threats may be delivered in writing, in person, over the telephone, via e-mail, or through a second source. The most common method is by telephone. Blank copies of this form should be kept in a readily available location near every telephone. Any person receiving a telephone bomb threat should: Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Write down all the information obtained, using as many exact words as possible. Be courteous. You may pretend you are having difficulty in hearing to buy time and to get details Notify the Building Principal. EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT: ASK THESE QUESTIONS: When is the bomb going to explode? Where is it right now? What does it look like? What will cause it to explode? What kind of bomb is it? Did you place the bomb? Why did you put it in the building? What is your address? What is your name? IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CALL: Hang up Dial *57 Record given phone number information Report the threat to the Building Principal Complete the next page & distribute copies as indicated CALLER PROFILE Date call received: Time call received: a.m. p.m. Person receiving call: Time call ended: a.m. p.m. Receiving Telephone Number Extension Number: Building: Admin Office NHS NMS NES Other (Please specify) Caller’s Sex: Caller’s Age: Caller’s Dialect: Male Female Unable to determine Child Teenager Young Adult Middle Aged Elderly Please check all that apply: BACKGROUND Animal PA System Static Machinery Local Booth Street Music Motors Voices Babies/children Typing Water Traffic Other (Please list) CALLER’S LANGUAGE Well-spoken (educated) Traditional Foul/Obscene Incoherent Taped Message Read? Broken English Poor verbal skills Foreign Other (Please list) VOICE CHARACTERISTICS Calm Nasal Angry Excited Had lisp Slow & deliberate Raspy Rapid/rushed Deep Familiar Ragged Deep breathing Cracking voice Whispering Disguised Soft Slurred Distinct Laughter Crying Accent Normal Stuttered Other (Please list) Please provide any other information obtained/observed to assist in identifying the caller and his/her location: Provide copies of this form to: o o o o o Scioto County Sheriff’s Department Other law enforcement officials Fire Department/Bomb investigator Superintendent Building Principal