the conference schedule.

Michael Haneke—A Cinema of Provocation
A Three-Day International Interdisciplinary Conference Organized
by Boston University
Thursday, October 25, to Saturday, October 27
Thursday, October 25, 3pm to 9pm
The Goethe-Institut Boston
170 Beacon Street
Friday, October 26, and Saturday, October 27, 10am to 6pm
Boston University School of Management, Room 105
595 Commonwealth Avenue
Day 1: Thursday, October 25
Opening Remarks
Charles Merzbacher, Chair, Department of Film and Television
Roy Grundmann, Conference Director
Panel 1
Chair: Charles Warren
1) Peter Brunette
“Michael Haneke, the (Missing) First Fifteen Years: A Look at Lemmings”
2) Tobias Nagl
“Projecting Desire, Rewriting Cinematic Memory: Gender and German
Reconstruction in Fraulein.”
3) Janelle Blankenship
“Double Exposures: Repetition, Identity, and Self-reflexivity in Who Was
Edgar Allan?”
Respondents: Silvia Beier and Roy Grundmann
Short Break
Keynote Address
Thomas Elsaesser
Day 2: Friday, October 26
10:00 Panel 2
Chair: Silvia Beier
1) Thomas Y. Levin
“Watching Watching: Vicissitudes of Surveillant Narration”
2) Vinzenz Hediger
“Shaking up the Epistemological Foundations of Film: Haneke’s Video
3) Roy Grundmann
“Representing Self-victimization: Aura, Communication, and the Frontal
Respondent: Karen Ritzenhoff and Fatima Naqvi
12:00 Lunch
Panel 3
Chair: Karen Ritzenhoff
1) Mattias Frey
“Haneke and the Painterly”
2) Jörg Metelmann
“Intervening Images: Haneke, Brecht, and the Education of the World”
Respondents: Abigail Gillman, Charles Warren
(Coffee) Break
Panel 4
Chair: Roy Grundmann
1) Christa Blümlinger
“Figures of Disgust”
2) Brigitte Peucker
“Games Haneke Plays: Images and the Real”
3) Charles Warren
“The Unknown Piano Teacher”
Respondents: Kevin Stoehr, Peter Schwartz
Day 3: Saturday, October 27
10:00 Panel 5
Chair: David Eckel
1) Bradley Herling
"The Horror of (a) Playing God: Job's Nightmare and Funny Games"
2) Patton Dodd
“Holy Michael Haneke: A Religious Response to His Films”
3) Kevin Stoehr
“Haneke’s Secession: Ambiguity, Alienation, and Anti-nihilism”
Respondent: Gregor Thuswaldner
12:00 Lunch
Panel 6
Chair: Kevin Stoehr
1) Barton Byg
“Class Conflict and Urban Public Space: Haneke and Mass Transit”
2) Tom Conley
“The Long Take Revisited”
3) Alex Lykidis
“Representing Immigrants: Agency, Difference, and the Role of the State”
Respondents: Odile Cazenave, Leland Monk
Coffee Break
Panel 7
Chair: Leland Monk
1) Christopher Sharrett
“Haneke’s Caché and the Open Secret of Patriarchal Rule”
2) T. Jefferson Kline
“The Discursive Origins of Terror”
Respondents: Tobias Nagl, Janelle Blankenship
Closing Remarks and Response from all Participants and from the Audience
Thomas Elsaesser
Professor of Film
Department of Culture and Media
University of Amsterdam, NL
Silvia Beier, Lecturer in German
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Boston University
Janelle Blankenship
Assistant Professor, German and Comparative Literature
Modern Languages and Literatures
University of Western Ontario
Christa Blümlinger, Senior Lecturer
Maître de Conférences
Department of Film and Audiovisual Studies
University of Paris, France
Peter Brunette
Reynolds Professor of Film Studies
Department of Art History
Wake Forest University
Barton Byg
Professor and Program Director, German and Scandinavian Studies Program
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Odile Cazenave, Associate Professor of French
Department of Romance Studies
Boston University
Tom Conley
Abbott Lawrence Lowell Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of Visual
and Environmental Studies
Harvard University
Patton Dodd
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Religion
Boston University
David Eckel
Associate Professor of Religion
Department of Religion
Boston University
Mattias Frey
Ph.D. Candidate in German and Visual and Environmental Studies
Harvard University
Abigail Gillman, Assistant Professor of German
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Boston University
Roy Grundmann
Associate Professor of Film Studies, Film Studies Program Director
Conference Director and Chief Curator, “Michael Haneke: A Cinema of Provocation”
Department of Film and Television
Boston University
Vinzenz Hediger
Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Professor of Film and Media
Department of Film and Media Studies
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Bradley Herling
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Marymount Manhattan College
T. Jefferson Kline
Professor of French
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Boston University
Thomas Y. Levin
Professor, German Department, School of Architecture, and the Program in Media &
Princeton University
Alex Lykidis
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Critical Studies
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Jörg Metelmann
Independent Scholar
Wuppertal, Germany
Leland Monk,
Associate Professor of English
Department of English
Boston University
Tobias Nagl
Assistant Professor of Film Studies
Department of Film Studies
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Fatima Naqvi
Associate Professor of German
Department of Germanic, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures
Rutgers University
Brigitte Peucker
Elias Leavenworth Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature and Professor of
Film Studies
Department of Film Studies
Yale University
Karen Ritzenhoff
Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies
Department of Communication
Central Connecticut State University
Christopher Sharrett
Professor of Film Studies
Department of Communication
Seton Hall University
Kevin Stoehr, Associate Professor of Humanities
College of General Studies
Boston University
Peter Schwartz, Assistant Professor of German
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Boston University
Gregor Thuswaldner
Assistant Professor of German
Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics
Gordon College
Charles Warren, Lecturer of Film Studies
Department of Film and Television, Boston University
Associate of the Visual and Environmental Studies Department, Harvard University