Environment Committee: Submitted by Carol Chittenden, 409

Environment Committee: Submitted by Carol Chittenden, 409-7650 or
The PTSA has just created an Environment Committee and below is a description
of the group.
Recycling, pesticides, and chemical sensitivities are some of the topics our
parents are interested in working on and we look forward to working with you in
these areas. We would like to contact you after our first meeting to gather your
ideas on how we might work with your departments - and do so without
overloading your staff. So far, this committee is made up of parents and, like
most PTSA parents, they are eager to pitch in and do as much of the
coordinating as necessary to achieve some of these goals.
PTSA Environment Committee Planning Outline, 10/16/07
Creating an Environmentally-friendly Campus
A. Pesticides
1. Going pesticide-free - following 8 local schools
2. Educating parents, teachers, and students about
pesticides and children's health - health fair table,
PTSA newsletter article(s), PTSA meeting speaker (Dr.
Swann or Dr. Weiss from U of R), etc.
Action Items: Write mission and goals and present to
School Board, ask for commitment. Talk with Chris Marshall
re our group contacting local pesticide-free schools.
Contact Jennifer SanFillipo, DEC re State initiatives
in effect or coming re pesticides, recycling, going green.
B. Chemical Sensitivities, Asthma, Allergies
1. Understanding 2006 NYS Green Cleaning Products law for
2. Compliance in the classroom (products from home still
coming in)
3. Communicating with parents of students with
sensitivities to see what's working, what improvements
are needed, if any
Action Items:
C. Recycling
1. Understanding Ontario County recycling requirements
and benefits - co-mingling of paper, plastic, and
metal allowed; monetary rebates coming
2. Reinforce classroom recycling and education - comingling paper, plastic, metal in one container ok per
Chris Marshall.
3. Institute cafeteria recycling and education where
needed - Per Chris
Marshall, ECEC needs container; Primary has in island,
but openings are covered; other schools are using
containers in cafeterias.
4. Institute recycling at all sporting events and special
events - Chris Marshall to check on getting containers
for sporting events.
Action Items: F/U with Chris Marshall re promotional
materials from collection vendor, recycling containers for
VEC and after school events, discuss overflow of recycling
container in HS cafeteria, meet with janitorial staff re
their ideas and recycling/garbage separation. Look
into ongoing printer cartridge/phone recycling program.
Contact Janet Elman re Primary and VEC - C. Chittenden
called 10/17, waiting for call back.
D. School Supplies, Paper Use
1. Craft supplies - Replacing foam, styrofoam, shaving
cream, etc.
2. Student supply lists - paper vs. plastic folders, etc.
3. Notes home, flyers - half sheets, double sided sheets
where possible
4. Completing the cycle - How much recycled paper and
other supplies is the district buying and can we do
Action Items: Look into system to flag students with
siblings in same school so multiple notes home are
E. PTSA and Other Special Events
1. Paper plates and cups in place of styrofoam or plastic
for Thanksgiving feast, pizza nights, sporting and
other special events
2. Other ways of phasing out styrofoam we have - art
class for paints, etc.
3. Recycling containers
Action Items: Contact PTSA leaders and committee
chairs and building reps re paper use and recycling at
events. Issue recommendations/policy statement on the
above (and D. above, School Supplies, Paper Use) and
distribute to contact list with signatures of support from
Environmental Stewardship
A. Student Involvement
1. Student Committees at each school
2. Rotating classroom captains
Action Items:
B. Earth Day/Week
1. Earth Day focus throughout the month, promote
activities at each school that week - student created
and orchestrated with parent/teacher support
a. School Garden
b. Recycling Center tours - Jerry Leone, dad with
Casella Waste Management
Action Items:
Contact Doug Schmidt, Primary Inquiry teacher re campus
garden. Discuss tours and/or video conferencing with
Ontario County Recycling Center. Discuss student posters
and videos for Earth Week. Contact Steve Cronmiller re
environment club involvement.
C. Curriculum
1. Building environmental awareness into all subjects support teachers by helping identify opportunities
and materials in keeping with their needs and
standards - faculty meeting speakers, curriculum
sources, etc.
Action Items:
III. Capital Improvement Projects
A. Promoting the use of green building materials and
practices following LEED (Leadership in Engineering and
Environmental Design, US Green Building Council)
Action Items:
IV. Communication Contact List
PTSA Building Representatives
Building Councils and Principals
Teachers and Students
Clubs - fundraising events, plays, etc.
HS Environment Club - Steve Cronmiller, teacher and EC
G. Janet Elman and cafeteria staff
H. Chris Marshall and grounds and custodial staff
I. PTSA - leaders, committee chairs, members, website
updates, newsletters
J. School Board
Contact Steve Cronmiller re students joining committee and
environment club's interest in helping plan Earth Week events.
See if 2:20 activity period works for meeting with us, or us
meeting with environment committee.
V. Links
Beyond Pesticides, www.beyondpesticides.org
Go Green Initiative, www.gogreeninitiative.org
Healthy Schools Network, www.healthyschools.org
Other/Comments: This is a new committee, we're seeking members!